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Do miracles still happen?


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Let me start off by saying that I am not sure that this is the right area for this discussion, so if it is not, the mods should please move to to the appropriate area.

I don't get on here much anymore, but I wanted the opinion of others on here. My question is do miracles still happen? Anyone with even a basic understanding of scripture knows that there are many accounts of miracles in scripture. That said, I don't know that the accounts of miracles in scripture show that God commonly intervened in the lives of people back then, and to be honest, I don't see where he does very much at all today. I know people will commonly attribute surviving a harrowing experience to an intervening God, but it could also be that just by chance you happened to survive it. For example, when someone gets cancer they probably will do a lot of praying to be healed, all of their friends and families will pray for them to be healed, and their church (if not other churches as well) will pray for them to be healed. So then, if they do survive cancer, especially if it was stage 4 cancer, they will attribute that to God intervening and healing them. The question I have, if that were the case, then what about those that prayed just as they did, yet were not healed. I mean to look at God that way, it almost seems as though its like saying that God is above us saying "you are going to die a horrible, miserable death, but if you beg and plead with me enough, I might change my mind".

The reason why I got to thinking about all of this is that my mother died a week ago from a rare form of uterine / ovarian cancer. She was just 56 years old, had always been active, never smoked, ate right and so on. When she was diagnosed last summer we just thought it was in the very early stages and everyone (including me) told her that she seemed perfectly healthy, it had to be very early on with the cancer, and that it would be ok. She went in for surgery in July and they found out that it was stage 4b. Just the same, she was still seemingly quite strong and healthy, and everyone told her that they were praying for her, and that they knew that she could beat it. She of course was praying as well. I think just about everyone in her town was praying for her as she was extremely well liked and helped a lot of people there over the years. Just a week after surgery, despite everyone praying for her, her house burned to the ground (electrical fire). Two weeks later she started chemo (the strongest chemo available / worst side effects), and though she got extremely sick after each treatment, she continued to work (self employed doing estate sales and had an antiques and vintage clothing store), and continued to pray along with everyone else. She was extremely sick after her 5th chemo treatment, and just after thanksgiving she went back to the hospital to find out that her chemo did not work, and the cancer had spread to her liver, stomach, bowels and lungs. She wanted to make it to Christmas, yet unfortunately died at home just 2 weeks later. Despite everyone praying for her, she spent the last few weeks of her life in extreme pain, throwing up dozens of times a day, and like most people that die of ovarian cancer, she slowly starved to death. It was about as horrible of a death as you can imagine.

She donated her body to cancer research, so we had a memorial service for her rather than a funeral. At the memorial service many people spoke about what she had done for them, how accepting she was of everyone, how she would help anyone willing to work no matter how down they were (homeless, addicted to drugs, and so on), and how much she would be missed. What struck me, and what got me thinking about the topic of this thread, was that her best friend said that when she went into the hospital the last time, before she found out what the prognosis was they said a prayer over her. Instead of praying to be healed, my mom had prayed that no matter what happened, she wanted the Lord to give her the strength to accept it. That really struck me, because despite all the suffering at the end of her life, she was not bitter, angry, or even that depressed. She had simply accepted that at just 56 years old, she was dying, and dying a horrible death at that.

So really what my question is, does God really intervene that much in our lives. Otherwise, should we be praying for wealth, health, all the things we want (even good parking spaces), or are these kinds of divine interventions actually quite rare, and thus what we really should be praying for is guidance, perseverance, strength, and acceptance?

Thoughts? I am not really meaning this thread to be a debate, but rather just to hear what others think.

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What a testimony to God's grace your mother was and still is to those she came into contact. It seems your mom understood that it is not our will even through earnst and sincere prayer, it is His will not ours that takes place when we put our trust in Him. Its hard to understand the whys of everything, I still have no answers to many questions but I have faith that one day they all will be answered. The example your mom set and the one that made the most impact on her friend of many years was your moms caring heart, a heart to pray to serve not only those who know Him already but also those who yet to have put their faith in Him.

I do think miracles happen perhaps not water turning into wine but I know of so many small little ones, cars not running out of gas inspite of the gauge saying empty for an hour, lumps in breast that disappear after laying of hands and congregational prayer. We can expect God to heal us, we can also accept that the answer is sometimes a resounding no. That doesn't make it any harder to accept His will at times like these.



