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AMERICA: NEW ROME & BABYLON THE GREAT ("Come out of her, My people...")


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The "beast" is not human .... he is a fallen angel [Revelation 9:11]

Until you understand this truth you will not be able to identify him

This one rules over 7 kingdoms of the Middle East, five have fallen, and two will be in the future from now

His rule was suspended after the first 5 kingdoms .... and he will be released from the abyss to rule again over the next two in the future

The one that "is", the 6th .... and the next larger 7th

He will do this through the human little horn and will ultimately become the 8th himself

This  beast is Abaddon



Edited by Daniel 11:36
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On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 PM, Diaste said:

I have never heard anyone say this. Dan 11 records a prophecy about Antiochus IV. Nothing in Dan 8 suggests Antiochus in the least. Dan 11 follows the reign of the kings of the Seleucid empire right to the willful king who is the beast.

Dan 11:36, "And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods,"

This is spoken by Paul, 2 Thess 2,:4" Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped;

This is the beast and he cometh from the Mideast, from the Seleucid empire, one of the notable one that stood up after Alexander's death, not in his power, but in their own.

I am of course speaking in my Blog via the General terms of how the masses think. Daniel 11 follows Two-Kingdoms and the Syrian Wars, I have an in depth Exegesis I did on Daniel 11 and the Syrian Wars, I used a few maps, I don't think we can use maps in here can we? Anyway it was always about the King of the North vs. the King of the South, not about the Seleucid's alone, it was about all Four Kingdoms and then TWO became predominate.  The Willful King is the Anti-Christ. Of course my blog is in juxtaposition to those who think Daniel 8:9-14 is about Antiochus in that situation, I just take it for granted most see it as we do, thus I answer those who think different there. 

He will not come from Islam or the Middle East brother, he comes out the Fourth Beast AND one of the Four Kingdoms in the LATTER TIMES. Only Greece fits, the Kingdom of Macedonia/Greece. Islam is going to get wiped out by the 10 Kings and the Beast, they Destroy the Harlot (All False Religions). 

On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 PM, Diaste said:

This is assumption based on the faulty logic the 4th beast 'must be' Rome. See above.

On 6/14/2018 at 3:22 PM, Revelation Man said:

See Long Post Above.......no use repeating. 

On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 PM, Diaste said:

Well he wouldn't be Syrian then would he?

On 6/14/2018 at 3:22 PM, Revelation Man said:

Assyria was in Northern Iraq (Mosul today is Nineveh of the bible), Southern Turkey and much of Syria. But its Base was Nineveh, and the Countries we now have were not Countries back then, now days we have Iraq, but that whole swath that runs through Iraq has a name, look it up, it is called "Turkmeneli" so they were "TURKS" basically. The Assyrian Kingdom was Northern Iraq, Southern Turkey and half of Syria, thus he will be an Assyrian and that can be anyone from that Northern Iraq, Turkey and East Syrian Region, like I said, he will be a Turk, but he has to be born in Greece and also come to power in the European Union. Assyria is not Syria per se.

On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 PM, Diaste said:

This would make him a Greek citizen of Turkish ancestry. Not Syrian at all.

Again, if I could show maps on here I would, but Google Assyrian Empires. Its not Syria brother. They were Turks via Northern Iraq, Southern Turkey and parts of Syria. There are 3 Million people that live in that Swath of land in Iraq now, they call it Turkmeneli, even though its in Iraq. 

On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 PM, Diaste said:

He will not come to power in the EU or anywhere else except for the Mideast. The beast will rise to power through the power and authority given to him by Satan through the deadly head wound that was healed. This the proximal cause of the worship and awe of the world for the beast and the dragon. The beast will NOT come to power by any other means as his path to power and authority is described thus; "and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, " Because of the power of the dragon and healing of a mortal wound.

This is a bit crazy. How are we supposed to know if some guy we never heard of was healed in some dark cave? Or a back alley? Or a hospital or a mansion? Who would care? And the world certainly would not worship some obscure individual even with a rumor of miraculous healing. Let me tell you what I think is likely:

 Satan in Luke ch. 4 tells Jesus that if he will bow down and Worship him he will give him all the Kingdoms of the Whole World for all that is GIVEN HIM, thus Satan is the King of this world and gives Kingdoms to whom he wills pretty much, of course Micheal made him allow Greece to defeat Persia when he did not want to, but for the most part this world is Satan's Dark Kingdom or Babylon, he confuses the Whole World. The deadly Head Wound however is to a FIGURATIVE BEAST that Arose out of the Sea, thus it was Rome that suffered the Head Wound, and only when the Anti-Christ CONQUERS Jerusalem/Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region (MSR) will the Wound be HEALED !! Thus the Beast will then be ALIVE AGAIN after a 2000 some odd year absence. 

Those people "worship" the Beast and the Dragon, but thy are not worshiping Satan the Dragon in reality, its speaking of as "PER THEIR ACTIONS", they love "EVIL MORE THAN God", thus their actions are pro homosexuality, pro abortion, pro any perversions, pro idol worship of a Man/The Beast, these are the Atheistic types, it will not hit them until the 6th Seal that they are in Gods Wrath, even though the very First Seal begins Gods Wrath. 

This Beast will force Idol Worship of himself, or else those men of earth must die. 

On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 PM, Diaste said:

This is a bit crazy. How are we supposed to know if some guy we never heard of was healed in some dark cave? Or a back alley? Or a hospital or a mansion? Who would care? And the world certainly would not worship some obscure individual even with a rumor of miraculous healing. Let me tell you what I think is likely:

It's more than plausible the beast will mirror at least some of what Jesus endured on the way to the cross. The public trial, a conviction, sentencing and then execution, only to be raised a short time in the future claiming to be some superman or demigod. So this guy will probably be infamous in the same way Jesus gained infamy with the religious authorities. Only the beast will likely be globally infamous as it's not going to be just a local event like the resurrection of Jesus,;this will be global and shared over all the social media extant. Both the execution and the resurrection of this man will be universally played over and over again on cell phones and everyone will be in awe.

The last time this occurred was 2000 years ago; the worlds collective jaw will drop when it happens again.

