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you all have mental issues.


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nd what about one who is not perfect in either word nor thought nor deed, but who goes around acting as if they are? 
what of that person who has no humility, nor meekness? 

what about the person who does not examine themselves, and is not honest with themselves?
a person who puts on a fake smile in every situation, and always acts as though everything is "fine" and "wonderful" while in their heart they are troubled, what kind of person is that? is that a person who speaks and honors the truth, or is that a person who deceives both themselves and others?

Like clouds and wind without rain is one who boasts of gifts never given.
(Proverbs 25:14)                                                                      posted by post

I don't make lists of "others" issues,I'm accountable for myself & responsible to speak Gods Truth,,,,,,,,,so as far as whoever is neither perfect in word,thought or deed I think that would include anyone that is a human being,,,,,,& how "they" act has nothing to do with the Topic you chose,,,,,,,you are claiming for "everyone" that everyone has mental issues,,,,,,,you can "claim " that if you wish but that is entirely up to you

There is nothing "fake" about a person who stands on the Position of Victory that Christ Jesus has afforded us,,,,,,,,,,to Understand the Authority that is given us in the Mighty & Matchless Name above every other name,,,,,,as Shiloh says,


 will not submit to any decree that you, for some reason, think you are fit to impose on others.   I think it would be best if you just worry about yourself and leave others' relationships with God to be between them and God.                         posted by Shiloh

Declare & Decree what you will,over yourself,,,,,,I DEclare that I was not given a spirit of fear but of a "sound mind",,,,,,,,,That,my friend,is how you "speak" & Honor Gods Truth       We,those indwelled with the Holy Spirit have the Greatest Gift you can ever Receive,,,,,Gods Grace    there is the difference,we Boast for Christ because of what He HAS DONE ,His Finished Work on the Cross,,,,,,,,,,,,by His Stripes,we are HEALED


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12 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

You seem to have a rather unhealthy obsession with diagnosing other people's problems. 

. . . he says, diagnosing post's "problems" and insinuating that post has a mental issue of his own. 

you really don't comprehend what i'm getting at here, do you? 

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13 hours ago, RobertS said:

I think "Post is talking down to everyone" because you seem to be ignoring scripture and assuming because I disagree with you, I must not have read the OP.

i'm asking you if you've read the OP, and not only that but many of my replies, because i have justified all i have said from scripture, but you haven't spoken to any of it -- nor have you spoken to me from scripture. 

yet you think i'm "
ignoring scripture" -- what do you think i'm "ignoring" exactly? 

that "
we have the mind of Christ" ? 

then read the OP. again. i addressed that there. 
and if you have a concern over it -- then speak to the concern, not to what you think "post is doing" personally or to what you conceive of as 'post's mental issues' 

how is it no one is willing to admit that their own thinking can have an"issue" but everyone is willing to agree that their minds are not perfected? 

yet you all say post has a mental issue -- because you say his thinking is not good. :P 

i do find it ironic that so many of you seem to be having a hard time either accepting or comprehending what i'm saying, which is this: 
that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and that that transformation is an ongoing process. therefore not one of us has a perfect mind. Christ has a perfect mind - Christ alone - and we are being conformed to Him. meanwhile, if our minds are being renewed, it means they are not perfected yet - which means that they are imperfect in present state, therefore though we access the mind of Christ by the Spirit, our own minds are not fully conformed to His, just as our own flesh is not fully redeemed, so we ought all to be aware and examine how we think and consider things, and put to death those things in our minds which are conformation to the spirit of the age, in exactly the same way that we put to death in the actions of our flesh those things which are serving the carnal nature.

if this is so offensive to you all, perhaps you all need to reconsider also what connotation you attach to the phrase "
mental issues" and whether you are unfairly looking down your noses on those who you would feel comfortable assigning that description to, since you are so troubled by the very notion that it might apply to yourselves. 

here - -i say it: i have mental issues. just as much as i daily go to war against the powers of the air, in my own flesh crucifying the lust of it, and of the eyes, i crucify also the pride of life, and freely submit myself to the Lord that my mind may be transformed into His likeness. 
if i do not confess to him that there are issues with my own mentality, how then shall He perfect it? 
in my ignorance? 
perhaps so -- but the scripture says that with all my getting, i should get understanding: this is wisdom. y'all are free to reject this and consider your minds perfect and flawless, utterly pure in every idle thought and pattern -- while at the same time denying that same statement, though you think of yourselves with the description.

