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Everything posted by His_Own

  1. Satan and his minions were created with power which he perverted and uses against Abba. Could it be that satan is only perverting the gifts and power which Abba has given to serve his own purposes?
  2. I believe that much of the condition of our world is a directly related to whether we are listening and obeying His Word or not. His Word is the instruction manual for how we are to live and properly practice 'dominion' on this earth. Perhaps there are so many children born in Africa and significant infertility in the West because of the ways each culture has treated this earth. We have actively manipulated molecules into man-made materials and toxic chemicals, genetically engineered foods (in direct opposition to His teaching that we are not to mix seed), and polluted our land, air and water. The majority of Africa has not done this, or has not done this to the extent to which we have. It may well be that these chemicals and toxins are often to blame for the infertility, miscarriages and still births. We, as a society, have brought this upon ourselves. It is not His desire for us, but the consequences of our failure to listen to Him and obey Him in these areas. On the other hand, He promises His people who use His gifts as He directs prosperity. He taught Adam the principle of sacrificing the fruits of his labor, setting it apart for Him. Abraham gave a tithe to the King of Salem (Hebrews 7:2). This portion is set apart for Him. That which is set apart is a blessing to us when we use it as He intends, to honor Him by giving it back to Him. But, that set apart portion of our income or increase becomes a curse to us when we use it as we see fit. Our nation has a Judeo-Christian foundation. Many have rightly given the tithe and offerings back to Him, recognizing Him as the Source of all good gifts; planting much seed for the economic prosperity of this nation. More recently, we, as a people, are less likely to use that set apart portion of our income and increase to give back to Him. In keeping that which is set apart, we, like Achan (Joshua 7:1), plant the seeds of our own demise. In contrast, much of Africa has relatively recently come into the knowledge of the Truth in this area. As they act in obedience, they will grow and prosper. His Law is Law - like His Law of Gravity we cannot break it, but we can be broken by it. As His Law states obedience is life; disobedience is death. He set the foundation and generally, the condition of the world is related to our observance of His Law. Individual cases, however, are different. Could sin could result in infertility? Yes, some STDs do, a botched abortion, etc. BUT it cannot be said universally and conclusively that one who is barren is in sin. Abba may be working on their behalf to provide a miracle that would bring them more than they could imagine; the gift of an Isaac, Samuel or a John who will impact the world, perhaps even centuries after they have departed. He made the Law; He can also supernaturally intervene as He sees fit. May we choose Life in all areas.
  3. May He guide and protect His Own to share His love in His Power and His Spirit.
  4. I am so sorry to hear of your challenges. So many of us have accepted traditions of men, and rejected much of His Word in ignorance or arrogance. So many have indeed forgotten the horrors. 'Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.' And this world system has indeed departed greatly from His principles. The debt, the mortgages, the taxes, paper money, so many basics which have been ignored or purposely abandoned. May He open our eyes. May we see His Truth and live it. Bless You Alejune, I am glad you are here.
  5. If it wasn't so sad, I'd be rolling!! No, Mike, that does not mean I think they were trying to actually create a grown cow-boy, I did read the article first; but it is a mixture, a cow-boy, nonetheless. Yahweh is not only the first, but the best scientist around, and He is fully ethical. Abba has given us very specific directions about not mixing things. As our science finally gets to the point where we understand His Law, we learn that the sanitary regulations He gave prevent the spread of disease, dietary laws are for our health, etc. He does not give us His Torah to be a bondage to us, but as instruction; we can choose obedience or rebellion; life or death. Leviticus 19:19
  6. You sent it once, and I was only a day or so behind, but my hard drive hasn't come up for a day or two!! So, I am getting really behind, now. Could you at least PM me with where we are supposed to be on June 1? so I have a goal? Could you send the reading plan to me again, PLEASE!! Thank you so very much. I am really enjoying it! I am also reading it in a different version, which has also been very interesting! Bless you for the challenge!