Why would this be plausible? Because initially it's to duplicate the power of the Most High to prove our Father is not all powerful. Kinda like Moses and the sorcerers in Egypt when they duplicated the power of God through Moses.

OK Brother, I see your thinking but lets walk down this path via logic. As I stated above I see the Mortal Wound as to a Figurative Seven Headed Beast, but I will play ball here anyway. As per the Beast trying to mimic Jesus, most of the people hes leading in this EVIL WORLD have decided long ago they hate Jesus and everything he stands for, many are Muslims etc. etc. The Church is LONG GONE by now. Why would he "PRETEND" to be Jesus? I know where and WHY this theory goes forth, and I can explain what I think Jesus meant in Mathew 24 about the False Prophet and Fake Christs. 

The Anti-Christ is released by Jesus via the First Seal, he goes forth Conquering and to conquer as per Rev. 13, he does not go forth trying to be a Messianic figure EXCEPT in ONE CASE, he can Conquer everyone but who brother? The Jews who are protected in Petra by God Himself, so he needs to TRICK THEM to come out of their Safe Zone where he can KILL THEM !! Thus he feigns to be the Messiah unto THEM ONLY via Supernatural Powers, BUT ALAS, that is who Jesus is warning in Matthew 24, the Jews in Petra, WATCH: 

Matthew 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible (Its not possible, Jesus FOREWARNED THEM), they shall deceive the very elect.

25 Behold, I have told you before.

26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; BELIEVE IT NOT. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

So we see here the Anti-Christ and False Prophet will try to TRICK those Jews in Petra into COMING out of there Safe Zone, to where THE "Messiah  Jesus Christ" is at, but Jesus says I warned then BEFORE[HAND], thus they can not deceive my Elect [Jews], I told them in Matthew chapter 24 where I will be coming from !! Not in a Desert or Secret Chamber, BUT........in the Eastern Skies !! Amen. And I will be where the Carcass (Armageddon) is at as will the Church or Eagles (Fowls in Rev. 19) via the Marriage Supper where the Kings/Evil Minions are will be the CARNAGE/CARCASS (Armageddon death). 

So that is the only time and only reason the Anti-Christ has to fake being the Messiah, the World who loves him hates Jesus firstly, secondly, no one seeing someone DIE and RAISED from the Dead on TV would buy that brother, that would be seen as a TRICK, a lie, people would laugh and say great work by the TV Cameras, someone might say I saw it, they would be like, YEA RIGHT !!  These people think of themselves as gods, this current worlds elites love HUMANISM !! They want no constraints on their morals, they want to be their own gods !! They laugh at the idea of a Creator, they are god in their own minds. 

The way this Man/Beast comes to power is told unto us, he goes forth Conquering and to Conquer. He destroys MANY via Peace (Dan. 8:25) he reneges on his Peace treaties with MANY [Nations] via Dan 9:27, and he will thus eventually conquer the While World and DESTROY all Religions so he can be worshiped as the ONLY GOD !! That is his hearts desire, it can only come to pass via Conquest. 

On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 PM, Diaste said:

And remember the dragon? The world worships him as well. Why? Because the world knows the dragon is responsible for the resurrection and power of the beast, "and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."

This guy will not be a smooth politician with great hair striding to a glided dais wrapped in sartorial splendor while delivering clever speeches before swooning crowds on his way to power. The power and authority will come first through the mockery of the death and resurrection of Jesus by the dragon.

This guy is a BEAST, not a person.

He will look and act the part.

Don't be fooled.

He's on his way.

As I stated above, the World WORSHIPS the Dragon/Satan's WAYS thus they love Wickedness and by so doing they WORSHIP HIS WAYS in their Hearts. They don't believe in God or Satan, I know these types. Their Hearts are filled with Lusts, Hate, Greed, Ungodliness, Abortion, Perversions etc. etc. in their Hearts they worship Satan, as many do today, even when they deny that there is a Creator or a Demon named Satan. The Anti-Christ will be a very crafty guy who understands Dark Sentences (Riddles and Conundrums) and how to get his way via manipulation and guise. Hes also a liar who reneges on all of his agreements and deals ruthlessly with all Mankind............I will not be here, I will be in Heaven. 

God Bless

Edited by Revelation Man
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On 6/15/2018 at 7:19 AM, Revelation Man said:
On 6/15/2018 at 7:19 AM, Revelation Man said:

A Beast of Daniel represents an Animal that DOMINATES and thus a Country that Overpowers, Conquers, Enslaves or Rules over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region (MSR) and thus its not hard to track who these nations spoken of in Revelation are at all. 

1.) Egypt enslaved Israel for what the bible says was 400 years. The pharaoh tried to run them into the sea/kill them, God saved them, Beast Empire #1.

2.) Assyria took 10 of the Northern Tribes away and murdered many, they were a Beast Empire over the region. Beast Empire #2.

3.) Babylon was of course the Head of Gold, they took Israel Captive 70 years. Beast Empire #3 via Rev. look back in time. Beast Empire #1 from Daniel on.

4.) Persia was a Beast Empire over the MSR like Babylon, however they choose to allow Israel to return and rebuild their Temple/City Walls. Beast #4.(#2)

5.) Greece Conquered Persia and ruled Israel and the MSR, they of course are Beast #5 and via the Daniel time-line Beast (#3).

6.) Rome was the GREATEST of All the MSR Beasts, it covered the WHOLE SEA REGION, look it up Rome was the most ruthless and the strongest Beast Power in the region. It was Beast #6 via Revelation's look back through time. It was Beast (#4) from Daniel's time on. 

The assumption of the first sentence is just that, an assumption. It's been said so many times that a great number of people believe it. Belief is not equal to truth. Islam was a greater power in that same region, and farther east that Rome ever was. To discount Islam out of hand is limiting to understanding a great deal of history.

On 6/15/2018 at 7:19 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Statue has 5 KINGDOMS, there is NO DOUBT about that at all, and one of them is like unto another but different. Babylon = Gold, Persia = Silver, Greece = Brass, Rome = Iron AND The Anti-Christ/Little Horn/Beast Kingdom = Iron AND Clay........NOT JUST Iron, its a different Beast Head !! 