as for myself, perhaps it is simply my mental issue, but i would consider it to be double-mindedness in myself, or cognitive dissonance, to reject the idea that there is any issue with my mentality, while at the same time rejecting the idea that it has no issue whatsoever. just seems like direct opposites to me, and i can't see how to hold them both at the same time:

my mind has no flaw
my mind is not flawless


you all are right, then, in your constant implications -- post is nuts; he has mental issues. he thinks the Spirit has directed him to remind the brethren that they are not equal to God in their capacity to think, nor in the way that they think -- that His thoughts are higher than their thoughts - so that we should all remember to be humble and meek before God and towards each other. 
but in actuality post is not speaking in love and glorifying God, as he supposes -- nay, post is trash-talking everyone and looking down his nose at us all, and even though post constantly re-iterates that he is speaking also of himself, he doesn't mean it, and even though post is constantly referring to scripture, he ignores it, and even though post is constantly denigrating himself, post is actually just being vain and giving a false show of humility. 

yeah. y'all are right. 
it's my mental issue, as you say. which you would know, because as you say -- none of you have any issue with your thinking ((though your thinking isn't perfect, also as you say))

i don't get it -- but since i have mental issues, i guess i'll just believe you. 

you win! all of you! 

better now?

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Guest shiloh357
Just now, post said:

. . . he says, diagnosing post's "problems" and insinuating that post has a mental issue of his own. 

you really don't comprehend what i'm getting at here, do you? 

I am not commenting on your mental health.  I am saying that you seem to be obsessed with making these judgments on others that you have no right to make.  The bottom line is that the Bible tells us that we have a heart problem/sin problem.   I am not going to bow to your demand that I have a mental issue(s).   If you want to believe you have mental issues, that is between you and God.    But I am not going to let you drag me down with you into the mire. 

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my mind has no flaw ((how dare you say it could))

my mind is not flawless ((how dare i say it is)

seriously -- i cannot comprehend how to simultaneously hold and believe both of these ideas in my mind. 
could one of you help poor mentally-challenged post be transformed by the renewing of his mind on this point? 

please? one of you who doesn't have any issue with their mentality and who always thinks perfectly, with the mind of God? 



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32 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

I am not commenting on your mental health.  I am saying that you seem to be obsessed

which part of the body does "an unhealthy obsession" have to do with if it's not the mind? 

is that something to do with my elbows? 
my hair follicles? toes? 
i'm unclear -- are you commenting on my gastric health?


((remember, i don't always think straight -- so i may ask about things that seem obvious to people whose thinking is without flaw. you'll have to exercise some patience with a person like me, and be quick to forgive, and slow to anger: almost as if you are acting in love.)) 


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Guest shiloh357
1 hour ago, post said:

which part of the body does "an unhealthy obsession" have to do with if it's not the mind? 

is that something to do with my elbows? 
my hair follicles? toes? 
i'm unclear -- are you commenting on my gastric health?


((remember, i don't always think straight -- so i may ask about things that seem obvious to people whose thinking is without flaw. you'll have to exercise some patience with a person like me, and be quick to forgive, and slow to anger: almost as if you are acting in love.)) 


Like I said, if you think you have mental issues, then you and God can handle it.   I will leave you to it.   But I am not going to join you.  I don't have any mental issues, whether you can make room for that reality or not.

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1Therefore if you have any encouragement in Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being of one mind, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose.

3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

The Attitude of Christ
(Isaiah 52:13-15)

5Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus:

6Who, existing in the form of God,

did not consider equality with God something to cling to,

7but emptied Himself,

taking the form of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

8And being found in appearance as a man,

He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—

even death on a cross.

9Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place,

and gave Him the name above all names,

10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,


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32 minutes ago, angels4u said:

5Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus:

6Who, existing in the form of God,

did not consider equality with God something to cling to,

7but emptied Himself,

taking the form of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

8And being found in appearance as a man,

He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—

even death on a cross.

9Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place,

and gave Him the name above all names,

10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,


AMEN!! -- "let this mind be in you" -- presupposing that this mind is not already in you but comes from outside the nature that you were born with. 
i.e. --
be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

and what mind is the apostle writing that we should make effort to exhibit and grasp hold of, exchanging our existing natural mind for ? 

humility. though Christ existed in the form of God, He made Himself of no reputation. He did not exalt Himself, but humbled Himself, and was then exalted. He spoke nothing of Himself, but spoke what the Father gave Him to speak. 

the scripture says, 
be of one mind - and that mind is not empty pride - but it is humility. 

it is not the man who goes about saying "thank God that i am not like other men, but that i am perfect in my ways and my thoughts, and have no flaws" who is justified. it is the man who confesses his flaws and his inadequacies, and who looks to God for mercy, who is justified. 

be of one mind: presupposing that those reading this word are not of one mind already. 

be of one mind: of humility. 
be of one mind: of meekness. 
be of one mind: of confessing your need for Christ.
be unified: in giving all glory to Christ Jesus, and reserving none for yourselves. 
be unified: in being daily transformed by the continual renewal of your minds. 

He has not given us a spirit of fear, nor a spirit of vanity, nor of double-mindedness. 
He has given us a spirit of adoption - not natural birth - a spirit of strong mind. 
and this Spirit is not our spirit; this strong mind is not our mind -- our spirit has need of Him. our mind has need of Him.
His strength is made perfect in our weakness. 
this strength is not our own. 
this strong mind is not our own.
this love is not our own. 
this power is not our own.
all those things are gifts -- all those things, if they are found in us, are not us: they are Immanuel, God with us. 
what is ours? 
this weakness is ours - this weakness of mind, this weakness of flesh - this terrible weakness; this wonderful grace!!
His strength is made perfect in our weakness. His Spirit; of strong mind; of love; of power. 

let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ: 
humility. honesty. 

not one of us has no need for Him:
if we say that, the truth is not in us, and we make Him out to be a liar. 
every one of us has physical issues, and heart issues, and every one of us has mental issues. 
that is why we have a Savior who transforms our minds and replaces our hearts and redeems our flesh!

amen! so i have joy! because pride goes before a fall, but when i am weak, He is strong! 
do i "ignore the scriptures" as some say? i uphold them! 


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2 minutes ago, post said:


amen -- "let this mind be in you" -- presupposing that this mind is not already in you but comes from outside the nature that you were born with. 
i.e. -- be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

and what mind is the apostle writing that we should make effort to exhibit and grasp hold of, exchanging our existing natural mind for ? 

humility. though Christ existed in the form of God, He made Himself of no reputation. He did not exalt Himself, but humbled Himself, and was then exalted. He spoke nothing of Himself, but spoke what the Father gave Him to speak. 

the scripture says, 
be of one mind - and that mind is not empty pride - but it is humility. 

it is not the man who goes about saying "thank God that i am not like other men, but that i am perfect in my ways and my thoughts, and have no flaws" who is justified. it is the man who confesses his flaws and his inadequacies, and who looks to God for mercy, who is justified. 

be of one mind: presupposing that those reading this word are not of one mind already. 

be of one mind: of humility. 
be of one mind: of meekness. 
be of one mind: of confessing your need for Christ.
be unified: in giving all glory to Christ Jesus, and reserving none for yourselves. 
be unified: in being daily transformed by the continual renewal of your minds. 

He has not given us a spirit of fear, nor a spirit of vanity, nor of double-mindedness. 
He has given us a spirit of adoption - not natural birth - a spirit of strong mind. 
and this Spirit is not our spirit; this strong mind is not our mind -- our spirit has need of Him. our mind has need of Him.
His strength is made perfect in our weakness. 
this strength is not our own. 
this strong mind is not our own.
this love is not our own. 
this power is not our own.
all those things are gifts -- all those things, if they are found in us, are not us: they are Immanuel, God with us. 
what is ours? 
this weakness is ours - this weakness of mind, this weakness of flesh - this terrible weakness; this wonderful grace!!
His strength is made perfect in our weakness. His Spirit; of strong mind; of love; of power. 

let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ: 
humility. honesty. 

not one of us has no need for Him:
if we say that, the truth is not in us, and we make Him out to be a liar. 
every one of us has physical issues, and every one of us has mental issues. 
that is why we have a Savior who transforms our minds and replaces our hearts and redeems our flesh!

amen! so i have joy! because pride goes before a fall, but when i am weak, He is strong! 
do i "ignore the scriptures" as some say? i uphold them! 



Amen :)

Acts 17:28

8‘For in Him we live and move and have our being:emot-heartbeat:

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