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I firmly believe that God does as He pleases in heaven and on earth. On an individual level, the key is God's Perfect Will for us, and this is what Christians should be ready to accept most willingly. I think that we concentrate on the here and now far too often and forget that God thinks about Eternity. I also firmly believe:

Romans 8:24-28 For in hope were we saved: but hope that is seen is not hope: for who hopeth for that which he seeth? 25 But if we hope for that which we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. 26 And in like manner the Spirit also helpeth our infirmity: for we know not how to pray as we ought; but the Spirit himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered; 27 and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. 28 And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose.

Isaiah 55:6-11 KJV Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

I give thanks for the testimony your mother gave. You and your family will be in my prayers.

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God is our healer. He says He heals all our diseases. We have the promise of healing within us as believers in Jesus Christ. The trouble with many Christians is that they do not realize that they can appropriate healing that is already ours at salvation. This is why many Christians die prematurely. If they had the knowledge about how we have healing in the atonement, then their faith would kick into gear and healing would be achieved---much of it without others having to pray for them.

I have witnessed God's healing many times. For one, my good friend had a serious brain tumour until she claimed her healing, had a pastor lay hands on her and the church prayed over her. It disappeared.

Psalm 103:3

He is the one who forgives all your sins,

the one who heals all your diseases,

Yes, miracles happen every day.

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Let me start off by saying that I am not sure that this is the right area for this discussion, so if it is not, the mods should please move to to the appropriate area.

I don't get on here much anymore, but I wanted the opinion of others on here. My question is do miracles still happen? Anyone with even a basic understanding of scripture knows that there are many accounts of miracles in scripture. That said, I don't know that the accounts of miracles in scripture show that God commonly intervened in the lives of people back then, and to be honest, I don't see where he does very much at all today. I know people will commonly attribute surviving a harrowing experience to an intervening God, but it could also be that just by chance you happened to survive it. For example, when someone gets cancer they probably will do a lot of praying to be healed, all of their friends and families will pray for them to be healed, and their church (if not other churches as well) will pray for them to be healed. So then, if they do survive cancer, especially if it was stage 4 cancer, they will attribute that to God intervening and healing them. The question I have, if that were the case, then what about those that prayed just as they did, yet were not healed. I mean to look at God that way, it almost seems as though its like saying that God is above us saying "you are going to die a horrible, miserable death, but if you beg and plead with me enough, I might change my mind".

Read Luke 18:1-8 which is the tale of the widow who asked the judge to avenge her; only her persistence gained her request.

Our church has received many requests of all sorts from many people and many of them have also testified that when they go back to their doctor, they no longer have whatever it was they began with. Only God can make this kind of change in a person.

The reason why I got to thinking about all of this is that my mother died a week ago from a rare form of uterine / ovarian cancer. She was just 56 years old, had always been active, never smoked, ate right and so on. When she was diagnosed last summer we just thought it was in the very early stages and everyone (including me) told her that she seemed perfectly healthy, it had to be very early on with the cancer, and that it would be ok. She went in for surgery in July and they found out that it was stage 4b. Just the same, she was still seemingly quite strong and healthy, and everyone told her that they were praying for her, and that they knew that she could beat it. She of course was praying as well. I think just about everyone in her town was praying for her as she was extremely well liked and helped a lot of people there over the years. Just a week after surgery, despite everyone praying for her, her house burned to the ground (electrical fire). Two weeks later she started chemo (the strongest chemo available / worst side effects), and though she got extremely sick after each treatment, she continued to work (self employed doing estate sales and had an antiques and vintage clothing store), and continued to pray along with everyone else. She was extremely sick after her 5th chemo treatment, and just after thanksgiving she went back to the hospital to find out that her chemo did not work, and the cancer had spread to her liver, stomach, bowels and lungs. She wanted to make it to Christmas, yet unfortunately died at home just 2 weeks later. Despite everyone praying for her, she spent the last few weeks of her life in extreme pain, throwing up dozens of times a day, and like most people that die of ovarian cancer, she slowly starved to death. It was about as horrible of a death as you can imagine.

We are told that crowns are given for certain things, and the crown for not complaining may well be one your mom will receive.

