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Everything posted by dgolvach

  1. FREAK ME OUT!! Yes I am a freak for God! Dan
  2. I heard a short bit from Hillary on the campaine trail tonight. She was speaking of het visit to Romania back during her husband's term. Appearently at one time, the old Romanian Dictator did not allowed abortions and created laws where the women there were expected to bring 5 children to the motherland. Hillary spoke out on the horrors of the misplaced children and if the Government would have only allowed abortion, how better of things would have been for them??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? VOTE McCain PLEASE!!!! Dan
  3. I listened to Rush and Hannity today too and yes, I heard the same thing...."let the liberals mess it up and then come back in 2012". These people have absolutely no regard for this country; it's their agenda that is important to them and their ratings. They have both lost whatever respect I had for them; not to mention...their minds! As for Ann Coulter...she's just being Coulter. Whatever gets the limelight for herself. I will not vote for McCain. Maybe I can write in my choice; Mike Huckabee. To do the assessment justice, it should be noted that many people are hoping for a Carter-Reagan kind of situation. George and would have voted republican...I'm sure of it. Georgesbluegirl.....Don't you remember Harrison's conservative lyrics in Taxman? Sounds like trickle-down economics to me. Dan
  4. dgolvach


    He is blatantly lying. He's just like the Clintons in that respect, saying anything to get elected. The only thing he would be better on is the war. Other than that all 3 are alike. Kat ...I agree that he would be better on the war. Isn't that enough reason to not allow one of the other two to get in power. We can get a cold or we can catch pneumonia. I'll take the cold. I wish the GOP could have come up with something better but they failed to and it still beats what the Dems have to offer. McCain has sided with conservatives on a few other social issues. Its sad that this is all we have to choose from but its just where we are. Dan
  5. I have concidered the "let the libs win and take the blame" scenerio and while there is merit to this thinking, I still feel that we are in too dangerous of an enviroment with radical Islam to allow Obama or Hillary to take charge. Plus the pro-life thing. I do believe that standing up to radical Islam is the defenitive issue of our time. We just have too much at stake in 2008. Dan
  6. I will start this thread by proudly admitting that I have listened to Limbaugh and Hannity for years. I even had the pleasure of meeting Sean and found him to be a true gentleman. However, I have sorta come to a fork in the road with these guys. I understand that Sen. McCain is not an ideal conservative but I really don't see where any of the candidates that the republican party put up this election cycle were "ideal" in the Reagan sence. But hearing statements from Ann Coulter such as " I will campaine for Hillary because she is more conservative than McCain" are throwing me for a loop. I realize that in the past few years McCain has attached himself to the legistlative enemy of conservatives and it was fair to call him out on it. But I have also heard this statement from Rush. "Work with what you have to work with". Sean Hannity has repeatedly stated that the war against radical Islam is the defineing issue of our time. My question: Out of Obama, Clinton, McCain....who is best qualified for meeting the challenge of the "defining issue of our time"?Clinton flipflopped. Obama was consistantly against the war? McCain has been consistantly for standing up to nutjobs like Hussain? Not to mention his service to his country in Vietnam. OK if this is the defining issue of our time can we afford 4 to 8 years of Clinton, or Obama at this jucture? Lets also consider the issue of life in the womb. We could have as many as 4 supreme court justices replaced in the next 4 to 8 years. Which candidate has voted cosistantly for the most prolife record? As for taxes, which candidate has at least pleaged to make the Bush tax cuts permenate?(even though he didn't vote for it at first) I don't agree with some of the legislation McCain has co-authored but to me its abit of a stetch to say that there isn't a difference between who appears to be the Republican nominee and the two Democrats. Clinton and Obama are working hard to push a socialist agenda. Neither one as far as I know spent 6 years of their lives in a enemy prision while fighting socialism. As for the talk show hosts, I hope the concider these thing rather than the fact that they feel McCain thumbed his nose at them at times. Its not about saving face, its about saving the country that we debate about. Right? McCain knows he needs the conservative wing of his party to win. The conservative wing of his party is going to need to work with him as well. Like it or not because we can't afford the alternative. Dan
  7. Solomon had more adulterous affairs than all of the Rolling Stones put together. Allowed pagans to come in with their false religion (democrats) just joking! God seemed to use him to write ecclesiastes and song of songs. Very powerful stuff. Dan
