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Everything posted by rpfan76

  1. In answer to the op it has been my experience that quoting scripture to someone who could care less what the Bible says, much less believe it, isn't very effective. When I have conversations about creation this is what I believe. When you talk God you're talking eternity. It's hard for us to wrap our minds around that. The Book says in the beginning. Beginning of what? I believe the Bible gives us the creation, fall, and redemption of man. So a thought is this started 4000 yrs ago? Perhaps but remember eternity. We have no record of what went on countless eons before Adam was created. What do people think God was doing before the last 4000 yrs? It seems like there is a huge argument about creation when salvation should be the focus. I'm not smart enough to argue scientific theory. All I can do is tell of my faith and try my best to set an example. To believe or not is a free will choice God has given.
  2. More difficult to live a normal life? I would say what is normal? The Book straight up tells us these things will and must happen. So are the hardships we see now exactly what the Lord has prescribed for the evil population of the world? As for this vaccine, I personally do not intend to take it even if it costs me my job. Take this even though we can't or won't tell you what's in it or what short or long term effects it will have on you. No Thanks. Do as I say or you cannot work, travel, socialize or anything else beyond dying. Really? We have been warned of this. Is this a test run to gauge the populations willingness to bend the knee, so to speak. I believe we step into eternity at a given time regardless of vaccines, seat belts, helmets, vegan diets, etc. I suggest prayer and faith and I believe God will lead me to the proper decision. If I die before this message posts I have faith that in that millisecond I will be in the presence of the Lord for eternity and all my worries will be over. The beauty of our situation is that Christ defeated death and Hell for us. So not matter what is unleashed upon us our eternal reward is already set. Take heart in the fact that we come closer to it by the second.
  3. Our leaders are so ridiculous. If I were going to bounce a check I would at least write it big enough to cover all I needed. Perhaps Biden will be the plunger that pushes the toilet clog America has become, right on down the drain. Such a great place turned to trash by it's leadership.
  4. I think war is definitely inevitable now. It's already gone way too far. We took out Saddam, like fools, unshackling Iran to do as they please. Instead of following our lead or expecting us to do it for them, Israel should have smashed Iran's capabilities years ago. Now Putin has taken Crimea and working on Ukraine and won't be stopped without significant force, and maybe not even then, just for the fact he won't lose face without a fight. So Israel hits Iran, Russia comes in on them. Does U.S. help? Not under Obama. On the other hand maybe these are things that must happen and history is proceeding just as it should?
  5. Love the sinner hate the sin? If he is your friend and you want to go, then go. If not stay home.
  6. When employees are offered a contract the union will put it forward for a vote and the members with accept or reject it, correct? If rejected then the union will change what it wants in the contract and send it back to the company or government which ever the case may be, right? Well nothing says that the government or company has to accept any of the changes. I feel like taking away the bargaining rights completely, is heavyhanded. I mean the states here didn't have to agree to the union demands in the past. I think both sides are at fault.
  7. Well in the end life will go on. Hopefully everyone will make it through and things will get better. I guess it is what it is.
  8. So it's an emergency and unemployment is an emergency measure but people shouldn't get it. How do we gauge when the emergency is over. Does it end when you find a job, or when everyone finds a job. Is it when unemployment is 5%? Is unemployment 9% now or is it more like 20%? If you cut out the unemployment, the people who can find jobs will take them immediately. Then what do you do with whoever is left. 2.5 million have lost benefits since june. If three quarters found work tomorrow you would still have 625,000 without a job or income of any kind. That's the population of Boston. Do you just say, sorry survive the best you can. The only answers I've heard are cut taxes and run off the illegals. Ok will that happen on Tuesday so the 625,000 can go to work Wednesday?
  9. These are tough times. Maybe no one else will lose their jobs. You don't feel this is an emergency?
  10. That's my point. The country has been ran down so badly by poor decisions from both parties that we are in a crisis. Spending must be cut but I don't think cutting the former working people is where to start. I know the repubs put forward a paid for bill but if the dems won't vote for it, the people suffer. If the republicans block the bill fine, but what are they going to do to remedy the situation? Any bill they put forward will be blocked by the dems. So you see the people suffer either way. How do you look at the people and say sorry we can't help you. We can help Iraq and Afghanistan but not you. I hear you that things have to change but if they can't agree enough to change anything at least help the folks.
