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Ecumenism: "Why Can't We Be Friends?"

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5 minutes ago, frienduff thaylorde said:

Davida ,    WHY do you in your heart , honestly believe their is such a push for unity .     ITS AN AGENDA.  

Look at their common words ,   we need to just agree on the basic doctrine and come together in unity .  THE POPE has sold this , and he aint alone .

THEY are slick , very clever davida .   Paul warned about such men ,  they know how to deceive , they know how to with words allure .

HOW many folks do we hear that know how to say the right things .   EVEN the catholic church sold its sham by saying we all say its by grace now .

THEY are deceivers .  But they are clever .   Because they say things like ,  hey we all believe in JESUS , we all believe in the bible , we all believe in the trinity

and thus we should just join together for that .  BUT ,  but what doctrines to all these teach .  HOW many times you hear folks say we saved by grace

ONLY to find out , ITS NOT the same version of grace .  Folks Have nothing to do with any of this . NOTHING .   we have our unity already , the lambs WHO LOVE JESUS

will gather with those who LOVE JESUS .   WE don't need this faiths all coming together ,    BECAUSE really its all a sham .    ITS Not what this is really all about .

ANYONE can find out in no time ,  ROME is behind this and has spoken with the top false leaders of EVERY denomination and they selling this idea to their own people

Fidie , needs to cease this .  and we need to focus ONLY ON JESUS , ONLY ON THE BIBLE , only on the pattern JESUS set and the aposetls kept .  its that simple

all the rest of this ecumnicalims is a sham and deceit .  

Ecumenicalism is not a sham. If it werent  for ecumenical councils of Nicea, Chalcedon, and Athansius, The heretical Nestorians, Arians, and Peligans would have infected the Churches with their heterodoxy. Ecumenism defended Orthodox Christianity against the counterfeits. You owe your purity of devotion in part to these ecumenists who preserved the faith until the Scriptures and Gospel was loosed in 16th Century. 

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Just now, Davida said:

I don't doubt that there is a remnant on all denomination ations- I have been saying that all along -- but that remnant will not be going along with the liberal emergent church.

It is unfortunate  the emergent church and Roman Catholicism has had monopoly on how people understand ecumenism. Ecumenism has many forms, several of which would never offend Solae Scriptura brethren. 

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1 hour ago, Davida said:

I don't think they will be in the group that are denouncing the reformation though. 

OH sister you right .     And the flames of the reformation WILL NOT BE PUT OUT .    Imagine a low burning fire ,    THEN imagine all of us ,   dumping ten of millions of WHITE GAS on it .

WE aint going back to rome .   we aint going to gather with emergent , prosperity ,   and other like wicked doctrines .    FOR UNITY .

What most do not see davida, but I am sure you do and so do some others ,  IS this move is a sham.    they all saying we should join together because  we all have a common unity

that we all believe in JESUS , that we all believe in grace ,     that we all believe in the trinity .  and its true , most do .     BUT how many churches that say this

ALSO bow to images ,  idolatry , pray to saints , pray to mary ,   accept sins and call them good .     SEE they are trying like heck to deceive us .

anyone can say they believe in those things , but are they REALLY WORSHIPPING CHRIST in spirit and in truth . ARE they really heeding the doctrine JESUS taught

paul taught , the other apostels taught , NO WAY are they .   WE DONT JOIN in unity with them .      ITS a sham .   

Even paul said if a brother or sister , is a fornicator , IDOLATOR , covetous and the list goes on , TO NOT keep company with them .

WELL I got big news that some of us already know ,   ROME IS FULL OF IDOLATRY ,    IT IS ,  and so are other churches .    full of inlucsivism

but we should JOIN in unity ,  RIGHT .     NO WAY .    that is how folks will fall away .

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7 minutes ago, Fidei Defensor said:

Ecumenicalism is not a sham. If it werent  for ecumenical councils of Nicea, Chalcedon, and Athansius, The heretical Nestorians, Arians, and Peligans would have infected the Churches with their heterodoxy. Ecumenism defended Orthodox Christianity against the counterfeits. You owe your purity of devotion in part to these ecumenists who preserved the faith until the Scriptures and Gospel was loosed in 16th Century. 