  8. So far all good answers. This really occurs in my mind. I get so inpired when I understand how much he loves me I then so the natural responce is to love him back and I feel its appropiate to love him back but I think my steam comes from realizing that an all mighty rightous God would even be mindful of me. As I read the Bible I believe he loves us as a church but also as individuals. I believe Christ died for his church but also for little ol Dan here. Again I understand that we were made for his pleasure but what pleases a God who is love more than loving his children. Its his nature to love and I believe he made us to be objects of his warm tender love. He shows us a peek of how his love is by his gift of our children to us. I believe this part of nature mirrors his love for us. We get a choice to accept or reject his love. If we accept his love than its powerful and is the only thing that gives us power over sin. Lets put it this way. Say hmmmm....Lusting. What is lusting? Some would say that its just a mere biological itch that drives the flesh into wrong places but I am almost sure its much more than that. Its a deep desire for intimacy that God wired into us accept we try to satisfy it with sex thats sometime sexual sin. But if we have a deep sence of love intimate love from God, we are getting that need met even if we are celibate. No the physical part is not being fed but the emotional spiritual part is. So we dont need to feed on the world (sexual sin) any longer. By walking free of this sin we can have a closer relationship with God because the Idol is gone yes??? It could be other sin areas as well not just sex. I guess my point is that I find strength to overcome things by knowing his jealous desperate love for little ol me. It fills the gaps I had that caused me to walk away from him when I didn't get them filled by him. So I think the power comes from his love. Still, the natural responce is to love him back and I do. He seems to be all about having an intimate relation with us so he can lavish his love on us. When we understand and accept this everything else seems to fall in place. I'm not saying that I did anything to warrant such devotion but he offers it and I'm not a fool. I'll take it and be greatful and full of joy to have something so sweet. Anyways, I thought it was a reasonable question. Thanks for your answers. God Bless Dan
  9. dgolvach


    I am afraid that Psalm 146 really applies to this election cycle even though I don't think McCain is as bad as some of the talk radio folks (who I like) make him out to be. Dan
  10. God's love and grace towards you is way more powerful than your random naughty thoughts. You need to repent from beating yourself up. If the Holy Spirit did not live in you you would not even care. God knows what you thought and loves you still. Focus on him and his love for you instead. Just thank him for his grace and love him back. Dan
  11. I understand now that we were created for God's pleasure and our reason for being is to glorify and love him. So we should all desire this but what thought process will assist us the most and give us the power and strength to love him as he entended??? A. Focusing on our love for him. B. Focusing on his love for us. Dan
  12. Perhaps God is allowing these people to come here for a reason. Dan
  13. I believe Christ desperately loves this man. Dan
  14. I hate to keep singing the same song but I will have to say that I still look at a candidates position on life issues. I BELIEVE that it is in fact a child and to not have respect for the most innocent citizen's right to live is a failure in how to Govern in a way where God is in your corner. We need God in our corner. Especially the leader of the free world. Not respecting life is in my view a failure in the basics of what the Bible says about what is right or wrong. Dan
  15. If having the willingnous to go through something that hellish for someone else dosen't convince them (someone else)how desperately your love for them is, what could ever convince them? I have three sons and I can't imagine allowing them to suffer like that for anyone because I love them so much. God apparently loves us so much that he was willing. Now...have you ever felt so loved? I think the Lord chose the worst method of execution concievable to show us the depths of his love. Dan
  16. Jackie....one of the things that has occurred to me is that we freewill creatures are unique in all of creation because we do have the ability to express true love because of our free will. Yinyang is just an old oriental pricipal that states in order for positives to be possible, negatives must exist as well or at least the possibility of a negative. We arent robots because we have sovereignty over our ability to accept or reject God. I believe evrything I claim to own is really God's. My body, soul, possesions, money, home, cars ect..The only thing he does not own in my choice. Thats mine. The Yinyang aspect is the accept or reject part. Of course I accept my awsome beautiful creator but I didn't have to. I suspect this is why God is so concentrated on us. I feel in my own life that hes focused on me as I'm sure you do as well. We have great value to him because our love is not programmed like a robot. He dosen't make us love him. While I believe that angels are freewill creatures, there are ways that we humans have of expressing love that even Angels don't have. Humans have a great potential for loving thats unlike any other creature. (I think) Its a amazing opportunity if you think about it. Perhaps the meaning of life is learning how to give God the maximum amount of pleasure with our love. This is where the living sacrifice part comes in. When we resist sin we are saying to God "I love you more than what gives me pleasure". Sacraficial love is very powerful as Christ showed us. Just my guess. God Bless Dan
