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How much shaking will it take for His own to finally get it?


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On 4/4/2020 at 11:40 PM, Gideon said:

for if what I am sharing is the truth,

Therein is the issue. It is not you that is disparaged, but the message being proclaimed, and justfied as coming from God.

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2 hours ago, Addy said:

But wait..... Look what I just discovered about myself.

Who Am I? • I am the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13). • I am the light of the world (Matt. 5:14). • I am a child of God (John 1:12). • I am part of the true vine, a channel of Christ's life (John 15:1,5). • I am Christ's friend (John 15:15). • I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His fruit (John 15:16). • I am a slave of righteousness (Rom. 6:18). I am enslaved to God (Rom. 6:22). • I am a son of God; God is spiritually my Father (Rom. 8:14,15; Gal. 3:26; 4:6). • I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him (Rom. 8:17). • I am a temple—a dwelling place—of God. His Spirit and His life dwell in me (1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19). • I am united to the Lord and am one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17). • I am a member of Christ's Body (1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 5:30). • I am a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). • I am reconciled to God and am a minister of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18,19). • I am a son of God and one in Christ (Gal. 3:26,28). • I am an heir of God since I am a son of God (Gal. 4:6,7). • I am a saint (1 Cor. 1:2; Eph. 1:1; Phil. 1:1; Col. 1:2). • I am God's workmanship—His handiwork— born anew in Christ to do His work (Eph. 2:10). • I am a fellow citizen with the rest of God's family (Eph. 2:19). • I am a prisoner of Christ (Eph. 3:1; 4:1). I am righteous and holy (Eph. 4:24). • I am a citizen of heaven, seated in heaven right now (Eph. 2:6; Phil. 3:20). • I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). • I am an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life (Col. 3:4). • I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved (Col. 3:12; 1 Thess. 1:4). • I am a son of light and not of darkness (1 Thess. 5:5). • I am a holy partaker of a heavenly calling (Heb. 3:1). • I am a partaker of Christ; I share in His life (Heb. 3:14). • I am one of God's living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house (1 Pet. 2:5). • I am a member of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession (1 Pet. 2:9,10). • I am an alien and stranger to this world in which I temporarily live (1 Pet. 2:11). • I am an enemy of the devil (1 Pet. 5:8). • I am a child of God and I will resemble Christ when He returns (1 John 3:1,2). • I am born of God, and the evil one—the devil— cannot touch me (1 John 5:18). • I am not the great "I am" (Exod. 3:14; John 8:24,28,58), but by the grace of God, I am what I am (1 Cor. 15:10).

and that my friend also applies to you... and all of us who ACCEPT that JESUS did it all. There is no "ABUSING GRACE" in ANY of these statements. They are all WHO we ARE in CHRIST.... OH my goodness... I am soooooo doing the happy dance right now... LOL


Praise God!  This is our reckoning as to who we are and throwing off the lies of who we WERE but no longer are. When satan comes tempting or accusing, this  is what satan hears from the mouths and hearts of saints who are walking as new men, not as old trying to become new. when he comes accusing and tempting, for these truths believed are our shields of faith. Nothing gets through. Nothing. 

And what happens when we finally awake to who we are? We also awake to who He is, the God who cannot lie.  All of a sudden, we now read His promises and see rock solid assurances.

He will not allow us to be temped more than we can handle and with each and every temptation, He will make a way of escape so thwt we may be able to bear it. Ahhh, but there is more. He also promises to CAUSE US to take it! Is it any wonder He tells us to count it all joy when we fall into diverse temptations? 

He promises our shields of faith will quench ALL the fiery arrows cast at us by the enemy. This protection allows us to abide in Him with no leaving, "for we always do those things that are pleasing in His sight".

Sin is the heart hardener. and the disrupter of our fellowship. His ultimate is to purify for Himself a Holy people, freed from the power of darkness and walking in light.  Yes, we can be forgiven, and IF we slip, we can repent and turn back to Him with total assurance in His acceptance. But God wants one thing from us in order for us to walk as free indeed holy children..... faith. Addy, what you typed is EXACTLY who you are, who we all are. Now, God tells us....believe it.  

One by one, His own are beginning tp finally understand that when we combine the blood of the lamb with the words of OUR testimony, as this precious sister has done, something extraordinary happens. The dam holding back the power of God that promises to infuse is with the ability to walk in full victory releases its living water and floods our souls. 

Remember when the Israelites left the wilderness of unbelief where their parents were (somewhat) satisfied with escaping Egypt but would not believe it possible to take the land pf promise(s) because of the giants that they would have to face?  That, brothers and sisters, was written for US, for we are the generation to go in again and possess the land. It is our turn to cross over, cease from our never ending running of religious laps, ever learning and never able to come to the know of the truth. What truth? It is no longer we that live (old natures) but Christ who now lives  in us (new natures) and the life we now live, we live by the faith of the Son of God.