  7. Dear Abba, We bring before you these precious children, cover them, Father, show them your love, your Truth, Father, heal their wounds. Abba, we plead for the mothers, comfort them, draw them into your loving arms. May You be real to them in a way they have never known before. Judge of the Universe, we ask that those men who have been unjustly accused would go to You for their justification. Father, you alone know our hearts, may you deal with Your Truth and Wisdom with those who have done so very much damage to so many. King of kings, we ask that you be with each person who was involved in the raid. Father, may they seek to know You as they have not known You in the past; to hear Your voice, to obey Your voice, to do Your will, regardless of the consequences. Father, some of Your Own, in CPS, neighboring areas, etc., have been deeply affected, we plead that You gather them in Your arms; they have wept for all the sin that they deal with each day. Father, grant them Truth, Wisdom and a Comfort that You love these little ones more than even their parents, that You will not abandon them. Father, we ask for Your forgiveness as Your Body, for not listening, for not obeying, for not being the salt in the earth that you called us to be. Father, we plead that you would give us a heart of repentance. We are desperate for a people that would fall on their faces and humble themselves, and seek Your face, that would turn from the fear of man and learn to reverence You alone. So many have been hurt because of our unrepentant hearts. Open our eyes to see You. Open our hearts to walk in unity. Draw us to You, Abba!
  8. Excellent question. Those who support the taking of the children, what is your scriptural basis for this? The "state" (seems to) believe it is the ultimate parent, that the children belong ultimately belong to the state and not the parent. Do you agree with that? If so, what is the biblical authority for that? If it is not biblical, then what is the reason you say that this is best for the children?
  9. Welcome, glad to have you here! (and thanks for the explanation of your name, couldn't quite get that one )
  10. #1 This is what I'm asking about. You say it's been used "multiple times," but where? Where is the example we can look to? I know that some have argued we are trending toward Nazi Germany in the 20s, but frankly I just don't see that. I'll watch those two videos when I have the time. I have heard of Naomi Wolf. #2 Frankly I don't see how the Bible applies here. I understand that as believers we should look to the Bible. However, we're And, talking about oppression of government against the people. Sure there are examples in the Bible, but a Biblical definition of what Justin is describing wouldn't apply to his argument, as I see it. #3 Seems to me that governments should use whatever legal disposal is at their means to make sure that groups that seek to cause harm to the American way of life are not allowed to flourish unchecked; and that individuals who cause harm to others, or who conspire to do so, are not allowed the freedom to harm others. #4 I don't agree with Mr. Graydon's interpretation of the Constitution. In that presentation he admits to not being a lawyer. I am not a lawyer either, so I don't have the ability to determine the validity of his argument. I would think, though, that an attorney versed in Constitutional law would disagree that the Constitution was established as a form of contract between the government and the states. The first part of that slide presentation sets the reader up for the impartation of a conspiracy theory. The Rothschilds are first mentioned on slide 18. This doesn't lend much credibility to the author as far as I'm concerned. I am not at all convinced that there is a "behind the scenes" conspiracy by one a few elite rich families in the United States to gain control - eventually - of the whole world. #1. Where - is answered during her talk and the interview, in the link which you omitted from the quotation. Germany, Italy, Rome (Nero), Russia (Stalin) and others are a few examples where some of these tactics were implemented. She explains it better and with more details than is appropriate in a forum; and people usually receive better from a third party resource. I, too, started studying after multiple people mentioned "This is just what Germany did." Reading the history of Germany between the wars is chillingly similar to our own country, I would encourage a study of how Hitler took power. And, I am not suggesting that I agree with her on everything. But, she gives one of the best presentations I have seen. #2 He IS the Law giver, He covenants (contracts) with us. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Israelite Nation, Aaron, David, etc. have specific covenants which He honors. His very nature is love, mercy and justice. His laws express to us a means of walking in His love, mercy and justice with Him and with others; without that law, we easily get confused on how we should treat each other. ANY man-made law, 'executive order', etc. that is not "in sync" with His law is a law that does not express His love, mercy and justice perfectly. It is a step away from Him and towards the enemy. We, His people, are to be salt, so that our national laws express, as much as is humanly possible, His nature. #3 The problem with this, is that "governments" tend to take on a life of their own. What began as a way to come together for self-defense, becomes the duty of a 'government' to "protect" its people, then duty to "provide", then to "care", and finally, because the people are now so dependent on them, it becomes a duty of "self-preservation" in