James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

Other crowns: http://www.so4j.com/five-crowns-rewards-in-heaven.php

Your mom was not only suffering physically, she must have suffered from the loss of her home as well. Yet you say she did not complain. That is a wonderful testimony in my book.

She donated her body to cancer research, so we had a memorial service for her rather than a funeral. At the memorial service many people spoke about what she had done for them, how accepting she was of everyone, how she would help anyone willing to work no matter how down they were (homeless, addicted to drugs, and so on), and how much she would be missed. What struck me, and what got me thinking about the topic of this thread, was that her best friend said that when she went into the hospital the last time, before she found out what the prognosis was they said a prayer over her. Instead of praying to be healed, my mom had prayed that no matter what happened, she wanted the Lord to give her the strength to accept it. That really struck me, because despite all the suffering at the end of her life, she was not bitter, angry, or even that depressed. She had simply accepted that at just 56 years old, she was dying, and dying a horrible death at that.

So really what my question is, does God really intervene that much in our lives. Otherwise, should we be praying for wealth, health, all the things we want (even good parking spaces), or are these kinds of divine interventions actually quite rare, and thus what we really should be praying for is guidance, perseverance, strength, and acceptance?

'and thus what we really should be praying for is guidance, perseverance, strength, and acceptance? ' Yes, I think this is what we should do. Fortunately for us, God, in His infinite wisdom, has ignored many of my prayers and given me His will instead.

Thoughts? I am not really meaning this thread to be a debate, but rather just to hear what others think.

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Psalm 104:29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.

These two verses tell us that God breathes the breath of life into us and then at His appointed time, He takes away that breath.

I believe that He gives each of us a number of days and at the appointed time, He calls us home to be with Him.

I regret your loss. I well remember the hurt at losing my mom. I pray that God will surround you with His Holy Spirit and comfort your hurting soul, and

heal you through His grace and mercy.

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I'm so sorry to hear how your mother suffered. I wish I could offer you some first-hand wisdom/experience to help you understand why God allows people to suffer, but the truth is that I have been asking God, and myself, exactly the same questions you posed: Is God involved in our lives, and will He perform a miracle to answer our prayers?

All my background and studying of His Word tell me that He IS involved, and that He encourages us to ask, seek, knock, and He will hear. But my own experience has not proven that.

When my 13-year-old son was critically injured in a car accident, I prayed like I had never prayed before, and yet he died. Not too long after that, my husband and I ended up getting a divorce. I lost the house my children had grown up in, and even with working 2 jobs I can barely afford the home we have now. I have prayed and believed with all my heart that God is going to do a miracle, and turn around this down-ward spiral I feel that my family is in.

I am still hoping, still praying, still believing. What else can I do?

I do agree that God comforts and strengthens us THROUGH our trials, but His ways are not our ways, and we won't know the full impact of His allowing certain things in our lives or intervening through prayer, until we see Him face to face.

He is sovereign, He loves us enough to die for us, and He wants us to trust in Him, to seek His face and not only His hand.

I pray that God will bless you, comfort you, strengthen and guide you.

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Dear Brother

Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ancle bones received strength.

And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

And all the people saw him walking and praising God: Acts 3:6-9

I Personally Know Prayers For You And Your Family Have Been Answered

(Did You Think Big Old China Really Stood A Chance ~ lol)

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12





.... My question is do miracles still happen? Anyone with even a basic understanding of scripture knows that there are many accounts of miracles in scripture. That said, I don't know that the accounts of miracles in scripture show that God commonly intervened in the lives of people back then, and to be honest, I don't see where he does very much at all today....

Beloved, God Is The Same Today

Pemba, Mozambique

It is late Saturday night, and again we are meeting in the moonlight among the poor in a far corner of Mozambique. A crowd is gathered at the front of our unfinished mud, stick and rock church watching the Jesus film. Children are sitting in the dirt in front of the screen, squeezed in by adults straining to see over each other. This is Pemba, a strongly Moslem town on the northeast coast, but everyone we talk to is hungry for Jesus once they hear about Him. The film goes on and the people are completely absorbed. They have never seen anything like this.

