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Everything posted by TheoMike

  1. TheoMike

    Rock Music

    Wow. I have no idea who you people are talking about! Amy Winehouse?? Where's my rocking chair? Where's my ToTo LP??
  2. My wife is online upwards of 10 or 12 hours a day. She claims it's her job...but....
  3. Bush needs to step up and do the right thing. So far he hasn't.
  4. I'm a pastor who has pastored large churches and small churches over the years. I have been a solo pastor and have had several pastors under me. The NT is silent on this. Every church has different needs and I would say that since the Bible is silent on this issue, we (church members and leaders) can exercise prayerful discretion on the best way to meet those needs.
  5. Your Score Your scored 2.5 on the Moral Order axis and -6.5 on the Moral Rules axis. Matches The following items best match your score: System: Conservatism Variation: Economic Conservatism Ideologies: Conservative NeoLiberalism US Parties: Republican Party Presidents: Ronald Reagan (96.88%) 2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (87.12%), John Kerry (68.59%), Ralph Nader (49.90%) Statistics Of the 342922 people who took the test: 1.8% had the same score as you. 84.3% were above you on the chart. 4.1% were below you on the chart. 14.6% were to your right on the chart. 77% were to your left on the chart. Well, any time my name gets mentioned with Reagan......it's a good day!!
  6. Finally, you are making sense. I hasten to add, I say that with my tongue in my cheek, but that's not bad advice for many reasons. One of the reasons I would NEVER send a child of mine to any public school has nothing to do with race or religion but everything to do with keeping my child from being exposed secular relativism for as long as possible. I have no fear of a person's color or language or race or even their particular belief system. But children at the elementary level need moral, ethical and religious teaching from their parents, not some teacher I don't know who believes all faiths and all three sexes are equal. Your ideology is insidious because it sounds so good until a person realizes that the mind of a child will absorb any information it has poured in there. It doesn't care if the information is good or bad and a child can't tell the difference. And apparently neither can many adults.
  7. That's the long and the short of it. Reminds me of another couple I know of....
  8. I am somewhat familiar with that case. That particular board is notoriously liberal on many other issues, as well. This is totally politically motivated.
  9. You won't find as much of this among democrats because democrats are generally liberal and tolerant. Therefore it's easier for someone to come out of the closet without AS MUCH fear. I agree with Forrest, it's the oppression/suppression of the socially conservative which promotes these types of actions. And you're right Lorax, if this was a democrat people here would be all over how those liberal democrats are all gay loving deviants. Well, you are spouting psychobabble; you shouldn't make such ludicrous statements. Deviant and perverse behavior does not recognize party lines. Democrats and Republicans both have sin natures. It's disturbing that, I am assuming you are a Christian, you don't see that. But I do agree, Democrats are more liberal and tolerant. Of sin, though.
  10. I thought we are all over him? You can pray for him, I'll pray for his family.
  11. They don't cause it, but they can certainly be a factor in causing the sexual repression that leads to this kind of deviant behavior. For example, if you are gay, yet you were raised in a household that thought that homosexuality was an abomination, and in a church that taught the same, and largely in a community that was intolerant of it, then you are much more likely to attempt to live a "straight" life, repress your sexuality, and thus to end up engaging in deviant behavior later on. In contrast, if you are raised in a household that considers homosexuality to be a sexual orientation and not simply a choice, in church that is moderately tolerant of it, and in an open minded community, then you are much more likely to accept yourself for who you are, not attempt to live a straight life, not repress your sexual orientation, and thus not to engage in deviant behavior later on. As to this man, if you are cruising public restrooms and soliciting oral sex from other men, then your gay. If your not gay, your not going to have the urge to engage in such behavior. It is as simple as that. I agree with some of your post, but as the human body always wants to move toward pleasure, I am with Marnie on this. My first inclination is that his biggest problem is between his ears. This is actually not uncommon behavior with men approaching middle age, if you can imagine. Especially men who are surrounded by all manner of temptation and nobody to answer to for how they spend their time. Also, since the Bible declares homosexuality to be an abomination, I'd be hard pressed, had I been his father, to allow him to act out his urges. But, this isn't a thread about homosexuality, so I don't want to drag it in that direction.
  12. I say this is the most positive loving way possible: one Marnie in the world is enough!
  13. No, I don't. No more than three square meals a day is. Or heat in your house. Or a car in your driveway. Or a college education.
  14. Sorry forrest, but you're dead wrong about the Canadian system. I lived there until I left for college, so my experience was limited, however, I have a cousin who is a physician who actually left Canada to practice here because it is such a mess up there. Canada has extremely long waiting lists for specialized services. So long, in fact, that those who live in Ontario and who can afford to fly down to lower Michigan to get the services they need. The last stat I heard, coming from my cousin a couple of years ago, is that the average waiting time in Canada is close to 16 weeks. Part of the problem is the shortage of doctors, granted. Over 10% of doctors trained in Canada leave to practice down here because the single payer system up there actually exploits medical professionals by capping how much they can earn. My brother earns some 50% more here doing exactly what he did in Canada. This isn't greed, it's being able to pay a staff, maintain a state of the art facility with modern equipment and pay insurance premiums. In Canada, the average age of a hospital is close to 50 years! And Canada's system restricts the ability of doctors and hospitals to perform certain procedures and purchasing new equipment. The sad lack of medical technology is another reason for the long waits for things as routine