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why is prayer so difficult?

existential mabel

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On 11/03/2016 at 7:37 AM, Marilyn C said:

mable - hello Marilyn thanks for taking the time to explain things.
 i am enjoying these posts they help me to put my thoughts from out of my head and onto "paper" thanks`

Hi mable,

I am really enjoying our discussion also, so thank you too for sharing & giving your thoughts, which make me delve deeper into God`s word. Ok now to your questions & thoughts.

  1. Israel in captivity.

    `the people of Israel. i cant help but think they had 400 years in captivity. and so any connection with God was bred out of them.

    why did God choose this fate for Israel? when both Isaac and Jacob were faithful and also Joseph m0re than made up for any spiritual errors.  they had good credit scoring, if you will, with God.

    life as a slave had dulled their mind and hearts. they had gotten "used" to trial and hardship. and stepping out of that was more of a leap of faith. a totally new blueprint.`


    When Joseph`s family came down to Egypt to live with him, they were well respected. All the elders of Pharaoh`s house & all the elders of the land of Egypt went to the burial of Joseph`s father, Jacob. (Gen. 50: 7) God had helped the people of Egypt through Joseph`s wise rulership under Pharaoh.


    Note God is about showing rulers how to govern the people wisely.


    Then when Joseph & his generation died a new king arose who did not know Joseph. He was concerned that the children of Israel were more & mightier than they. Thus he made task masters to rule over them. (Ex. 1: 6 – 14) Thus it is that this next generation had to call on God themselves & not just rely on Joseph`s & Jacob`s good names.


    Note that the midwives realized that God was blessing the Israelites with healthy children & so they didn`t kill them as the king wanted. And thus the midwives were dealt well with by God as He provided for their households. (Ex. 1: 15 – 21)


    Note God is about showing individuals how to live wisely & not killing His people.






Then when Joseph & his generation died a new king arose who did not know Joseph. He was concerned that the children of Israel were more & mightier than they. Thus he made task masters to rule over them. (Ex. 1: 6 – 14) Thus it is that this next generation had to call on God themselves & not just rely on Joseph`s & Jacob`s good names.

hello Marilyn oops got the bit above where i dont want it!

a kinda personal relationship then in a collective way and no middle man to muddy the waters (ah yes before church was invented). it is interesting that the midwives took notice of the fact that the Hebrew women were having healthy children. what was happening at that time for this to be something that weighed on their conscious after all these midwives weren't Hebrew or were they? and the fear of their earthly king did not go ahead and carry out murder of these babies.

question i noticed that the term Hebrew was only used for a specif time frame and not the general descriptor why is this? any ideas?

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7 hours ago, soft fleecy lambsy said:

If you feel depressed or sad, a good scripture to speak to your situation is philippians 4:8' Think on the good things- whatsoever is lovely, true, praiseworthy and of good reportage.' Think on these things and you should start to feel better if u apply this scripture to your life.  If it is not reactive depression and endoginous chemical based depression you should see a Doctor.  But always pray about your symptoms as Jesus is the Great Physician and can heal you. Try fellowshiping with God more and more and let Jesus guide you through reading your Bible.  Fellowshipping with other Christian friends will help give you love and support and wise counsel too and help you share your burden and can heal you.

soft fleecy lambsy n0t heard of endoginous chemical based depression gosh thats a mouthful!. s0 many names for it....fellow shipping with other Christians has been a double edged sword..long story. reading/studying the bible everyday

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On 11/03/2016 at 7:38 AM, Marilyn C said:

Hi mable,

You would make a good journalist. I can see you now putting the mike up close to someone (in the gospels) saying, “Now what do you think of this dude, Jesus? What do you think He is all about?” (etc) More of your questions.

  1. Why did Jesus only have 12 disciples?witnesses & rulership to Israel.

Excellent & perceptive thought especially in relation to the mega organizations of today. 12 is the number of government in Israel. The Lord was imparting to these men His very self. They walked with Him, ate, lived out rough in the hills, saw Him in times of stress, (but He wasn`t stressed), when he was tired, in pain, comforting others, compassionate etc, etc. They saw Him in reality & not just from a distance on a Sunday morning.

Jesus mentored these men & they received of His character. That is how we should be with those around us – a few we walk with. Jesus was not pressured to have an organization run His events, His preaching/teaching, His outreach to others, He was led by the Holy Spirit. God is well able to reveal Himself to anyone anywhere all over the globe as people cry out to Him.