There are 5 kingdoms in the statue but the last two are of the same origin as the iron is common to both. No doubt it will be a kingdom that once was and then returns with under a new circumstance. The same yet different, not wholly different, not wholly the same.

On 6/15/2018 at 7:19 AM, Revelation Man said:

As per you not being able to identify the Five, come on man, step up your game brother..... Via what a Beast is we know via History who they are. Likewise with the 5th Beast of Daniel which is the 7th Beast Head, God gives us riddles that the World can not understand, thus He makes these Riddles tough to decipher on purpose.  Look at it like this my friend.

We don't KNOW. We rationalize that it MUST BE. All based on one fragment in a verse in Rev 17:10, "... one is..." That isn't knowing, it's guessing.

No sir I don't buy that thought processes as all, its just the opposite it seems to me, rather illogical to consider anyone but Rome. The 4 Beasts of Daniel Arise out of the [Mediterranean] Sea. Thus look at all the Empires on a map from Israel's time, they are all Empires that cover the Mediterranean Sea Region and Rome covers the WHOLE SEA REGION. 

And so did Islam. One shouldn't forget that Jerusalem and Israel were just as important circa 700 AD to 1400 AD. Muslims controlled the Levant and the Crusades objective was to liberate Jerusalem. 

I truly can't comprehend why anyone would think Rome was not a Beast other than it doesn't fit into their formula via their "understandings". We had the Pax-Romanus that allowed the Gospel to go forth World Wide via a common language (Koine Greek), and an all Roads leads to Rome type of Peace, thus all Subjects of Rome were free to travel the whole Empire, thus the Gospel spread. Jesus was crucified by Rome. Rome was the Fourth Great Empire from Daniel's point in time. The ONE IS just proves further who we all know it is, meaning the vast majority of Christendom, I would say its at least 98 percent who understand Rome is the Fourth Beast. Gods Riddles are not easy things, but Rome is pretty basic stuff.

Appealing to the consensus it not proof. A list of facts to form cogent arguments is the path to valid conclusions. Rome is not a fact, it's an argument in the debate backed by a solitary piece of evidence, "...one is..." Not enough. Not nearly enough.


Daniel 11 follows one kingdom of the four that arose after the Grecian empire, the Seleucids. The Dan 11 narrative flows through this line of kings, presumably from Seleucus I, to the willful king of Dan 11:36, who is the beast. This is a great deal of evidence supporting the arguments the beast rises from the Mideast. Along with Dan 8 which tells us the beast will rise from one of the four horns, it seems the most valid conclusion is that the beast is from the Seleucid line in the Mideast, and is most likely Islamic.

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"The beast will rise from one of the four horns, it seems the most valid conclusion is that the beast is from the Seleucid line in the Mideast, and is most likely Islamic"


I agree with this

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1 hour ago, Diaste said:

The assumption of the first sentence is just that, an assumption. It's been said so many times that a great number of people believe it. Belief is not equal to truth. Islam was a greater power in that same region, and farther east that Rome ever was. To discount Islam out of hand is limiting to understanding a great deal of history.

On 6/15/2018 at 8:19 AM, Revelation Man said:

The Bible is a story book about Israel, Islam has never ruled over the Nation Israel. NEVER !! I truly just do not get any thought process that doesn't recognize the Beasts are ALWAYS IN JUXTAPOSITION unto Israel, we had Israel as Dead Men's Bones unto God for nigh 2000 years, thus there can have been NO BEASTS from Rome until the Anti-Christ Conquers Jerusalem. Why is that so hard to figure out? 

I personally think its because men have ideas, and they hate to ever be wrong, its part of human nature and especially men who are "hyper competitive" by nature, believe me, I have seen card games turn brother against brother (real brothers) for years, its silly but it happens. I love being wrong, that means I had to see the light and be corrected by God, it means you have the ability to be right by learning from your mistakes, not everyone have this gene in them, I used to be like that for years, then one day I sat back and asked God why Christendom has 200 different understandings of Babylon and other understandings where the Church opposes each other, and the Holy Spirit was like "its Men's Traditions" that rule the day, the Church looks to men's ideas too often instead of reading the word and asking God. The Pharisees had the exact same problem. 

I am not just guessing when I tell you Islam has nothing to do with any of the Seven Beasts, the last Beast is A MAN, and he comes out of Europe via Greece. I used to guess a lot, the Holy Spirit gave me that blog, the Holy Spirit gave me my Babylon blog, I was wrong on what THAT CITY was in my blog, I said it was Rome after studying on Babylon for Months, within 2 Weeks the Holy Spirit was like, "Ron, you are Wrong, its not Rome". So I had to change my blog and rewrite it, and tell everyone I was wrong, THAT'S OK !! 

The moment I understood that Islam would be destroyed by the Anti-Christ was long after I understood where the Anti-Christ was from, Greece/E.U. It was when the Holy Spirit gave me my Babylon, The Harlot, and Seven Headed Beast understanding. When I understood Babylon is Satan's Dark Kingdom on earth, and he rules the Nations as Babylon per the way God sees it, AND THEN I understood the Harlot who rode the [government] Beasts back was ALL FALSE RELIGION of all time, and that she gets DESTROYED by the Kings in league with the Best, only then did I understand that the Beast AND his Kings Destroy Islam and ALL FALSE RELIGIONS, its a Judgment from God, but he uses the DESIRES of their own hearts to do His will: SEE BELOW

Rev. 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

Why do you think there is a False Prophet? Because they are going to have a One World Religion where the BEAST is going to be Worshiped as the ONLY GOD !! There is no place for Islam or any other Religion, the Christian Church has been Raptured by now, the REMNANT CHURCH (Rev. 12:17) are being killed and the Jews are being chased into the Wilderness or Killed also. No RELIGIONS will be allowed !! I don't know how else to tell you guys this, it is what it is. I am putting the Scriptures together where the 1000's of pieces of the puzzle fit. Its just something I have been gifted with, I was called to Prophecy in 1986. I was shown then the Anti-Christ is in the world via a vision, I as a young Christian was clueless what it meant, so I poo pooed it. You don't poo poo God, he sent me anther vision, this time I was in a HUGE AUDITORIUM, ad Jimmy Swaggart was preaching and their was MAYBE 10 People in there, within like 2 Weeks Jimmy Swaggart fell from Grace so to speak, basically God was showing me the future and I was like OH MY, this means the Anti-Christ or.............."Man of Sin is here" as I was told was and is indeed in the world. 

