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  1. Past hour
  2. What do REAL Hebrew experts say? While Isaiah and Jeremiah use the same Hebrew phrase (tohu waw-bohu) to describe a setting of judgment, it is unsound to read later meanings back into earlier meanings. For example, one should not expect to read Isaiah’s first-known example of an apocalypse and see an angelic guide as became popular in later apocalypses such as Zechariah. Bohu appears 3x in the Hebrew Bible, always near tohu (Gen 1:2; Isa 34:11, Jer 4:23). In an entry by Edward J. Young, TWOT notes that the pictures of desolation in Isaiah and Jeremiah borrow from Genesis in the sense that the two prophets see the area under judgment as in the same shape as the earth after it was created but for different reasons. In Isaiah and Jeremiah, they see the land judged to the extent it is in the same shape as the world used to be. It is not that God destroyed the Earth to tohu and bohu in Genesis. Simply, when God created them, he made them tohu and bohu. Tohu is used 20 times in 19 verses of the Hebrew Bible. 11 of those uses are in Isaiah. The meaning of the word is broader than the gap theory would like. Only rarely is the context of tohu judgment. Also, the parallelism in Isaiah 45:18 shows that the meaning is not the same as in Genesis 1:2. Isaiah is a poet, and parts of his book are poetry. Hebrew poetry does not rhyme; instead it uses parallels to repeat and establish meaning. (T)he following have all been found contrary to the Gap Theory: Bara' and 'asah indeed have synonomous meanings. The first waw in Genesis 1:2 is correctly translated as "and." The hyth in Genesis 1:2 is correctly translated as "was." Tohu and bohu mean that the Earth was originally created in a state that was uninhabited, but God's intention in the creation was to make them inhabitable. The ending of Genesis 1:1 with a silluq (not a rebhia as claimed) is normal and has no impact on the waw following. Replenish in 1:28 simply means "fill." It gives no indication that there had been prior inhabitants on the earth. source Jeremiah saw the fall of Judah as reverting back to a time before God ordered the earth. It bookended the beginning of creation when everything was without order… it was formless and void, with no light, and no human. It was a wilderness with no cities. Just as God spoke the world into existence with a breath, He could speak it out of existence. Fortunately, YHWH refused to shut down creation. (I will not execute a complete destruction). Isaiah, in a similar manner to Jeremiah but more ornate in his poetry, also compared the desolate and unordered earth, in Genesis 1, to God’s judgement on the nations: source “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2) In the original Hebrew the phrase ‘without form and void’ appears as ‘Tohu Va-Vohu’ {תהו ובהו}and is a difficult one to translate because it is a Hebrew play on words. The first and primary thing that stands out is the ability of the Hebrew language to describe the ‘absence of things’ in one or two words WITHOUT using the negation form. In other words, while the English translation speaks about a certain condition that was characterized by the ABSENCE of form or ‘FORMLESS,’ the original Hebrew describes the condition of the earth as ‘Tohu Va-Vohu’ which literally means an ’empty desert’ and is another word for a desert without water. The big difference between the two descriptions – the English translation versus the original Hebrew – is that the English description makes one imagine a total mess and chaos. In contrast, the Hebrew description does not illustrate a mess but rather describes an empty, waterless land…a land without mountains, trees, rivers and so on – a land that ‘awaits’ to be developed. If we examine the SECOND part of this verse ‘and darkness was over the face of the deep’, we find the original Hebrew word for ‘the deep’ is ‘Tehom’ {תהום} which in Biblical Hebrew actually means ‘water’ or more accurately the ‘ancient sea’ as can be found in a description from Psalms: “You covered it with the DEEP as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains.” (Psalm 104:6) There, it is easier to understand what is the connection between ‘Tehom’ – the ancient sea – and ‘deep.’ The ancient sea was so deep it covered the entire face of the earth. Interestingly, in Modern Hebrew, the word ‘Tehom’ means ‘abyss’ and is closer to the English translation of ‘the deep.’ source It is an unmistakable and undeniable fact that ruin/reconstruction is a heresy that came about in the 18th century and is NOT based in a clearer understanding of the Hebrew language, but rather an attempt to justify old earth theology within the text of Genesis. I have provided multiple sources from experts in the Hebrew language who agree that the text reads "without form and void." Genesis one is, as has been taught since Adam walked the earth and as recorded by Moses, God's explanation of the six day creation and the establishment of the seven day week. That is what the ACTUAL HEBREW says. There was no previous world that existed before light, the sun, the moon, stars, or even the formation of dry land. There was no destruction of God's original creation. There was no restoration. There was NO death prior to Adam's sin; no millions of years of death and fossilization; no evolution. This is the clear teaching of the Bible. Gap heresy is no better than evolution heresy. Both are Satanic in origin, both require a twisting of the clear language in the Bible, Both of which require the discarding of the Fourth Commandment, and both of which are modern day heresies. The Scriptures warned us that the father of lies would create many false doctrines and would deceive many. The truth lies within the words of God; not the lies of men.