So the 12 disciples were to be a witness of His life, death, resurrection & ascension to Israel. Thus we read regarding the replacement of Judas.

`Therefore, of these men who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in & out among us, beginning from the baptism of John to that day when He was taken up from us, one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection,` (Acts 1: 21 & 22)

Thus when Peter spoke out to the people of Jerusalem he was witnessing to the fact that Jesus was – `both Lord & Christ.` (Acts 2: 36) The disciples then became known as apostles, sent ones of Christ to go to the circumcised, (people of Israel – Gal. 2: 9)

Eventually the 12 disciples/Apostles will be the 12 governmental rulers over the 12 tribes of Israel.

`So Jesus said to them, "Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed me will also sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.` (Matt. 19: 28)





 hello Marilyn

yeah is he the real deal hot potato man!

gosh wasn't he the  miracle not being stressed by the sin of mankind. yes the Sunday morning snap shot Ariel view..he was out there among the ordinary folk as well as the disciples. reality warts n all. something that we all do our best to cover up, well me anyroad.

yes Jesus is the epitome of integrity at work. no airs and graces the real deal and no wonder the leaders couldn't cope with that as it brought into question their system. no overheads headache regarding the church roof needing fixing.

being led by the Holy Spirit and yet the leaders etc couldn't/wouldn't see it for what it was. why was that ? ah yes Peter witnessing...why isn't there more of Peter in the NT? 

why does a complete stranger end up having many gospels written by him...Saul who became Paul is who i am talking about. He wasn't witness to Jesus at all and yes he was well versed in Judaism religion. i do have reservations regarding Paul. this is why i started to read the OT to see if what Paul is saying in the NT is sound. He does say some very interesting things however i cant beyond the fact that he wasn't an original disciple.

so with modern day Israel regarding the 12 Tribes how will this work? i mean man just doesn't get along for the most part.

thanks mabel


Edited by existential mabel
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Hi mabel,

We are really enjoying this discussion, ay. So here are my thoughts to your great questions -

Mabel - what was happening at that time for this to be something that weighed on their conscious after all these midwives weren't Hebrew or were they? and the fear of their earthly king did not go ahead and carry out murder of these babies.

`But the midwives feared God, & did not do as the King of Egypt commanded, but saved the male children alive.` (Ex. 1: 17)

Marilyn - People know there is a supreme being, God, who made all they can see. God has given everyone a conscience, (as you said) & if followed that, they will do the right thing.

Mabel - question i noticed that the term Hebrew was only used for a specific time frame and not the general descriptor why is this? any ideas?

Marilyn - I had to look that up. The word Hebrew is `Ibriy,` meaning an Eberite,  (Eber - son of Shem, son of Noah) or a descendant of Eber. Abram was a descendant of Eber.


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Hi mabel,


mabel - being led by the Holy Spirit and yet the leaders etc couldn't/wouldn't see it for what it was. why was that ? ah yes Peter witnessing...why isn't there more of Peter in the NT? 

Marilyn – Most of the leaders were self seeking wanting position & recognition. Even Jesus pointed that out to the people. (Mark 12: 38 – 40)

`Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the market-places, the best seats in the synagogues, & the best places at feasts, who devour widow`s houses, & for pretence make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.` (Mark 12: 38 – 40)

As to Peter, well that will come clearer as we look into Paul & God`s purpose there. Maybe we can look at Galatians after Mark as that gives some good detail. What do you think?


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Hi mabel,

Mabel - why do good people have to suffer and evil people get off with very little in the way of a long drawn out  painful illness  and even have a good send off

Marilyn – I quite understand as I have gone through similar with my parents who have now both passed on. All I can really say is that appreciate each time with them, as they are just weak humans as us all. (as I know you are doing).They are in their last days on this earth & then pass into glory (if know the Lord) & there they will not have pain. Pain can draw us closer to God as we are so dependant. We give up all our struggle & what is left, is of the Lord & that is who we will be like in glory.

As to `evil` people, well some might not have great pain at the end, but they will have an eternity of pain knowing they could have been changed from their evil self. They will not have a glorious body as we will or have any way of enjoying themselves but eternally `having their own way forever.` Meaning they will be trapped in their own mind without a body or friends to express themselves.   


Edited by Marilyn C
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Hi Mabel, just reading this last bit about Paul, well of the four gospels, Matthew Mark, Luke and John, only Matthew and John were present when Christ Jesus walked the earth with the rest of the 10 other appointed appointed apostles.

