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Converting from atheism to agnosticism


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You've only to look into a mirror to know that God exists.

I know I am very good looking :laugh: , but I doubt that would be enough to prove God's existence.

Something You Know

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Romans 1:20

But Ain't Telling

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9-10

Will Kill

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36

A Fellow



For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

And Be Blessed Beloved

Love, Joe

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You've only to look into a mirror to know that God exists.

I know I am very good looking :laugh: , but I doubt that would be enough to prove God's existence.

no but adding years till old that mirror will scream end of road and what is next..... :emot-questioned:

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You've only to look into a mirror to know that God exists.

I know I am very good looking :laugh: , but I doubt that would be enough to prove God's existence.

And humble too. :whistling:

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I don't think one can point to any fact and say, 'Look! God does not exist!' Any such claim would meet with so many obstacles it would prove unworthy as a proof; however, the opposite is also an impossible task. No single detail that we can substantiate points to evidence of God. So we are left with having to admit we are stuck. Either, for other reasons, we come down on the side of belief or non-belief.

I think a lot depends on how you define God. The more you define God, the more qualities you ascribe to him, the more likely that you could find some fact which would prove that that particular God must not exist. If, to take an absurd example, I say that the God I believe in would never create animals with feathers and you point me to a swan, then this is pretty good evidence to suggest that my version of God does not exist.

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I don't think one can point to any fact and say, 'Look! God does not exist!' Any such claim would meet with so many obstacles it would prove unworthy as a proof; however, the opposite is also an impossible task. No single detail that we can substantiate points to evidence of God. So we are left with having to admit we are stuck. Either, for other reasons, we come down on the side of belief or non-belief.

I think a lot depends on how you define God. The more you define God, the more qualities you ascribe to him, the more likely that you could find some fact which would prove that that particular God must not exist. If, to take an absurd example, I say that the God I believe in would never create animals with feathers and you point me to a swan, then this is pretty good evidence to suggest that my version of God does not exist.

:cool: There are no "versions" of God to the true believer. Just God, alpha and omega.

The more you define God, the more qualities you ascribe to him

Again, as a true believer one does not "ascribe" qualities to God. In doing so you are making yourself an equal.

Can't be done.

One cannot put God in a box, and ascribing any quality to Him does just that.

He is "I Am", we are "I am not"

Simple really......

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This is a good point. And this is what I am seeking.

The less attributes we set on God the likeliest it is that He exists. I am seeking for a common denominator that represents

all humanity, not only Christians, Muslims, etc. Maybe God is just the perfect mathematician or the perfect logician. Maybe he is

the sum of all the natural laws. A particular denomination is for me too restrictive to represent the needs of all humanity.

The danger with this, at least from some perspectives, is that the more you

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I don't think one can point to any fact and say, 'Look! God does not exist!' Any such claim would meet with so many obstacles it would prove unworthy as a proof; however, the opposite is also an impossible task. No single detail that we can substantiate points to evidence of God. So we are left with having to admit we are stuck. Either, for other reasons, we come down on the side of belief or non-belief.

I think a lot depends on how you define God. The more you define God, the more qualities you ascribe to him, the more likely that you could find some fact which would prove that that particular God must not exist. If, to take an absurd example, I say that the God I believe in would never create animals with feathers and you point me to a swan, then this is pretty good evidence to suggest that my version of God does not exist.

:cool: There are no "versions" of God to the true believer. Just God, alpha and omega.

The more you define God, the more qualities you ascribe to him

Again, as a true believer one does not "ascribe" qualities to God. In doing so you are making yourself an equal.

Can't be done.

One cannot put God in a box, and ascribing any quality to Him does just that.

He is "I Am", we are "I am not"

Simple really......


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I don't think one can point to any fact and say, 'Look! God does not exist!' Any such claim would meet with so many obstacles it would prove unworthy as a proof; however, the opposite is also an impossible task. No single detail that we can substantiate points to evidence of God. So we are left with having to admit we are stuck. Either, for other reasons, we come down on the side of belief or non-belief.

I think a lot depends on how you define God. The more you define God, the more qualities you ascribe to him, the more likely that you could find some fact which would prove that that particular God must not exist. If, to take an absurd example, I say that the God I believe in would never create animals with feathers and you point me to a swan, then this is pretty good evidence to suggest that my version of God does not exist.

:cool: There are no "versions" of God to the true believer. Just God, alpha and omega.

