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About dugmando

  • Birthday 08/06/1961

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    Clover, SC
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  1. Casting Crowns, Third Day, Kirk Franklin, Glory Revealed awesome, FFH to name a few.
  2. Axxman, I do agree Jesus didn't go to a brothel and such, my point is merely this Jesus did come from Heaven to a sin filled dying filthy world to reach out to whom... sinful people. Who are we to judge where Jesus went while He was here He went to Gadara a graveyard to heal and save a wretched demon possesed man, He went to where the sick and lepresy filleed people where all to heal them too. Did He go to a brothel? The Bible doesn't record any such incident please don't get hung up on an comparative illustration true point is Jesus went where He was most needed, not to the religious crowd but to those who were sick and in need of a physican, yes He did call them and us to Him, but simple truth is ministry requires a getting up from where you are and going to where they are, Ministry isn't just setting in our nice cozy pleasant house's of God and waiting for a Harvest. But what did Jesus say go to the hedges and the highways and compel them to come in. Again I do not need xxxchurch but just by the chance someone anyone comes across them and their life changes because of them hey man I don't have a problem with them I just thank God they are willing to do this kind of work that the majority of churches have not one tidbit of desire to do even thoguh it is most needed. Rest assure there are many brothers and sisters who suffer with this mess, and let me say this xxxchurch may not do it the way I would do it but hey am I willing to step up as they have..uh no too many crictic's and naysayer's let me stick to the regular straight plain jane everyday sinners...hope you realize that is sarcasm brother. Peacefully respect your opinion Doug-E
  3. Look Guys, I am not trying to whitewash or make something that is despicable acceptable simple fact is this xxxchurch has an program you can download on to your computer and any time you go to or use a search engine for sites that are pornographic in nature it will send 3 people an e-mail notifying them you are looking at something you should not be looking at as a way of accountability Because that is the key to men and women who have problems with this stuff...accountability. Because we prove who we really are when no one is looking, this goes for all manner of things. Do I toss the empty cup out as I speed down the road, or pick up extra pens and carry them home from work, do I give a full 8 hours work etc,etc on and on..... For Christians who battle this if they are sincere and truly want to quit sinning and get victory they must choose to do the right thing, stop looking at stuff you should not look at !, these guys at xxxchurch have these tools and others available for you to utilize and they are a ministry not for everyone but for a specialized group of people. If it offends you it ought too, that is to know that you have Christian brothers and sisters that are living far below their Inheritence rolling around in the hog trough of scum and filth all because it's so easy to just click, click, click away! I know the message is seemingly off track as far as traditional ministry goes but your not dealing with traditional stuff here. Unique warfare does take a unique battle plan, I know what has already been said about fighting dressed like the enemy yada yada yada, you can say that because you have never had to face this demon. Let me tell you many years ago I faced this problem didn't think it was a problem because I was in my teens, life rocked on soon met a wonderful loving beautiful young lady feel in love got married problem for the most part went away but was still there, got saved in 1992 and praise God for that, completely lost all desire to do these things because of Him and His Saving Grace. God blessed my wife and me with 2 beautiful children an older daugther and younger son, 16 years later still no problems with pornography, 6 years into ministry as visitation and associate Pastor at my Church. One day I get on-line and just by chance happen to check my history see a website I am unfamiliar with, ask my wife Honey you been on-line? No why well there's this web site somebody has been looking at and I'm not sure what it is, well click on it and bam right there on my computer was ungodly images that nobody needs to look at, all because my 16 year old son had a buudy who told him about something cool to look at. Now that may not seem like much but all of a sudden off and on for the last 18 months I had to refight a battle that God gave me victory over 25 years ago. Only and only by God's Delivering Power am I okay today, who as a Minister could I go talk to about this...? Uh nobody, hey you're supposed to be above these things, prayed up and called out, but still yet I am tempted everyday, but yet everyday by the Grace of God I refuse to allow this into my life! xxxchurch is offensive yes sir it is but if by chance it causes one person to change and refuse to allow this mess into their life then Praise God for them. Please I am not trying to argue the point, Jesus did in his days go in to and among sinners, he ate with them and fellowshipped with them when no other religious leaders did, He was scorned and mocked because of where he went, a harlot named Mary Magadelene washed His Feet with her hair and tears remember and her own family told Jesus why if you knew who was touching you, you would not let her touch you. Yes it is offensive but tell me how many of you are willing to let a brother or sister bare their soul to you and then not turn right around and judge them because of their weakness, well from my personal experience not many. The first time someone, anyone breathes a word to someone else about their difficulties they are having instead of praying and helping they are sharing and telling everybody in the congregation. About poor ol brother Doug's failures. Doug-E