  3. Today
  4. In this post I’m connecting the dots between the sign of the April 8th eclipse, a prophecy from the late prophet Kim Clement and the scriptures. We are living in chaotic and fast changing times and spiritual warfare is about break out like we’ve never seen before. God is going to shake the heavens and the earth. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, including politically, spiritually, economically and naturally. So get ready, as we are about to witness a great battle for the souls of mankind. Babylon (globalism) is trying to enslave everyone in every nation of this world; however, the global elite do not realize that they are getting ahead of God’s biblical timeline. They’re trying to bring in their evil global system, which includes the mark of the beast, before the short allotted window of time that is foretold in God’s Word. This short window of time can only come in the end, just before Christ returns at the end of the age. It is called the great tribulation and it will last for the final three and a half years, 42 months and/or 1260 days before Christ returns to settle the score. Babylon (globalist leaders) don’t know or understand God’s timeline. If they did, they would know that their time won’t come until after the abomination of desolation, which occurs in the middle of Daniel’s 70th week. Daniel’s 70th week will be the final 7 years of this age, which will be followed by the second coming of Christ, when the King of kings and Lord of lords returns to reign on the earth during the millennial kingdom. This is God’s time, a time when everyone will see His glory as He brings in His end-time harvest. Satan doesn’t seem to realize he is making another foolish mistake, just like he did when he thought he would kill Christ on the cross nearly 2000 years ago. Little did he know then, that the cross would ultimately be his demise, and hand the victory to Christ, as He overcame death, hell and the grave. Three days later Christ was resurrected, which is the guarantee of eternal life for everyone who believes and receives Him. Haggai 2:20-22 – “And again the word of the Lord came to Haggai on the twenty-fourth day of the month, saying, 21 “Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying: ‘I will shake heaven and earth. 22 I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them; the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.” James 5:6-7 – “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.“ Since Satan doesn’t know God’s biblical timeline, God is now going to have to intervene and crush His enemies so that the scriptures can be fulfilled. It almost seems like they are forcing His hand, but God will not be mocked and His Word will not return to Him void. No doubt, this is the Lord’s time and He will not be denied, as the entire world is about to witness His glory. Just as the Church grew by leaps and bounds in the first century (early rains), the latter rain (end-time) harvest will be much more plentiful, as the world’s population is much greater now. Many prophets are calling for a billion soul end-time harvest, as the world’s population has surpassed 8 billion. Matthew 24:14 says, “ And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.“ The very next verse (15) Christ gives a clue about the abomination of desolation, which will be the beginning of the final three and a half years of the age, known as the great tribulation. The great tribulation is when Babylon’s tiny window of time will come, only after the Lord receives His harvest, not before. Amos 3:7 – “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” Proverbs 25:2 – “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Although I cannot be totally sure that the end-time harvest will begin precisely in 2024, I got the idea that it probably will after watching an old video from the late prophet Kim Clement. In this prophesy, Kim stated that from January 21st, we should count 70 and 100 days, and he sang out the word “Resurrection,” and then he said to watch gold. I was fascinated to see that this is the year that 70 days from Jan. 21st ended on March 31, which also just happened to be resurrection Sunday. Coincidence? I think not. Prophecies are filled with clues that have meaning. And now I’m looking forward to seeing what day 100 brings. Gold is already at its all-time high as I’m writing these words. So I’m thinking gold will probably start to skyrocket on day 100, which is April 30th, 2024. If this happens, it will likely mean that the US dollar will be in serious trouble, and it very possibly will no longer be the world’s reserve currency, the greatest ponzi scheme the world has ever known, as it has plunged the entire world into massive debt. The 70 and 100 days are also signs that our enemies time is nearing its end. In his prophecy, Kim Clement also said he saw a snake that was trying to destroy as many states as it could, but God would strangle it between the 70 and 100 days. All of this got me thinking deeper, especially after pondering the great eclipse of April 8, 2024, which clearly seems to be a sign in the heavens from the Lord. Ironically, the eclipse passed through 7 cities named Nineveh. This is reminiscent of the sign of Jonah. Jonah warned the city of Nineveh to repent or face the Lord’s judgement in 40 days. Would you believe that 40 days from the April 8th eclipse is May 18-19th. That’s amazing! You cannot make this stuff up! May 19th just happens to be Pentecost in the west, but it starts on the 18th in eastern nations on the other side of the world, and this will be a global event. Pentecost always comes seven weeks after resurrection Sunday, but this year, it also comes 40 days after the April 8th eclipse. So what could this possibly mean? Genisis 1:14 – “And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs to indicate seasons, and days, and years.” This got me thinking even deeper. I’ll tell you what I think it could mean. The early rain harvest began in the first century, but we still have the latter rain or end-time harvest coming, the greatest revival this world has never seen. The coming end-time revival will be much greater. Just as the prophets are prophesying about a greater Exodus and a greater Red Sea moment is coming, as the Lord is about to set the entire world free from the enslavement and control of these global tyrants. In similar fashion, I believe that Pentecost in 2024 will very possibly be much greater than the first Pentecost in the first century. I’m writing about this now because I have not heard or seen anyone else talking about it, but I believe we are about to witness the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit this world has ever seen, and this time, it will fulfill Joel’s ancient prophecy to a much greater degree. First Century Pentecost (Israel): Acts 2:1-4 – “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like a mighty rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 There appeared to them tongues as of fire, being distributed and resting on each of them, 4 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.