Mark and Luke were not among the 12 appointed apostles by Christ Jesus , they were convertewd after the resurrection of Christ Jesus, so they were not eyewitnesses of the events in their gospel, but relied on many of the eyewitnesses and written sources.

According to Acts12:13-16, Mark"s mother Mary had a large house un Jerusalem. Peter apparently went to this home often because the servant girl recognized his voice at the gate Acts 12:13-15 Barnabas was Marks cousin Col 4:10 but Peter may have been the person who led him to Christ. Peter called him Mark my son 1Peter 5:13 It was this close association that lent to apostolic authority to Mark's gospel, since Peter was evidently Mark's primary source of information

Paul traveled a lot with Luke. Luke was a close associate and traveling companion of Paul.

Paul referred to Luke as "the beloved physician" Col 4:14

During Paul's second Roman imprisonment, Paul wrote " Only Luke is with me" 2 Tim 4:11

Paul may not have been present while Christ Jesus was walking on earth but he did appear to Paul personally and quite  enough to change him from hating the Christ Followers and becoming a follower himself.

He was the only one who Christ Jesus showed to the 3rd heaven, where Paul saw things he couldn't even describe to us.

Just like the others Apostle and disciples, God had chosen him for a very specific purpose.


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18 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi mabel,

We are really enjoying this discussion, ay. So here are my thoughts to your great questions -

Mabel - what was happening at that time for this to be something that weighed on their conscious after all these midwives weren't Hebrew or were they? and the fear of their earthly king did not go ahead and carry out murder of these babies.

`But the midwives feared God, & did not do as the King of Egypt commanded, but saved the male children alive.` (Ex. 1: 17)

Marilyn - People know there is a supreme being, God, who made all they can see. God has given everyone a conscience, (as you said) & if followed that, they will do the right thing.

Mabel - question i noticed that the term Hebrew was only used for a specific time frame and not the general descriptor why is this? any ideas?

Marilyn - I had to look that up. The word Hebrew is `Ibriy,` meaning an Eberite,  (Eber - son of Shem, son of Noah) or a descendant of Eber. Abram was a descendant of Eber.


Hello Marilyn and thanks for your replies they are very interesting and helpful.

OK so people will follow their consciousness IMO, if the are strong enough in a tough and dangerous situation. otherwise IMO, people will stick with the collective status Quo to "keep safe" and that is why i highlighted this i guess. the fact that they were not overwhelmed with fear and could do the right thing was brave i reckon. plus they did not know God.

0 now that is interesting reg Hebrew. was just now trying to find the occasions it was used but not successful..

i don't suppose in the NT that Hebrews in anyway connected? just an interesting thought!


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18 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi mabel,


mabel - being led by the Holy Spirit and yet the leaders etc couldn't/wouldn't see it for what it was. why was that ? ah yes Peter witnessing...why isn't there more of Peter in the NT? 

Marilyn – Most of the leaders were self seeking wanting position & recognition. Even Jesus pointed that out to the people. (Mark 12: 38 – 40)

`Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the market-places, the best seats in the synagogues, & the best places at feasts, who devour widow`s houses, & for pretence make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.` (Mark 12: 38 – 40)

As to Peter, well that will come clearer as we look into Paul & God`s purpose there. Maybe we can look at Galatians after Mark as that gives some good detail. What do you think?


hello Marilyn yes i guess i could have found that out! regarding the leaders...some big ego trip then!

yes that would be good to look at Galatians reg Peter once we have done Mark. of  which i am enjoying.


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18 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi mabel,

Mabel - why do good people have to suffer and evil people get off with very little in the way of a long drawn out  painful illness  and even have a good send off

Marilyn – I quite understand as I have gone through similar with my parents who have now both passed on. All I can really say is that appreciate each time with them, as they are just weak humans as us all. (as I know you are doing).They are in their last days on this earth & then pass into glory (if know the Lord) & there they will not have pain. Pain can draw us closer to God as we are so dependant. We give up all our struggle & what is left, is of the Lord & that is who we will be like in glory.

As to `evil` people, well some might not have great pain at the end, but they will have an eternity of pain knowing they could have been changed from their evil self. They will not have a glorious body as we will or have any way of enjoying themselves but eternally `having their own way forever.` Meaning they will be trapped in their own mind without a body or friends to express themselves.   


Hello Marilyn guess i was just having a rant. however i cant believe that God would let a soul perish in hell for eternity (unless you are Catholic) and that he would redeem them at some point. (that might upset some people.) i really get that God has to have heaven as sacred and one bad apple...anyway that is another topic


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