  4. None, What if you where addicted to internet porn and by chance you happened upon this site and God delivered you through this unorthodox method these guys are using....what would then be your opinion? You would more than likely be thankful to God for these that have stepped out of what we consider the normal mold of ministry! Doug-E
  5. Friends, Can I say that I understand people having difficulties with this particular ministry. But rest assured it is a ministry! Someone said: Seriously though... these guys have the right idea but are using a VERY wrong approach. As if the Kindom of God is glorified by being associated with porn. And someone else said something about the ends justifying the means? Well to that I say does the Bible distinguish between sin? Is one sin worst than the other? Certainly not sin is sin how offensive and out of the normal was the cure for sin? At His birth Jesus so upset the normal that from the palace throughout all of Jerusalem there became an uproar and the status quo was challenged they where upset and disturbed the Bible records it as so. This cutting edge change challenged the normal way! Jesus's way seems to say one thing to me what we think is normal is not! What I mean is normally people went to Temple, Observed certain Laws, Rituals and such... Pharisee's and Saduccees and various other sect set and ruled the religious ongoings. But when Christ came onto the scene things that where normal changed as said earlier how offensive and out of the normal was the cure for sin? Yes He offended the religious crowd because He went in with the sinners and the publicains and sat down and fellowshipped and ate with them how offensive, how dare this Man be caught with such ungodly and filthy people cried the church, read the Word it has recorded Him as doing such and the reaction as so. But listen sin...all sin requires something out of the normal to cure it. How lost, how defiled, how sick, how sinful would eveyone be had not Jesus came and did the abnormal thing? How lost, how defiled, how sick, how sinful would everyone be had not Jesus came and offended the church and the status quo? Thank God for offensiveness like this, rtwo said it best: It's not unethical. It's not immoral or illegal. We're fighting a war for souls. If somebody's feelings get hurt in the process, or someone's delicate sense of rightness with the world is thrown off a touch, so be it. The Kingdom of God is associated with porn -- in the same way it's associated with drug and alcohol abuse, gambling addictions and other such vices. It is associated because it is by Christ that these bonds are broken. People with addictions often don't want to be addicted. This goes as much for sex and pornography as it does for alchohol or crack. Sites like this aren't so very sneaky ... people who go to them have it in the backs of their heads that they aren't going to see the usual -- and they don't want to. You should see the track record on these guys. Theirs is an amazing deliverance ministry, and they have done much for those in need. It may be uncomfortable for some -- and that's precisely why they are necessary Yes It's offensive to some but it's what Jesus would have done that is go to those that are sick and in need of an physican no matter who, what or where they are and no matter what or who thought about Him! He has proved that once already no matterwhat the church says is normal. The Kingdom of God is associated with all sin because it is where we all come from and where we all should be reaching out too, to help another just like us to by the Power and Grace of God to come out of! Change itself can be and usually is offensive to someone! Doug-E
  6. methinkshe, I would say I understand and appreciate what you said about feet off the pedals letting Jesus have His Way, because we all should be this way but for many this Journey has many peaks and valleys. I know this has been my experience and somedays are a struggle to do what is right, and in those days my only strength is in Him. Well everyday my only real strength is in Him. Feet off the pedals letting Him have His way I like it! Doug-E
  7. EricH, You are so correct in what you posted I know this is simple and may not make much sense to anyone. But as I read your post and then the response I said to myself: Self, what he said it's sort of like a ticket or voucher it good and has worth but it doesn't really shows it's true value until you cash it in. May not make sense or may seem silly and if it does I apologize. Doug-E
  8. Hi All, Vickilynn I think you are right the Word of God is fairly plain from OT to NT, God commands His People to be Holy. Lev. 11:45 For I am the Lord that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt to be your God ye shall therefore be holy for I am holy. Luke 1:74 & 75 That he would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear. In Holiness and Righteousness before Him all the days of our life. 2 Cor 7:1 Having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting Holiness in the fear of God. Heb. 12:14 Follow peace with all men and Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. 