And when they crossed Jordan and entered in, the first obstacle they had to face was the powerful and dreaded mighty walled city of Jericho. What got them their victory? It. was simply a shout of faith screamed to the Heavens, telling their God "We believe! We believe what you have promised us!" And the walls came tumbling down. Glory. 

Is it any wonder that the Word tells us "May God fill you with all joy and peace in believing.".

blessings to you, my dear sister. you have made my day, week and month.



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1 hour ago, Neighbor said:

Therein is the issue. It is not you that is disparaged, but the message being proclaimed, and justfied as coming from God.

LOL, you must have missed a few posts. Nevertheless, the message I have been given to share is not mine but His. It is backed by scripture, witnessed by both prophecies and parables and promised in inumerable places. Our eyes are simpy now being opened to see it and embrace it by an act of audacious faith. 

It is time we fought back against the attacks of the devil. Our calling is to overcome, and as wonderful as forgiveness is, God wants us in the battle, walking as overcomers of all satan can throw at us. 



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6 hours ago, Not me said:

Not sure which camp I am in, those that understand or those that misunderstand what your intent is?   

But this is my understanding; 

We can sit back on our laurels, not do a single thing, but just sit back, eat bon bon’s and enjoy whatever we enjoy, because God is going to do all these things?? 

But just in case that is not your intent....

I think I’ll hedge my bets just a bit, by pressing into Christ with all my heart...After all, scripture does tell us to work out our own salvation, so I think I’ll do just  that....By doing all I can do to feed my personal relationship with Him, so I might get to know Him on a one and one personal basis, so I might recognize His voice in me...

For as my heart tells me, and I believe every heart that would be God’s, tells them, that God is going to do all these things.. But more than that, God is doing all these things, now...

So as we walk in the truths, as He reveals these truths in us, we will grow in Him..

So thanks for reminding us of the promises He has promised to fulfill in us....So be blessed as He fulfills all these promises in us, both in work and word.

 A fellow hoper in Him, Not me 

What you are describing seems logical to our minds, but in essence is a contentment to continue on in the wilderness, thinking that somehow, God will teach us little by little as to how to walk as overcomers. The road is circular and never leads us to freedom or victory. A point must be reached in our hearts when we tire of always finding another layer of sin as we dig into who we are, for the layers will never cease. 

It is when we finally believe that at our core, there lies a heart of purity, that we can stop digging and start believing, for God has ordained that this will activate the growth of our new nature outward, with more snd more of Christ in us reaching the surface as fruits. 

The Pharisees believed overcoming sin  was obtained outward to inward, ever deeper levels to see cleansed by becoming aware of them. But not so with Jesus and the salvation He offers us. He makes us new at our core, by giving us brand new natures and has ordained those natures grow.....as we believe we really are new.... right now, this very minute. It is what He meant when He said 'Believe that you receive, and you shall have."

Are we instantly perfect? LOL, how I wish. You see, there is still a bunch of yuck in our exterior, leftovers from who we were, that needs to be transformed into His image. How do those changes come? Self introspection? Nope. We are asked to continue to hold up the shield of faith as to who Christ has made us, and God promises that as we do, as we continue in the truth, as we yield ourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead,  He will cleanse us and purify for Himself a holy people, inward to outward. Glory! 

blessings, dear brother

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15 minutes ago, Gideon said:


Are we instantly perfect?

If we are born again, then were are instantly RIGHTEOUS< as Salvation is "the Gift of Righteousness"... This is what God provided so that He can accept us and keep us.

To be "IN Christ" is to have the "righteousness of God" as ours...  this is "The Gift of Righteousness".......  You can't earn that or keep that, as its a GIFT.

We can never achieve this of ourselves, as its impossible by our self effort to become as RIGHTEOUS as God....so, He provided His OWN Righteousness as "The gift of Salvation" and "The Gift of Righteousness" and to preach this message is the "Preaching of the CROSS".

After this, after we are born again and are now in SPIRITUAL UNION WITH GOD AND CHRIST..... we are to grow in spiritual maturity and understanding, while at the same time we are already "the righteousness of God".

So, in this we see that being SAVED is that GIFT of Righteousness, while what we do AFTER WE ARE BORN AGAIN, is just our "discipleship" that we are doing because we ARE ALREADY RIGHTEOUS.

The error comes in , the heresy comes in, the Grace denying comes in, the Cross denying comes in...... = when someone who does not understand Grace or like it, wants to subvert real believers into thinking that the "learning how to function" the "discipleship", the "walking the walk", is actually what God is evaluating as whether was are saved or kept saved. 

