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Ellen Whats her name on hate law


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hi ya all, im probably behind the eight ball here in NZ as we get your programmes months later sometimes, but today while flicking channels, for some reason i decided to watch some of Ellen Whats her name, the lesbian, who has a tv show.

Anyway they were talking about getting the hate law in place and i suddenly thought yeah, they are calling it love to accept sin and that anyone who rejects the behaviour of others is a hater. This is more than being against true hate or true hate speech with which i myself agree, but that no one can speak out against others choice of sexual behaviour or anything disagreeable to them.

I know none of this is new but Satan is now more than ever coming as an angel of light/love and using the media to portray Christians as haters. Its the "left behind" movie in reality. Hold on folks its not long till we get to go home, and for some it in the west it will mean being martyred.

JCISGD, since this thread has gone off into left field a bit, I went back to the OP to see what you had to say. I agree with you that when it gets to the place where ministers have to fear prosecution for simply preaching the Bible, we are in a sad state of affairs. I also agree that the Lord's return cannot be far off. In America, we have a Constitutional right to free speech which should trump all hate crime laws. I personally oppose all hate crime legislation as we also are supposed to have a right to equal justice under the law. I think they should be challenged in court.

hi Butero, yep not long now. Although a little shocked when i heard the anger in Ellens voice, I did think it was cause to rejoice that Christ was soon coming back rather than dismay at the state of things. We have read the end of the book so to speak and apart from a restless night, we get to wake up to breakfast in bed. :blink:

>.> Genesis 47:13

just saying.

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Blessings, LadyC:

if ya wanna sit there and harp about how sinful it is to use the word degenerate in reference to ellen,you might want to pull the plank out of your own eye

Just so you know, I never once singled you out made you the subject of anything here or even mentioned your name; and if you are referring to me in your comment above, I strive daily to get and keep the plank out of my own eye, as I think Jesus would have us all do, therefore, I choose not to call unsaved sinners derogatory names because of their sin. I have no problem with calling sin sin when the occasion arises, but I refuse to constantly throw an unsaved sinner's sin in his/her face which is not what we as Christians are called to do. There are far too many politically active Christians who have already done this IMO, trying to legislate morality with their political actions in Washington and have only brought radical homosexuals out in droves fighting against them, hurting the cause of the Gospel message because morality cannot be legislated.


Nearly every law on the books is a legislation of morality. Laws against theft, murder, slander, etc. are all a legislation of morality. Even the liberals are trying to legislate morality. The ones pushing for government welfare programs claim it is the moral thing to do. This idea you cannot legislate morality is utter nonsense. It is just a question of whose morality is being legislated. You mentioned radical homosexuals being brought out in droves. Many believe that Bush being re-elected in 2004 was largely in part because of a huge turnout in Ohio by voters wanting to ban gay marriage. Most of them voted for Bush, helping to put him over the top in that state. It works out both ways. I fully support evangelical Christians who have worked to legislate morality.

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Blessings, Butero

Laws on the books??? :emot-hug: If we could legislate moral behaviour, then we would have no murders or thieves or homosexuals, or adulterers, or abortions. We would still have prayer in school where God is at least recognized. We would love our neighbor and not have people hating one another, or bearing false witness, or lying. The Supreme Court didn't come up with the idea, God did in His Ten Commandments given to the world through Moses. And what has America done with them. Ask Chief Justice Roy Moore

Not until Christ returns will morality be legislated when He Himself will shepherd the nations with a rod of iron Revelation 19:15

In the meantime,the best thing a Christian can do to change one's immoral behaviour is to change their heart through a true conversion by Jesus Christ.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?Jeremiah 17:9


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Is that her maiden name? jk ;)

based on this thread i've read so far, it seems people need to lighten up a little bit. i've always found that sitting down with someone and talking reasonably rather than screaming works pretty well. maybe that's just me?(??)

basically i'm on this site looking for some real christians to be friends with, as the friends I used to have, well, they hate Jesus (they say as much), and I could use some loving Christians to talk to. one thing i've found about Jesus' disciples, like he said, you will know who they are because they will love one another. i'm well versed in scripture, but, a little weak in some areas, like many people are. i hope once everyone is done screaming at each other you might have a chance to send me a private message and we can chat for a bit.

