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Big Time

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Everything posted by Big Time

  1. Vulcans look like demons, don't they?
  2. A Christian must learn to be assertive as Jesus was. Jesus wasn't mean or aggressive or manipulative, but he couldn't be influenced by people who were because he was assertive. He was merciful and helpful for people in need, but He got up in the face of people who were sanctimonious and just downright nasty. He didn't avoid conflict and didn't care what kind of risk He took to stand up for Himself. You can confidently assert that your boss was mistaken about your performance without being disrespectful towards him. If your boss overreacts or gets defensive for no reason, take the hint and make plans to move on. I think you'll find that a lot of authority figures in the workplace are immature and insecure and so they react to everything accordingly. I have found that Jesus' teachings really help you thrive in the workplace.
  3. God may very well have created the entire infinite universe and put life on only one speck of a planet. If that is the case, then He did so because He could. Because He's God. He needs no other reason than that. That's just how potent He is, and it would still be only a small demonstration of His power. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if He created it all just for us to exist in. It'd also be pretty cool if Jesus was busy visiting a billion other planets, one by one, doing the same thing he did for us, and that we would get to know those people on the other side one day.
  4. Good info here that I didn't know. I will just have to fight then. With God's armor we are invincible.
  5. So it's his own blood. That makes more sense and is more powerful than if it were someone else's.
  6. Yeah. That's what I needed. Instructions on what is expected of me when I end up seething with rage for no good reason and imagining the worst outcome and preparing for it as if I could see the future. It's really annoying and counter-productive.
  7. When Jesus comes back to lay the smack down on whomever is left, he'll be carrying a big ol' sword and be wearing a robe dipped in blood, as told in whatever section of Revelations that I'm too lazy to look up... But who's blood?
  8. Why does God even let that big evil jerk invade our hearts and minds in the first place? I want my thoughts to be my own, unless they come from the Holy spirit. What am I supposed to do? How can I tell if I'm thinking clearly anymore?
  9. When I heard he died, I was reminded of playing that in highschool. Most of my characters were good guys. Palladins were Holy warriors of God. That was even before I knew the Lord very well at all, but evil characters were all a bunch of chumps. Even then, I knew which was the winning side.
  10. I've listened to Olsteen a few times and I like him. He doesn't sugar-coat this world as much as some people say he does, he just reminds people that God never meant us to be completely miserable and that all of our real needs will be met.
  11. BibleForums can bite me. Bunch of smug zealots who don't do anything but quote scripture out of context to make themselves feel Holy or something.
  12. If there is food there, will we have to poop?
  13. As a Christian, your words have more power than those from people who aren't one with the Holy Spirit. A lot more. They have more staying power in the memories of others. They are permanent there on some level or another. They also bring long-buried emotions to the surface and drag a persons inner demons into the light. This is especially true of the lost. And so my Christian brothers and sisters, whenever I encounter a wayward soul who likes to complain about everything as soon as they have my attention, I am sure to speak well of them. "You are one tough customer to have persevered through all of that." or "Now that you have weathered that storm, you are stronger. You beat it." and then "So what are you going to do with your new found strength?" "Now that you've crossed that bridge, you can get on with your life." You get the idea. Taking a positive attitude isn't a trick or some secular self-help method, it is the truth of the matter that a depressed person is ignoring. It offers hope and strength that they usually weren't expecting. We are stewards of Gods power. What a huge responsibility. How exciting and terrifying is that? We will not fail!
  14. I'm laughing at all the "free thinkers" who love this movie and that Zietgeist movie and other garbage like it who think exactly what the authors tell them to think. Reviews of the book's trilogy on Amazon dot com provide a pretty good synopsis of the books and claim the author is a good writer. Quite a few people there don't see it as anti-Christian so much as protesting churches and people who misuse religion to control and oppress. More of an anti-cult mentality. Seems like Jesus came to do the same thing, and He will again. Still, the author and the main targeted audience are most likely looking for any excuse to be intolerant of any kind of faith, rather than just not wanting corrupt religions around. Honestly, it's not worth even reading the synopsis of the storyline. It's just more of the same fluff that has always been around.
  15. In American courts, about 98% of cases are settled out of court without going to trial. Filling suit forces both parties to face one another without any evasiveness as God intended. Judges usually encourage people to settle out of court, also.
  16. Yup. Most of the time, the Lord will say to just let it go because He has something else in mind, and even the bad guy lawyers know that an actual trial can go wrong for either side. Only God's blessing can overcome the corruption in the world, so you definitely need to pray about it before you sue someone or countersue.
  17. I'm pretty sure his name was actually spelled "Evel." Even so, why would his parents name him that?? I had his motorcycle toy when I was little. He was the coolest. I remember watching him jump something, then the Incredible Hulk came on, then Battlestar Galactica. *edit. I didn't see what his real name was. I always thought it was Evel.