1 hour ago, Diaste said:

There are 5 kingdoms in the statue but the last two are of the same origin as the iron is common to both. No doubt it will be a kingdom that once was and then returns with under a new circumstance. The same yet different, not wholly different, not wholly the same.

On 6/15/2018 at 8:19 AM, Revelation Man said:

It comes 2000 years later, its a different Kingdom brother. God is tricky on purpose with these riddles, just like the Honey in the Lion riddle. God doesn't think like we do. We gt a picture of how God sees Israel's whole life Span: From Egypt to Rome............DEAD MEN'S BONES..........from 1948 on. God doesn't recognize the Dead Men's Bone Era of Israel, they were as DEAD unto him, why do you think He gave Ezekiel the Prophecy to begin with? Th Last kingdom is A MAN, thus the BEAST is cast into hell. 

2 hours ago, Diaste said:

We don't KNOW. We rationalize that it MUST BE. All based on one fragment in a verse in Rev 17:10, "... one is..." That isn't knowing, it's guessing.


Its my job to know brother. Its like a puzzle, step back, fit it all together, then ponder if it looks correct, the Holy Spirit will always tell us if we wait on Him, to many people get out in front of the Holy Spirits guidance system. As I explained, I understand these things by looking at multiple scriptures, not one, that is not the way I roll. 

2 hours ago, Diaste said:

And so did Islam. One shouldn't forget that Jerusalem and Israel were just as important circa 700 AD to 1400 AD. Muslims controlled the Levant and the Crusades objective was to liberate Jerusalem. 


There can be NO BEAST over Israel after Rome, she is as DEAD unto God. I can't relay it any plainer than that. Israel is THE PEOPLE. 

2 hours ago, Diaste said:

Appealing to the consensus it not proof. A list of facts to form cogent arguments is the path to valid conclusions. Rome is not a fact, it's an argument in the debate backed by a solitary piece of evidence, "...one is..." Not enough. Not nearly enough.


Since the Holy Spirit guides us, 99.5 percent of the time the Consensus is correct. Rome is a fact,  don't really take any arguments serious of they say o isn't. Its that set in stone to m brother.

2 hours ago, Diaste said:

Daniel 11 follows one kingdom of the four that arose after the Grecian empire, the Seleucids. The Dan 11 narrative flows through this line of kings, presumably from Seleucus I, to the willful king of Dan 11:36, who is the beast. This is a great deal of evidence supporting the arguments the beast rises from the Mideast. Along with Dan 8 which tells us the beast will rise from one of the four horns, it seems the most valid conclusion is that the beast is from the Seleucid line in the Mideast, and is most likely Islamic.

I have to run for awhile, I have an excellent exegesis on chapters 11 and 12 (if I do say so myself) and when I get back I WILL PROBABLY POST THEM. 

Its about the King of the North and he King of the South over and over, not just the Seleucids. This is misunderstood by many. He arises from Greece as ONLY Greece is in the E.U., why discount Dan. 7 ? 

God Bless, be back shortly.

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Rome is in the dust bin of history and was not a prophetic kingdom at all

The beast's next kingdom will be Islamic during the 70th week decreed for Israel .... no doubt

From Antiocus IV [Daniel 11:21-35] .... to the king of the north [Daniel 11:36-45]

The components of this truth are given [Psalms 83; Ezekiel 38; 39]

Your idea about Rome is false Revelation Man

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15 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

The Bible is a story book about Israel, Islam has never ruled over the Nation Israel. NEVER !! I truly just do not get any thought process that doesn't recognize the Beasts are ALWAYS IN JUXTAPOSITION unto Israel, we had Israel as Dead Men's Bones unto God for nigh 2000 years, thus there can have been NO BEASTS from Rome until the Anti-Christ Conquers Jerusalem. Why is that so hard to figure out? 

But again, this is not proof of anything concerning the identity if the beast or whence he cometh. It's an assumption that the beast kingdoms are kingdoms that subjugated the people of Israel while Israel was in the promised land. Proof this is an assumption and not fact: The 5 beast kingdoms that come before the "...one is..." are thought to be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. If this is the case then the entire proposition falls apart from the start. Egypt did not subjugate Israel while Israel was in the promised land. And if your position changes to allow for the persecution of the Jewish people wherever the Jewish people are, then Nazi Germany was also a beast kingdom and now there would be six beast kingdoms before the "...one is..." from Rev 17:10.  None of these presumptions of the persecution of Israel as a qualifier for identification are contained in the scriptures. Unless I'm wrong. If it's specified in X Y:Z please post those scriptures.

The true identification of the final beast comes from the idea of the difference between the first three and the fourth.

"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth:"

Islam rose to greater power than the Precious Metals and Rome.

 "it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it:" 

Islam did this during the 700 years of war against the heathen. The broke down all the cities and idols and stomped on them. There are videos of ISIS doing this. Breaking apart statues they consider idols and literally stomping and kicking the broken pieces.

and it [was] diverse from all the beasts that [were] before it;"

This is important. The diversity is a major clue to what this beast represents. If one takes a look at Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome we can see they are alike in important ways: General economic, religious, educational and travel freedoms. All four were pan-theistic and had civil government. Islam is on the opposite end of the spectrum. No general freedoms, mono-theistic and a religion based government. It will not be Rome. This beast will emanate from the Mesopotamian region, out the Seleucid empire, as it did once before under the berserker rage fomented by the false prophet Mohammed.

15 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

I personally think its because men have ideas, and they hate to ever be wrong, its part of human nature and especially men who are "hyper competitive" by nature, believe me, I have seen card games turn brother against brother (real brothers) for years, its silly but it happens. I love being wrong, that means I had to see the light and be corrected by God, it means you have the ability to be right by learning from your mistakes, not everyone have this gene in them, I used to be like that for years, then one day I sat back and asked God why Christendom has 200 different understandings of Babylon and other understandings where the Church opposes each other, and the Holy Spirit was like "its Men's Traditions" that rule the day, the Church looks to men's ideas too often instead of reading the word and asking God. The Pharisees had the exact same problem. 