“ End-time Pentecost (Gentiles): Joel 2:28-31 – “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. 29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. 30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned into darkness,And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.” The filling of the Holy Spirit of Jesus’ Jewish disciples on the day of Pentecost was great, but it was very limited compared to the awesome outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is about to come. In the first century, only a small number were filled with the Holy Spirit and they were all in a single house. But the day is fast approaching when God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, not just a chosen few in Israel. The world has never seen anything like what is about to happen when He pours out His Spirit on all christians living everywhere in the world. THE FALL OF BABYLON: The prophets have been prophesying about a greater Exodus, when the Lord will miraculously set His people free again. It will also be greater, because next time He won’t be just setting Israel free from the Pharaoh in Egypt. Next time He will be setting all of His children in all nations free from the enslavement and control of the globalists. This will also require a greater Red Sea moment as well. No one knows exactly when, how or what the Lord will do when He sets us free, but there’s no doubt that whatever He does, it will be the most glorious event the world has ever known. Just as no one expected the Lord to part the Red Sea, we don’t know how He will liberate His children in the next greater Exodus, but we should never forget that last time He parted the Red Sea during Passover. What is very interesting is that Passover 2024 is April 22-29, and this is even more interesting when you consider that this Passover is also inside the 70 and 100 days, so we should probably be expecting the unexpected. Whatever miracle the Lord performs, it will be biblical, unconventional and unprecedented, and the entire world will know that only God could have done this. Several prophets have mentioned the angel of death being on the earth again. They have also said that these are the days of Haman revisited, so I believe many will die, especially those who were trying to kill us by putting things in our food, water, air and even the CV19 vaccines. Since we don’t know what the Lord will do when He sets His children free, I’m going to post some scriptures below that will possibly be fulfilled during this miraculous and glorious event. Isaiah 61:1-2 – “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; 2 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn,” Jesus read verse (1) above in the temple in the first century, saying today this has been fulfilled and then stopped. Many believe verse (2) and beyond will be fulfilled in the future. Will the day of vengeance come in 2024? Luke 21:25-26 – “There will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men fainting from fear and expectation of what is coming on the inhabited earth. For the powers of heaven will be shaken.” Matthew 24:4-8 – “Jesus answered them, “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled. For all these things must happen, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, epidemics, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.“ Revelation 18:1-24 – “After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” 4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. 6 Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. 7 In the measure that she glorified herself and lived [e]luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ 8 Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her. 9 “The kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her, when they see the smoke of her burning, 10 standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.’ 11 “And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore: 12 merchandise of gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of ivory, every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; 13 and cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men. 14 The fruit that your soul longed for has gone from you, and all the things which are rich and splendid have [g]gone from you, and you shall find them no more at all. 15 The merchants of these things, who became rich by her, will stand at a distance for fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 16 and saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city that was clothed in fine linen, purple, and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls! 17 For in one hour such great riches came to nothing.’ Every shipmaster, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance 18 and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What is like this great city?’ 19 “They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and wailing, and saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she [i]is made desolate.’ 20 “Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged you on her!” 21 Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore. 22 The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters shall not be heard in you anymore. No craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore, and the sound of a millstone shall not be heard in you anymore. 23 The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth.” Proverbs 13:22 – “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.” Daniel 2:34-35, 39-45 – “You watched until a stone was cut out without hands which struck the image upon its feet, which were of iron and clay, and broke them to pieces. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors. And the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found. But the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.“ After you, another kingdom inferior to you shall arise, and a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth. 40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron, for iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, it shall crush and shatter all these. 41 As you saw the feet and toes, partly of potters’ clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided. But there shall be in it some of the strength of the iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken. 43 Whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave to one another, even as iron does not mix with clay. 44 “In the days of these kings the God of heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed. And the kingdom shall not be left to another people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. 45 Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter. And the dream is certain, and its interpretation sure.