the name of the "people." This encourages a people to take their eyes off of their Heavenly Father to meet their needs, and begin to trust and rely on their "government" ('Big Brother'). Not good. When a people give their government free reign to do whatever it deems necessary to preserve itself, without opposition, you have tyranny, at best. Historically, those governments get paranoid and/or power hungry, and declare even peaceful Christians, whose only crime is obeying His Law, to be enemies of the state, fit to be thrown to the lions, burned at the stake, sent to the gas chambers. #4 I also do not agree with all that he says, which is in part the reason I mentioned starting at slide #41. It is not my intention to discuss "conspiracy theories", those discussions tend to be emotional, divisive and counter-productive. He calls us to unity (not to think alike, but to respect and love) But, taking even the most basic overview of law: There is the Law of the Creator and the many laws of man. When you have to make a choice, which do you choose to follow? The majority of the reason that we do not see the many inconsistencies between His Law and the "laws" of this nation is because we have had 'separation of church and state' drilled into our heads. For man to stand up on a soapbox and holler out to the Almighty One of Israel, the King of kings, the Judge of the Universe, that "This is an area that is all mine, you have nothing to do or say about it" would be hilarious, if it weren't so serious. How arrogant have we become that we think we, the created ones, can take anything that He created (Law) and modify it to the point that His Law no longer applies!! His Law is just like gravity (an example of His physical Law) - It is true whether you believe it or not!!! We cannot break it - but it can surely break us! Just try jumping off a cliff without taking another point of His Law (like aerodynamics by using a hang-glider) into consideration! Unless He intervenes, you don't get up again. Seems to me, that not only have we jumped off the cliff, we don't even recognize that our face is about to hit the ground. May He open our eyes. May we fall on our faces in repentance, before it is too late. Thank you, again for your questions. These are things I have been struggling with. As I write, I am writing as much to me as to you, so, please, if you feel I am being too hard, it is not meant to offend. He loves His sheep so much!! Praise Him.
  11. Can you give me an example of this? Because, to my knowledge, those countries that are oppressive today got thee through violent means: The Communist movements in China and Korea, the change to Socialism in Russia, the takeovers of governments in Cuba and in Central and South America, all were accomplished through violent means. Define "oppression," and please describe why any government would actually want such groups to flourish in society. Ovedya, you bring a refreshing voice in this thread. Thank you for your willingness to engage in rational debate. As to your first question, actually, in the last century, the a formula which JustinM alludes to for destroying free societies has developed and been successfully used multiple times, I first learned of it from the Christian right, but now even the left agrees. Of all those who present this case, Naomi Wolf seems to present it best. The two best presentations are 1. a 47 min talk entitled: Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America. go to youtube.com and search on Naomi Wolf 2. a 28 min interview on google: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=4721859480918954376 Question 2: The best way to get a solid definition of oppression would be to do a word study from the Bible. If you need help with that, please PM me. It is like the issue of our free will with our Father. No, he does not want evil to flourish, neither should any people, but without respecting the person to make their own choices, thus allowing the possibility of evil, you are left with only robots or slaves, not a free man or free society. The "governments" that desire to take over start with the "undesirable elements", because societies are more tolerant of ungodly treatment for the fringes. But, it is like a drug; once a society begins to accept the ungodly, it gets easier, and easier to include more and more people who receive this treatment. No such thing exists in the United States of America. Due process of law is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. In order for our government to deny due process of law to any citizen they would have to first get rid of the Constitution. As it stands, with regard to this sect, they are being given their due process rights. As to the constitution, it has little application to us at this point. There are four levels or types of law: 1. The Law of the Creator - sometimes called Natural Law 2. Contract Law 3. Common Law 4. Man-made/Government/"state" Law We have been asleep as this "government" has replaced our Constitutional Rights (level 4) with Contract Law. For more detail, go to http://www.bengraydon.com/freedom.html, click on the Q2 Power Point, the discussion of law starts at slide 41. FLDS was incorporated in the 1940's. That contract takes them out of #4 and puts them at #2. Pretty much, the "government" can do whatever it likes because of that. So, the Constitution is not applicable here. What is sad, is that most of us also have these contracts which make the Constitution and common law irrelevant, but we do not recognize it. The ONLY law that can "Trump" Contract Law is the Law of our Father. We'd best start learning it and how it applies to these situations!!
