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We are still not getting it...... yet.


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Yes, there is a whole lot of shaking going on.... and it is like that period where someone has been asleep a long time and a shaking or a noise begins to arouse them out of their deep sleep.... but they are not yet fully awake. Partially aroused but not yet wide awake to what is happening.  

This virus has become the first shaking to get God's elect awakened. And there have been tons of positive posts pointing us in the right direction.... yet still missing the mark, for we are still asleep... just not as deeply as we were.. 

I fully realize this post may come off as 'negative' but that is far from my intent. But God has given me a clear cut message to share,  one totally backed by scripture, that is destined to be our waking point.  Until we arrive at that point, great thoughts will be shared, no doubt, but the power to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil, and the strength to endure to the end, will keep us on our present road of 'ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth'. 

What God has for us after that point is reached, I know not. What 'form' will His awakened bride take? I have leanings in my spirit but that is all. I do know it will not be in the form we presently know of as 'church'. But until we finally 'get it', and face some hard truths, we will simply continue to wander in the wilderness of a thousand seemingly spiritual observations and answers, but inside, we will still not walk as overcomers and our fleshly nature will still keep us earth-bound, religious perhaps, but not righteous.

So what is the 'it' we are not getting? I am sure some will be rolling their eyes, lol, as I say it, because it is what I ALWAYS say,  but I pray you give ear to what I am  sharing for it is THE message for the hour. We MUST, by an act of audacious faith, put off our old nature, agreeing with our God that we are no longer in rhe flesh and owe it NOTHING. We must also put on  our new natures, believing that it is no longer we that live, but Christ who now lives IN US. We are told to yield ourselves as those that are alive from the dead, but that, my friends, is simply impossible as long as we do not actually BELIEVE that our old nature truly IS dead.  We must actually believe we ARE born again, born from above, and that satan has no more authority over us. Whoa. 

As long as we walk without this armor on that our God has provided, without our shield of faith raised that promises to quench every single arrow satan launches at us,  we cannot walk with renewed minds. Cannot. We will, even at our best, remain earthly minded, left trying to figure things out with our logic, our intellect, our understanding. We will continue to try to overcome by our strength, our resolve, our knuckling under and trying harder, and as a result, we will continue to walk in defeat, no matter how hard we try. 

My dear fellow saints, because of our unbelief, we have carved our a nice comfortable niche for  sin to remain in our lives and that cannot continue, even if they are small, socially acceptable sins. We have misunderstood grace. Grace..... real Biblical grace from God, is the very power we have been provided to be able to say no to satan when he comes tempting. EVERY TIME. And if we think temptations will not get worse, we are sorely mistaken. Our flesh, even one wanting deeply to obey our God, will fail us, and leave us in a place where nothing or no one is safe. 

We can cling to scriptures that assure us all will be well regardless, not understanding that those promises are in effect for us as NEW MEN, not as carnal men living rheir lives out in Romans 7. 

God has told us clearly. "Awake to righteousness and sin not." Is such a  thing possible? Of course it is, if Jesus is the one doing it in us, keeping is from falling. The word is clear. Are we listening?


It is time. We are new creatures. But due to our unbelief, satan has kept God's people trapped in fear in their prison cells, despite the fact God has ripped the doors off of our prison cells. What will get us fully awake to the HOW of holiness? Nothing less than a hatred of who we are without it. As long as we are content where we are, we can have a thousand shakings like the Corona virus, and ultimately, not be changed at all. 

Let's be honest. If things suddenly went back to normal, do we honestly think most believers will walk differently than they did previously? It is our time.... a time for a declaration of independence from our old nature. God must do the changing. but until we, by faith, put that sin loving, self loving, earthly minded traitor off, declaring that we are no longer him, we have left rhe back door open, and trust me, satan will let himself in..... again and continue to rob us of our birthright. 

May God open our eyes to the truth of our new natures, for only when we clothe ourselves with them  can we obey Him in ALL things. Only then can we be changed into His image from glory to glory. Only then can we endure to the end. i pray we finally get that. Do not under-estimate our enemy. And oh, dear brothers and sisters, do not under-estimate God's ability to keep His children, still housed in fleshly bodies,  from falling when temptation strikes. Faithful is He who calls you who also will do it. 






Edited by Gideon
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I would suspect some who read this post will ask "How do you know what you say is the truth? " It is a fair question, but I am not sure my answer is going to satisfy, lol. More likely, especially for those who  are rubbed the wrong way with what I am sharing with such sureness, it will stir the hornets nest even more. But what I am about to say is the truth.

Thirteen years ago, God supernaturally appeared to me and showed me this truth. Why me? Because of my great theological depth. LOL. Yeah, right. My deep spirituality? Ha. I do not know why me, other than the fact He might have been tired of my crying out as the wretched man that I was, unable to walk obediently even though I wanted desperately to do so.

And praise God, what He shared with me worked... and is still working. No, I was not instantaneously "perfect". Trust me, ask my wife, lol. But I was set free from the sexual lust that had me by the neck. And I was given weapons to finally fight with, weapons that WORKED! I have a long way to go in my own spiritual journey, but I can see God growing fruits in me now that simply never existed previously. 