But I am sitting in the dark off to the side under a tree talking with one of our pastors, Antonio Tanuekue, from Nampula to the south. He is telling me about two more resurrections from the dead. A lady from far out of town was taking her malaria-stricken three-year-old girl to the hospital. On the way the girl died. The mother knew Pastor Antonio, and she carried her daughter to his house, which was nearby. For three hours Antonio's wife Florinda rocked this child's cold, dead body in her arms and prayed for her as the mother sobbed. Then the girl's head began to get warm, and Florinda and Antonio began to pray more excitedly. Soon the girl was alive and restored completely. But at first the mother was so afraid she would lose her daughter again that she stayed in the pastor's house for three days.

On another recent occasion a mother lost her one-year-old baby girl to malaria also and brought her to Florinda wrapped in the folds of her African skirt. And again after about three hours of prayer, this child began to warm up and came alive too. I find out that many people come to Pastor Antonio for prayer from all around. They come at any time of day or night, sometimes at three in the morning, and many are healed. Antonio is very understated, like our other pastors, not at all anxious for publicity, and concerned that too much talk will detract from his anointing. But we do want the world to know that our Jesus does raise the dead, that it is not any more difficult for him than healing malaria or any other disease, and that it should not be considered incredible. It is the normal life of God poured out in revival. Such miracles bring wonderful church growth, and greatly increased devotion among the families and friends of those involved.


As He Was Yesterday

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, Luke 4:18

I Just Seriously Doubt Anyone Will Know Of And Believe The Daily Miracles

Unless They First Humble Themselves Before The Mighty Hand Of The LORD

For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another. Isaiah 48:11

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Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. Job 13:15





The reason why I got to thinking about all of this is that my mother died a week ago from a rare form of uterine / ovarian cancer. She was just 56 years old, had always been active, never smoked, ate right and so on. When she was diagnosed last summer we just thought it was in the very early stages and everyone (including me) told her that she seemed perfectly healthy, it had to be very early on with the cancer, and that it would be ok. She went in for surgery in July and they found out that it was stage 4b. Just the same, she was still seemingly quite strong and healthy, and everyone told her that they were praying for her, and that they knew that she could beat it. She of course was praying as well. I think just about everyone in her town was praying for her as she was extremely well liked and helped a lot of people there over the years. Just a week after surgery, despite everyone praying for her, her house burned to the ground (electrical fire). Two weeks later she started chemo (the strongest chemo available / worst side effects), and though she got extremely sick after each treatment, she continued to work (self employed doing estate sales and had an antiques and vintage clothing store), and continued to pray along with everyone else. She was extremely sick after her 5th chemo treatment, and just after thanksgiving she went back to the hospital to find out that her chemo did not work, and the cancer had spread to her liver, stomach, bowels and lungs. She wanted to make it to Christmas, yet unfortunately died at home just 2 weeks later. Despite everyone praying for her, she spent the last few weeks of her life in extreme pain, throwing up dozens of times a day, and like most people that die of ovarian cancer, she slowly starved to death. It was about as horrible of a death as you can imagine....

Beloved I Am In Prayer For You And Yours

Love, Your Brother Joe

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My wife and I have been blessed to see the Lord intervene in many peoples lives. On Saturday we went out to Beaverton to pray over people, and we came across an older lady who had a crooked back, she was bent over and could not stand up straight. We felt moved with compassion for her so we prayed and the Lord straightened out her back, then she started crying and said.. "But I'm a Muslim."

After that, we were blessed to see so many people healed by the Lord that night. My wife went into Old Navy and started talking to two ladies, one had a walker. One of the ladies just lost her husband so she was broken and the Lord empowered my wife to comfort them and after that we prayed over the lady with the walker, her spine was messed up and she had a hip replacement. She actually wasn;t from here, she came to have her back looked at. The Lord made her spine straight and also gave her a new hip. She was able to walk without her walker and started crying praising the Lord. Seeing how the Lord touched them was so moving, no words can discribe it. It was pure glory unto the Lord. This is how my weekends usually are, my wife and I have been going out since September and seeing the Lord move in such powerful ways.

Miracles happen and the Lord moves in the same power He did in the bible today.

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I was miraculously healed of scoliosis, but yet my chronic illnesses are not getting healed.

But I believe in my heart that my chronic illnesses are an extension of the self-hatred struggles I've had since I was a little girl. Until those are overcome, the consequences to my body cannot be healed.

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