Laudable, not proof of anything, and not convincing.

15 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

I am not just guessing when I tell you Islam has nothing to do with any of the Seven Beasts, the last Beast is A MAN, and he comes out of Europe via Greece. I used to guess a lot, the Holy Spirit gave me that blog, the Holy Spirit gave me my Babylon blog, I was wrong on what THAT CITY was in my blog, I said it was Rome after studying on Babylon for Months, within 2 Weeks the Holy Spirit was like, "Ron, you are Wrong, its not Rome". So I had to change my blog and rewrite it, and tell everyone I was wrong, THAT'S OK !! 

Yes, the beast is a man, I have never said otherwise. A powerful king that rules a kingdom. A beast that commands a beast army and a beast kingdom.

15 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

The moment I understood that Islam would be destroyed by the Anti-Christ was long after I understood where the Anti-Christ was from, Greece/E.U. It was when the Holy Spirit gave me my Babylon, The Harlot, and Seven Headed Beast understanding. When I understood Babylon is Satan's Dark Kingdom on earth, and he rules the Nations as Babylon per the way God sees it, AND THEN I understood the Harlot who rode the [government] Beasts back was ALL FALSE RELIGION of all time, and that she gets DESTROYED by the Kings in league with the Best, only then did I understand that the Beast AND his Kings Destroy Islam and ALL FALSE RELIGIONS, its a Judgment from God, but he uses the DESIRES of their own hearts to do His will: SEE BELOW

Interesting that you say that. Islam is convinced that all religions other than Islam are false religions. I think your statement, " the Beast AND his Kings Destroy Islam and ALL FALSE RELIGIONS" is prima facie illogical. The beast creates his own false religion when he demands the worship of the world. So the beast will not destroy ALL false religions, just the ones that are not his false religion. 

15 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

One World Religion where the BEAST is going to be Worshiped as the ONLY GOD !!

There is no place for Islam or any other Religion, 

No RELIGIONS will be allowed !!

You keep saying no religions will be allowed right after you say there is going to be the global worship of the beast. Above you say there is going to a one world religion and then say no religion will be allowed.

15 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Its my job to know brother. Its like a puzzle, step back, fit it all together, then ponder if it looks correct, the Holy Spirit will always tell us if we wait on Him, to many people get out in front of the Holy Spirits guidance system. As I explained, I understand these things by looking at multiple scriptures, not one, that is not the way I roll. 

That's great.

15 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

There can be NO BEAST over Israel after Rome, she is as DEAD unto God. I can't relay it any plainer than that. Israel is THE PEOPLE. 

If that's true then your conclusion is wrong. The people of Israel were terribly persecuted by Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany would then qualify as a beast.

15 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Since the Holy Spirit guides us, 99.5 percent of the time the Consensus is correct. Rome is a fact,  don't really take any arguments serious of they say o isn't. Its that set in stone to m brother

First, you can only speak for yourself in this. You cannot know the Holy Ghost guides anyone but you. No person has such insight. It's possible to know the guidance of the Holy Spirit by the fruits of people you interact with but to claim to know this about corporate Christianity is well out of anyone's depth. Only Our Father could know this about such vast and scattered group.

It's kinda sad you don't take other arguments seriously that don't agree with your views. Does anyone know everything about any single topic? No, no one fits this except God.

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8 hours ago, Diaste said:

But again, this is not proof of anything concerning the identity if the beast or whence he cometh. It's an assumption that the beast kingdoms are kingdoms that subjugated the people of Israel while Israel was in the promised land. Proof this is an assumption and not fact: The 5 beast kingdoms that come before the "...one is..." are thought to be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. If this is the case then the entire proposition falls apart from the start. Egypt did not subjugate Israel while Israel was in the promised land. And if your position changes to allow for the persecution of the Jewish people wherever the Jewish people are, then Nazi Germany was also a beast kingdom and now there would be six beast kingdoms before the "...one is..." from Rev 17:10.  None of these presumptions of the persecution of Israel as a qualifier for identification are contained in the scriptures. Unless I'm wrong. If it's specified in X Y:Z please post those scriptures.

Its a fact sir, I can't give you this gift of seeing these things (gift of prophesy) it comes from God Himself.  I don't do assumptions, I leave that for the rest, I follow the Holy Spirit which seems to be an abstract entity in many Christians ways of thinking. I don't need approval of men to teach what the Holy Spirit is teaching, I can explain it, but I can't make you see what you can't see, so once I explain it, my job is done.  

As per Israel, they are ALIVE as a people/NATION, when they are in Egypt, God has dealings with them, likewise in Babylon God was prophesying through Daniel and even Jeremiah, God still favored Israel via the Persian King etc. etc. The reason Israel was not in the land in those cases were in Babylon they were being corrected, in Egypt the Canaanites (and others) sins had not yet come full, thus Israel became a Nation in Egypt and His renown was born world wide as the Great God of the Israelites. As per 70-125 AD -1948, they were not in the Land because the were DEAD UNTO God !! This can't really get any more basic than this, you are taking something that is a simple understanding and talking it into complexities which need not apply. Israel was not in the land for only one reason, God did not recognize Israel as a nation, in Egypt God saw them as Israel, in Babylon God still had every intention to bring them back to Israel to rebuild it thus He still had dealings with them, God completely turned His back on Israel for 2000 years circa 70-125 AD. Nothing is going to change that fact brother. There are 100's of things that SCREAM Islam is going to be wiped out, not just one thing. Richardson and Shoebat are making tons of money, but they are leading people astray, just like Armstrong and others did on the RCC. 

