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Obama should be Dictator so say's Woody Allen


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How do we know that Obama wants to be a dicator?

Winsomebulldog has it right on the money. Everything Obama has done is obviously geared toward this. And everything he wants to do and is trying to get rushed thru before Nov., because I think he knows a lot of Dems are going to be shown their walking papers.

Give a few examples please. Also explain how your examples show that Obama wants to be a dictator. I bet you can't.

Seriously? Does the obscenely expensive health care bill ring any bells? And before you ask, the fact that he pushed that through despite the opposition of the majority of the American people (the ones he's supposed to be working for) proves that he thinks he has the right to ignore the wishes of his constituents (subjects?) and do whatever he wants to do. He's decided to force Americans to buy health insurance, whether they can afford it or not. When you take away the free will of the people you have a dictatorship on your hands.

Since as a candidate he supported health care reform, and he was elected, why would he not think those that elected him would want health care reform. That is not dictatorship, that is doing what you said you would do during a campaign.

It is telling that his approval rating went down when it appeared Health Care Reform would fail, but that since it has passed his ratings have been rising.

People voted for Obama to fix the economy and to create better jobs. Everyone supports healthcare reform, but even the people who voted for him did not like how he was ramming it through before anyone hardly had sufficient time to read and study it. A bill that should have been debated and read and reread and nitpicked for at least another year was rammed through congress in a matter of months despite the will of the majority of Americans. We basically got a law that was created before most people really knew what was in it.

His approach to this was very dictatorial. Any thinking person can see that.

I disagree, any thinking person realizes that he still had to go through congress, which were also elected BEFORE he could get his baby to his desk. Is the congress made up mainly of his supporters...yep, but then whose fault is that. You only need to look back at the last admin. to understand why many voted the way they did. Maybe...just maybe....some actual responsibility should be placed on previous administrations for thier lack of planning, leadership, and fiscal responsibilty.

How about we hold ALL THE LEADERS ACCOUNTABLE. Naah, thats too easy.

While I dont agree with some of the policies of this admin, I am wont say that its Obamas desire to be a dictator. But hey, to each thier own right.

Congress IS the key. I hate this health care bill and I realize it's Obama's pet project. But a President can only suggest a bill. It has to be introduced into Congress by a member of that Congress and it doesn't become law without a majority vote. We need to punish those who voted for this monstrosity by kicking them out of office. This is the only way we can get that bill adjusted into something that will be acceptable to the people. We DO need health care reform, that's a given; but not this particular program. And I want to see Congress lose their current plan and have no option but their own ill conceived bill. That would get changes faster than anything else.

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This bill passed the Senate, and it passed the House with some promices of a few changes, and both the House and the Senate voted for the changes, the vote in the Senate was a simple majority vote, but was/is legal...... so this bill did pass legally, it was all the speculation of what they might do if it didn't that muddies up the process.

Guess you could say that "We the People" pretty much got what we deserve for putting those people in office.

not much we can do around Oklahoma to fix anything........ so I'm goin fishin this summer...

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I am wont say that its Obamas desire to be a dictator. But hey, to each thier own right.

I've been saying it since months before he was elected.

The way he tries to intimidate free speech rights of those who disagree with him AND the way he ridicules anyone who opposes him to avoid giving the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth fits the profile of a dictator unlike any President in American history. His agenda is closer to the United Nations than the United States.

His modus operandi has always been totalitarian.

I promise you....we ain't seen nothing yet.

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Please order my bumper stickers: OBAMA For President Of THE SMITHSONIAN!" :noidea:

SARAH PALIN For President Of The USA 2012! :24:

God Bless America! :24:

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Congress IS the key. I hate this health care bill and I realize it's Obama's pet project. But a President can only suggest a bill. It has to be introduced into Congress by a member of that Congress and it doesn't become law without a majority vote. We need to punish those who voted for this monstrosity by kicking them out of office. This is the only way we can get that bill adjusted into something that will be acceptable to the people. We DO need health care reform, that's a given; but not this particular program. And I want to see Congress lose their current plan and have no option but their own ill conceived bill. That would get changes faster than anything else.

As I understand it, the health care reform bill was not passed by a majority vote. It did not have enough support to obtain a majority vote so the administration changed it to some sort of budget item so it could get the neccesary votes to pass, the number of which it needed to pass being lower.

You echo something I've said many times over. If the people pushing this bill had to live according to it, it would have died fast and silently. But they have their federally-supplied GEHA insurance and they will be unaffected.