  11. It becomes your responsibility to help your fellow man when they are in a time of need. Have any of you been unemployed for more than 26 weeks in the last 2 years. If you haven't then you have been blessed. Right now you get 26 weeks unemployment. If you can't find a job in 26 weeks what are you supposed to do? Are you saying that the one million that have lost benefits since june are just lazy deadbeats. They had to work in order to qualify for the 26 but suddenly since losing their job they have become lazy and unwilling to work? If congress can create an environment where jobs are being created then do it! But help the people in the meantime.
  12. Well if you don't find helping unemployed people survive, a worthy cause, then pray that you never lose your job. Don't you care that some of these people will lose homes, cars and healthcare. What do you suggest people do in this situation?
  13. So what if it adds to the deficit. The point is that people are struggling and need help now. I don't hear the republicans crying about funding the wars or Bush tax cuts. In my opinion when you don't have a job, can't buy food or pay your light bill it qualifies as an emergency, worthy of deficit spending.
  14. The republicans should be ashamed for holding this up. I agree that fisical responsibility is in desperate need but is this the bill to take a stand on? This is pure politics and a disgrace.
  15. I saw something yesterday about somebody wanting to buy out BP. I think the Chinese were implicated.
  16. What a joke! These guys want to sit on their ivory thrones and ask the same question a million times and get the same answer. I mean what's the point. Today was an exercise idiocy. How badly does our country need real leadership, instead of the clowns we have. Sadly it's probably too late.
  17. I've noticed that many times people who treat other human beings like animals, generally treat real animals very good. I think these animals will be treated like prized possessions. Far better than he treats his own countrymen. Americans do it too. How many spend thousands on their pets and wouldn't give a homeless person fifty cents.
  18. Are Christians obligated to answer questions such as these? I mean certainly a person should testify and present the Gospel but beyond that? I'm not talking about people that honestly are looking for answers but more like people who want to debate. My question is, is there a point at which you say, you have heard my testimony and here is the book that tells you all you need to know?
  19. Why don't we let Israel handle their business and keep our noses out of it.
  20. I think the Iranian regime wants the U.S. to attack them. They know we would not use the full force of the military. We would only bomb strategic sites, like we do everywhere else. I think it would unite their country and give them and their Soviet cohorts the perfect excuse to hit Israel. Doesn't Iran supply a lot of China's oil? What better way for Iran to leverage China into cutting off our money supply. If the Israelis feel threatened, they should do whatever they think is necessary regardless of what we do or say. I'm not saying don't help Israel if they are attacked. But this preemptive world police business has to end.
  21. Sounds like a tough situation there. I guess they really have the upper hand because they figure they can replace you immediately. But really all you have to do is pray and trust in the Lord. If you get fired, quit, or stay there, your situation will improve. With God in your life, things always work out for the best.
  22. If you reported it anonymously there's a good chance it went straight in the trash. I say really all you can do is hang in there and trust that the Lord will work things out for you. I don't know who you work for but maybe missing a meeting isn't really that big a deal. Do they have a 3 strike policy? Will this write up fall off your record after so long? Maybe you shouldn't really sweat it too much. As far as doing the "christian" thing, I see nothing wrong with questioning and even complaining about your manager's decision. I just don't think I would push the issue unless my job was really on the line over it. On the other hand if the manager wasn't there today, you may have already gotten them fired and problem solved.
  23. It's been my experience that the one who rocks the boat is usually the one who falls out. It's very frustrating when you feel like you are being singled out or treated unfairly at work. I always felt like my complaining at work, was to no avail and often made situations worse. You got your complaint on the record, so I would just let it go and do the best job I could from this point on. When it comes to workplace politics (especially at large companies) you may just be another number to management.
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