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Everything posted by OneLight

  1. He has my vote! It is really nice to see someone who will defend Israel! OneLight
  2. Then allow me to ask you something. When someone tells you something that does not sound right, is it scripture that pops into you mind first or does the Spirit first tell you that something is not right, then brings back scripture to verify? What about those times when there is no scripture brought back, but you still know it is not right? Is this not the leading of the Holy Spirit? We must allow Him to do what He has been sent to do. We must become as close to Him as we can in order to know His moving within us. To not do so would be like fighting a battle without the power of the Holy Spirit. The battle is with the spirit world and who knows the spirit world better then God Himself? OneLight What "pops" into my head has to be backed up by scripture. Thats why the Bereans were commended by Paul, for searching the scriptures to prove what was being said was true. Certain things may not be in scripture but the basis for any choices we make can be found there. And sorry, but the last part of what you said about it exactly why there are so many different interpretations of scripture. And so many of them directly contradict scripture. If what people believe contradicts scripture, then they are wrong. There is no argument to your statement. You misunderstood my question. I was asking you, if you are somewhere and someone does something, or says something, that does not sit right in your spirit, is it not the Holy Spirit that is telling you that it is wrong? We need to study the Bible and walk close enough to God for this to happen all the time. Especially when what we hear and see are about "Christian beliefs". The Holy Spirit will guide us in all truth. In the last days, there will be many false teachers and false prophets. The Holy Spirit will let us know if they are in Gods truth or not. Sometimes, it happens many hours before we can sit down and search the Bible, yet are in need of the truth then and there. We need to know and trust the Holy Spirits leading. OneLight
  3. Then allow me to ask you something. When someone tells you something that does not sound right, is it scripture that pops into you mind first or does the Spirit first tell you that something is not right, then brings back scripture to verify? What about those times when there is no scripture brought back, but you still know it is not right? Is this not the leading of the Holy Spirit? We must allow Him to do what He has been sent to do. We must become as close to Him as we can in order to know His moving within us. To not do so would be like fighting a battle without the power of the Holy Spirit. The battle is with the spirit world and who knows the spirit world better then God Himself? OneLight
  4. That is a very dangerous road. As experienced and as knowledgeable as many of us think we may be regarding both Scripture and the tactics of the enemy, we should admit that we are often still fooled - taken in - by Satan's tactics. It happens every day with even the most experienced and prominent pastors among us. Venturing outside the realm of the established - I would even say revealed - cannon of the Bible and claiming that various manifestations of the Scripture are "of God" places believers in the position of not having anything to measure experiences by. Believers are then placed in the precarious position of trying to justify various "manifestations of the Spirit" with subjective evidence rather than the objective evidence of supportive Scripture. How then can the objective viewer believe anything that he sees and hears? How can the subjective person whose claimed to have experienced such manifestations authenticate their experience themselves? Such leaves a very W I D E gate open to false teachings and the doctrines of demons. Just take a look at the so-called "Toronto blessing" as an example of this. More the reason to know the leading of the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit will teach us all truth, John 14:25-26; These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.. You will also see in the Book of John that not all things that Jesus did was recorded. It is very important that we do keep His commandments and follow Him. If we do this, He will teach us the truth of what is. If I were to agree that HE would not, then I would have to say that we are left orphans, which is against scripture. John 14:15-18; If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever
  5. Exactly Ovedya! Very true! The Holy Spirit teaches us all truth. He will not allow a lie about Himself to go forth without testifying against it in our spirit.
  6. The books of the Bible ends in the early stages of the Church Age. Not everything that the Holy Spirit has done, still does, or will do, will be found in the Bible. There have been many other books written that have been left out of the Cannon, for a good reason, yet, we can not prove or disprove them. Do not put the Holy Spirit in a box, but do not believe everything you hear. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you what is His and what is not. OneLight
  7. How could the question be used as a trap??? It's a yes or no question? It wasn't a trick question. It was a question that had an answer. In His Love, Suzanne Sometimes people see into questions, things that are not there. As I mentioned, I believe what the scriptures say. I also believe what is before and after what you quoted. I saw no harm in your question, but others may have. This was not a Bible study. OneLight
  8. Welcome tookind! I take it you agree? OneLight
  9. I see the Holy Spirit doing what He will, without checking with any of us! edited for spelling error
  10. You can check my post above to see what I know personally, but, as I stated, I can find no scripture. I was questioning how you stood on this matter because I have learned not to assume anyones stance on any subject. I agree that there is no proof that anything in the past happened, for I have nothing in writing, yet, I can not disprove it neither. I believe that all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are in operation, or should be. I can not prove it one way or the other. It is by faith that I believe this and would love to see the Body be in one accord so the Gifts would operate in every gathering, the true Gifts, not the fake ones. It is sad that some have made a living on lies. OneLight
  11. You may also try Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon online. OneLight
