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Everything posted by elizabetht

  1. One thing we can do is humble ourselves and pray for mercy. Beyond that?
  2. Good question MG, it is rather strange. Perhaps they feel that they aren't being heard by the Obama Administration, and so they are going public for the support they need. We can only speculate.
  3. Supply them with guns, bombs and material to create suicide bombers. Not only that, but no other arab countries want palestinian refugees, not Jordan or Saudi Arabia etc. They only support the Palestinians because of their mutal hatred for Isreal. If there were no Israel to hate, the other Arab countries would care nothing for the Palestinians.
  4. I am probably going to get blasted for saying this......but who are we? I think we need to be careful to judge our own motives first! Do we rebuke others to correct them in love, or do we do it to puff ourselves up? I think it is rather arrogant need to constantly correct the attitudes and behaviors in others. When our Lord corrected somone He always focused on the motives of that person, and reconcilliation was usually the result. One of my favorite passages in Scripture is when He rebuked the temple elite. He referred to them as "blind guides." He said that they "strained on a knat, and yet they "swallowed a camel." As believers our responsibilty is to Christ first. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts and corrects. Before we go and try to correct others, I think we need to examine our own motives, and check our ego's at the door. Blessings
  5. Of course, it was the next logical step!! Is this really a surprise to anyone?
  6. I feel the same way about the world disasters coming along so quickly one after another. It seems like God may be trying to make a statement here (not that he does not love the people affected by the tragedies) - perhaps fullflling the words of Jesus Christ when he spoke about famine, earthquakes in various places, etc., etc. in the end times. We should all strive to get our loved ones into the ark. kinda like "birth pangs."
  7. How sad is this? To have spent so much time on spiritual things, and still not know the Lord of all creation. That really hurts my heart.
  8. Only minor cuts LOL. Like what you would get if you stuck your hands in the sink to wash the dishes and there was a knife in the bottom. I also sleep talk. I shared a room with my grandmother on holidays once, and she was too embarassed in the morning to tell me what I said. hahahahaha!!!
  9. I woke up in the kitchen once mixing pancake batter. I substitued orange juice for milk. Seriously though Andy, the cuts thing concerns me. You should tell your doctor.
  10. That is a good thought Shiloh, however the truth is far from there. Much of the construction used for the Olympics, especially the summer games is temporary and they have to pay in fact to have it removed. The Olympics is so very spread out over hundreds of acres, it has turned into a financial disaster for every city that has hosted them in recent history. An example would be the Los Angeles Colliseum......it has been put up for sale.
  11. And the perpetrators are Muslims - Arab Muslims to be specific - racist Arab Muslims. Can you handle that? exactly!!!!
  12. Focus on numbers 9, 13, 14, and 15 first; and leave the rest up to God. The bible tells us exactly what pleases Him. "without FAITH, it is impossible to please God." blessings!
  13. Yes, heterosexual marriages are accepted throughout the states, it is the law of the land. This is why the U.S. Congress has more than once tried to introduce legislation defining marriage as between one man and one woman. This would make it a Federal statute, overiding laws in individual states. Sadly this failed. Lady is correct, this attempt to grant a divorce for a homosexual marriage in the state of Texas, is merely a "trojan horse." It is a back door means to manipulate the law of texas. If this is granted, then down the road it can be used as a precedent to argue that homosexual marriage has been recognized in that state. This is exactly what the pro homosexual marriage groups are after, this is what they do. If homosexual rights groups can't achieve thier goals through the legislative process, then they go to the courts. This is a can of worms that should never be opened.
  14. The victims are also Muslims. As to Nazis and neo-Nazis well the real Nazis were from a "Christian" country (don't forget we have a Pope who is a former Hitler youth member) and the Neo-Nazs where I live (the BNP) also spend their time waving crosses and attacking Muslims, Jews and anybody with dark skin. Evil doesn't respect denominational/sectarian/religious boundaries I am just curious, do you recognize evil when you see it? Do you know what true evil is?
  15. I watched that show once, for about 5 minutes!!!! Sadly, I will never get those 5 minutes back!
  16. I agree Andy, when I was 22 years old, I found myself in that situation. I had no idea what to do, but God had it all figured out. I went through the pregnancy, and when my son was born, God chose the perfect couple to adopt him. It was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life, but also the thing I am most proud of. God took my shame, and made it into a miracle. So i say yes, congratulate her. God can use anyone, and any situation for His good purpose. I am living proof.
  17. Andy, We have been fighting this same battle here in the States as well. We fight it here in every aspect of our society. It is discouraging at times but we have to remember what Ephesians 6:12 tells us about this battle: "for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ultimately it is God's battle, and He is Soveriegn! Hallelujiah!!!
  18. hmmmmm.......sounds like I have heard this somewhere before?! Oh yeah, it was the same with Hitler. It was rumored that Hitler's hatred of the Jews also stemmed from his Jewish roots. There is very compelling evidence to suggest that Hitler's own grandfather was part Jewish, and this is what led to the Nuremburg laws regarding race. Does any of this really matter though? Hate is hate, regardless of it's origin. I guess the issue for me here is not why Ahmadinejad hates the Jewish people, it is the tone of that hatred. Hitler had that same tone, and the world turned a blind eye. Are we witnessing history repeat itself? I think that is a very real possiblity, and from a biblical perspective, more of a probablity. My prayer here is that nations recognize this evil for what it is, and before it is unleashed.
  19. Oh I think the Israeli's are beginning to take Obama seriously......though perhaps not in the way he wants.
  20. You took the words right out of my mouth!
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