But after opening the eyes of my understanding,  the Lord called me to share this truth with any who will listen. Truth be told, not many have listen to my incessant sharing up to this point.

Have I ever gotten discouraged? You bet. But not once have  I ever questioned that what I have been asked to share is THE answer to seeing the church arise from the ashes of religious service and becoming the bride gloriously prepared to meet her husband. Until we fonally get this, we CANNOT move forward in victory. 

You, the reader, have a choice to make. But ultimately, it will not be my testimony that will make you decide to throw off your old nature and declare that "old you" really is dead. It will be your hunger to please the Lord by your obedience, your devotion, your longing to actually 'abide in the vine' and experience what it is like to not fulfill the lusts of the flesh..... ever. What it is like to cry out "Lord" and instantaneously hear Him say "Here I am"...... not theoretically but in real experience. 

If this is your heart, and you are simply tired of not feeling close to God, tired of giving in to sin, tired of self refusing to bow to the God who loves you in ALL things, may I encourage you? God sees your intents and is even now beginning to take the blinders off your understanding so that you can take your giant leap of faith by reckoning yourself dead unto sin, believing you really are a new creature, and able to stare down the devil when he comes tempting you.

It might seem confusing right now, but your light is going to get brighter and brighter, I promise. At some point, you are going to have your 'Aha!' moment, and along with it, the mother of all paradigm shifts. 



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3 hours ago, Gideon said:

not understanding that those promises are in effect for us as NEW MEN, not as carnal men living rheir lives out

Hi, this portion above really blessed me. It had such a ring of truth in it. My heart grabbed on to it, my human understanding realized that there was a truth couched there that the Spirit of God Himself has to open up to the heart... So to God do I go for the increase and the light..

Be most blessed, one who is most loved by God and blessings as you continue to follow the Christ in you and bring forth treasures both old and new. 

A fellow servant of His, Not me 

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5 hours ago, Gideon said:

not understanding that those promises are in effect for us as NEW MEN, not as carnal men living rheir lives out

The more I contemplate the truth in the above statement, the more life and truth there seems to be in it...This subject itself seems like it would make such a good stand alone post, if the heart would so be lead...

Food for thought, to such a heart, Not me 

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12 hours ago, Gideon said:

not understanding that those promises are in effect for us as NEW MEN, not as carnal men living their lives out

A few more thoughts on this above truth... 

This truth it seems to me, explains the why of the truth I have learned as the difference between the faith of the head vs the faith of the heart. One always receives from God the other never receives from God...This truth above explains the why of it.. Because the promises of God are not to be fulfilled in the old creation. They are solely for the new creation. They are solely to be answered and received by the growth of the Divine nature in a believer..For because the Divine nature is the only thing in a believer that sins not.. So to the growth of this new creation is the manifestation of all the promises of God manifested... 

Well said Gideon, needed and wanted a confirmation from God on this truth that rang my bell of truth..This put another puzzle piece together as they say... Be blessed as you pursue and search after this God Who has called you on to Himself..

A fellow servant of His, Not me  

Ps, Gids you need to spell check your posts a little better, 

“faithful are the wounds of a friend”

Be blessed in Him, Me :)

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11 hours ago, Gideon said:

God has told us clearly. "Awake to righteousness and sin not." Is such a  thing possible? Of course it is, if Jesus is the one doing it in us, keeping is from falling. The word is clear. 

He has not told "us"/ if "us" means or includes those who live in the flesh, who have not heard Him,    instead reject His Word.

The "?" seems out of place.....    the people were stricken to the heart , crying out "what shall we do",  before they repented and were immersed in Jesus' Name. 


Afterwards,  they REJOICED at God's Word,   hungry and longing FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS,  desiring eagerly Jesus and to do as He Says -  asking Jesus "what shall we do"/  "how shall we live" ... and being taught by Jesus (those who remain with Jesus).   Like little children,  simply learning from Jesus and DOing what Jesus says,  not wondering "Is such a thing possible?" it seems to me,  but

rejoicing that Jesus and the Father accmplished their salvation after pointing out the broken-ness, the sinfulness of man/ the need to turn to the Father, repenting.

True,  Jesus told the Apostles and permanent disciples "I know you don't know how to live"  ..... 

but then what ?   That's not the end,  no, not at all.  Then Jesus continued:   "Come to Me, and Learn From Me;  I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO LIVE" ....  (over and over He showed the Apostles and permanent disciples throughout Scripture;  and throughout history for the Ekklesia) ...    "I will teach you" ....  His Word,  His Promise,  to those who love (obey) God and are called according to His Purpose (like being born again:  by His Will,  not man's will;  His Purpose,  not man's purpose) ....

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11 hours ago, Gideon said:

I fully realize this post may come off as 'negative' but that is far from my intent

Yep that it does.

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11 hours ago, Gideon said:

This virus has become the first shaking to get God's elect awakened. And there have been tons of positive posts pointing us in the right direction.... yet still missing the mark, for we are still asleep... just not as deeply as we were.. 