  12. exactly One Light. As I said earlier everything in the bible is true and says what it means and means what it says. In tshs's OP she listed a bunch of people that will not inheirt the kingdom of heaven, so we will just one for instance....fornicators. Okay I have to believe that, because it is there in back and white and that's what Suzanne was asking,but as Ovedyah said later, the question could be used as a trap. However you can't leave new believers looking at one another with doubt about each other unless you carry on with the rest of the passage, we have to move on where Paul said but and it is a very important but.V 11. and these were some of you;but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and in the spirit of our God. First statement true and second statement by Paul also has to be true. But wait, there's more. Paul then goes on to say, the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord and will raise us up through His power. I could go on, but if people don't study all of a passage and just take a verse or passage willynilly and don't apply proper exegisis and some proper hermeneutics, you can make the bible say what you want it to sayThat's enough for now. I am a student not a teacher. But the OP is just an open ended nothingness as far as I can see. I was not taking any sides on the debate and I agree with what you said about the scripture. It does go on and that is where we all find the truth, not in just one piece of scripture, unless is stands by itself like John 3:16. This was my feeble attempt to calm the storm that was brewing. When anyone, myself included, take scripture out of context and starts a discussion on it, without having the full meaning of scripture included, we are headed into an argument. Gods Peace To All! Merry Christmas, OenLight
  13. I must, in all honesty, say that I have been pushed and I have have been overwhelmed by the Spirit of God. I have stood in prayer when a Pastor tried to push me backwards, so I can truly attest that there are false teachings on this subject. I can also tell you that I have been prayed for, without being pushed in any manner, but with gentle laying on of the hands, when I became very week and I had to grab onto someone so I would not fall down. Do I have scripture. No. OneLight
  14. I do not want to intrude on your discussion, but I would like to offer another's view on the matter. Please, take this as how I see the scriptures, not as coming against anything anyone holds true to themselves. I do not want to become part of this debate, only to post my view. The work of Jesus on the cross can only be accepted by faith. It is the grace given to us by God that allows this to happen. The only work that we need to do is to accept the truth in faith. I say work, because it is us doing something ... accepting, in faith. As we grow in our walk with the Lord, we are fed the milk of the word. We learn more about what being a Christian is all about. How we are expected to live using the Bible as our guidance, taught to us by the Holy Spirit. Then as we grow out of infancy, we are to obey God and do His calling in our own lives. This is the work that God has for us to do. If we ignore this work, then we have to look at the following and see if it does in fact apply. Matthew 25 The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight a cry was heard:
  15. May I ask what you believe the Holy Spirit's ministry is? This will enlighten me as to what you think He is not, and also form a foundation on which you stand. I, for one, do not believe everything people tell me. By the way, this has been around for many years. It is not new. OneLight
  16. I have a New King James Version, but I also use a concordance, a Greek and Hebrew dictionary that coincides with my concordance. Some swear by the KJV, but I do not. You may be better off understanding what you read then to be confused by words you never heard of. OneLight
  17. I believe one verse as much as I believe the whole Bible. How it is interpreted is something different all together. OneLight
  18. Sorry Herald2 ... didn't catch this post. I did read it. I agree totally to everything but your closing statement, "All praise to the expired Word of the living God! ". I don't understand the "expired" part ... OneLight
  19. I have dreams that also lead me to intercessory prayer, but the one and only vision I had goes as follows: After turning back to Christ in the 80's, for the second time, I was really trying to understand God and was still wondering if this whole concept was real, or if it was just something to keep people in line, like "Love Thy Neighbor" and "Treat others as you would have them treat you". I had been going to church at an AOG in Mass, where I was living at the time. I was not married to the woman that I was living with and still married to my second wife at that time. But, the more I sought God, the more He moved us apart. She soon moved out and lived with a friend that I use to do a lot of drugs with. I had my two oldest kids with me at the time, whom they had come to know her as "Mom". After church one Sunday, the kids wanted to visit her. We walked over and when we entered the house, she was sitting at the table playing monopoly with my friend and his wife. He was tripping, and she and his wife were drinking. My kids went to play in the other room with his kids. I felt a really strong urge to get away from there. I went into the bathroom before I left and prayed. As I started to pray, in the spirit, I was brought up to what I believe was Heaven, where I was greeted in what looked to be like an outer room, by who I believe was an angle. This angle showed me a way to a larger room. As I entered the room, I saw a throne. Up both sides were bright lights, like flames, 24 of them, 12 per side. Then, Jesus appeared, sitting on the throne. He spoke three words, "I AM ALIVE", more plainly then if someone right beside me said them. Immediately after I heard those words, I was back in myself, in prayer. I was stunned, but alone in the bathroom. OneLight
  20. To me, Israel is not the main threat at all. The main threat comes from those who do not want Israel to be their own Nation. This is how I feel in a nutshell. Unfortunately, I can not quote many specifics, nor can I quote articles, but I have read a lot and have kept my ear tuned. OneLight
  21. I try to live my life in a way that the unsaved will see a difference in me and ask what that difference is. I also like to play Christian music whenever it is appropriate. Usually, I am asked about something I listen to or something I do or say that starts the conversation. I take it from there. Most of all, I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me. OneLight
  22. patricia1, God Bless You! I work with the homeless and have found friendship with them. It is different with them then it is with my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, but, still the same, there is a friendship. It is the lost that Jesus came for. I read in Matthew 9:11-13; "And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples,
  23. Oh, I agree. It is the personal time we spend with the Lord that helps in our growth. I was just answering your first question, thinking that gathering with the Saints meant going to Church as indicated in your first sentence. Sorry ... OneLight
  24. I don't know how far you live from anyone, Vickilynn, but I try and get together with someone in the Name of Jesus and have our own little church. The Word tells us in Matthew 18:20 .. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. TV is always there, and thank God for this, for I try and catch studies ever day, but it is being with those who are my Brothers and Sisters in Christ that I am able to encourage them as they do me. God is so good, even in the smallest of gatherings. OneLight
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