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Thoughts on the zero tolerance policy and what it is doing to children


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22 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

Children were not separated from their parents under President Obama's administration. The children that were housed before crossed the border alone. There is no comparison to what is happening today and what took place then. 

That is errant. This has been policy at welfare housing for decades not just for illegal immigrants.

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2 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

The children who were detained in the past crossed the border alone. As I said in my earlier posts, there is no law that calls for the separation of children from their parents and asylum seekers are not illegals. 

Even the Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said there is no such policy. 


Whether there is a law or not, what is happening in our country today is un-American. 

How many are you personally taking in to your home, your neighborhood, your school, your community hospital, how much  of an increase in personal fees taxes and property taxes can you withstand?

Even if you rent you will have higher rents due to the increase costs of educating illegals. What is American about welfare for the world?

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"there's nothing illegal about seeking asylum in the US."

Yes there is! There is legal process, and there is illegal running of the border.

Our ancesters were not just allowed into this country- They  were processed, many were detained, deloused, checked for physical and mental health, as well as for physical ability to find gainful employment, all  at Ellis Island NY and many were rejected and sent back to their points of origin.

For years many have helped the poor all over America, we have been to the flats housing 17 people to a room living in shifts "hot bed" style. We have fed them we have brought them food and clothes, we have brought them Bibles and shared of our Lord, perhaps nearly much as you have been led to do on foreign soil.

But this is a difference circumstance. There simply is not the water, not the useable land, not the capacity, to raise and distribute food, fuel, nor build housing, for all that are crashing the borders today. At the end the way this is going now,  we will not have a country, and there will not be anyone capable of providing support for foreign missions, nor local. if we do not plan and do not defend our borders.

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31 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

The children who were detained in the past crossed the border alone. As I said in my earlier posts, there is no law that calls for the separation of children from their parents and asylum seekers are not illegals. 

Even the Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said there is no such policy. 


Whether there is a law or not, what is happening in our country today is un-American. 

Brother, I so appreciate your voice of reason and caring. What I have heard for the most part is almost unrecognizable to what I read in theBiblw as real Christian faith. Are we Americans first or are we Christians living as sojourners in a world desperate to see love displayed through those who are called by the name of our savior?

I have heard all sorts of reasons as to why we should shut up our bowels of compassion and show no mercy. I have heard it is all sex traffickers, the immigrants are going to make us sick, they are just guilty of breaking laws.... blah, blah, blah. Jesus weeps. 

Jesus said that if someone  comes to you in need and you tell them you will pray for them but do not help them, how dwells the love of God in you? It is a rhetorical question, by the way, answering itself. Like the Pharisees, how many there are today in our churches who love possessing the correct doctrines but have no fruit to show from those beliefs. Jesus called them a brood of vipers, whited seplchres, and upbraided them for neglecting the weightier matters of the Torah, like love and mercy.

Is not empathy and compassion to be our calling card? The excuses thrown around here are simply that, excuses. Here is the bottom line. We are watching out for us, and to heck with the rest. Do we not think God will bless us as a nation if we actually displayed goodness and righteousness to a world lacking these things? If we do not find  repentance, our nation is headed for a severe waking up and it will not be pleasant. 

Jesus was teaching and instructed His audience of the importance of loving their neighbor. They asked “Who is our neighbor” ready to begin making excuses so that they would not be cast themselves in a bad light. So He told the parable of the man traveling who was set upon by robbers. One after another, men came by that had the means to help. A rich man, then a fellow countryman, then a priest and all simply ignored the situation. Finally, a Samaritan came by, who was an enemy of the Jews. His heart was touched, and in compassion, he took him in and cared for him. Then Jesus looked them in the eyes and asked them which one was there neighbor. 

We are taught  by the Lord Himself that if we show no mercy, we will get no mercy. If we are abiding correctly in the Lord, should not His love and compassion should be coursing through our veins? 

There is coming a day when the vast majority of us may well find ourselves hungry and homeless, needing someone to show us and our own children compassion. If we have showed that to others, I believe our God will move mountains to see to it that we are fed and clothed ourselves. But if our “patriotism” and correct political stance thinks it can sit on the throne next to Jesus and all will be well for us, we need to think again.

blessings and may God open our eyes and beware the hardness of heart that Satan tries to get to take root, disguised as Christianity. 