My position has never changed, I have had to tackle this same view a few other times, the difference is God saw Israel as a Nation, and Israel was being birthed in Egypt because the tribes in the promised land had not yet sinned enough against God to cause Him to vomit them out of the land. In all cases, Israel was Gods chosen people, after they rejected Jesus, God turned His back on them for 2000 years. Islam is nothing unto Israel, that is a fact sir, If you choose to believe they are a Beast over Israel when they have never ruled the Jews you go right ahead, but it just doesn't pass the smell test of Prophecy sir in my humble opinion. Which is why you do not come to an opinion (ISLAM or the RCC) then investigate with an idea already formulated in your head as per the results, its called confirmation bias, and I see it all the time. I had to learn to start my endeavors with a clear mind. 

The Jews were as Dead unto God until 1948, Nazi Germany was Conquered in 1945. God brought Israel back to life afterwards.

8 hours ago, Diaste said:

The true identification of the final beast comes from the idea of the difference between the first three and the fourth.


Here is something most everyone misses. So you think the Fourth Beast is different than the other three right? But there is a scripture most everyone overlooks that says all FOUR of then were different from each other: SO YOU SEE VERSE 7...............but not VERSE 3. 

7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

And four great beasts came up from the sea, DIVERSE ONE FROM ANOTHER.

So verse 3 tells us verse 7 has no super special meaning as many would seemingly assume, of course they are all DIFFERENT from one another, they are four different Kingdoms !! Thus they were given different Animal names, and one was called a Fierce looking beast with Iron teeth. Now the Fourth Kingdom was also different in that Two Beasts arise out of it, that is told later, but they are ALL FOUR DIVERSE from each other of course. 

8 hours ago, Diaste said:

"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth:"

Islam rose to greater power than the Precious Metals and Rome.

Islam is not in consideration, Israel was DEAD (AS DEAD MEN'S BONES), and that is straight from Gods mouth. Islam is nothing compared to Rome, you are defining a Religion to start with not a Gentile Kingdom, but its not debatable anyway, Islamic Nations are not over the Jews now and have never been nor will ever rule over the Jews. Of course if you come to that conclusion first its hard to shed that line of thinking. 

8 hours ago, Diaste said:

Islam did this during the 700 years of war against the heathen. The broke down all the cities and idols and stomped on them. There are videos of ISIS doing this. Breaking apart statues they consider idols and literally stomping and kicking the broken pieces.

and it [was] diverse from all the beasts that [were] before it;"

This is important. The diversity is a major clue to what this beast represents. If one takes a look at Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome we can see they are alike in important ways: General economic, religious, educational and travel freedoms. All four were pan-theistic and had civil government. Islam is on the opposite end of the spectrum. No general freedoms, mono-theistic and a religion based government. It will not be Rome. This beast will emanate from the Mesopotamian region, out the Seleucid empire, as it did once before under the berserker rage fomented by the false prophet Mohammed.


As I proved above, the DIFFERENCE/DIVERSITY means nothing. They were ALL DIFFERENT.  Islam will be wiped out, I can only point to the clues that's all I can do brother. 

8 hours ago, Diaste said:

Laudable, not proof of anything, and not convincing.


One thing we should all learn rather quick, Atheists seek PROOF, then wonder why God doesn't give them what they think needs to be given. God stated the RIGHTEOUS will live by FAITH, Abraham was Righteous because he believed God. I only see the ways of the Holy Spirit, those with the Holy Spirit edify the things of the Spirit. I don't really care what men think, when the Holy Spirit gives me an understanding, I am fixed on that forever. What is of me is of me, what is of the Holy Spirit is of the Holy Spirit, the key is hearing the small still voice. The Atheists will be in hell crying "God never gave them proof", the sad thing is He was speaking to them the whole time, they refused to search God out. 

8 hours ago, Diaste said:

Yes, the beast is a man, I have never said otherwise. A powerful king that rules a kingdom. A beast that commands a beast army and a beast kingdom.


So there is ONE SPOT LEFT. No room for anything other than the coming Anti-Christ. 

8 hours ago, Diaste said:

Interesting that you say that. Islam is convinced that all religions other than Islam are false religions. I think your statement, " the Beast AND his Kings Destroy Islam and ALL FALSE RELIGIONS" is prima facie illogical. The beast creates his own false religion when he demands the worship of the world. So the beast will not destroy ALL false religions, just the ones that are not his false religion. 


Like I have stated before, I could care less what any religion thinks. It is not prima facie evidence of anything, of course God has to destroy the Last Beast and his False Prophet, that goes without saying they aren't going to destroy themselves. That should never be brought up by any man using logic, but you would be surprised how many times I hear it, its like a Dem or Republican trying to one up his opponent with something he knows is not a reality, yet he places foot in mouth because he just can't help himself. COME ON MAN !! ?Come on man !!

8 hours ago, Diaste said:

You keep saying no religions will be allowed right after you say there is going to be the global worship of the beast. Above you say there is going to a one world religion and then say no religion will be allowed.


Again? Stuff like this befuddles me to be honest, its obvious isn't it what I am saying. No need to explain. Maybe I will do it in BIG RED LETTERS.


8 hours ago, Diaste said:

If that's true then your conclusion is wrong. The people of Israel were terribly persecuted by Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany would then qualify as a beast.


Israel was still not a rebirthed nation until 1948, the fact that Hitler killed 6 Million Jews should tell you God was not favoring Israel at the time, at all. But after Israel was REBIRTHED, they won wars that can not be explained. 

8 hours ago, Diaste said:

First, you can only speak for yourself in this. You cannot know the Holy Ghost guides anyone but you. No person has such insight. It's possible to know the guidance of the Holy Spirit by the fruits of people you interact with but to claim to know this about corporate Christianity is well out of anyone's depth. Only Our Father could know this about such vast and scattered group.

It's kinda sad you don't take other arguments seriously that don't agree with your views. Does anyone know everything about any single topic? No, no one fits this except God.

Yes sir I can, as a Preacher of over 30 years its my job to know the Holy Spirit's understandings via prophecy, that is why God called me unto Prophecy. I take a lot of things I disagree with seriously, just not "Rome NOT BEING a Beast". 

God Bless brother. Keep seeking earnestly and you will come to the truths you seek. I used to be a RCC  is maybe the Beast type guy 30 years ago, saw through it, then I was a "Well the Pope has to be the False Prophet type", God showed me the truth, all because I am willing to be wrong. The RCC angle and the Islam angle are clever deceits by Satan. But why is he lying in those two areas? To cover where hes truly coming from of course. 

