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Is God Still Giving Man Revelation Today?


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Is God Still Giving Men

Revelation Today?

by Cooper Abrams

             First what is revelation? Revelation is according to the Bible God communicating Himself and His plan for man. There are to types of revelation: Special and General. General revelation applies to the knowledge of God that comes from looking at nature and the universe. We can see God's handiwork in the universe and thus know that it was created by design. "The heavens declare the glory of God," (Psa. 19:1) Rom 1:20, says that all (men) can see it and are therefore without excuse as to the existence of God.

             Special revelation is God speaking directly to man, and that revelation being written under the "inspiration" of God, the Holy Spirit. (2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Pet. 1:21) Special revelation is God's specific information and instructions to man.

             The question is did God stop giving Special revelation and if so when? Biblical Christians believe that God completed the progress of revelation with the writing of the Book of Revelation. They conclude that in the 66 Books of the Bible, God has said everything to man He desired to say and God's revelation to man was completed by 95 A.D. when the Apostle John finished the Book of Revelation.

             Further the Biblical Christian believes that God is not speaking or giving new revelation today. He is however, illuminating His written and preserved Word for believers. Illuminating means that God is giving understanding of the principles of the Bible and these principles are totally sufficient to guide men in all matters of life and in any decisions that believers need to make. Thus there is no need of further revelation because the Bible as 2 Tim. 3:16 says, is "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." It is vital to understand that because we have the written revelation of God, the Bible, we do not need current revelation. The revelation God has given is totally adequate to instruct us in the things of God today. Not having God giving modern revelation in no way means we are lacking anything from God. The Bible as will be seen is absolutely completely and covers any subject or circumstance a man might encounter addressing matters directly or through guiding principles.

I. The Canonization of the Bible Speaks Against God Giving New Revelation.

             One of the strongest evidences against God giving new revelation today is that the Bible was canonized by the early churches. The completeness of the Scriptures was recognized by the early Christians in the sixty six Books of the Old and New Testament. All other "supposed" scripture has been universally rejected as being the Word God.

             The word "canon" is a derivative of the Greek word, "kanon" and the Hebrew word, "kaneh" and refers to a "reed" or measuring rod or ruler. It is used in Christianity to a means of measuring the authenticity of Word of God, the Bible. The process of determining the "canon" of Scripture was the process of ascertaining which books that men purported to be God's revelation were indeed God's revelation.

             Many books that are not found in the canon of Scripture (the 66 Books of the Old and New Testament) were alleged to from God. Of such books were the Apocryphal and pseudepigraphal books and the so-called "lost books." The process of canonization was the procedure by which the churches discovered by examination which books were indeed given by inspiration of God and which were counterfeit. It was not the churches that determined which books were authentic, but the churches discovered what books God had given by inspiration through the process of careful and scholarly examining of the text of each of these works.

             There are several standards that a book must have to be concerned as inspired of God and thus included in the canon. These standards are based on the very nature of God Himself in that He could not lie and thus any thing written under the inspiration of God would not be contradictory. The rules used to examine a supposed book of the Bible was as follows:

1. It must be written by a prophet or one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. No books written after the last Apostles died are included in the canon. The criteria for determining a true prophet is found in Deut. 18:20-22, and 13:1-3.

(1) He must claim to speak what God has revealed to him.

(2) The true Old Testament prophet of God must predict the future and it come to past exactly as prophesied.

(3) His message must be in accord or harmony with the reveled word and will of God. If the message contradicts Scripture even if accompanied with miracles he is to be rejected.

(4) He must lead people toward God, not away from Him.

In regard to the New Testament, a writer of Scripture must be an Apostle, being a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, or one who worked closely with Jesus or an Apostle such as James, Mark and Luke.

2. It must be authoritative, meaning must claim to be revelation from God such as "thus saith the Lord." The book must show evidence of being inspired by the Holy Spirit.

3. It must be authentic, meaning written by the person who claimed to the author.

4. It must be widely or universally recognized and accepted as the Word of God. The early Christians accepted certain books as Scripture without question. They had first hand knowledge of their authenticity. Later those who were taught by the Apostles also attested to the genuineness of certain books.

5. It had life-transforming power. The Word of God when believed will without exception transform the life of the believer. That transformation will be supernatural in nature and be directed toward living by the principles found in the God's Word.

6. Does the book give evidence of inspiration. In simple terms was what it says in agreement with the other books of the Bible. If within the book where are found contradictions or inconsistencies with other parts of God's Word then it is to be rejected because God is the God of order and truth and cannot contradict Himself. The book must be accurate.

             Most Bible scholars believe that the canon of the New Testament was complete by 100 A.D. That means that those who had first hand knowledge and were eye witnesses were those who recognized the canon of the twenty seven books of the New Testament. It was 200 years later that the twenty seven books of the New Testament were recognized by all as the canon. The main reason was that during that time new books were offered as Scripture, but in the end the early recognition of the twenty seven books was confirmed and the spurious books were rejected.

             Can modern "scriptures" compare with the Bible? The Koran, the Book of Mormon, and a host of other so called "scriptures" have been presented as being later revelation from God. However, when these books are subjected to the even the simplest of tests they are found to be instead the product of man's imaginations, philosophy and false wisdom. None of the other false scriptures even come close to presenting God as does God Himself in His inspired Word. It is the text of each of these false "scriptures" that show them to be erroneous.

             For example, Joseph Smith, the founder and author of of the Mormon scriptures (Doctrine and Covenants), presents God as being an exalted man who earned the right to godhood by doing good works. This completely is counter to everything that the Bible says about person, nature and character of God. Further, there are unreconcilable contradictions between Mormon scriptures, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price clearly establishing its human authorship. The LDS Scriptures do not compare to the Bible on any level and are proven to be historically, culturally and doctrinally in gross error with known history, archaeology, and science, therefore it is shown not be be from God. In contrast the Bible is proven to be historically, culturally and doctrinally accurate in its statements proving it to be the Word of God.