You have said this before .  and I anwered this .   I OWE JESUS my everthing.     WHY are you so big on this .    I bet the eastern orthodox is big on it too .

But what most don't know ,    is this gathering of the faiths ,   this latest move ,   its all the work of ROME .    EVERY top leader in every faith , has met with ROME

this agenda has been at work for a long time .   WHO you think rick warren works in league with .     THIS is why we seeing this push for unity in the faiths

BEING PUSHED so big as of late .   ordinary folks most of them just go to church , heed their pastor ,  but aint been watching .

ROME don't just have KENNETH copleand , joel olestein , the emergent church ,  SHE has prolesytised   every top leader in the faiths .    ITS Why we see this

and the people aint being told , they just being sold on this idea .    Their is and are spirits at work to get this mindset .  

the top leaders of the protestants , HAVE a while back ALREADY MET with ROME and are under its influence .  

WE aint buying it fidie.      WHY not just preach JESUS and focus on the bible .     We do NOT gather with faiths or ROME or any , just cause THEY SAY

We gather with those WHO TRULY FOLLOW CHIRST and DOCTRINE is not put on the back burner . DOCTRINE IS PUT ON THE FRONT BURNER .

THIS idea that we should gather because we all believe in JESUS , the trinity and the basics ,    its all a sound good speech .

ITS all deception .    And it seems the new way to evangelize ,  cause all I see is evanglising unity these days .     

ROME is all over the TOP renown leaders of the faiths .   they are shamers .    The top elites in the protestant side ,   THEY SOLD OUT FIDIE.  new flash , they done sold out

and for years also through mysticms , through inclusive ways of speech many have long been getting churches ready for this .    Its a sham fidie and one I wont buy .

IF you want unity , THEN LETS FOCUS ON JESUS , ON HIS SAYINGS on HIS PATTERN and on the apostels pattern , cause thems the only ones we can have unitiy with .

NO the speech talkers  THE REAL WALKERS . 

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16 minutes ago, Davida said:

There Is no Bible based ecumenical movement imo--- where is it? Who specifically does it include? Many may denominations or persons claim they believe the Bible is the final authority but we can see they DO Not actually believe scripture or follow it, cherry- picking, or claiming Apostle Paul was not speaking by the Holy Spirit are some examples of this. 

There is "bad" ecumenism and "good" ecumenism.

I agree that a lot is bad and I share your concern as well, I definitely don't want to compromise the Truth.

An example that there is good ecumenism is this:

"Master," said John, "we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us. "Do not stop him," Jesus said, "for whoever is not against you is for you."

Now, consider this: it's ok to make known to our siblings, when they believe obvious lies, that they are wrong.

But there is also division on ridiculous issues as well. Do we need to be divided around "pre-post-past-multi-anti tribulation" issues? When Jesus in the Gospel just asks us to be aware of false prophets, and to speed up his Return with an holy life?

I find a shame being divided on this and I found funny that no one even on this forum completely agree on all the details of the aforementioned issue.

Whoever is hastening the Return of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12, Luke 18:1-8, Revelation 22:20, Matthew 6:5-13) is doing his job, regardless if his view is pre-post-past-anti-multi-pluri tribulation. (only exception here is for preterism-like doctrines: those doctrines slow down the Return of the Lord by deceiving people in believing that the Lord has already come, which is the most dangerous belief)

I don't find that a "smart" issue to be divided on, so ecumenism in that direction is to be encouraged, when the issues are so hard to have the last word on.

But on issues which are pretty clear (like idolatry), then ecumenism is not a good thing, we should firmly state the Truth on these issues which are so obvious from the Scriptures






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13 minutes ago, Davida said:

There Is no Bible based ecumenical movement imo--- where is it? Who specifically does it include? Many may denominations or persons claim they believe the Bible is the final authority but we can see they DO Not actually believe scripture or follow it, cherry- picking, or claiming Apostle Paul was not speaking by the Holy Spirit are some examples of this. 