So, THAT teaching is Galatians 1:8   as that is the teaching of a heretic who is a "self saver" teaching the "error of cain",  who is trusting in SELF, in Themselves and their WORKS to TRY to stay connected to God.... and has thus rejected Christ's BLOOD and DEATH that is the only GIFT that God offers or accepts to save a person or KEEP THEM SAVED.

This is Galatians 1:8

Edited by Behold
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32 minutes ago, Addy said:

@Gideon  First of all... I OWE you an apology... I totally dismissed you a while back... and I even stated that in real life... you are not someone I would choose to hang out with.... LOL... YES... I said this... I have since seen the error of my ways... and so... I am SORRY for my ARROGANT attitude. Please know that I am JUST now (literally) learning Who I am in Christ. I am reading a book called Victory over the Darkness.. and it has profoundly changed how I see myself and others. With that said... I have also realized that a believer is indeed SECURE in their Salvation. I have read some of your posts and I am unable to accept much of what you say as "truth".... As believers we are ALL in the same place... We are ALL the same in CHRIST... The list of WHO I AM that I listed in my post is just as much for you... as it is me... as it is for EVERY SINGLE CHRISTIAN... This fact then would DISMISS your belief that someone can LOSE their salvation.

Anyways... I am biting off way more than I can chew here...I am in no way.. shape or form ready to battle it out with a scripture war... LOL

I bless you Gideon... and well... maybe I would agree to come over for a BBQ... If you promised steak... it would be a done deal... LOL 

                                                                      Tenderly.... Addy

My sweet sister, thank you for your kind words. Here is where I stand on the loss of salvation issue. 

What you are discovering is what faith.... belief in the truth of who Christ has made you... really is. When you hold up your shield of faith, you understand how secure you really are. The doctrine of OSAS is not saving or protecting you. God is. Every true child of God is secure, but how few there are filled with joy and peace in believing!

 Sin disrupts our abiding in Him and we stop hearing His assurances to us. How do we make sure we will never waver? We continue to believe! We abide by faith! Faith is not a stagnant one time thing. It is a walk of agreeing with God, as we grow up into Him in all things.  

Many saints, part of the true elect, those who now may believe in OSAS, only have their belief in their prayer to comfort them.  But meanwhile, satan continues to rain blow after blow upon their heads, preventing their faith from growing. Thus, their assurance never grows that God  can and will keep them from falling. Even though they are safe, the joy of that safety is absent. 

As long as we cling to a doctrine, rather than find the place of safety in our  new man where satan's  arrows are all quenched,  we rob ourselves of the joy of that security, for God Himself wants to personally tells us "I have you.".




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7 hours ago, Not me said:

Not sure which camp I am in, those that understand or those that misunderstand what your intent is?   

But this is my understanding; 

We can sit back on our laurels, not do a single thing, but just sit back, eat bon bon’s and enjoy whatever we enjoy, because God is going to do all these things?? 

But just in case that is not your intent....

I think I’ll hedge my bets just a bit, by pressing into Christ with all my heart...After all, scripture does tell us to work out our own salvation, so I think I’ll do just  that....By doing all I can do to feed my personal relationship with Him, so I might get to know Him on a one and one personal basis, so I might recognize His voice in me...

For as my heart tells me, and I believe every heart that would be God’s, tells them, that God is going to do all these things.. But more than that, God is doing all these things, now...

So as we walk in the truths, as He reveals these truths in us, we will grow in Him..

So thanks for reminding us of the promises He has promised to fulfill in us....So be blessed as He fulfills all these promises in us, both in work and word.

 A fellow hoper in Him, Not me 

Brother, I wanted to clarify what I wrote to you. You and I once discussed the layers of sin that need to be discovered and laid out before the light, and my answer here was directed at that belief only. 

As to your desire to press into Jesus in an ever deeper way, I give a hearty amen and know that is your true desire. My point is simply to make sure our foundation of pressing in is faith that we are, right now at this very moment, new creatures, with no dark in us. If we do not believe that, satan will have us on a never ending  circular path that promises to lead us to holiness.... IF we just get the sin out of the next level. We never arrive in rhis manner. 

God has planted our feet on the highway OF holiness and no evil beast lurks on this highway. When satan comes accusing us of evil, we stop agreeing with him and instead agree with  our God. The old us is DEAD, and it is as we believe this that the pure core of Jesus inside us growing more and more visible. 

