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  1. In my time on this earth I've talked to "Christian" active homosexuals. "Christians" who say they can take the Mark because God really knows their hearts. "Christians" who openly cheat on their wives and family while still maintaining leadership roles in their church. And "Christians" who said that they could never love the God of the old testament because he was cruel, but they worship Christ because he was non-judging and is love. But this is a new one for me: Abortion Doctor Says He Kills Babies Because It’s His ‘Christian Calling’ https://www.westernjournal.com/abort...stian-calling/ Abortion Doctor Says He Kills Babies Because It’s His ‘Christian Calling’ By Randy DeSoto April 9, 2018 at 12:12pm A Mississippi OB-GYB recently stated that he sees it as his Christian “calling” to provide abortions. Dr. Willie Parker — who practices at the state’s only abortion facility, located in Jackson — wrote an Op-Ed for Glamour magazine attacking Mississippi’s Gestation Age Act. The legislation, signed by Gov. Phil Bryant last month, bans abortions after 15 weeks (i.e. four months into the pregnancy). The law notes that the unborn baby’s vital organs begin to function at 10 weeks, and by week 12, he or she has taken human form in all relevant aspects. Parker wrote in his Op-Ed, “As an ob-gyn and a Christian, I see it as my calling to help women in making the decisions that are right for their health, their lives, and their families. I believe it’s my duty to meet their needs without judgment. Not only do restrictive laws make it harder for me to do my job — this radical abortion ban is an assault on women across the South.” He argued, “Before the 15-week ban passed, Mississippi patients already faced multiple barriers to abortion, including a mandatory 24-hour waiting period, a mandatory ultrasound law, a 20-week ban, a ban on the use of telemedicine to administer a medication abortion, and a law that requires a minor to get parental consent before obtaining an abortion.” In an interview with AlterNet, Parker explained how he tries to ease women’s guilt about obtaining an abortion. A substantial portion of his practice is made up of African-Americans. “Many women of color are deeply religious, and I’m quite comfortable talking about the moral and spiritual center,” he explained. “So, I add that dimension to the care I provide. I call it dignity restoration.” Parker continued, “I sense when a woman is dealing with guilt and shame and I’m offer a bridging conversation around faith and the sacred decision of whether to end her pregnancy. Yesterday, for example, one patient was praying and asking for forgiveness, and so I explored that with her.” “For many women, there is a tremendous amount of relief in not being turned away. … There is relief in no longer being pregnant but also relief in someone seeing that ‘I’m not a bad person,’” he stated. Cont ................................
  2. When Jesus declared on the Cross, "It is finished," He decreed to the earth and the world of darkness that they had lost. When Jesus arose from the grave, He fulfilled the legal requirements of the law and broke the curse of sin off the earth! Jesus secured everything for the Believer from the Cross of Calvary and the Resurrection from the grave, and satan knows he is powerless to stop God's Kingdom plan. BECAUSE OF OUR RESURRECTED SAVIOR, WE WIN! Colossians 2:12-15 (NKJV) - " ...[You were] buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us." Jesus' followers can see how the Cross had become the intersection of Heaven and earth. The supernatural traffic between Heaven and earth can flow freely through this intersection, and the supernatural life is available to us NOW: 1) Exchanging Punishment for Peace - Isa. 53:5 2) Exchanging Sickness for Healing - Isa. 53:4-5 3) Exchanging Sin for Righteousness - Isa. 53:10, 2 Cor. 5:21 4) Exchanging Curse for Blessing - Deut. 28:15-68 for Deut. 28:1-14 5) Exchanging Poverty for Wealth - 2 Cor. 8:9 6) Exchanging Threefold Death for Threefold Life - Heb. 2:9 He tasted death in three successive phases: (1) He was cut off from union and fellowship with the Father; (2) He was cut off from physical life; and (3) He was banished from God's presence like a scapegoat, carrying sin away. He was crucified and buried; He descended into Hades and rose again so that our redemption could be complete. In exchange, the gift of life to every Believer is: (1) union and fellowship with God; and (2) resurrection and eternal life in God's glorious presence. 7) Exchanging the Old Man for the New - Rom. 6:6; 8:10; Col. 2:11; Gal. 5:17-24 As we understand that our spirit is "quickened" by His Spirit we must – as God's design for Kingdom citizens – take dominion and multiply God's Kingdom on this earth as it is in Heaven! That is indeed the Believer's resurrection authority. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
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