             None of the "later" so-called scriptures can meet even one of the standards on which the canon of the Bible was established. This is an extremely powerful argument that God is not giving new revelation today.

II. The Statements Against Adding or Taking Away from the Bible Speaks Against God Giving New Revelation.

Another strong reasoning for rejecting modern day revelation from God is taken from His very Word, the Bible.

Note the following Bible passages that warn about adding or taking away from the Scriptures:

Deut. 4:2, "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."

Deut. 12:32, "What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it."

Prov. 30:6, " Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar."

             Rev. 22:18-19, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book."

             When the canon of Scripture from God was complete God had said all He needed to say to man. This was true throughout the process of revelation. When Moses finished the Pentateuch under the inspiration of God there was no need of further revelation at that time. They had the Law and God's instruction to live their lives by. As time went on God through the other prophets revealed more and more truth about Himself and His plan for the World.

             This process of revelation continued until the whole of God's plan was completely revealed with the completion of the Book of Revelation. Some would try to limit the warning of not adding or taking away from the Scriptures to just that of the Book of Revelation. However, its place as the last Book of the Bible and its revealing of what was past, present and future makes this limitation implausible (Rev. 1:19). God not only revealed the truth of John's day in the Book of Revelation, but in 18 of its 22 Chapters reveals what the future will hold until the end of this age and to eternity future.

III. The Completeness of the Bible Speaks Against God Giving New Revelation.

             Another evidence for the completion of God's revelation is that the Bible is totally sufficient for all man's needs today. There is no need of any further revelation from God. There is not one situation where man needs direction from God that cannot be found in the revealed principles of the Bible.

IV. The Source of Modern Revelation speaks against it being from God.

             Another evidence against accepting modern day revelation is the source of such purported revelation. In every case the man, group or denomination that supports accepting new revelation is in gross doctrinal error or a cult. No true Bible believing churches are offering any new revelation, but are diligently and faithfully preaching what God has revealed in His word. One recognizable trait of a false church is its acceptance of modern day revelation. In every case the new revelation leads men away from God's truth and away from God. If new revelation is not from God the where does it come from? It can come from delusional and deceived men, but ultimately and clearly modern revelation does have a supernatural origin. But that origin is not God, but the father of all lies, Satan himself. Those who follow the modern revelation will not be following God, but serving the Devil. In Deut. 32:16-17, it records how Israel rebelled against God and worshiped false gods. Verse 17, says their offerings were sacrificed to devils and not to God. False revelation is false religion and false religion is of the Devil and not God. 1 Cor. 10:20-21, says, "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."

             Thus for these reasons all true Bible believing individuals and churches unequivocally reject that God is giving men today new revelation.

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I personally believe that God has said all to man in the 66 books of the Bible. He uses the Bible to talk to mankind and give him instructions and direction. As for as God giving special revelation anymore I dont believe so. The Bible tells mankind all God wants us to know and there is no need for more. Why would God give more revelation when we cant understand all He has given to us now?


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Now I will give a big "AMEN!"

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Hmm, can God give anymore Revelation these days if He wants, too, my answer is "Yes."

God always told someboby in the Bible before He was going to do something. I am not saying that adding to the Bible is right, but I am saying that sometimes because of something happening, that God is warning us, [this can be called a revelation too] or when God talks to a believer through the Bible or a radio program or other believers.

About a couple of days ago when I couldn't sleep I listened to the Chr. radio and there was a program about that God is looking for interssors for people who will fill the gap.

I believe this can also be called a Revelations.I strongly believe the Lord wanted me to hear that and act upon it.

Do we pray enough?

Your sister in the Lord, Angels

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Out of curiosity what is the definition of REVELATION?

By revelation are you implying no more written words of God? or no more revelation given by God to man?

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angels4u, can you give some scripture to substantiate your first sentance?  I'm talking some New Test. verses. Where there wiil be to come some new revelation, not communication. I believe God speaks through His Spirit but as always it must be in line with His written Word.

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concerning the cannon of scripture...

i fail too see who gave a group of

1500 year old catholic/roman leaders the god-given athourity to determine for me, what books (doctrine) would be voted out of the "complete" bible.

how come god would only directly reveal himself to a group of people 2000 years ago, who we cannot relate to because of cultural and social differences. why wouldnt god communicate to all directly without a inbetween entity, like the jewish high priest, the pope, and the bible. if god is omni present why confine his revalations to a single book? would it be cool if god used more to comunicate revalation and spiritual growth.

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I think revelation would mean a doctrinal knowledge. Something to be taught throughout time. Or some knowledge that only would be known to you if it were given by God.

Communication from God would be different. He still communicates by the Spirit.  Although that must be in line with the written Word.

As far as the Canon of scripture, I think that God didn't just leave control of His Word to human hands. It follows logic that He would make sure we have His pure Word for by it comes faith. This can be scripturally concurred. He has always been in control of His written Word and how it is revealed to us.

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Guest TacoForGod

Personaly I think everytime someone gets saved God has just given them a "revelation". Every time God gives someone a conviction he has given them a revelation. It's my belief that aslong as God still reveals himself to lost humanity he will continue to give revelation.

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  What was meant by revelation was prophesy outside of the Bible. I assume that Mr. Abrams was on the same page as myself and meant to include modern day prophets claiming new revelations (prophesies) directly from God. My defense of the last statement is that the Bible is prophetically complete all the way until eternity in heaven.

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