  5. OTHER GODS ROMANS 2:11 FOR THERE IS NO RESPECT OF PERSONS WITH GOD PHILIPPIANS 1:27 only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of CHRIST that whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs ---that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind--- striving together for the faith of the gospel EPHESIANS 4:4 there is one body and one spirit even as you are called in one hope of your calling 1 CORINTHIANS 6:17 but he that is joined unto THE LORD is one spirit 1 CORINTHIANS 1:10 now I beseech you brethren by the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST --that you all speak the same thing--that there be no divisions among you -- but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment -- JOHN 6:63 it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are -- sprit -- and they are -- life -- 1 CORINTHIANS 2:16 for who hath known the mind of THE LORD that he may instruct him --BUT WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST-- JEREMIAH 22:9 then they shall answer because they have forsaken the covenant of THE LORD their GOD and worshipped other gods and served them EZEKIEL 13:3 thus saith THE LORD GOD woe unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and have seen nothing EZEKIEL 37:14 and shall put MY spirit in you and you shall live and I shall place you in your own land then shall you know that I THE LORD have spoken it and performed it saith THE LORD 1 JOHN 2:6 he that saith he abideth in HIM ought himself also to walk even as HE walked 1 JOHN 2:17 and the world passeth away and the lust thereof ---but he that doeth the will of GOD--- abideth forever PROVERBS 4:2 for I give you good doctrine forsake not MY law TITUS 2:7 in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works in --DOCTRINE-- showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity 1 TIMOTHY 6:3 if any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even ---the words of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and to the --DOCTRINE-- which is according to godliness --6:4-- he is proud -- knowing nothing but doting about questions and strifes of words whereof cometh envy strife railings evil surmisings TITUS 1:1 paul a servant of GOD and an apostle of JESUS CHRIST according to the faith of GODS elect and the acknowledging of --the truth-- WHICH IS AFTER GODLINESS -- 2 JOHN 1:9 whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in --THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST-- HATH NOT GOD -- he that abideth in the doctrine of CHRIST he hath both -- THE FATHER AND THE SON-- JEREMIAH 25:6 AND GO NOT AFTER OTHER GODS TO SERVE THEM AND TO WORSHIP THEM AND PROVOKE ME NOT TO ANGER WITH THE WORKS OF YOUR HANDS ---AND I WILL DO YOU NO HURT--- LOVING THE LORD JESUS CHRIST
  6. Pushing the Psalm 83 war. The west bank and Gaza has separate governments. That will be kind of awkward.
  7. Hi AdHoc, Adam and Eve are NOT a type of Christ and the Church, but of Christ and Israel. 1. The Body of Christ is neither male or female. 2. There are no marriages in heaven. 3. There are no scriptures saying that the Body of Christ is female, the bride. 4. Israel is clearly from scripture the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.
  8. Yes, saw that posted on another thread. Well worth the viewing! This is a hotbed for the spirit of deception to stir up.
  9. Very good farouk, We need to always start with the WHY God is doing something - His Eternal Purposes for the Body of Christ, for Israel and for the Nations. Get those muddled up and you have `soup.` (All in together.)
  10. Yesterday
  11. Wow! Your post contains so much to unpack, and I would not know where to begin, as it is all related. God’s word can have more than one interpretation, and in my opinion, they can all be correct and related. I always wondered why Jesus had an inner circle of apostles, namely Peter, James, and John. Out of the twelve, this inner circle was the only one’s allowed to witness (perhaps that is the key by the number) the major miraculous events of raising the dead and Transfiguration. Jesus selected only the three and took them up the mountain to a chosen spot for the Transfiguration, from Caesarea Philippi to the middle of nowhere. I believe that location was Mount Hermon, and the spot was the legendary place and cave where the Jews believed the gateway to Hell was located, and the 200 Watchers descended atop Mt. Hermon. It also had a Baal worship temple at that location. It is well documented in historical writings. Jesus poked Satan’s eye and mocked him on that spot with his defeat. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) Obviously, this Rock is Jesus, and the church is built upon Him. I think it also included the location where this is revealed. The RCC claims Peter is this rock. It is interesting to note the gates of Hell; are they keeping something in or out? Briefly, I am in good company in my view, that Mat. 16:28, Luke 9:27, and Mark 9:1 were fulfilled at Jesus’s Transfiguration and ascension to Heaven—another long explanation. As you mention, the drunken stupor patrimony of Lot with his daughters, lead to beaucoup trouble with the Moabites, Ammonites, gig-a-bites, all the bites. Noah did not curse Ham; Noah cursed Canaan. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. (Genesis 9:25) This is interesting but does not make sense in the context of scripture until one understands kingship and customs. It is much too long to detail, but only one explanation of several fits perfectly. If anyone is interested, I will initiate a separate thread. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. (Genesis 6:9) We know Noah was not perfect, he liked his wine and got drunk, and what did that lead to. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23) Perfect, and generations (plural), implies to me his genetics (DNA) and the reason God had to drown everything with the breath of life. The spillover and consequences from Genesis 6:1-4. The believed gateway to Hell today:
  12. Thomas Chalmers (19th C) was into the gap theory; a lot of other conservative commentators have not necessarily been.
