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Holidays over Holy Days...


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10 minutes ago, JustPassingThru said:

Interesting statement you have made, ...it contradicts what Paul himself said:

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,   Php 3:8

Do you care to explain what things Paul considered "dung," in the "context" of the above verse?

NO you are misquoting and misinterpreting this verse.  The knowledge of Christ if found in observing the commandments. Christ even stated that if you love me you will keep my commandments. Paul was showing that his previous pride in being a pharasee, etc... meant nothing in regards to Christ. No where does he state that the Sabbath and Holy Days are not to be observed. But I do understand the confusion of being taught something and believing something without true research. I pray the Lord will help you to understand. Please read scriptures in their entirety to search out their true meaning.  I pray you will.

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3 minutes ago, LadyKay said:

 I am setting aside any disagreement I may have at this time to asked this.  Just what are these Holy days that you say we as Christian are required to take part in? What activities are we suppose to do on these days and how do we go about celebrating them? 

I truly appreciate your kind and inquisitive response. The holy days are mentioned throughout scripture including in the New Testament. Whsten looking at the ten commandments you get some indication as to how the Lord desires the Sabbath to be kept as this is one of the Holy Days. The other Holy Days are listed in Leviticus 23, but also in many other places. You can go on line and make copies of holy day calendars that will show when the days come up on the Roman Calendar. Since they are based on the full moon, the days will vary. But they all fall either in the spring or the fall, except for Pentecost which is counted by 50 from the Sabbath within the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Pentecost actually means "count 50".  The holy days lay out the plan of God and if you take the time I believe you will find it an interesting study.

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2 hours ago, Tigger56 said:

Totally lost me on that reasoning.  How we celebrate the Holy Days, Sabbaths, Foods we eat are not to be determined by man. This is what man desires to do and this is why they walk in disobedience. God lays out in his holy word how these days are to be observed. To learn the first way go to Exodus 20: 8 - 11. For how to observe the Holy Days go to Leviticus 23. This is how God tells us to do it, any other way... then you are talking about man's will.

God's Law also said we are to stone adulterers, and homosexuals and what not. Yet Christ Jesus extended mercy and Grace to the Sinful. something changed on the cross with the death burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus regarding the Law, as he fulfilled the requirements on the cross as a substitute for those curses. So Now, we as stewards of this grace must extend mercy and grace to others, that they may come to the cross and receive that free gift of salvation. By doing so, we rest from our works, and trust in his work in us. This is when we gain victory over sin in our life, Not forced ascetism (will worship), but real victory. We Christians are a testimony of this victory in Christ Jesus.


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Just now, Roar said:

Yet He also said go and sin more don't forget. He did not gloss over that it was SIN as some would have us do today.

Did I say somewhere go and sin freely? No I did Not. This is the typical mischaracterization the preachers of the Law have against those who teach Grace. Satan has two towers from which he attacks Christians from, One is the tower of lawlessness, the other is the tower of Legalism. The way of Grace promotes neither of these options. Grace Begins with the understanding that NOTHING I can do will please God, hence Grace is UNMERITED favor. Legalism states that we must do this or that to earn grace, which is an Oxymoron. Grace is not a one time thing but a lifelong well of life giving water, by which we are refreshed daily. It is from that wellspring of love and grace of God that we are stewards of His Grace to others, thus fulfilling the Law, which is God's love perfected in us. This is a lifelong process as we learn of how much he loves us each day we fail him, Yet each day he Loves us, So much so that we learn how to love one another as he loved us, Sacrificially, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. When We learn this, then we will love even our enemies, and extend grace and mercy to them as well. That is the New commandment (John 13:34) He gave us, which is Agape Love, which the Law is unable to produce in us, as it can only bring condemnation and death But we now have the Law of the Spirit of life, which brings liberty and life. (Romans 8:1-5, 2 Cor. 3:17-18,)    


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3 hours ago, dhchristian said:

God's Law also said we are to stone adulterers, and homosexuals and what not. Yet Christ Jesus extended mercy and Grace to the Sinful. something changed on the cross with the death burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus regarding the Law, as he fulfilled the requirements on the cross as a substitute for those curses. So Now, we as stewards of this grace must extend mercy and grace to others, that they may come to the cross and receive that free gift of salvation. By doing so, we rest from our works, and trust in his work in us. This is when we gain victory over sin in our life, Not forced ascetism (will worship), but real victory. We Christians are a testimony of this victory in Christ Jesus.


I understand your confusion. There was a difference between the law or government of Israel and the law of God in regards to the Sabbath and Holy Days, just as there is a difference in our laws from another nation. In America it is not acceptable to pick up stones and stone somewhere. You would be arrested for you have broken our nation's law. Adultery is the breaking of God's law as shown in the commandments. However, we cannot use the method that the nation of Israel used in regards to punishment. Jesus had a woman caught in adultery brought to him as a attempt to deceive. There were laws in place by Rome and there was an hierarchy of justice within Israel of that time. They were testing him. Have you wondered why the man, who was also committing adultery was not brought forth?  The most important thing is yes Jesus forgave her but also stated, "sin no more". He didn't condone the adultery for it was the breaking of God's law, but thankfully for all of us, Grace supersedes the law but that doesn't meant you may sin so that grace may abound.

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5 hours ago, maryjayne said:

we need to keep all of them?

Though only the Feast of Tabernacles is mentioned in Zechariah in regards to the nations not receiving rain as punishment, all of the holy are representative of God's plan and all are important today and in the future. So, yes, I believe in keeping all of them.... Passover, Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.  They are wonderful feasts!  All carry great power and I look forward to each and every one of them. The Feast of Tabernacles is something all the children look forward to as well as it is a time of great rejoicing, a great time for family and brethren.  I have built many wonderful memories over the years.

