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  1. I know where you're coming from, Lyn - a lot of the churches around here are about the same way. If you are not an active member of one of these churches, they will not help you with food nor clothing. I have had many instances where I need a little food assistance, and I would call one of the churches to ask about how their food assistance program works - the first thing the person on the other end of the phone would ask is "Are you an active member of our church?". I told them No, because I work on Sundays, and don't get to attend church. The person on the other end told me, "unless you are an active member of our church, we can't help you." I wasn't asking for money, just a little food. Now, where is the act of Christian charity in that instance? Jesus certainly would not turn a person away because that person is not an active member of that church. I would rather do without than ask another church for a little bag of food.
  2. I would go in to take pictures - the purpose would be for sight-seeing purposes only.
  3. Jim Caviezel is such a wonderful actor - he is not at all afraid, nor ashamed, to profess his faith in public. Normally, you would never, ever hear of an A-List Hollywood actor say such a thing. I have gotten the chance to attend a few of the church events like the one in the video, and Jim really does speak from his heart. The Holy Spirit really flows through Jim, and you feel so good after hearing Jim speak.
  4. I am a native of Virginia; learned all about Jamestown when I was in school, but never knew about any cannibalism. Wow, you sure learn something new every day.
  5. I am a Catholic convert - I was raised Southern Baptist, and converted to Catholicism in 1992, with the full understanding that Catholics do not, I repeat, do Not, worship Mary and the Saints. Veneration and honor are just what they are - they are just words for respect. I have very high respect for Mary, because she is the mother of Jesus, and God choose that very important role for her. The Saints are very interesting people to read about - they lead very interesting, and trying lives. If I thought, for one minute, that Catholics worshipped Mary and the Saints, then I would not have converted to Catholicism in the first place. God, the Father - Jesus, the Son - and the Holy Ghost are the very foundation of what I believe. I worship God the Father, and Jesus the Son. I show respect towards Mary and the Saints, and I am proud to be a Catholic. Another thing, I may not agree with others' beliefs in other denominations, but I certainly respect other peoples' beliefs. I don't discriminate against any other religion because as a Christian, I have no right to do that at all. Catholics are God-fearing Christians as much as Protestants are. God bless you all.
  6. Katharine Hepburn, back in the day, is the woman who started the whole thing about women wearing pants. Pants are so much easier to work in, and there is no loss of modesty when pants are worn on the job; a lot of women are climbing ladders and having to bend down to the floor a lot, so it would not make any sense at all for women to be restricted to wearing dresses/skirts in this day and age of employment for women.
  7. I think that love can look like whatever a person wants it to look like, whether it be a particular color, etc.
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