  13. This is for everyone's benefit. I'll cite an example from a hospital here in the city where I work and live. Whenever someone is transported to the VA hospital and medical staff determine that a psychiatric assessment needs to be done, they will be visited in their room by members of a psychiatric first responder team. Bear in mind that the VA hospital has their own (federal) police force on the campus. Keep that in mind. If that person is drunk or under the influence of drugs (very common), two police officers will monitor the individual in case of a threatening or violent event. How often does this happen? Frequently. Too frequently. If the individual will be observed for more than 24 hours, those two police officers escort the patient to the psychiatric unit. That's standard procedure regardless of whether the patient is peaceful or volatile. Why? Because otherwise peaceful patients can become violent in an instant. How often does that happen? Often enough to justify that procedure. Public hospitals operate under very similar auspices. The only real difference: a city police detachment works out of UNM Hospital. There are usually three or four police officers on duty in the emergency room there, and for good reason.
  14. Most public hospitals in the U.S. have a psychiatric unit. Those are equipped like a psychiatric hospital, only on a much smaller scale. I understand that you feel a certain way about what happened, but I can assure you and our readers that you would not have been subjected to restraints and observation for no apparent reason. I've observed these kinds of situations in the past. More often than not, the individual who triggers a code gray (violent patient/visitor) insists that they've done nothing wrong. That's the nature of these incidents, my friend. It does not mean that they are terrible people and/or liars. They really aren't aware of their actions.
  15. It's October 7, 2023, a few minutes before 7 a.m. A gang of Hamas fighters in a stolen pickup drives up upon a roadside bomb shelter crammed with maybe two dozen terrified ravers. One shoots off maybe seven bullets into the shelter, when another concocts a different plan. “That one is alive!Mar 20, 2024 Hello, and Yes Denis, its on its way, about the Abraham Accords having a part to play...and many others are becoming as you say " ripe" to occur.... The Abraham Accords are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020. Wikipedia Israel's initial agreement with the UAE= United Arab Emirates marked the first instance of Israel establishing diplomatic relations with an Arab country since 1994, when the Israel–Jordan peace treaty came into effect. The agreements were named "Abraham Accords" to highlight the common belief of Judaism and Islam in the prophet Abraham. I know that the Noahide laws have been signed in Washington under executive orders since the 1990ies, these Noahide laws are quite scary. If they come into effect and implemented to their fullness, Christians will not have it easy. Yes that is what they believe But don't they also bring it back t Abraham and his first born son Ishmael that was born because Sarah allowed her maid servant to produce a son dues to her own ask of faith that she herself couod bear a son in her older years. That to me was the bid mistake of her lacking in enough faith in God and Abraham listening to her, A bit like the story f Adam and Eve, Eve being tempted and Adam following Eve. This bad judgment on Sarah part to not fully believe, believe by faith in God that she could have a son of her own in her old age, was what started this whole dilemma. God is a just God and the sin of lacking in faith in God is a sin that brings on negative consequences. A promise God mad to Hagar: Gen. 17. [18][18] And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee! [20] And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. Genesis 16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. "In the previous verse, the angel of the Lord--perhaps Christ Himself, given the phrasing used (Genesis 16:10; Genesis 16:13)—began a prophecy or "birth oracle" about the baby Hagar is carrying. It is a boy and she is to call him Ishmael, a name referring to this moment when God has heard and helped her. The rest of the oracle is less favorable. Even though Ishmael will be the first son born to Abram, he is not the promised child which God has guaranteed. This was not the way God intended to fulfill His vows to Abram. And so, this firstborn boy of Abram will become a wild donkey of a man. He won't be a people person. His hand will be against everyone and everyone will be against him. He will live in hostility to his kinsmen. Eventually, we will learn that Ishmael's descendants become the Arabic people. These cultures have been at odds with the Jewish people for millennia. The descendants of Ishmael soon take on a bedouin lifestyle, on the fringes of society, committed to their personal freedom above the need to be accepted by others. (lol aomething I can relate to) "And he would become a great nation! Clearly, the child of the "slave" is entitled to the same inheritance as the child of the free women. As very little of the promised land is under the control of the descendants of Israel. Most of the land is controlled by the descendants of Ishmael. " A fight to control resources And why does the Israeli government want to control Ukraine??? was not the Ukraine part of Russia. for the longest time? Could it