  17. OK ...I would take this to mean that in order for true love to exist, it requires the possibility of rejection or even hate. So I don't see how the first group of robots I described are really capable of true love because its not voluntary. So to create true love...there must be a risk and a willingness to feel pain from rejection. Is there pain in paradise? Dan are you talking of man's idea of paradise or what God has in store for us? I have come to understand that God feels things as we do. Joy, pleasure, humor, love. ect. But the Bible clearly teaches that he experiences pain, grief, sadness, rejection, anger, jealously (although I believe his jelously is different than ours) as well. Yet he is in heaven or paridise. Or is heaven currently paridise? I am not doubting God but it seems like he has chosen to make himself emotionly vulnerable by creating us with free will. I suspect I myself have caused him pain. I also feel a new drive to make him feel love by loving him so I won't hurt him anymore. My new understanding is that this gives him great pleasure because its a choice I owned. Not him. But to borrow a term from the newagers, there must be a "yinyang" principal at work here because I understand that it grieves him when humans reject him. I don't understand grief in heaven but I do understand how the yinyang principal seems nessecary for true love to occur which is what our God in heaven clearly seeks. It seems like a reasonable question. Again...I'm not doubting God. Its just that I dont understand how true love can be created and experienced in a painless place. Actually theres much I don't understand yet) True love is refine through pain. So is there pain in heaven where our Father is? I know God the Son felt pain but that was here on earth. Let me say this. I'm sure that I love God regardless if all of my questions are answered. I love him big time. I just tend to ponder. Dan
  18. OK ...I would take this to mean that in order for true love to exist, it requires the possibility of rejection or even hate. So I don't see how the first group of robots I described are really capable of true love because its not voluntary. So to create true love...there must be a risk and a willingness to feel pain from rejection. Is there pain in paradise? Dan
  19. Even with all of their blemishes and defects? Dan
  20. Suppose you all alone on a deserted island but had the capability to build robots. You built many of them and put them in two catagories. One group you programmed to adore you, serve you and constantly sing about how wonderful you are. The other group you programmed with needs and desires and most importantly the ability to choose to love you or reject you. The first group is 100% guarenteed to serve you with absolute obedience to your commands and you have total ownership of all of them. These robots are as if not more beauitful as the free will group. The second free will group has blemishes and defects because they make their own choices that are not always what the factory intended them for. Many of them rejected you but some of them chose to love and serve you with the option they themselves had full ownership of because you relenqueshed ownership of their choice. They chose you because they met you and fell in love realizing that you could met their needs and desires. OK would you say that the freewill robots had a special opportunity to relate to you that the 100% guarenteed satisfaction robots did not have? Out of all of the robots, which group would you value the most? Dan
  21. Back about 10 years ago I really struggled with imsomnia. It can become quite brutal after a while and meds like ambien tend to have the tolorance factor. It gets to where you need more and more to get any sleep. Actually, Lunesta has proven to be a much more benign sleep med. I know that trying to go to work day in and day out with no sleep can cause anyone to make misjudgements about how much medicine they should injest. There are many people who are employed on a movie set and an actor who cares anything about these folks, understands that the project rests on their shoulders at times and that their ability to show up not only effects their own personal income but others as well. I overdid it myself back then and I was being given ativan. By God's grace I am still here. I suspect that this was an accident and my prayers go out to his family. I'm sure his parents are full of grief and they need grace. This is really sad. Dan
  22. Perhaps Heath did know the Lord. Its possible that he just might be a pleasant suprize in heaven. I never knew much about him or what he believed so who's to say. There is some imformation thats been out there for a while that John and Yoko had a bit of tension towards the last few years because after watching a Billy Graham crucade on TV, Lennon accepted Christ and went on and on about the "real Jesus that he had met". This was annoying to Yoko. Out of all of the Beatles, John seemed to be the most desperate to find something real and lasting. Rock Hudson was also reported to have a death bed repentence and acceptance of God. As much as I get irritated by the Hollywood crowd, like I'm sure everyone here feels, I hope they all find God and perhaps Ledger did and we just don't know. God Bless Dan
  23. I get irritated when candidates on both sides say that their faith dosen't enter into their political decision making. WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your faith should have everything to do with any decision you ever make about anything important!!!!!!! Give me a break and grow a spine!!!!! I wish I could vote for Jesus to take over. (Oh thats right!!!!) He is going to and perhaps soon! Dan
  24. A few nights ago I typed in the search box "how to tell God you love him". This is what came up and I liked it so I thought I would share it. God Bless Dan 1. The first way is by singing to him. You
  25. My problem with Hillary is that she presents Goverment as God. Dan
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