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Guest tludden

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Guest tludden

I"ve hit an all time low, I"m 17 and I've gone through more crap in my life than most 90 year old men have. Both my parents have died, one set of my Grandparents have died and I"m curently living with the other set. I have one brother who lives 2 hours away, and one sister who is too wraped up in he own religious problems, I dont want to bother her. Through al this I"ve tried to be as faithful to God as I could be. But I have fallen in love with a girl...but guess what? shes 19 and her parents wont let her even consider dating till she moves out. This girl is too scared to tell her parents the truth. And all I want is for us to be together befor she goes to college. By together I only mean date. But ever time we talk I just know its not going to happen she's too scared of her parents. And just now was the first time I ever considered killing myself. I still want to but I"m giving God one last chance. I need some one to give me a reason to live. I"ve tried trusting God and all he has seemed to do is take away the people in my life who I love. Some one tell me why I should live?

P.S. If you want to contact me directly in e-mail its nicelynicelyj@msn.com

Edited by tludden
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I truly believe God has something wonderful in store for you, not only in the next life in heaven, but in this life as well. You have suffered much, God can use that suffering for His glory, His plans for you are to do you good.

You are a strong young man to have come through so much with your faith in God still intact. Hang on to Him. He is faithful always.

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I have lost a lot of my friends through my life. So much so that now it takes me a long time to make friends. That has lead me to get close to someone that i know will never leave me and i think you know Who i am talking about :rofl:

In times past i though of ending things myself but there was always this nagging desire, That i wanted to know what the future held for me here on earth, Like if i murdered myself then i would never know what might have been. The funny thing in live is that it can change very very quickly. tragedies can strike us and within minutes we are thrust into a new reality and again sometimes unexpected blessings come to us giving us hope that life has a purpose.

One thing that has changed for me is now those events do not impact as hard as they once did because i have a view of eternity and God through the Spirit has given me a peace and calmness that allows me to take all things in my stride.

tludden i know what loneliness is. Before i came to the believe in Jesus i knew that dark hole of depression that stops one from seeing beyond the now. But tludden the One that loves me loves you also and in knowing this is great strength. So know it tludden and embrace hope. :hug: Where there is life there is hope Brother.

Know Jesus Know Peace

No Jesus No Peace.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

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Don't just give the Lord one last chance...make Hims your Life Boat. The things we go through in this life are sometimes very trying and painful, but He offers us hope in the midst of it all. There is no storm that He will not get us through. He loves you. If you will allow Him to be Lord of your life He will be your Father, Mother, Brother, Friend...all rolled into one loving Saviour who wants the very best for you...and that very best is everlasting life. We all suffer the loss of loved ones. We miss them. But it is only temporary because we will all be united again one day when we see the Lord face to face. People can fail us, but the Lord never will. You can crawl right up into His lap and He will hold you close and pour His love over you. You can talk to Him about anything and He will listen

Let His love fill your life and His joy brighten your day. Wake up everyday with a smile at the Lord, thanking Him for each new day. Ask Him to help you turn your eyes from your needs to the needs of others. You will soon realize just how very good He is and that He is worth it all. He's all we really need.

"This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."

Father, I come to You today and ask You to reach out to this child of yours and draw him close bringing comfort and peace to his heart and let him know You are there for him. Bless him, Lord, with the knowledge of Your Word and the many promises he can hold to in times that seem too hard to handle. Let his thoughts be turned to You and the joy you have set before us. Let him to be encouraged. I praise You and thank You Lord for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

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Hi, tludden!

Or maybe I should say, "Hi, Misery! Meet Company!"

OK, my poor attempt at a joke.

The point being I can relate. I feel like I've lost more friends than I've gained in my life. And although I haven't had the exact same scenarios, the pain was the same. I fell for guys that didn't feel the same way, so in that sense I had the same feeling of loss and loneliness.

Holding onto Jesus was the only thing that kept me alive whenever I desired to end my life and end the pain. The last thing I wanted was to enter Heaven and have Jesus greeting me with, "What did you do that for?" I don't know what kind of relationship with Jesus you have, but that's how mine has been with Him.

I know how much it doesn't make sense why the Lord would take us through so much pain. Ironically, if you read the Psalms, and Job, and some of the prophets, you will see the same heart cry! Elijah, the great man of faith, even asked the Lord if he could die. So, really, you are not alone in you pain.

There's a fairly new worship album out "Passion: Sacred Revolutions":

http://www.worshipmusic.com/spd84393.html <<--click here for a link to the album with a chance to listen to song samples.

There's a song in there called "Blessed by the Name." It's a worship song from someone who is broken but who is choosing to worship the Lord anyhow - just like King David always did.

In Romans 8, the Lord gives us a promise, that all things work together for good for those who love God. I believe you do love God, and so I believe even this pain will work together for good for you. I can testify that I am finding good coming from my own pain - and I've been through much.

I've found that my best times of worship came from the times I was going through the most pain. It's weird how that works that way, but it's only deepened my love for the Lord. Remember, our lives are about Him, and not about us. It's hard to see, I know, especially when you can't see beyond the pain (Lord, how can you ask me to walk with a broken ankle?! - I've cried that many a time!).