as MRI's and CT scans. Also, while it is true Canada spends less per GDP on medical care than does America, so do the Sudan and Ethiopia, a fact stated in various medical journals. The single payer system in Canada does NOT cover many procedures and does NOT cover medication for over half the population. Canadians, like my parents, folks in the late 60's and early '70's may have "government" insurance, but they also have private insurance to cover such luxuries as dental care, eye care, and care for various extravagances not covered by government insurance, like trips to the chiropractor, neurologist and so on. Also, it is a system that cannot support itself. Spending on health care in Canada is climbing at a rate beyond the government's ability to collect taxes to pay for it. Half the provinces are putting out more care than they are able to pay for, which means larger provinces like Ontario have to pick up the tab for smaller provinces like Labrador, for example. These are unfunded liabilities and are growing exponentially as Canada's population ages and shrinks. I don't like America's system, by the way. I think it's atrocious. The answer is the free market, though, not government controls. There will always be benevolent associations that will help the poor and the under served. The illusion of free health care leads to abuses you couldn't begin to imagine. I know you can quote stats out the ying yang, but there is more to the story than what the stats can tell. Ask a Canadian.
  15. Whew, and a disaster was averted by the nearest of margins. Fortunately it's not the popular vote that counts! Al Gore...he's not actually a bad guy and seems to be able to take a ribbing pretty well. And anybody married to a person with the name "Tipper" is OK in my book.
  16. Only those who have never experienced socialized health care want it. I suggest taking a trip to my home and native land of Canada and seeing what it looks like. It's a mess up there. I'm not saying the US system is a whole lot better. It needs to be overhauled, but in the other direction; get the government out all together. But the insurance industry needs to be overhauled at the same time.
  17. I thought I'd weigh in on this since I'm the one who bought the thing. It's too expensive. But the touch screen is better and more reliable than any other touch screen I have ever seen. We haven't had any problems at all since we got it. ATT has been easy to work with in setting up our internet connection and so on. I can see how some people would become frustrated with it, but it's not all the fault of the iPhone. All in all, this is a great device if you currently have to carry a cell phone, an mp3 player and a laptop (for internet use) when you travel. The iPhone takes the place of all three. The HDD isn't really big, but can store a lot of music on it. The browser makes checking your mail and surfing the 'net fast and easy. The screen is small, of course, but amazingly clear. You wouldn't want to surf the net all day on it, but like I said, for checking mail or contacting your office, it's excellent. Do you need an iPhone? I doubt it. It's a product of convenience.
  18. Al Franken, paragon of virtue: Republicans are shameless d**ks. No, that
  19. There was some controversy a while back when he was asked about the morality or immorality of homosexuality and he stumbled all over himself. Prior to that he was a supporter of gay rights. So, again, I ask, the only qualifications a candidate needs for you to vote for him is a good education, candor and your perceptions of his apparent interest in the well-being of the nation? And your feelings of comfort? Sorry, I am likely twice your age, I haven't read your profile but I assume you are college age, early 20's, and a liberal is pretty easy to spot. Obama is as far left as you can go. The fact you can't see that is distressing.
  20. From Slice of Laodicea-- Sen. Barack Obama wouldn’t be pandering to the voting sheeple of evangelicalism, would he? It sure looks that way to me in this report from the Christian Post. This is how liberals who support the slaughter of preborn babies in the womb would love to see Christians spend their time. Forget evangelism, forget defending the most helpless of all human beings, just open soup kitchens and give out clean needles to AIDS infected drug addicts. Without doubt, the next election will have many evangelicals voting for Obama or Hillary. Obama’s already given them their stock answer when questioned: “No, we don’t agree with him on everything, but we care about creation and poverty and climate change. That’s enough.” Who cares that Michelle Obama wrote a fund raising letter for her husband in which she vowed to protect the right of women to partial birth abortion. How much hate does it take to have something like partial birth abortion done to your own baby? (Have it partially born, suck the brains out with a hose, crush the skull and discard.) Isn’t that a hate crime? There’s just that small little issue of 45 million dead babies to disagree over. Surely, we can bypass that little matter and move on to protecting the polar bears from the melting ice caps. Sen. Obama is also the one who obstructed, repeatedly, the passage of a Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Senator Obama’s “compassion” is so great that he wanted to make sure a baby who survives a murder attempt is still killed after being born alive. This monstrous evil was only ended after Obama left the Illinois Senate . ONLY then, were legislators able to pass a bill protecting these babies. This will not matter to countless evangelicals who are probably the most manipulatable individuals on the planet. By the way, I predict that Hillary will go Purpose Driven very shortly, as well. She doesn’t want to be outdone by Obama who already has a foot in at Saddleback. Note to Obama: Wouldn’t “good stewards” of God’s creation be especially interested in preserving human babies, made in the image of the Creator? http://www.sliceoflaodicea.com/?p=349
  21. The only difference between Ann Coulter and liberal loser Al Franken is that Ann is successful doing exactly what Franken does. How come none of you lefties every criticize Franken? Or Michael Moore for that matter? Is it because Ann is a woman or a conservative? Or is it because she became wealthy doing what she does so well?
  22. Yes he is, actually. The only issue he has in common with the Christian population is his opposition to the gay agenda. But I wanted to ask, are those the qualifications of someone you would vote for: someone who is smart, knows how to speak and passionate?
  23. Yes, that's right. I glanced at it a few days ago but forgot the details.
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