  12. Oh, if it were only so simple. I used to believe that. So Abba had to teach me Truth. We are all only imperfect sinners, traitors to the Lover of our souls. He placed me in churches that taught me how to listen to His voice, only to have them split over some small issue. He put me in a church for those wounded by splits, led by a man known for his love, who admitted to an anger problem. They agreed to allow him and extended leave to deal with it, then fired him the first week of his leave. That action shook through an entire metro community. He allowed me to spend years in a dynamic church with some serious control issues; but I learned to be quiet, lay on my face before Him in a way that I could not have learned in any other. In each of these, His power was evident, but not perfectly displayed. He gives gifts to us, imperfect beings, who can misuse it, use it under our own power, or even offer it to the enemy: as we handed the gift of dominion over to His enemy in the garden of Eden. I believe Abba honors the heart of the receiver: Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. When discerning the source of another's ministry, we should realize the condition of our own hearts before Him is a factor. Yes, we can be believers, and still have areas of unbelief hidden in our own hearts: able to believe for salvation, but not the healing of a marriage,.... To me, this would explain how a minister who was rightly functioning in the gifts can be viewed as an enemy agent. It would also provide for the healing of one of His Own under the ministry of one who was misusing the gifts. No, it is not black and white. We are not His Son, but we are His Own, and He allows us to be the vessels through whom He works, in spite of our selves. He is not being deceptive, He is being loving and gracious beyond our ability to comprehend.
  13. Narnia has been a great blessing to my family. When we were going through a very challenging time and my oldest was questioning the character of our heavenly Father to the point that any "religious" discussion was like rubbing salt into a wound, I read Narnia to them before bed. Sometimes we would read for hours. It was absolutely amazing to watch our Father teach them His Truths in a way that they could receive, understand, and minister to each other. Even the youngest, at five years old would blurt out, "Aslan is just like Jesus". How precious that He cares for His Own, and draws them to Himself, even when they are running away. It is a gift from Abba, like a very long parable.
  14. Merin, What a great topic!! Thank you! Nebula, One Light, Man, etc. Please, I am NOT taking "sides", just going through my own personal journey. Nebula, I have spiritual gifts and time on my face, soaking in His Presence is precious to me. I have learned that for me, "feeling His presence" is not valid indicator of another's ministry. I have felt His presence in meetings of those who support Todd, COGC, AoG, Woods, my basement, even old cathedrals who no longer preach the Truth. I know Him, He blesses me when my face is turned toward Him, regardless of my surroundings. I personally know those who have seen "Emma", I have held a jewel which a 7 year old asked for after she saw the gems Emma gave in Idaho, and have been trained in a "school of the Prophets" - and yes, there is MUCH to learn which CAN be taught, history, biographies, biblical background. 2 Kings 2:7 And fifty men of the sons of <H1121> the prophets <H5030> went, and stood to view afar off, .... That 50 of the men of the sons of the prophets went indicates that there were others who did not. Sons <H1121> is the loosest form of sons - meaning to build - sounds like it was a school to me. I Corinthians 14:29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. 30 If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace. 31 For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted. 32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. To me these verses would support the need for a school of the prophets, just as there is benefit for one to be schooled as a pastor or teacher or evangelist.... Prophet does not always mean one who tells the future, it can be one who is inspired (by Abba). In the School of the Prophets which I attended (one of the students went straight from there to an internship with Todd, I have not kept in touch with her), most of the time when Abba asks us to speak, it is His Word of encouragement, learning to hear His voice not just for us, but for those He places in our path, to know His heart for them, and to step out and speak when He says to speak, in a parking lot, walking down the street, etc. In this day where we so easily pass each other, it is helpful to learn from others how to break that distance so we can speak His love into the life of another as we go about our day. It is helpful to practice in class, so one can begin to discern when they are hearing their own thoughts and when they are hearing from Abba, as the other students will be honest with you, as they desire you to be honest with them. And it is absolutely mind blowing when the things He alone has spoken to you, come from the mouth a student, one you've never met, who is not yet 'trained', to confirm that the word is from Him. No you cannot BUY or SELL the gift; but whether you have "the gift" or not, it is valuable training to learn how to listen to His heart and share what He says with one He places in your path . He is NOT a gossip, He only shares what will benefit them, if you step out in faith and speak respectfully and humbly to them, and they listen. But, unfortunately, meeting space, travel, lodging, etc. all must be paid. One of the lessons was on lawlessness. It was defined as being subject to those in "spiritual authority." That can create an environment for inbreeding of error. The Hebrew word for Law