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Guest shiloh357
1 hour ago, Badjao33 said:

There is no law that says children are to be separated from their parents. Everything you mentioned can be achieved without having to resort to that and that is how it has been done for decades.

First of all, you have adults claiming to be the parents of the children, but they all show up with any documentation AND the majority of these adults are human sex traffickers that kidnapped these children and brought them to the border.   The US authorities  are tasked with the unenviable job of separating the children from all of the adults until they can sort out who are the parents and who are the human traffickers.  

The way it was done for decades and during the Obama administration when it was called "catch and release" that ended up giving children over to illegals who were either members of drug cartels or human sex traffickers.  This administration ended that program and decided not to endanger the children. 

The US is not doing anything at the border that is endangering the welfare of the children whose parents have broken our laws and committed a criminal acts by trying to come across our borders without authorization.

This happened even during the Obama years:   https://davidharrisjr.com/politics/democrat-admits-his-party-is-lying-on-immigration-flap/


Parents crossing the border were not separated from their children in the past. 

Yes they were and we have the pictures to prove it.  Here is a picture that went viral and it is from 2014 when kids were separated from their parents.  




Border patrol agents are currently turning asylum seekers away at the checkpoints.

So what?   We are under no moral or legal obligation to accept anyone who comes to the border demanding entry.   


Many of these people are left with only two choices: go back home at the risk of being abused and/or killed, or try to find a place to cross between the check points and at least try to save their lives and the lives of their children. If that isn’t enough trauma for a child to experience, if the parents do manage to cross the border the child is now being ripped away from them with no idea where they are, where they are going, and no idea if they will be reunited with their parents again. There is no excuse for these abusive actions being used by our government.

When you commit a criminal act, you are separated from your children.   Even American citizens are separated from their kids when they commit armed robbery or sexual assault or any kind of felony.   They go to jail and the children are put in foster care.  They can spend 10, 15 20 years or more separated from their children.   That happens when you commit a crime.   Nothing that is being done here is any different that what we do to American citizens.

Nothing that is being done is abusive at all.   In fact, the children are treated better and get better care than they got in Central America.  They are better fed, get fresh clothes, some of them have to be taught how to use a flush toilet and how to use the shower facilities they get medical care and are assigned a social worker.  They get to play sports and video games and even get schooling.     So your silly argument that all of this is abusive only demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.


Jesus said, “love your neighbor as yourself... those who welcome the stranger have welcomed the Lord himself and are therefore blessed.. do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 22:39, Matthew 25:35, Matthew 7:12). 

And feeding, clothing and cleaning up kids and giving them medical care fully meets that criteria.  No one is being tortured and the children are returned to their parents once it can be confirmed which people are paretns and which are not.  Those kids who did not come with parents are assigned sponsors and eventually put in foster homes.   So, again, you really don't have a grasp as to what is really going on.



Separating children from their parents at the borders of our country is not the Christian way and it's not the American way. It's wrong, and any Christian who thinks all of this is okay has zero moral compass and should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh please....  You can dispense with the drama.   These foreign children are being treated better than the homeless US veterans.   Not even our bravest can get the medical care and psychological care that these children are receiving.   Nothing unchristian is happening in terms of how we treat these kids or their parents who broke our laws.  

We treat these people better than Americans are treated who enter illegally in other countries.  Our government is actually being quite Christian in their treatment of the people at the border.


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Guest shiloh357
3 hours ago, Badjao33 said:

Right, there is a legal process and that is what these people are seeking. What is happening today, and the secretary of Homeland Security confirmed this yesterday, is that people are being turned away at the checkpoints and told to return at a later date. The problem is that these people have no where else to go, so they attempt to cross the border at another location. When they cross they immediately surrender to the border agents seeking asylum. These people are not criminals, and they shouldn't be separated from their children when they are detained. The process to enter the country legally begins when that person says that they are seeking asylum. 