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16 hours ago, DustyRoad said:

As it's been pointed out many times before by my brothers and sisters --- I'm thankful to join my voice with theirs --- the Lord hasn't moved me to regard any particular day as holy or separate from others. No, I'm to regard every day as holy to our God, a day he has given me to walk toward him. That's my blessing! I don't require a calendar or calculations to announce the day.

I open my eyes and there it is, a gift given to me by our Father in heaven. Every day that I open my eyes anew I'm living the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm to cease from my labors and rest in the Son of God, who is the Lord of Sabbath, forevermore. 

Of course I'm interested in studying the scriptural feast days! I'll couch it this way: is it scriptural? It is worthwhile? Is it good? Does it edify and build up?

Then spill the beans already! Tell us what you know. :)



Added bonus: Ah, my 777th post!  Woohoo!






Actually we are to consider everyday as a gift and blessing from God, but not holy. The Lord God created the earth and after the six days he rested on set the Sabbath apart as holy. He didn't name all of the previous days as holy, only one. Only the Lord can make a day holy, not man.

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On 11/18/2019 at 11:12 AM, Tzephanyahu said:

Why do you believe Paul if he seems to contract Yahweh Himself?  Or maybe Paul has been misunderstood... 2 Peter 3:16.  What seems more likely to you? I'll go with the Apostle Peter's opinion.

What, should we say the Bible is written with completely harmony and unity of message until Paul comes along and then it's suddenly skewed at the end and things have to change?  God is not the author of confusion. 

No, the message from Genesis is the same through to Revelation.  It is Paul who has been misunderstood.  Otherwise, why would Yahweh preserve the wealth of the Old Testament?  Couldn't the Father cut it down massively if it wasn't needed now it was "all change"? 

Be careful on this matter.  If you want to believe that the Bible is unified in message until Paul, when it becomes different, you need to assess who you are giving more credit to and the path of logic...

What is more likely.  The Bible's message being harmonious across thousands of years and multiple authors, even in the Messiah Himself - until the letters of Paul,  which change the message, OR, that you have misunderstood Paul.  Which seems more likely out of those two?  

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the Feasts.  On the contrary, they are blessed!  But why on earth would anyone speak against them or Torah?  Better to not speak of Torah or the Feasts at all, rather than speak against them.

Love & Shalom

I love the thought and reasoning. Paul was full of zeal and passion and loved the Lord above all else. So it is Paul's writings that are often misunderstood, even Peter stated that Paul's writings could be confusing. Nobody likes a hypocrite, someone who will preach on something and do another... yet most are claiming that is what Paul did, they claim he did away with the law ... but he kept the law, that it was okay to break the Sabbath... but kept the Sabbath, that is was okay to ignore the holy days... yet he observed the holy days... surely someone can see that if Paul was obedient why would he preach disobedience? Paul was not a hypocrite so why does so much human reasoning attempt to make him so?

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22 hours ago, Tigger56 said:

NO you are misquoting and misinterpreting this verse. 

Friend, ...I didn't give any interpretation of this verse:

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,  Php 3:8

All I did is ask you what the intention of the Holy Spirit was when He wrote through the quill of Paul what He wanted us to understand, ...what did He make reference to when Paul said he, "suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung," ...the ball is in your court, so to to say, ...please, tell us what "things" Paul was referring to as dung?

23 hours ago, Tigger56 said:

I pray the Lord will help you to understand.

Please, help me to understand what the "dung" was Paul was referring to, ...you say it was because he was a Pharisee, that is singular, that is only one thing, the word "things" in our Bibles is plural, ...what "things" as a Pharisee did he lose?

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1 hour ago, JustPassingThru said:

Friend, ...I didn't give any interpretation of this verse:

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,  Php 3:8

All I did is ask you what the intention of the Holy Spirit was when He wrote through the quill of Paul what He wanted us to understand, ...what did He make reference to when Paul said he, "suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung," ...the ball is in your court, so to to say, ...please, tell us what "things" Paul was referring to as dung?

Please, help me to understand what the "dung" was Paul was referring to, ...you say it was because he was a Pharisee, that is singular, that is only one thing, the word "things" in our Bibles is plural, ...what "things" as a Pharisee did he lose?

I apologize for my error in regards to misinterpretation. I will answer the question. dung of course the the same as cow patties if you choose. It is in Paul's terminology of no value. If you look at the scriptures leading up to this what is Paul referring to?  Let's look and see....He was talking of the fleshly appearances or attempts of salvation through physical means alone. He mentioned being circumcised, this isn't a bad thing, but many of the pharasees considered it to somehow make them better than the gentiles around them. He mentioned that he was a pharasee, once more they took great pride in their level of learning, training, and understanding, comparing themselves to other more than comparing themselves to God. He kept the law and had great zeal. Not bad things but if the law and zeal are used wrongfully they can be. In his zeal he persecuted believers in Christ so not a good thing, in his knowledge he failed to recognize Jesus as Messiah while Jesus was alive and walked the earth as a man.  The law was used by the pharasees not as a blessing and gift but as a deterrant to accept others. They considered themselves to be God's people, which Israel was, but Jesus became a sacrifice, a Messiah for all of mankind. Thus the law, salvation, grace, mercy, love was for all of man not a select few. When Paul accepted Jesus as Messiah, he understood that all he had known before was nothing compared to that great truth. God had sent his Son to die for man. In scriptures following the statement concerning dung, he speaks in regards to not looking to his own righteousness (truthfully our righteousness before God is as filthy rags!). The law is precious but it cannot save, salvation in only through the Lord Jesus, there is no other way.  Does that help?  There is more I could say....

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