all be for the control and profit of goods & resources? The Israel-Hamas war has halted progress on what's known as the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor What was the Silk Road and what was its purpose? A fight to control resources And why does the Israeli government want to control Ukraine??? was not the Ukraine part of Russia. for the longest time? Could it all be for the control and profit of goods & resources? The Israel-Hamas war has halted progress on what's known as the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor — What was the Silk Road and what was its purpose? https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKS51kbWpucxybsgIRwf-CKaEe6Ex9LehvJ0L9VuKf_Q&s The Silk Road was an ancient trade route that linked the Western world with the Middle East and Asia. It was a major conduit for trade between the Roman Empire and China and later between medieval European kingdoms and China. What is the Silk Road called now? Chinese Belt and Road Initiative In the 21st century, the name "New Silk Road" is used to describe several large infrastructure projects along many of the historic trade routes; among the best known include the Eurasian Land Bridge and the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Today, 60 percent of China's trade with Europe and Africa passes through the UAE (mostly Dubai), as does a large percentage of its trade with ... Jon Alterman testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission about China’s diplomatic engagement with the Middle East and the country’s efforts to shape a new world order. https://www.csis.org/analysis/china-and-middle-east What is the trade volume between China and the Middle East today? It stands as the primary trading partner for most Middle Eastern nations and has provided substantial investment, infrastructure, and advanced technology. Chinese customs data reveals that from 2017 to 2022, China-Middle East trade almost doubled, growing from $262.5 billion to $507.2 billion.Feb 26, 2024 During 2022, China had a large net trade with United Arab Emirates in the exports of Machines ($27.2B), Metals ($5.8B), and Textiles ($4.61B). During 2022, United Arab Emirates had a large net trade with China in the exports of Mineral Products ($23.5B), Machines ($2.63B), and Plastics and Rubbers ($2.5B). ABRAHAM Genesis Chapter 16v16 - God told Abraham that he was going to give him the land he was living in! Abraham had to claim the land. He had to walk around the land God was giving to him and his descendants. The new Jerusalem will be 1500 by 1500 by 1500 miles. The entire Arab Continental plate. Deuteronomy 11:24 "Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border". Joshua 1:3 "Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore arise, you and all these people, and cross over the Jordan into the land that I am giving to the children of Israel. 3 I have given you every place where the sole of your foot will tread, just as I promised to Moses. 4 Your territory shall extend from the wilderness and Lebanon to the great River Euphrates—all the land of the Hittites—and west as far as the Great Sea" - And she had to call her child Ishmael! - And he would become a great nation! Clearly, from The Bible Holy Scripture, the child of the "slave" is entitled to the same inheritance as the child of the free women. As very little of the promised land is under the control of the descendants of Israel. Most of the land is controlled by the descendants of Ishmael. Just an observation: Have you ever noticed that many times it the smaller countries -cities- that make the biggest impact?
  16. We know what "tohu wabohu" describes in Jer 4 and Isa 34, so how could they be describing God's original creation of earth in Gen 1:2?
  17. You can be sure when you see how "tohu wabohu" is used in Jer 4 and Isa 34, both verses are describing total destruction of land. Why would Jeremiah quote from Gen 1:2 if that verse was describing original creation, when Jeremiah was warning of coming destruction?
  18. I don't recall saying that Job 38 was about the restoration. ? The cornerstone isn't mentioned in Genesis 1. Ever notice that? I know how "tohu" is used because of all 10 uses in the OT, including the 3 verses where "tohu" is attached to "wabohu". What is interesting is that all the YEC ignore how "tohu" is translated throughout the OT. And they accept that "formless" is a state of being, which it isn't. God created a 3 dimensional universe. One of rv's sources said that "form" is 3 dimensional. So it's impossible for an object to have less than 3 dimensions. Therefore, "formless" isn't a real state. The word can be used in comparing similar objects where one LACKS the usual characteristics of the other similar objects. I've given a clear example of that. What is irrelevant is HOW OLD science says the earth is. It is what it is, and science can't pin it down to any specific number of years. That's what I meant. You're misquoting or misunderstanding Isa 45:18. It says that God did not create the earth tohu. Yet, the KJV and most translations have Gen 1:1-2 say that God created the earth and the earth WAS tohu. So, take your pick, I guess. I reject the contradiction between KJV and Isa 45:18. By understanding "tohu" as being a wasteland, or chaos, or desolation, we know that v.2 is describing what the earth BECAME. Not created AS. Where does Genesis 1 say anything about that cornerstone? That was laid when God created the earth (v.1).