Look over here...........look over here..........BOOM............HERE I AM.



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2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Its fact sir, I can't give you this gift of seeing these things (gift of prophesy) it comes from God Himself.  I don't d assumptions, I leave that for the rest, I follow the Holy Spirit which seems to be an abstract entity in many Christians ways of thinking. I don't need approval of men to teach what the Holy Spirit is teaching, I can explain it, but I can't make you see what you can't see, s one I explain it, my job is done.  

As per Israel, they are ALIVE as a people/NATION, when they are in Egypt, God has dealings with them, likewise in Babylon God was prophesying through Daniel and even Jeremiah, God still favored Israel via the Persian King etc. etc. The reason Israel was not in the land in those cases were in Babylon they were being corrected, in Egypt the Canaanites (and others) sins had not yet come full, thus Israel became a Nation in Egypt and his renown was born world wide as the Great God of the Israelites. As per 70-125 AD -1948, they were not in the Land because the were DEAD UNTO God !! This can't really get any more basic than this, you are taking something that is a simple understanding and talking it into complexities which need not apply. Israel was not in the land for only one reason, God did not recognize Israel as a nation, in Egypt God saw them as Israel, in Babylon God still had every intention to bring them back to Israel to rebuild it this he still had dealings with them, God completely turned his back on Israel foe 2000 years circa 70-125 AD. Nothing is going to change that fact brother. There are 100's of things that SCREAM Islam is going to be wiped out, not just one thing. Richardson and Shoebat are making tons of money, but they are leading people astray, just like Armstrong and others did on the RCC. 

This is why I don't think you understand this yourself. Your thinking above qualifies Nazi Germany as a beast kingdom as well and Hitler as one of the heads of the beast. When Israel was in Egypt they had no nation. There were going to be led there but the land was in the hands of the Gentiles. By your explanation above then Nazi Germany is a beast kingdom. This is somewhat different than what you used to preach. I have heard you say that Israel is only a nation when it is in the land. Guess that ain't true anymore. You can't have it both ways nor amend your position to counteract challenges and retain veracity. You try. But it's unconvincing.

Oh, I see...you arrive at the conclusion you see as valid through honest study and the Spirit of God. If another arrives at a differing conclusion they read men's books, ergo they are deluded. I do believe you are a longtime preacher.



2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

The Jews were as Dead unto God until 1948, Nazi Germany was Conquered in 1945. God brought Israel back to life afterwards.

Here is something most everyone misses. So you think the Fourth is was different than the other three right? But there is a scripture most everyone overlooks that says all FOUR of then were different from each other: SO YOU SEE VERSE 7...............but not VERSE 3. 

7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

And four great beasts came up from the sea, DIVERSE ONE FROM ANOTHER.

So verse 3 tells us verse 7 has no super special meaning as many would seemingly assume, of course they are all DIFFERENT from one another, they are four different Kingdoms !! Thus they were given different Animal names, and one was called a Fierce looking beast with Iron teeth. Now the Fourth Kingdom was also different in the Two Beasts arise out of it, that is told later, but they are ALL FOUR DIVERSE from each other of course. 

Please do not do that. Of course they are all different from each other. On the basis of race alone they are all different. But you ignored the point. It's funny, you make mention of how people ignore the points you take to be valid but you seem to subvert every point that differs from your personal reflections on prophecy. Why? 

2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Islam is not in consideration, Israel was DEAD (AS DEAD ME'S BONES), and that is straight from Gods mouth. Islam is nothing compared to Rome, you are defining a Religion to start with not a Gentile Kingdom, but its not debatable anyway, there are not over the Jews now and have never been nor will ever rule over the Jews. Of course of you come to that conclusion first its hard to shed that line of thinking. 

It's all debatable. Please post the Book, Chapter and Verses that even imply that ruling over Israel while Israel is in the promised land is a qualifier for identification as either a beast, or a beast kingdom.

2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

As I proved above, the DIFFERENCE/DIVERSITY means nothing. They were ALL DIFFERENT.  Islam will be wiped out, I can only point to the clues that's all I can do brother. 

One thing we should all learn rather quick, Atheists seek PROOF, then wonder why God doesn't give them what they think needs to be given. God stated the RIGHTEOUS will live by FAITH, Abraham was Righteous because he believed God. I only see the ways of the Holy Spirit, those with the Holy Spirit edify the things of the Spirit. I don't really care what men think, when the Holy Spirit gives me an understanding, I am fixed on that forever. What is of me is of me, what is of the Holy Spirit is of the Holy Spirit, the key is hearing the small still voice. The Atheist will be in hell crying God never gave them proof, the sad thing is He was speaking to them the whole time, they refused to search God out. 

Laudable, not proof of truth. Scripture, from the mouth of God, is proof. Men's words are not truth unless there is specific scriptural support. 

2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

So there is ONE SPOT LEFT. No room for anything other than the coming Anti-Christ. 

Like I have stated before, I could care less what any religion thinks. It not prima facie evidence of anything, of course God has to destroy the Last Beast and his False Prophet, that goes without saying they aren't going to destroy themselves. That should never be brought up by any man using logic, but you would be surprised how many times I hear it, its like a Dem or Republican trying to one up his opponent with something he knows is not a reality, yet he places foot in mouth because he just can't help himself. COME ON MAN !! ?Come on man !!

Again? Stuff like this befuddles me to be honest, its obvious isn't it what I am saying. No need to explain. Maybe I will do it in BIG RED LETTERS.


You should be more precise in your replies. I did understand but a literal reading of your words showed massive contradictions.

2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Israel was still not a rebirthed nation until 1948, the fact that Hitler killed 6 Million Jews should tell you God was not favoring Israel at the time, at all. But after Israel was REBIRTHED, they won wars that can not be explained. 


2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Yes sir I ca, as a Preacher of over 30 years its my job to know the Holy Spirits understandings via prophecy, that is why God called me unto Prophecy. I take a lot of things I disagree with seriously, just not Rome NOT BEING a Beast. 