is Torah, meaning His law; yet, they allowed, almost encouraged, the teens and young adults to get tattoos with Bible verses, etc. Leviticus 19:28 "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." Seemed like lawlessness to me. But that was only one warning. Last fall, some from the fellowship (who had the property on which Emma appeared) invited another, lesser known prophet for meetings. I was only there one night. His "new insights" seemed like warmed over New Age to me, but everyone else was "blessed", even those in "spiritual authority". Abba has allowed me to meet several 'New Age Christians' - even an ordained Baptist minister has been deceived, so I am fairly well versed about it. And the talk about the minister, not our Abba! Second warning. Then, this week, I am blown away by Exodus 32:5 the Israelites declared a feast to Yahweh, but Yahweh denounced it as "turning aside from Him" - Yes, there was a golden calf involved, but they declared the feast to Yahweh, not another. So it seems we cannot worship Him in anyway we please, just because we say His Name, does not make it a worship of Him, it must also be according to the way which He has commanded. So, how has He commanded us to worship Him? John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. 24 G-d is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Spirit and Truth. There is no doubt spirit, just which one? New Agers can mix so freely with so many Christians right now. During the Exodus, the Egyptian magicians could do miracles for awhile, just like Moses "did"! So, signs and wonders from the enemy camp will come to bring confusion. Yes, Todd's team may fast and pray - So do the people of Islam (more than we do!!) How about the Truth? We are not to be deceived. Quite an assignment -- Sounds like carpet time to me (on your face before Him.) And, no, it is not entirely fair to take my experiences with those who support Todd, I guess my concern is more with the entire movement, not just Todd (who, by the way, is fairly well established in some circles) But, speaks to some of its fruit. So, we have fruit to check, His Word, the words of the minister themselves, and the Spirit. May He open our eyes, may we see as He sees and follow in His ways. Thank you for the links to Todd's site, I will use them. And Nebula, for the links to the services, what a blessing to be in His Presence. Bless You, each one of you who have contributed. No conclusions yet, but the discussion has been timely and helpful. Thank you.
  15. Yes, even those who are respected are not only believing this, but publicly speaking this. Here are some reasons why this is happening: This video has some headlines from the Netherlands, among other things. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/125728 This about what is happening in England: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2668560761490749816
  16. To help determine whether this is a "real" thing, or just a natural eye thing, get a camera and take several pictures. Many times these lights are captured with a photograph. Taking several from different angles would provide evidence that the camera was accurately capturing them, and did not have a malfuntion (which would show up as light always in exactly the same location relative to the edges of the photograph). However, even if they are not captured on film, it may simply be that the frequency they emit may cannot be captured with current technology. Even if it can be described as a "natural eye thing", based on the timing, that does not mean it is not His gift to you. Some dear friends of mine would find their floor covered with tiny "gold" beads. After several occurrences, they had it analyzed. It apparently had something to do with their water softener. But, it only happened at times of intense trial and need. They continue to receive it as a precious gift from Abba. As you know we are His body, some His eyes, some His ears, some His feet. Do not be discouraged that the ears and feet do not see and may not understand, but rejoice that He provides sight. May you continue to listen as He guides and guards your steps.
  17. I graciously have to disagree. We are seated with Christ in Heaven and we are told many times in the bible to be spiritual warriors. We have to move in the spiritual realm to be a spiritual warrior! I have good health, no diabetes or blood pressure problems. Healthier than ever, in fact! In regards to the Florida revival and signs, wonders and miracles... you shall know them by their fruit. Any sign or miracle that brings glory to the Father you can rest assured is not from the evil one! I rejoice daily what the Lord is doing and what will soon spread all across North America and the world. I would love to hear what those who do believe that God is alive and working miracles in this day and age have to say about this. I thank everyone for their opinions, but I know I will not be moved back to the religious spirit, after finally becoming free of it! Dear Mighty Pea, Your gracious response here is encouraging, as is your understanding that you shall know them by their fruits. I do believe that Yahweh is alive and working miracles in this day and age. I have been blessed to be part of some of them. No, I do not believe you are making "something out of nothing." However, recently Abba has shown me some very disturbing things. There are those who say "the Lord" or "God", but are referring to Yahweh's enemy; for "Lord" and "God" are only a titles and can mean ANY being one serves. (The preface of most Bibles will state that.) I have a seen the powerful deceptions which the evil one brings, capturing even a dear friend, an ordained Baptist Minister, who still preaches to preachers across the nation, but has sold out to New Age. There is a "group of highly evolved spiritual beings" named Abraham, and