for anyone interested in some background on my beliefs, see lcms.org, i'm a lutheran, but i prefer to think of myself as non-denominational since i believe Lord Jesus desired unity in his church, but, there can only be unity where there is truth. thus i see the need (sorta) for denominations to preserve good doctrine.

as for the name calling that i've seen, well, i admit i've called her ellen degenerate before, in joking, i'm not sure what the big deal is. she's a lesbian, that's bad, we get it. sounds like some people are just trying to stir up contention, just like on any forum flamewar. one must realize that LOVE is the key. shall we call you, whosoever you are that judges, Mr Pottymouth? or perhaps we'll use the name your parents gave you and just leave it at that? not sure why people have to start stirring up stuff, so to speak. the internet provides us an excellent opportunity to love people we've never even seen, and as christians, i hope we can do that in WISDOM. we may have the rights to free speech, but let us use our tongues (or fingers, as it were) in wisdom.

grace be with you all who are in Christ Jesus.


Good points, hx9. And welcome to Worthy! :cool:

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Well, if it does get passed I'll be going to jail.

I do not hate anyone, nor do I advocate people killing others based on their lifestyle or beliefs, but I will never stop calling sin sin, I'll never say that it's ok to do whats wrong.

If we're not allowed to speak against one sin, how long will it be before we can't talk against all sin?

:cool: It will be jail for me also, as the OP mentioned martyrdom might have to draw a red line across my neck. No telling what they'll do to us.

I hope hate crimes are not put into place because it will take away part of our free speech as we slowly become a socialist society.

I agree with what you have said.



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you could be right on that point... but why should beating someone up for sport, or because they smelled bad, or because they had a snooty attitude, be any less of a crime than beating someone up because they were gay, or muslim, or whatever?

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you're exactly right, so why should minorities get any special consideration? crime is crime, and i've never seen a crime committed out of love before, so why should any group get "special protection" under the law?

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you're exactly right, so why should minorities get any special consideration? crime is crime, and i've never seen a crime committed out of love before, so why should any group get "special protection" under the law?

The people groups and minorities are there because it is illegal to discriminate period against them for who they are. It's illegal to discriminate against anyone because of their religion, and that includes Christianity. If you got assaulted for being a Christian, then that would be a hate crime as well, although I don't think that happens that often in America.

if i were to be assaulted for being a christian, i bet there's not a snowball's chance in hell that it would be considered a hate crime, and if it were, i, as a christian, would not be considered a protected minority.

but let's really think about this. i mean, i agree that minorities need protection against discrimination, but that's a whole different issue than hate crimes. so focusing on hate crimes, let me ask...

should a murderer be sentenced any more harshly for killing a gay person than for killing anyone else?

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We are not Christ, and cannot rebuke and call out people with the same righteousness as He can.

An Open Rebuke is better than Secret Love


In the book of [Timothy 5:20] the pastors are taught to rebuke those who sin before all that others may also may fear.

Rebuking is simple correcting people through preachers, evangelists, teachers etc, [2 Timothy 3:16]

If one teaches or preaches the Word must do so without fear so you can save yourselve and your hearers.

There are many who are turning over to the mindset how we do not have to rebuke or speak out of the Word to warn against sin and preach the message of reconciliation. The message that we cannot rebuke only Jesus can do that.

It's like the OP was saying, hate crimes or hate speech condemns those who speak about those who call those in sin according to the Word as alright with God as his ministers as long as they preach but not condemming to certain groups.

It will come a time when all of this contention will be over and we'll go home to our long home.



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if i was assaulted for any reason, it should be a hate crime. nobody's ever assaulted someone out of love, it's always a hate crime, no matter what the perp is, and no matter what the victim is.

and therein lies the whole point.... there shouldn't be any new laws about "hate crimes". all that does is give special status to CERTAIN crimes committed against CERTAIN people.

and i can promise you, no special status would ever be given to a "hate crime" against christians. the courts don't really care much about the constitution.

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