That's not what I said. You are diverting attention away from the point. You claimed to know that 100% of Christianity was led by the Holy Spirit and that 99.5 percent of all Christendom formed an accurate consensus. That is an impossibility. You cannot KNOW this unless you have godlike abilities. You ASSUME it's true. But it's weak. An appeal to authority, the group or a consensus is logically invalid in the search for truth.


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21 hours ago, Diaste said:

This is why I don't think you understand this yourself. Your thinking above qualifies Nazi Germany as a beast kingdom as well and Hitler as one of the heads of the beast. When Israel was in Egypt they had no nation. There were going to be led there but the land was in the hands of the Gentiles. By your explanation above then Nazi Germany is a beast kingdom. This is somewhat different than what you used to preach. I have heard you say that Israel is only a nation when it is in the land. Guess that ain't true anymore. You can't have it both ways nor amend your position to counteract challenges and retain veracity. You try. But it's unconvincing.

Oh, I see...you arrive at the conclusion you see as valid through honest study and the Spirit of God. If another arrives at a differing conclusion they read men's books, ergo they are deluded. I do believe you are a longtime preacher.


No use rehashing this, its obvious you have Islam "on the mind" as per what you think, even though the scripture, IMHO, do not attest to it, so we would just be wasting each others time going over the same things. Rome is not a Beast..........You and about 100 other people think this way. Or maybe ts a 1000, or 10,000. Its not very many, but that's the only way your Islam theory works so I get it. I am just not buying it brother. 

21 hours ago, Diaste said:

Please do not do that. Of course they are all different from each other. On the basis of race alone they are all different. But you ignored the point. It's funny, you make mention of how people ignore the points you take to be valid but you seem to subvert every point that differs from your personal reflections on prophecy. Why? 


Not at all, I pointed out that the Fourth Beast is different in a unique way though I never emphasized why, I meant to do that at the end of the other post, so here goes. You guys who claim the Fourth Beast is different overlook the fact they they were ALL DIFFERENT, and then you miss what is different, what Gabriel shows us in verses 23-25. You guys overtly make the point that the Fourth Beast is different from the other three, but that was a GIVEN, so when it mentions again that the Fourth Beast is different, you guys say "SEE ITS DIFFERENT FROM TE OTHER THREE" when in reality its not speaking about being different from the other three here per se. Its speaking of something most people miss all together. So when you see this (BELOW SCRIPTURES), you are correct, it means something different than verse 3, BUT.......you guys who see these verses below want to differentiate it from the other THREE.........But if that is what it meant verse 3 would have sufficed right? Of course, so what does it mean? Well Gabriel TELLS US WHAT IT MEANS !! From verse 16 to 25 Gabriel interprets the Vision. I will do this in segments, its really important.

Daniel 7: 16 I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things. 17 These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. 18 But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

{{{ These Great beasts which are four (ANIMALS MENTIONED IN Daniel are 4, including the Fierce Beast) are Four Kings, so all of the rest of History via Israel's being under bondage to these Great Gentile Nations will spring forth from JUST Four Kings, the King that Started Babylon, the King that started Persia, the King that started Greece and the King that started Rome. Then the Saints of the most high will be give the Kingdom by God/Jesus. }}}

Daniel 7: 19 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; 20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than HIS FELLOWS (Hes a MAN). 21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; 22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. 

{{{ The Fourth Beast upon the earth is of course Rome, the only reason for it not to be Rome is it makes the Islam option go away. Rome is noted as the Iron Kingdom and always has been. Rome ruled or BEASTED over Israel, Islam never has and never will. Of course you guys seeminhly don't get the RIDDLE of the Fourth Beast which Gabriel gives unto us in verses 23-25. You seemingly can't see why/how the Fourth Beast is Rome and is also defeated via the End Times whereas the Saints are given the victory over the Fourth Beast, who is A MAN, who has EYES, a MOUTH and a STOUT LOOK.  Not a Demon. }}}

Daniel 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from ALL KINGDOMS, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and HE SHALL BE DIVERSE FROM THE FIRST, and he shall subdue three kings. 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

{{{ DO YOU SEE IT? The Fourth Beast IS DIFFERENT from the rest, it clearly states in verse 23 that the Fourth Beast is different from ALL THE KINGDOMS !! Just like all the others were different also from each other in verse 3.  BUT...........HERE IS THE KEY !! Watch for it. After the Fourth Beast that was different from ALL THE BEASTS devours the whole earth (all the land in the region spoken of)  and treads it down and breaks it in pieces (ROME).........THEN...........10 Horns Arise, and ANOTHER (Little Horn) shall Arise AFTER THEM...........AND........HE SHALL BE DIVERSE FROM THE FIRST !!! Not from the Others, not from ALL THE OTHERS like the Fourth Beast but he (Little Horn) is DIVERSE FROM THE FIRST [BEAST] that arises out of this Kingdom via this King that started this Kingdom (ROME).  Its TWO DIFFERENT BEASTS !! Its very clear. The FOURTH BEAST in verse 23 is DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE OTHER BEASTS !! The Little Horn is only different from THE FIRST !! Meaning the First Beast via the FOURTH BEAST KINGDOM, it can be nothing else, its very clear the Little Horn is different from ONE BEAST, the First Beast out of the Fourth Beast..........The Little Horn is Different than Rome !! 

Verse 23 can't say the FOURTH BEAST is diverse from ALL THE BEASTS and then turn around in verse 24 and say hes ONLY DIFFERENT from the FIRST !! Its just not a possible solution to the Riddle. The two verses CONTRADICT THEMSELVES, thus it a Riddle of God, and only God can help us solve it. Rome IS the Deadly Wound !! The Seven Headed Beast is NO MORE for nigh 2000 years, then after Israel is REBORN and after the Church is Raptured, then and only then will the Anti-Christ Conquer Jerusalem/Israel, ad thus become the LAST BEAST HEAD, thus HEALING the Mortal Wound !! 

The Little Horn is a BEAST..................&......................ROME was a Beast !!  Islam is not a Beast brother. The Last Beast is cast into the the Lake of Fire, he is DIFFERENT FROM THE FIRST [Beast] out of the Fourth Kingdom. Rome is a Beast and the Little Horn is a Beast. }}}


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