Abraham's Children are often not talking of the Israelites, Ishmaelites, and his other children, but those who believe the teachings of this "group of highly evolved spiritual beings". I have been a scribe for a dear friend as she delivered a message from "the Lord" to "Abraham's Children" in a near trance. To the uninitiated, it appeared to be a "prophecy", but I do not see Yahweh taking over the body of His prophets like that. I have even heard the name of "Jesus" has become twisted, but the name Abba gave Him (Yahshua...) seems to remain untainted. When the enemy has twisted so many words and names that we hold dear, it takes the discernment of Yahweh Himself to know the Truth. I have personally attended "Christian tent meetings" that were "New Age" dressed up to be acceptable in a church. The servants of the enemy are mingling freely with the servants of Yahweh in so many places right now, like I have never seen before. Precious Mighty Pea, this is not about what we believe Yahweh is capable of doing - He can do ANYTHING!!! Of COURSE He can allow you to see into the spiritual realm!! But, these are truly the last days. I am much more careful about testing the spirits. In this mobile age, it is rare that a community actually gets to know the personal life of a leader, so it is hard to know their "fruit". So many are very skilled at revealing only what is acceptable. I have personally known precious men, well respected, active in their communities, only to have them convicted of the most horrible things. Only then did their wives' behavior make sense. I am personally to the point that if a leader does not declare the actual NAME of the one he serves, but uses titles only, I shy away from them. Yes, it is amazing, and awesome and precious to receive a gift from Him. I do not desire to take that from you. But even more, He Himself is the gift, more to be desired than all that might be desired. When He chooses to bestow a gift, bless Him, thank Him, enjoy it fully and freely, confident that He only gives those gifts which will bless. But, seek the Giver with all your heart, your mind, your strength. Bless You, dear Mighty Pea.
  18. There is a several in that group. I have been in some of their meetings. I have seen pictures taken at those meetings where people saw the lights and lights which were not visible to me actually do show up in the pictures. It is said that these lights are the physical manifestation of angels. Some who do not see the lights bring cameras (and camera phones) so they can see them in the pictures during the meetings. Try taking pictures and see if these lights are in the pictures. If they are, that should rule out a physical condition creating this. ( Just because there might be a physical explanation, does not rule out His hand in it - He created it ALL, and some 'scientists' are eager to explain away the supernatural with "theories" that have little actual evidence to support them. ) * STAY in His Word!! Many in these circles are not grounded in His Word, but are seeking an experience, not Yahweh. * Ask if He would have you buy, listen, attend..... He is AWESOME! * Who is getting the honor? Is it Abba? Or is someone else (man) taking what belongs to the Father? We are made in His image. He granted us dominion. But, if it is these that are the message, without being grounded in His image, His authority, which we have only through our Savior, chances are, He is not getting the honor that is due Him. * Ask for His discernment. Only Yahweh knows for sure! People are being raised from the dead. People are being translated, People are seeing angels. Some are of Him, but the enemy appears as an angel of light to deceive and destroy. - Is your heart on what He wants for you, or what you want for yourself? - Are you willing to receive ALL that He has for you, but ONLY what He has for you? - Why do you desire the gift so much? Could it be you feel insecure in Abba's love for you? Do you feel this gift would prove His love for you? - Are your eyes so focused on the gift that you will not recognize who is giving it? If your eyes are intensely on the gift and not the giver, you may be opening yourself up to any who will give. - Do not ask for anything that HE is not placing on your heart, if you are not certain, ask for His will. A loving Father would not give a 5 year old their own car to drive - one seeking to destroy the child, might! He alone knows what is best for you! - Are you focused on His hand (physical gifts) His face (spiritual gifts) or His heart (relationship)). It is best to keep our eyes on the HIM, the Giver, not on the GIFT! No, He is not human. But, as a reality check, how would you feel if the love of your life concentrated on the one thing you had not yet given them? Is it not more "fun" to give to someone who is absolutely crazy over you as a person? They don't even care about any gift, because you are the gift. Would you not desire to give them the very best of all you had? I am not saying you are out of line. Just listing questions which, if you ask them, should help you discern where that "narrow path" is, so that you can walk in it.
  19. I agree that we as a nation are in deep trouble. We are on the same path into destruction that other free nations have trod (pre-war Germany and Italy, etc.) And yes, His covenant is with Israel. But, these things which are distinct and measurable also show His blessing upon us, here in this land, even now. In our sin, He continues to woo us. That is so encouraging. May we focus on His amazing, incomprehensible love for this land and its people. Only He can save us, and these blessings indicate to me that He has not yet hidden His face from this land. May we fall on our faces and ask for His forgiveness, that He might heal our land, while there is still time.
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