His grace is there if you will seek His face. Once you have learned how to sense the Lord's presence, and believe that this is what you are sensing, then it's not so hard to Him. His presence is there! Just close your eyes and search your soul for it, but His connection to you is there. I speak from experience of having to find this myself.

Please believe the Lord loves you. And please believe His love for you. And please believe in His love for you.

God Bless!! :hug:

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Yes, when I was 17 I was a little scared too. The Lord has been working me over most of my life. Only difference being , I didn't know it at the time.

Lean on the Lord. Lean heavy on the Lord. He is on the Throne . Despite what appearences may seem. :il: Focus on Him at this time. Not on evrey other circumstance. If it is your desire to date this young lady. Then despite the odds the Lord has good intentions towards you and she. He laid the Strata down upon which you walk my brother. He lacks not the ability to fulfill your hearts desire. You see though it must be on His time, not yours.

Take a look at Jacob brother. He goes out from his father Isaac with an inheritence. Thinking he has it all. He goes for a bride to Uncle Laban.(Man I've got the blessing, man I'm sharp, man I'm slick, I'm really gonna have my way!) Jacob is a trickster. Only problem Uncle Laban is a lot more slick. God is slicker than the two of them put together. He has arranged all of this to show Jacob just how little he really has. All Jacob ever really had was the Promise and the Word of God. That will be sufficient. To have his bride and the blessing in the end. That is his Blessing pressed down and running over. He first much reach the end of himself.

Read about it in Genesis.

Stay strong little brother God's intentions towards you are Yes and Amen!

You are a New Creation. Therefore have life and have it abundently thru Christ Jesus our Lord.



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I just also read something for you.

The strength of the vessel can be demonstrated only by the hurricane, and the power of the Gospel can be fully shown only when the Christian is subjected to some fiery trial. If God would make manifest the fact that "He giveth songs in the night," He must first make it night. --William Taylor

He is trying to stregthen you so that He may fill you. That is why you spelled suicide wrong. Praise Him today!

Hail Mighty Warrior! :il:



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Don't let the 'thoughts' of suicide go any further. The devil wants you to dwell on these thoughts until you make them a reality. Everyone has bad thoughts. We should just reject them when they enter our minds. The more we entertain them the more feasible they seem but you already know, suicide is not a way out. Don't even entertain that thought again please. Next time that idea comes to mind, just reject it quickly.

I'm sorry your life thus far has not been good.

I have good news though. The rest of your life can be very good. Because you have experienced much hardship, you will be able to face and overcome the many upcoming challenges in your life with greater ease than most. You can take your past filled with anguish and turn it into bitterness or turn it around to make it work for you - to make you stronger and better. The choice is yours. But God has brought you through much maybe for a reason. He has helped you through all of this for a reason. Maybe He has great things in store for you. Most likely, that is the case. And those great things that will come with challenges, of course, but He has already been preparing you for what's in store.

Don't get bogged down where the devil wants to see you. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus - look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. "

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Darling tludden,

Do not let your heart be troubled.It is no coincidence that you are here at worthy boards.You are going to have many people holding you up towards your TRUE FATHER, in prayer,found in Christ Jesus.Please sit quietly in prayer before him, and you will hear him speak softly to your heart 'I Love You ' I Have A Plan For Your Life'

My heart at this moment is aching for you.I know this aching is from our Lord and Savior .He knows every heartache and disappointment you have.He can and will supply your every need.It is You,his heart aches for.He was there with you when you lost your precious parents,and he understands the hurt feel when your told you cannot see your girlfriend.When we are so down and out ,and feel so empty inside,it seems as though thats when G-D draws near and causes unbelieveable changes to occur in our lives. Yes.. I know it doesn't seem as though G-D is present , but you ask any of your brothers and sisters in JC and they will confirm that he really really shows up when we're walking in our darkest and lonliest moments.Be patient and trust.Watch what the Lords does when we are empty .He will fill your cup til its overflowing!! Cry out to Him and He will answer you.I know ,I have cried out to him in great dispair one time in particular.He gave to me new friendships,a wonderful husband .My spirit was revived.Thank you Jesus,for you were there with me all of the time.Thank you my father and friend!!!

tludden,if Jesus is the Lord and Savior of your life,then cast all of your cares upon him for he cares for you,his precious child.He has a storehouse of blessing for you.

Watch and see the mighty things the Lord can do.He wants to do a new thing in your life.Let go and give your your cares to him.He has your future planned and wants to give you your deepest hearts desires.All we have to do is trust that his plan is perfect and he will guide your path.I have found that where I had weaknesses in my life and failings in my life and even tremendous tradgedy,G-D was able to salvage all of these things and turn them into strengths and successes.

My saddness turned to joy!!! Hang on there little brother,Hang On.No eye has seen ,no ear has heard ,no mind can percieve what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. You have gifts and talents given to from your heavenly father.These gifts, alongs with your life experiences will equipt you for the great commision G-d has planned for you.I believe G-d will use you to further his kingdom in a very mighty way.I know it!

t ludden..........Your about to be blessed! Wait and see!!!

Love and Peace to you my brother in Jesus Christ


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I have found that where I had weaknesses in my life and failings in my life and even tremendous tradgedy,G-D was able to salvage all of these things and turn them into strengths and successes.

My saddness turned to joy!!!

Me too! Isn't it amazing??

Are you okay now tludden brother? It would be good to hear from you.

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