There are some that are crossing the border illegally to commit crimes, and then there are others that are seeking asylum or just don't know any better and don't know how the US laws work and truly want a better life in the US.  Should the US prosecute and treat these people in the same way as a criminal?  

The problem is that they show up without documentation and there is no way to know in the immediate encounter if the asylum seeker is making a valid request.   People can lie, you know.    Without documentation, they have to take the time to sort through things to figure who is who and what claims are valid and which claims are not.  They need to know who is a criminal trying to pretend that they are a parent or an asylum seeker and who is geniuine.   

And when you are processing thousands of people at a  time, you have to do something.   And they can't take everyone that shows up at the border. Some get turned away.   That's the nature of the beast in these kinds of situations.

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Take perfect care of all the children of anyone who applies for "status", = Legally.

Otherwise, if a parent is trying to manipulate the system and the feelings of (sheep) people who are addicted to MSNBC and CNN, and therefore can't think for themselves, then all these Illegals (children included) should be deployed back to wherever they came from, ASAP, and without a second thought.

"We welcome legal immigrants", does not mean the USA is  a universal dumping ground for the illegally trying to come here ( trash of the world and their kids.)

And you know, Mexico must be one horrible place to live, when everyone there wants to leave.

Perhaps , Wolf Blitszer and Anderson Cooper and similar far left Christ Denying America Hating types, should be sent packing to Mexico to interview their president and simply ask him...>.  1.) "Why does everyone in your country want to leave your country"?

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Guest shiloh357
1 hour ago, Badjao33 said:

I posted a link to this story already from 2014, but here it is again. The kids in that picture were not separated from their parents at the border like what we are seeing today, they were traveling alone. 


Fair enough.   

The fact remains that the children are not being ripped from their parents' arms and thrown into something akin to concentration camps, the way the media is portraying it.   The authorities are doing an astounding job taking care of the children given the mess they have been handed buy Congress.

The separation of children from the adult population protects the children.   And I am sure that there are some children who are upset about being taken from their parents, and no one is happy about that, but it is a necessary action given the nature of the problem that faces authorities who can't immediately tell who are parents and who are the criminals exploiting children.

It was liberal lawyers from the US that told illegals to find a child and falsely present themselves as the parent(s) of the child in order to gain entry and the criminals have exploited that bad advice. 

They are not separating the child as an act of punishment, but as a means of not giving children over to human sex traffickers who will abuse those children once they get across our borders.

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Guest shiloh357
52 minutes ago, Davida said:

The whole thing is bogus, the Media is trying to create a public emotional response by the dishonest melodramatic reporting to use as a lever against President Trump.  I for one am so tired of the phony righteous indignation, the crocodile tears  & hypocrisy of the lefty Media establishment feigning like they actually care about people.  

Exactly.   The ONLY reason this is an issue NOW is because

  • Russia collusion didn't work;
  • Stormy Daniels didn't work; 
  • Obstruction of justice didn't work;
  • Taxes are down;
  • Unemployment is down across the boards; 
  • $Trillions$ are coming back to the US;
  • The President has made the US safer, stronger, wealthier and more respected; 
  • And the president had a banner week at the successful Singapore summit last week. 

They need something to take all of that good news off of the news cycle and this is what they are trying to use to gain some traction.  It has NOTHING to do with caring about the children.

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6 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

Exactly.   The ONLY reason this is an issue NOW is because

  • Russia collusion didn't work;
  • Stormy Daniels didn't work; 
  • Obstruction of justice didn't work;
  • Taxes are down;
  • Unemployment is down across the boards; 
  • $Trillions$ are coming back to the US;
  • The President has made the US safer, stronger, wealthier and more respected; 
  • And the president had a banner week at the successful Singapore summit last week. 

They need something to take all of that good news off of the news cycle and this is what they are trying to use gain some traction.  It has NOTHING to do with caring about the children.

The illegal alien who got away with murdering USA citizen Kate Steinle because Californians currently shield and protect illegal immigrants above all else.  But now he’s suing the USA because he doesn’t think people were nice enough to him after he killed Kate.  Remind me, what country do we live in?

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