I pray you forgive me if my words seemed harsh, for that was not my intent. 

blessings to you, my fellow laborer


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40 minutes ago, Gideon said:

What you are describing seems logical to our minds, but in essence is a contentment to continue on in the wilderness, thinking that somehow, God will teach us little by little as to how to walk as overcomers. The road is circular and never leads us to freedom or victory. A point must be reached in our hearts when we tire of always finding another layer of sin as we dig into who we are, for the layers will never cease. 

It is when we finally believe that at our core, there lies a heart of purity, that we can stop digging and start believing, for God has ordained that this will activate the growth of our new nature outward, with more snd more of Christ in us reaching the surface as fruits. 

The Pharisees believed overcoming sin  was obtained outward to inward, ever deeper levels to see cleansed by becoming aware of them. But not so with Jesus and the salvation He offers us. He makes us new at our core, by giving us brand new natures and has ordained those natures grow.....as we believe we really are new.... right now, this very minute. It is what He meant when He said 'Believe that you receive, and you shall have."

Are we instantly perfect? LOL, how I wish. You see, there is still a bunch of yuck in our exterior, leftovers from who we were, that needs to be transformed into His image. How do those changes come? Self introspection? Nope. We are asked to continue to hold up the shield of faith as to who Christ has made us, and God promises that as we do, as we continue in the truth, as we yield ourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead,  He will cleanse us and purify for Himself a holy people, inward to outward. Glory! 

blessings, dear brother

So I guess I’m in the camp that misunderstands your intent.... But Gideon you seem to be looking for an argument with me that doesn’t exist... 

For Gideon all you have put forth is just standard Christian belief....

You say at our core we are new creatures which is absolutely truth..Scripture also calls this the new birth or the Divine nature come to birth in us... Same truth different words...

Than you say the only way for the new birth to grow is by believing the promises of God so this new Divine nature can grow and be manifested outwardly so it might be seen as fruit in ones life....Which also is true... Same truth different words..

Than you say a point must be reached where we get tired of always finding another layer of sin in us... This is just another way of saying as scripture puts forth coming to the end of ourselves with the “oh wretched  man that I am” same truth different words..

Than you say there is still this yucky stuff in the exterior of us..Which again is true put forth in scripture as being freed from the body of this death.. Same truth different words..

Than you say we should stop our introspection and look outwardly to Christ..Which is put forth in scripture about forgetting about what lays behind but look forward to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus..Same truth different words...

So by whatever words you choose to use there is no argument... So keep preaching and putting forth the Gospel and the Christian life... And it will go well with your soul..

Be blessed in Him, Not me 

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4 minutes ago, Not me said:

So I guess I’m in the camp that misunderstands your intent.... But Gideon you seem to be looking for an argument with me that doesn’t exist... 

For Gideon all you have put forth is just standard Christian belief....

You say at our core we are new creatures which is absolutely truth..Scripture also calls this the new birth or the Divine nature come to birth in us... Same truth different words...

Than you say the only way for the new birth to grow is by believing the promises of God so this new Divine nature can grow and be manifested outwardly so it might be seen as fruit in ones life....Which also is true... Same truth different words..

Than you say a point must be reached where we get tired of always finding another layer of sin in us... This is just another way of saying as scripture puts forth coming to the end of ourselves with the “oh wrenched  man that I am” same truth different words..

Than you say there is still this yucky stuff in the exterior of us..Which again is true put forth in scripture as being freed from the body of this death.. Same truth different words..

Than you say we should stop our introspection and look outwardly to Christ..Which is put forth in scripture about forgetting about what lays behind but look forward to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus..Same truth different words...

So by whatever words you choose to use there is no argument... So keep preaching and putting forth the Gospel and the Christian life... And it will go well with your soul..

Be blessed in Him, Not me 

But....with the 'or else' added in. Do what Gideon says 'or else' you lose the free Gift of eternal Life 'In Christ'

Its that 'or else' that ya gotta watch out for---always.

AN understanding of the 'Cross' and the work of the Cross clears that all up and this has been discussed with clarity, but never dealt with. Let's just ignore the Truth.

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13 minutes ago, Addy said:

@Gideon   All I know is that I suffered so deeply and WAS one of those MISERABLE Christians because I did not know if it was true that I could possibly lose my Salvation... This thought kept me from even TRYING to pursue God... NOW that I understand EVERYTHING about WHO I AM in CHRIST... oh man... What a difference.... NOW the JOY will come and fill me to overflowing.... NOW I can begin to discover what it means to be part of a FAMILY... and now I can begin to GROW in my maturity....

This truly is all I have to say about this topic....    I would like a baked potato with sour cream and bacon bits... and my steak... medium rare... THANKS... I will bring dessert... LOL      

Ok,   the grill is heating. Thank God you said medium rare. I was afraid you were one of those 'well done' people and then we would have problems. ?

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