  19. Ppl make sweeping statements and then afterwards they turn out not to be true.............
  20. You embarrass yourself with your absurd statements. And your denial of clear facts. That would be "bohu", the second Hebrew word. You just have to ignore "tohu" altogether to maintain your fantasy. When "bohu" is attached to "tohu" they mean "uninhabitable wasteland", which is how they are used in both Jer 4 and Isa 34, both which describe total destruction of land. Which is what happened to the earth and recorded in Gen 1:2. I only believe what the actual Hebrew words mean, as clearly shown in Jer 4 and Isa 34, passages that prove what "tohu wabohu" mean. Sure they do. But you, otoh, seem to be clueless about the FACT that a word never has contradictory meanings. Or, prove that they do, by giving examples. And proving that "tohu" is one of those kind of words. Everyone who can read and find biblehub.com can prove to themselves that the Hebrew words are "tohu wabohu" in Gen 1:2, Jer 4:23 and Isa 34:11. Those w0rds are "true Hebrew". No one has. They are only opinions, and have the SAME problem that you have. Their faulty understanding of Gen 1:2 which creates a GLARING contradiction with Isa 45:18 and you can't explain away, how "tohu wabohu" are used in Jer 4 and Isa 34, the only other passages where the words occur together, and you seem fine with words that describe total destruction can also be used for God's creation. You really have no understanding of how translations worked before technology. There was no way to check how ANY word was translated elsewhere. But we can because of technology. I have never suggested that anyone ignore anything in the Bible. Esp you, who keeps ignoring how "tohu wabohu" are used in Jer 4 and Isa 34. OK, typo. omnipresent. Which any thinking person would easily realize. I've already been through that. Why don't you at least read what I post? What rubbish. I read more lexicons than you, from all that you post, and what you ignore. You have ignored the facts. What doesn't matter to me is your opinion. And you can't prove anything you claim. Just another opinion of yours.
  21. I used to think it was true for a while, but I don't anymore since they found soft tissue in a dinosaur and lately blood in a foal in the ice that was supposedly millions of years old.
  22. Hi @RdJ I'm not sure of the gap theory in Genesis 1.........
  23. Job 38 doesn't sound like a recreation but the 'birth' of the earth: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? If it was all ruined and Job 38 is a recreation, He lays the foundation again? The whole planet ceased to exist? To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, 7 When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy? 8 “Or who shut in the sea with doors, When it burst forth and issued from the womb; 9 When I made the clouds its garment, And thick darkness its swaddling band; A swaddling band for a billion years old earth? Womb? In every stone building, one stone is crucial. It is laid first, and it is to ensure that the building is square and stable. It is the rock upon which the weight of the entire structure rests. You said it's irrelevant if scientists say that the earth is old. If there would be proof that it's young you can just dismiss that tohu translation. He didn't create it uninhabitable. He was still busy for a week. He first laid the corner stone, then the water, then light, dry land out of the water, grass and animals.
  24. You ignore the facts and accept the 6 days as creation, when the words "tohu wabohu" are only used for destruction. So the 6 days are restoration, where God did restore in steps. Obviously. It is clear that your irrationality has no limits. v.2-8 are about the restoration, proven by the use of "tohu wabohu". And you can't refute it. More irrationality. Science leaves God totally out of the picture. Your fantasies prevent rational thought.
  25. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News BERLIN/BELGRADE (Worthy News) – The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has welcomed the four-year jail sentence given to Dragoljub Simonović, the ex-mayor of Grocka, a suburb of Serbia’s capital Belgrade, for ordering an arson attack on journalist Milan Jovanović’s home. The court also gave a four-year sentence to Aleksandar Marinković, who set fire to the house with a Molotov cocktail at around 3 a.m. on December 12, 2018, while Jovanović, a reporter for the independent news website Žig Info, and his wife were inside. Additionally, three years were given to Vladimir Mihailović and two-and-a-half years to Igor Novaković, trial observers said. Monday’s ruling in the landmark trial came at a time when Serbia, which seeks to join the European Union, is under pressure to improve press freedom. “The Serbian court’s decision to convict the individuals, including a former mayor and ruling party politician behind the 2018 arson attack on investigative journalist Milan Jovanović’s residence is encouraging news,” said Attila Mong, CPJ’s Europe representative in a statement to Worthy News. ROBUST MESSAGE “This verdict sends a robust message from Serbian authorities that violence against journalists will be met with consequences, even if it is perpetrated by politicians. In Serbia, journalists face threats, intimidation, and violence all too often. Authorities must continue to combat impunity for such crimes to prevent them,” Mong added. The four assailants were originally given longer sentences in 2021. In its April 26 ruling, the Court of Appeal reportedly reduced their sentences. It reclassified the offense as less severe as it was not established that large-scale damage occurred, trial sources said. Jovanović was at home in the Belgrade suburb of Vrčin when he was attacked. He and his wife escaped through a back window and watched as their entire property, including a car, was destroyed. It highlighted broader concerns about the plight of journalists in Serbia who “have been targeted in smear campaigns, violence, and threats, often perpetrated by political figures or public officials,” the CPJ added. The press advocacy group also recalled the murders of Serbian journalist Slavko Ćuruvija in 1999 and other media personnel in the Balkan nation. The post Serbia Jails Attackers Of Journalist appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  26. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent JERUSALEM/DAMASCUS (Worthy News) – Israel has warned that it will destroy Syrian President Bashar Assad’s “regime” if Syria gets involved in the Gaza war, diplomats said Monday. “The Israelis clearly warned Assad that if Syria was used against them, they would destroy his regime,” a Western diplomatic official told media on condition of anonymity. Recent months saw several strikes on Iranian targets in Syria, widely blamed on Israel. The attacks culminated in an April 1 Israeli airstrike that leveled a building next to Tehran’s consulate in Damascus and killed seven commanders in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, two of them generals. Iran responded by firing a barrage of hundreds of missiles and drones in response around midnight on April 13, backed by several groups in the region. Israel’s leadership said, “Iran supports terror groups” such as Hamas, which on October 7 killed about 1,200 people and kidnapped hundreds more in Israel. Israel has vowed to “eradicate Hamas,” which controls Gaza. RUSSIAN ROLE Despite Arab anger over Israel’s attacks, Syria’s main ally, Russia, maintains diplomatic ties with Israel and reportedly also pushed for stability in Syria’s south, which borders the Golan Heights. Syria appears to have heeded Russia and the United Arab Emirates to remain out of the Israel war in Gaza against Hamas. Its border with the Golan Heights remains relatively calm despite a handful of strikes launched by Iran-backed Hezbollah-allied groups. Syria also does not want to become part of a regional conflict as it returned to the Arab fold, seeking better ties with wealthy Gulf states, say observers familiar with the situation. Assad hopes Arab nations can help fund Syria’s post-war reconstruction — although Western sanctions will likely deter investment, according to sources familiar with the case. In 2018, the United Arab Emirates re-established ties with Syria, and it has been leading the charge to reintegrate Damascus into the 22-member-strong Arab League. Syria has had a problematic relationship with Hamas, whose October 7 onslaught on southern Israel triggered the war, but Hamas and Assad reconciled in 2022. The reconciliation came a decade after Hamas, long allied with Damascus, broke ties over its suppression of mainly Sunni Muslim protests that triggered Syria’s civil war. The Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza claimed Monday that the Israeli military operations launched in October killed 34,488 Palestinians while 77,643 were injured. The war reportedly displaced most of the 2.3 million population in Gaza. Ongoing clashes laid much of the enclave to waste, with Hamas hiding in tunnels and elsewhere between civilian sites such as hospitals, schools, and churches. The post Israel Threatens To Destroy Syria Regime If It Joins Gaza War appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  27. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News JERUSALEM/RIYADH (Worthy News) – The European Union’s foreign policy chief says several EU member states will recognize Palestinian statehood by the end of May, despite Israel’s opposition. Josep Borrell spoke Monday at the sidelines of a World Economic Forum special meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia after some EU nations indicated they would recognize a Palestinian State comprising the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. The move has gained traction since the endorsement of the recognition plan by Spain, Ireland, Slovenia, and Malta last month. In comments monitored by Worthy News, the EU’s European Council President Charles Michel, tasked with reaching a consensus among all 27 EU leaders, suggested other like-minded countries could join the initiative. While nine EU members now recognize the Palestinians’ “right to statehood” – including Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Sweden – the EU’s official position was that it would recognize a Palestinian state only “as part of a two-state solution.” Yet Borrell suggested that at least some EU states wouldn’t await the outcome of lengthy peace talks between Israel and Palestinians. ‘BUILDING PEACE’ Michel said they should move in tandem to recognize a Palestinian state and “trigger significant progress” in “building peace” in the war-torn region. However, in February, Israeli lawmakers voted to back Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection of any “unilateral” recognition of the State of Palestine. Netanyahu said Israel had long resisted international calls to halt the war in Gaza against Hamas but is now facing new pressures “to force upon us the unilateral establishment of a Palestinian state which will endanger the existence of the State of Israel.” Israel’s government made clear it does not want to reward Hamas with an independent state as the Palestinian “terrorist organization carried out a massacre” on October 7 when it killed some 1,200 people in Israel and kidnapped hundreds of others. The atrocities sparked the war in Gaza that Hamas claims killed tens of thousands of people and increased global efforts aimed at recognizing Palestinian statehood despite Israel’s security concerns. Talks about the EU’s role in a Palestinian state come as international pressure mounts on the United States and Germany to suspend sales of arms used by Israel to power its offensive in Gaza against Hamas. The post ‘EU Nations To Recognize the State of Palestine’ appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
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