This is not a first shaking to get  God's elect awakened. God has been shaking his own since at least  the time He called  out Adam, through to when He called out Moses starting a great Exodus when He prepared His elect for a near forty year  travail after 400 years of captivity. He also called out His own of the church of Jesus  as soon as Jesus' church was formed. When most Christians were still slaves they went about helping the sick in the great plague  of 254+- AD, when while others were afraid and fleeing, Christians stepped up to help those others and to share the gospel of Jesus, many dying in the process, but each most quite willing to die in the flesh  to promote the gospel of Jesus and be kind to others. God has known His own from before the beginning He has given each to His Son Jesus who has not an dwill no tlose a one fo rHe is a mighty warrior and is faithful to do His father's will.

 The entirety of the Bible is a calling out by God  giving the reveal of Jesus our Lord God and personal savior to all that believe on Him as Lord when called to see that  truth by the Holy Spirit.


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1 hour ago, Not me said:

A few more thoughts on this above truth... 

This truth it seems to me, explains the why of the truth I have learned as the difference between the faith of the head vs the faith of the heart. One always receives from God the other never receives from God...This truth above explains the why of it.. Because the promises of God are not to be fulfilled in the old creation. They are solely for the new creation. They are solely to be answered and received by the growth of the Divine nature in a believer..For because the Divine nature is the only thing in a believer that sins not.. So to the growth of this new creation is the manifestation of all the promises of God manifested... 

Well said Gideon, needed and wanted a confirmation from God on this truth that rang my bell of truth..This put another puzzle piece together as they say... Be blessed as you pursue and search after this God Who has called you on to Himself..

A fellow servant of His, Not me  

Ps, Gids you need to spell check your posts a little better, 

“the wounds of a friend”

Be blessed in Him, Me :)

LOL, I could write twice as many words if I didn't have to spend most of my time going back correcting  the multitude of errors. So you see, this too God has turned into a blessing for most readers who already think my posts are wayyyyy too long. 

I use what my dad called 'the Biblical method of typing'......seek and ye shall find. I guess I need to spend a bit more time seeking. ?

You are a good friend, NM


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9 hours ago, Gideon said:

I would suspect some who read this post will ask "How do you know what you say is the truth? " It is a fair question, but I am not sure my answer is going to satisfy, lol. More likely, especially for those who  are rubbed the wrong way with what I am sharing with such sureness, it will stir the hornets nest even more. But what I am about to say is the truth.

Thirteen years ago, God supernaturally appeared to me and showed me this truth. Why me? Because of my great theological depth. LOL. Yeah, right. My deep spirituality? Ha. I do not know why me, other than the fact He might have been tired of my crying out as the wretched man that I was, unable to walk obediently even though I wanted desperately to do so.

And praise God, what He shared with me worked... and is still working. No, I was not instantaneously "perfect". Trust me, ask my wife, lol. But I was set free from the sexual lust that had me by the neck. And I was given weapons to finally fight with, weapons that WORKED! I have a long way to go in my own spiritual journey, but I can see God growing fruits in me now that simply never existed previously. 

But after opening the eyes of my understanding,  the Lord called me to share this truth with any who will listen. Truth be told, not many have listen to my incessant sharing up to this point.

Have I ever gotten discouraged? You bet. But not once have  I ever questioned that what I have been asked to share is THE answer to seeing the church arise from the ashes of religious service and becoming the bride gloriously prepared to meet her husband. Until we fonally get this, we CANNOT move forward in victory. 

You, the reader, have a choice to make. But ultimately, it will not be my testimony that will make you decide to throw off your old nature and declare that "old you" really is dead. It will be your hunger to please the Lord by your obedience, your devotion, your longing to actually 'abide in the vine' and experience what it is like to not fulfill the lusts of the flesh..... ever. What it is like to cry out "Lord" and instantaneously hear Him say "Here I am"...... not theoretically but in real experience. 

If this is your heart, and you are simply tired of not feeling close to God, tired of giving in to sin, tired of self refusing to bow to the God who loves you in ALL things, may I encourage you? God sees your intents and is even now beginning to take the blinders off your understanding so that you can take your giant leap of faith by reckoning yourself dead unto sin, believing you really are a new creature, and able to stare down the devil when he comes tempting you.

It might seem confusing right now, but your light is going to get brighter and brighter, I promise. At some point, you are going to have your 'Aha!' moment, and along with it, the mother of all paradigm shifts. 



Blessed by your testimony brother...and testimonies are powerful.  May I ask what scriptures has the Lord used to confirm these things to you.....I know He may use different passages to speak to different people, but it seems He has been showing me this through the wilderness journey of the Israelites....there is a second baptism as it were to enter the promised land of rest from our labours (self-effort).  We need to cross not only the Red Sea but the Jordan as well.  Jesus baptizing not only with water but with fire.  It seems that a few Calebs and Joshuas cross over the 'Jordan' very quickly after coming to faith in Christ (Red Sea crossing), but most of us take a lot longer of wandering around and around the mountain of Laws that slay us (as it should). 

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