Basking in the beauty of this .     OH , by grace sister davida aintfalling for it .    and others wont either .

oh basking in the beauty .    Sister here knows its all about JESUs and following the pattern HE taught and the apostels taught .   OH davida , my heart is joyed .

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14 minutes ago, Davida said:

There Is no Bible based ecumenical movement imo--- where is it? Who specifically does it include? Many may denominations or persons claim they believe the Bible is the final authority but we can see they DO Not actually believe scripture or follow it, cherry- picking, or claiming Apostle Paul was not speaking by the Holy Spirit are some examples of this. 

OH it had to get read again .

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4 hours ago, Fidei Defensor said:

Even if the ecumenism was Bible based? Meaning all the denominations agreed the Bible was the final authority and measure for Christian belief and life? 

Right now the RCC is imploding and many RCs will have to decide to either schism into an Old Catholic Church denomination like the Old Believers who schismed pitcof the Russian Orthodox Church or they will join us in Solae Scriptura ans realize Institutions can change, but not Jesus (Hebrews 13:8) or the Scriptures.   

The RCC is already imploding ,  but its all a guise .    wait till we hear the solution that is coming and mostfolks are gonna believe it , that ROME has really changed

WHEN she aint .   she is just getting a larger audience .     Rome SET THIS UP FIEDI ,  she already in pretense acts like she is joining us .

DIDNT ya SEE what she did back in ninety nine and later TONY read it infront of keneeths church ,  SHE already doing this , but again its a sham .   

WATCH OUT FIEDIE that you get not taken in her web of pretense and deceit .   see rome learned ,  if ya cant beat , YA INFILTRATE and act as though you like them .

ITS been happening Fidei.   and wait till we see what comes of this big sexual move .    a church that PRETENDS its been reformed , it will sound more plain

BUT its soley for gain .   Just watch how this all plays out .   I bet it ends with a religion that honors all religions and all religions and faiths have  a seat at the table

and yet ITS ALL DECEPTOIN .    NO ecumuinalism for me .    I JOIN only in UNITY with those OF THE SPIRIT , AND IF THEY OF the SPIRIT

they will love BIBLE DOCTRINE , they will love JESUS pattern , they will love HIS sayings , and the Sayings of the apostels .   which I might add, we not inclusive , were not focused on unity for unity sake , but rather UNITY OF SPIRIT .OF THE FAITH and it wasn't just words LIKE MANY SAY TODAY because their doctrine matched BIBLCAL DOCTRINE .  that is how we know

WHO is truly of the SPIRIT .  for many say this very thing , and yet woa , they pray to the dead , they denfend praying to angels or saints or DO IT

they make images and bow to them or they denfend those who do .   THESE are NOT OF THE SPIRIT ,  just as any other who walks n darkness.

FOR many walk in darkness YET SAY we LOVE GOD .    WELL JOHN called them out ,  they DO NOT KNOW GOD , THEY ARE NOT OF THE TRUTH , THEY LIE .

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and lastly I leave us with these words , IF any comes and preaches another gospel , or another JESUS ,      WE DONT HAVE UNITY WITH THEM.

WE don't even bid them GOD speed .   Rome and many other churches may match our words , BUT LOOK OUT for what they really teach and preach .

Ministirs of satan , KNOW how to deceive and how to appear righteous .  and folks they aer all over the place .     FRIENDS don't let friends , heck they don't even let enemies

JOIN in the wrong unity .       How bout that for a t shirt .    

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10 minutes ago, frienduff thaylorde said:

and lastly I leave us with these words , IF any comes and preaches another gospel , or another JESUS ,      WE DONT HAVE UNITY WITH THEM.

WE don't even bid them GOD speed .   Rome and many other churches may match our words , BUT LOOK OUT for what they really teach and preach .

Ministirs of satan , KNOW how to deceive and how to appear righteous .  and folks they aer all over the place .     FRIENDS don't let friends , heck they don't even let enemies

JOIN in the wrong unity .       How bout that for a t shirt .    

No one is preaching another gospel here. Simply the realization that Jesus wanted us all to be one in unity  (John 17:20-23). 

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