The more you define God, the more qualities you ascribe to him

Again, as a true believer one does not "ascribe" qualities to God. In doing so you are making yourself an equal.

Can't be done.

One cannot put God in a box, and ascribing any quality to Him does just that.

He is "I Am", we are "I am not"

Simple really......


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The thing is, I am not impartial. I am pretty much convinced that it is well nigh impossible to prove or disprove God, and thought for that reason I was an agnostic, but I am also persuaded that there is no reason to believe in God.

Marsh do you think if you were born at the time of Christ and saw the miracles you would have believed?

I ask everyone, who will venture an explanation, what persuades them, but no one has a concrete reason I can latch onto. Some feel a direct connection to God – I have never experienced that.

The reason you have not experienced God presence within is because He is not there! You demand God to enter you through your filters of reason and they are filled with sins and lies and He is without sin and is only of the truth... where is there place for Him in your being?

Many have a strong gut feeling, but I have not had that either. What's left? If there is a God, I want to know, but I can't force myself to believe without reason.
The Lord has said

Isa 1:18-20

18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow;

Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;

20 But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword"; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.


here is the reasoningl... you were born in sins handed down from your genetic makeup. This equates to selfish, self centered living where one will sacrifice another before self! Where ones pleasure is more important than the well being of another! This has escalated to the point where the world is in vast trouble- pollution, destruction of children (pornography, abortion, lacking mother or father or both) murder, rape, hunger and starvation when there is still plenty etc. So if you hold to science of evolution and things evolve to higher states how then do these things promote improvement? Your faith in the lie is the strength of my faith in the truth for my Lord promises me that His dwelling outside of the reaches of sin ( that being anywhere now I can attain to through corporeal evaluation) will be my ending up. You say, with the distortion of sin soaked being, that is make believe, I say in all the world there is not a better hope than this and by assigning my being to this hope God entered me Spiritually and for the first time in my understanding I realized just how bad sin was and I repented of my entire being and the miracle was performed I became a new creature able to communicate with the God who made me and I understand that He is truth and His Word is the light in which to walk by in this dark place... There is no other pathway to come to The Father except through the Son "Christ Jesus"... all you have to do is to cry out in your 50% and say save me Lord and He will reduce you to 0% worth and repentance for who and what you are will be as natural as anything you have ever done in your life! You shall be born as my Sister in Christ which I would gladly sacrifice myself for you as all else in my family because He, Christ is in me, and that is what He did and does in each one of us who believe...

as I write these words my family reading this will agree to the truth of this in themselves for we are all connected by the Holy Spirit of God within us and we know (Spiritually) the reality of this place and its doom. It is why we write and try to persuade you with the truth of God for we also would die in order for you to believe for hell is not our desire for any of God's ...

Ezek 33:11a

11 Say to them: 'As I live,' says the Lord God, 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways!


God simply asks us to love one another with the love He provides Spiritually, but if you have not emptied yourself by crying out in child like response to the hope that is only found in Christ, Marsh you will perish in eternal suffering where God is not nor will ever be for all eternity!!!

I guess I am in the range of a 6. I have been at this a long time, and the longer I go without a concrete reason the more skeptical I become.
Even in the world of lies the truth cannot be hidden for by your testimony God has warned of the same thing

Heb 3:13-14

13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,


This truth fills hell "sin and its presence hardens hearts" and the children of God cry out Lord save them and The Lord says I have given My only Son who is the living Word of my written representation, I have given them My children come from Him, they are now without excuse....

Marsh ask yourself why I beg you to turn from all you know to all that you don't? It is because light and darkness cannot ever be together! By your own witness you have not God in you which is Light so you are filled with the absence of Light which is darkness and in that darkness you are demanding to have the light? Do you see the impossible nature of your request? It is the reason for faith it is the filter of God which no sin may pass through and only that which is of Him Spiritually may enter through... it is here the call of God goes out

Rom 8:14-17

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,


This is who you cannot hear because He is not in you.... May God the Father draw you to the reality of His Son loved one!!!!!!!!!

Love Steven

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The thing is, I am not impartial. I am pretty much convinced that it is well nigh impossible to prove or disprove God, and thought for that reason I was an agnostic, but I am also persuaded that there is no reason to believe in God. I ask everyone, who will venture an explanation, what persuades them, but no one has a concrete reason I can latch onto. Some feel a direct connection to God

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