  18. That's exactly right, but what if they STILL don't let up? What if they mistake your good actions for weakness and continue their attack? When does one draw the line? "Turn the other cheek" does not mean to accept repeated abuse. Even Jesus got fed up with people and kicked over a few tables.
  19. One of our Christian brothers is a lawyer that I have learned from while defending myself in court against the unrighteous and the wicked (debt collectors.) Jurisdictionary dot com is his site. He points out that God's law is what gives us the right to demand justice, and our court system is the best that man can do. He also points out that our (American) ancestors fought and died so that we can maintain the right to use our share of the power of the state or country to defend out God-given rights to justice. You can still forgive whom you are forced to sue, and most of the time, I just let it go, but some damages that you do not deserve have to be rectified. You have to face the person who wronged you and make them respect you as a human being whether they want to or not. I've studied on this and if you are sincere, you will have Gods blessing to stand up for yourself, as He wants you to be strong.
  20. I was praying on the way in, because it was really bothering me. I figured God would either give me the clear signal to bail, or smooth things over. It was actually a good meeting with my supervisor when I went in. He sort of tried to make it seem like I misunderstood his personal attacks and was very civil to me. He's still full of it, but at least he was calm. He's usually very high-strung. I've tried to reach out to him in the past to see if there are personal problems I could help with, but he's pretty defensive and evasive. To sum it up, I want more respect for the job I do. Not praise or titles or anything. I just want him to not second guess me so much when I have to make decisions and when I note on the QC report anything that went wrong. Whenever something goes wrong, I write down what the problem was and what I did about it. He automatically assumes that I must have done something stupid to cause the problem, and starts asking probing questions as if I am lying and trying to cover my mistakes. I told him all of this, too. It turns out that he has had a lot of flakes come through there, so I understand, but still don't think that's a good excuse to take it out on me. When I say the computer messed up, it means the computer messed up, not that I messed up the computer. (software glitches here and there) besides, if they paid enough to keep the good employees, they would have no need to hire all the flakes in the first place. So anyhoo, I still have my job and am going to stay the course and just look for something else. It's a TV station where I work. I've been doing this type of job for over 10 years now and I was actually the supervisor at my old TV station. Maybe I hold this guy to my higher standards. I was practically a therapist to my old crew. I'm 35.
  21. I've been having problems with my supervisor at work. The whole place is actually kind of dysfunctional, so employee morale is low anyway. My supervisor takes every chance he can to belittle me for no good reason. He's always adding smug comments about me being confused or foolish when he is the one who has no clue because he doesn't listen to anybody. I have been praying about it, and am determined not to revert to my old "nice guy syndrome" routine of just keeping my mouth shut when I know that would just lead to more abusive behavior on his part. I prayed for a few specific things over the past month: - For the Lord to show me what my flaws are in the job. To show me what I've been doing wrong before I go blaming others, so I can correct them. I have actually adjusted some of the ways I do certain tasks, which others have appreciated. I also keep in contact with the different departments on a regular basis so everyone is on the same page and there are no surprises. Still, my direct supervisor is a jerk and and the guy above him is sort of apathetic, but at least tells it like it is in a respectful way towards employees. I know I do a good job and that they benefit form me being there. - I also pray for the opportunity today to sit down and talk with my supervisor and put my concerns tight there in front of him like I did a few weeks ago. The problem is that he is an expert at being evasive and passive-aggressive with the way he handles things. He quit bugging me for awhile after the last time I pointed out the way he tried to embarrass me into submission, or whatever his control issues are, and that I worked hard for him an commanded more respect than that. - I pray for the strength to walk away. To resign immediately if I come to the conclusion that he will ever change. That the place will never get any better, even with my efforts. I'll worry about a new job when I have to. I'm not conceded or anything, but I am good at my job and something that the Lord has instilled in me is a strong, sensible work ethic. I have been very humble about it, though. Maybe too humble. I also get the feeling that they want me to feel undeserving so they don't have to pay me any more. They want someone who can do the job, but without having to compensate them appropriately. I've heard rumors that the bonus structure is very lucrative for management that way. The place is actually in the red and has been for awhile, but the billionaires who own it like having the place for the prestige, and the tax write off. They are piping money in each month to cover the deficit that wouldn't be there if it weren't for those bonuses. They make enough in interest on their investments to be able to do so. That's also why I think it's a dysfunctional company. Not my problem, though. I have paid my dues and have proven myself to be a reliable and dedicated employee. I have a lot going for me, good credit now (praise God) and some money saved. It will be their loss.
  22. Doesn't the Bible also say somewhere that the Earth is a sphere that hangs in nothingness?
  23. I've seen people spell His name G_d. I think it's because they feel they aren't worthy enough to even spell His whole name or something.
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