I know you're not going to believe this, Colbalt, but we actually agree on something! This is probably a first and I'm just tickled! :blink:

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You promise me huh? While I agree with you that we have not seen nothing yet, I dont agree with you concerning this.

So far I've been batting 100% on my predictions made before the election about his behavior. He has, in fact, moved much faster than I thought he would. He has accomplished in 2 years what it took the National Socialists 6 years to do. That is a juggernaut that is changing the new reality daily.

If you can show me where I've been wrong, you might have a case...but you can't. He is the socialist I predicted and worse. He is the enemy of Israel I predicted and worse. He is that anti-christian/pro-abortion/homosexual agenda/totalitarian dictator I have predicted and worse.

I have praised him for his apparent devotion to his wife and daughters...but honestly...sometimes I have to wonder if it isn't part of the deception.

I tell you this over and over, your eyes are too focused on this man. Brother, you are sinking thinking you are swimming. You wont agree with me, and I dont expect you to. What I do ask is that you ask our Lord why you have such an infatuation with this fella. If there is anything negative to say concerning him you are right on board. But then maybe you just feel you are doing the right thing. In any case could you give some specific instances instead of some generalized statement thats mostly based on your feelings about the man. I think I can walk with you a little more closely that way.

Your attempts to psychoanalyze me are faulty because you are starting with a faulty premise. I'm not infatuated with Obama. If there was anything positive to say about him, I would (and do if it happens).

This has NOTHING to do with "feelings" and everything to do with facts and history.

Can you name 3 positive things he has done in his entire life?. I can name a few dozens things he has done already that will destroy this country. If you disagree, then let us see that list of "good" things.

Can you give me a list of 10 people who have redeeming qualities about them that he would consider a close friend? I can name more than a few dozen people he has considered friends that are wicked but can't come up with even 3 who are "good". If you disagree, then please....show us that list.

Is there anything he has done so far that he was honest about? I can't think of even one, except his promise to "protect" abortions.

There are dozens (if not hundreds) of things about Obama which would have knocked any other candidate out of the primaries because he is so anti-American and runs a corrupt machine. America is in danger like never before because Obama has a willing lapdog media turning America's attention elsewhere, and people who think this is just politics as usual. At least 1/3 of the country is wishing they had heard what I've been saying since long before the election.

We are facing an existential threat from the inside. SOMEONE has to warn the masses. You want to be silent? That's your choice.

I won't apologize for sounding the alarm and I won't stop until danger has passed by. IMO, it's too late already but one can pray for "hope" and "change"

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Brother, I am not psychoanalyzing you, I just see the trend.

The trend is found in Obama's consistent choice of evil over good. He has been quite predictable since I started investigating his background and who he surrounds himself with.

Since I'm only pointing that out, yes, it is a trend. And another consistent trend are those who ridicule the messenger or attempt to discredit the source of a report without investigating it's veracity.

I notice you didn't take any of the challenges I offered to make your case, so I presume that you can't. Your "feelings" about what I say are all that you've really offered.

If you want to imply that I'm a kook with an axe to grind, it would be helpful to show some evidence. Accusations don't count as evidence.

And I also realize how fantastic some of the things I say must sound. That doesn't make them untrue. It only makes it more dangerous.

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Obama attempting to cut the military's pay for one, Obama prosecuting those navy seals...those are two nonopinionated examples,

And when it was explained to me that "government" meant "military" (and not civil government) in the report I'd heard on the radio, I was the first person to admit being wrong and let that statement stand for a week before taking the thread down.

I'm only interested in the truth, believe it or not.

Also, was there anything that you didnt agree with with Bush, or was everything A-Okay.

I didn't agree with Bush on almost anything except the biggest issue of our time...standing up to terrorists. Even at that, I disagreed with his methods but there was enough of a track record with him as my Governor to trust that he was going to make an informed decision.

Not so with "O"

His track record tells me that he will always choose the most corrupt path available. He works for the UN, not the US.

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I notice you didn't take any of the challenges I offered to make your case, so I presume that you can't.

Well actually, I dont care too. What point would it prove? Would it change your mind concerning him? Should I change your mind concerning him? Even if it would, it would be a waste of time for me to do such a thing. I already waste enough time in my own escapades.

So you don't care to find out who Obama is but you want to criticize me because I have?

No, it wouldn't change my mind because I have done the research and know what you would find if you were to try.

But I really wish you would try because it would change your mind about the who the real problem is.

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