1 Peter 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye Holy, for I am Holy. Now I don't think I or anyone is confused and thinking nor saying we can or will be as Holy as God is, but through Jesus and the power He gives us we can overcome our flesh. Neither am I saying we won't struggle with Holiness but it is definitely a command and must be a choice of obedience. You must choose to give up this or that, so that it will not get in between you and God. You must choose to do what is right even when no one is looking at you. You must choose to be truthful and honest. You must choose to keep yourself dead center in the will of God as possible. Are you always Perfect and Holy... No but by His Grace and only by His Grace you can and will make it. One other point for so often people have struggled with Holiness, many people are critical of the Pentecostal and Holiness churches who teach this as doctrine and as a way of life and to prove their point because they think no one can live that way, they say there was only one Perfect Man and I ain't Him. Many of these churches have been way to hard putting forth a standard, a standard of our convictions too hard for people to live by. But far to often the truth is we are guilty of believing and professing one standard but not living it. This is where I believe people get hung up on the saying living Holiness. The only Standard of Holiness we should strive for is as someone else has already posted the Standard of Jesus Christ! For if I can be more and more like Him everyday then I will be Holy for He is Holy. Doug-E
  9. Lets see, Humm... church [church] n (plural church
  10. I saw a great bumper sticker on a car at Walmart today it had WWJB on it as I got closer I read it and grinned: What Would Jesus Bomb? I think that kind of sums it up too! Doug-E
  11. Uh Guys, You ever had to deal with an addiction like porn? Trust me it's a very real addiction and very destructive. It's an addiction that many God-Fearing Men and Women dabble in. The security and privacy of your home, your PC and your internet has caused many a good person to get into things that no one will ever know about. What these Brothers have developed is a way of checking and accountability. They have software you can download that will sent three people an e-mail anytime you search or access a website you shouldn't access. I know the title XXXChurch throws people off but, friends coming from a man that has battled this addiction since teenage years, I thank God for people that will step out of the mold we call normal and reach out to not only Non-Christians but Christians who have gotten caught up in this mess. And might I add not judge them for their weaknesses but extend a helping hand. Doug-E
  12. Personally I see Him as a very potent player in the Presidential Race and a very scary canidate! Just something about him I don't trust, not trying to be offensive either just my opinion. Doug-E
  13. Hi Ex, I see that you have gotten many good answers already and what I consider the best of best responses to not let anything fester. First and foremost by all means do not let anything fester between you and this person, Secondly I would hope a Pastor would never intentionally cause someone to feel guilty about coming to church or attending a certain service even though that does happen. Personally I am an a Pastor on staff at my church and I admit at times when I have been blessed to be able to stand before our congregation and Minister I have worried about who was going to be there or if anybody was going to be there especially when they found out I was speaking. At times I admit, I have gotten hurt because some tend "to miss or be busy" now honestly that happens some of the time because of pride or as in my case simply because I have dealt with feelings of being inadequate and unworthiness. My past had a lot to do with those feelings and I am glad that Jesus has given me Victory over this, I am Blessed to be given an opportunity to Minister and God has Ministered to me through many Great Men to realize this. A True Pastor is often called a Shepherd and rightfully so He is, as Shepherd He has a Mandate and Command from God to care for our souls. Often times when a Pastor does His duty this can be with a gentle touch or with a correcting rod and very often misunderstood and unwanted, I never could figure out why my Dad whooped me so hard until I got my own children then I figured out how wise my Dad was. I've heard many people say terrible and disrespectful things about Pastors, a person who has dedicated their life to seeing others make it to Heaven, friend I simply don't understand that. I would by all means give this person the respect of praying for understanding between them and yourself and then go to them and spelling out how I felt, I trust my Pastor enough to believe that He would hear me out. He may not agree but He would at the very least want me to come to Him with my concerns. Frankly if He ever found out that any of His sheep had a problem with something He said or did and they did not come to Him and bring it to His attention He would be very very hurt. Might I add He is not above making a mistake and freely admits so, why because He is only human. A sinner saved by Grace called by God to Lead others to God and Jesus Christ. Doug-E
  14. Hi DarkNebulaWelder, Great question, I think your question posed is almost impossible to answer because the Bible doesn't really tell how the veil was ripped but rather when it was ripped. As others have stated only a Priest could have entered the Holy of Holies. As Vickilynn has said: Jesus is our High Priest. So one could possibly use their imagination and imagine Jesus in His Role as High Priest entering the Holy of Holies and Presenting Himself as a Perfect and Holy Sacrifice to the Father and then as an Act of Irrevocable Finality Ripping the Veil to Allow Access to All. I could see it happening like that but whether it did or not I can't say Doug-E
  15. Well, Don't know to much about cryptozoologists and such but: Bigfoot -yeah I seen him he was my Dad size 14 EEEE really big foot especially when he was mad! Nessy -that was my Aunt from across the street Bunyips -ain't that the sound some make when you pinch someone on the bottom? chupacabra- thats what Momma used to say when we was running low on sugar or flour get a cup out of the cabinet and go across the street and borrow some from your Aunt Nessy. Doug-E Just Kidding Here's your Sign
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