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Everything posted by SavedByGrace1981

  1. I suppose I could point out that any taxes imposed on corporations would simply be looked at as a cost of doing business, and passed on to consumers. So a tax on a corporation is simply a tax on us. I suppose I could point out that if all the wealth of the rich was simply confiscated it wouldn't even begin to address the debt crisis. I suppose I could do all that, but I won't. Instead, I'll just point out that you should beware of politicians who promote class warfare. Blessings! -Ed Corporations have not been paying ther fair share for a long time. Bush made sure of that. That huge surplus we had when he took office is gone due to his tax cuts, expansion of govt and wars. The truth is our county's recent history has shown that when corps pay their fair share we are better off and when they don't we are worse off. What is your solution? Allow the Corps to pay no taxes and allow the middle class to carry the whole load? That is pretty close to where we are now.....it's not working out too well. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Not making corps pay their fair share is insanity. **sigh** On a side note, I have a sister who I love very much - but her politics is 180 out of phase of mine. So, we just talk about other things. I'll just say this (a point you did not address, BTW). Whatever YOU determine a corporation's "fair share" of a tax to be, said corporation is just going to pass that cost on its customers - i.e. you and me. Obviously I do not know you, and I'm relatively new on this board, so I have not read a lot of your posts. But just from the one here, I would guess that you are a person who buys into the dems/Obama "good" and reps/Bush "evil" paradigm. Please - do not fall for that tired tripe. You're probably more intelligent than that. Class warfare IS NOT what built this country - nor did it make it great. But CLASS WARFARE is going to be a major contributor to its downfall. Please do not just dismiss this out of hand. Please consider it may have some merit. Blessings! -Ed
  2. I suppose I could point out that any taxes imposed on corporations would simply be looked at as a cost of doing business, and passed on to consumers. So a tax on a corporation is simply a tax on us. I suppose I could point out that if all the wealth of the rich was simply confiscated it wouldn't even begin to address the debt crisis. I suppose I could do all that, but I won't. Instead, I'll just point out that you should beware of politicians who promote class warfare. Blessings! -Ed
  3. Especially when the mere men are speaking through such a broken vessel as TIME magazine Blessings! -Ed
  4. It is probably a safe assumption that the majority of people on Worthy live in the US, and most were born here. That being said, we Americans probably shouldn't look at the current political troubles in the US and say that it proves we're living in the "end times". Even though we are living through and will be seeing the end of an empire (and all the upheaval that entails), it is not a unique event in recorded history. Empires, after all, rise and fall. Though I personally believe that we ARE living in the end times, I do not discount the possibility that I will die of old age (and not be alive to witness the return of Christ.) I believe it was by God's design that He wants His people to always be "looking up". Even first century Christians thought they were living in the end times. Blessings! -Ed
  5. I believe Christ was declaring that the redemtive work that God began - first through the Law, and then the supreme sacrifice of His one and only Son - was finished. God was not going to do anything further. Free will dictates that our part is to accept or reject His sacrifice. I happen to believe that accepting Christ's sacrifice will result in a changed life (apparent to others) for the Christian. But that apparently is an area of controversy. Blessings! -Ed
  6. When the Left cannot refute an argument, it will call into question the IQ of their opponents (I first noticed this when Reagan ran). It's amusing, really, when you think that we're supposed to believe all their members are Mensa candidates. Like Barack "I've been campaigning in all 57 states" Obama. So we saw what is in store for Michelle Bachman - if she runs - a couple of weeks ago when she was in New Hampshire. She made a gaffe saying Lexington and Concord were in NH (not Mass.) I only bring this up because if the GOP puts up a non-Establishment candidate (as opposed to an establishment candidate like Romney), this is the level of discourse we can expect from our friends on the Left (and the media). Michelle Bachman is an intelligent woman who talks about serious issues. Whether or not those issues - and not her latest gaffe or the color of her dress - would get discussed, is another matter. Blessings! -Ed
  7. When I think about cults like Mormonism, it reminds me of something I heard preached once. It had to do with recognizing counterfeit money. The way someone is trained to recognize counterfeit currency is not to study the counterfeit, but to study the authentic money. The look, the texture, the feel, etc. By doing this, they will recognise the false currency when they see it. It's the same with spiritual matters. Don't fear cults like Mormonism; rather, take them as an opportunity to study the Bible even more. Mormonism is false on so many fronts - it is a "works" based (rather than faith based) religion. It puts other "scriptures" on par with the Bible. It is based on a man's (not God's) teaching. It minimizes Christ. And I could go on. We should understand why Mormonsim - with its emphasis on morality and family - is so attrative to a lost and searching world. True Christians should be living such Christ-centered lives that the lost would want to know more about what we have. Unfortunately, many of us aren't living out the lives we preach. which allows cults like Mormonism to flourish. Blessings! -Ed
  8. The conclusion I draw from reading the article is that in his earlier life, Lincoln was at best an agnostic who ignored God. Only when he found himself amid the tragedies of the Civil War and his son's death did he even begin seeking spiritual answers. In that regard, he was and is like a lot of people. Some people want and need God all the time; some want and need Him only when they're in trouble. Blessings! -Ed
  9. This makes sense and it seems reasonable. Translation: if the governor signs it, the law will likely be declared Unconstitutional Blessings! -Ed
  10. Projection? But in all fairness, we can't blame Obama for saying that. After all, he was just reading from the teleprompter. But the teleprompter operator, on the other hand, . . . . Blessings! -Ed
  11. Has your son considered enlisting in one of the military branches? Let me briefly relate my own story - perhaps something there will apply to your son: When I graduated HS and went off to a technical college (350 miles from my parents), I thought I had it made. I'd gotten through HS without barely cracking a book - I though college would be a breeze. Long story short - I was back home in six months. Well, I had it all figured out. I'd live at home with my parents, attend the state college in our hometown, continue to live at home and have meals there, etc. etc. The only problem was - I hadn't run these "plans" past my dad. Now, my dad wasn't a mean person by any stretch. Indeed, he had helped my out when I left for college by paying my $55/month Volkswagen payment. But the way he looked at it - it was my own immaturity that led to my leaving college, and his duty was done. I am the youngest of four, and he and my mom were looking forward to their "empty nest" years. So - in his own way - he let it be known that my "plan" wasn't going to fly. He left hints (suggestions?) around the house - such as brochures from the Air Force, Navy and Army recruiters (I never would have cut it in the Marines). I took the hint - and at 19 I enlisted in the Navy. You know what? That was probably the best thing my late Dad ever did for me! Not that I loved the Navy so much (I served my six years and got out), but I did learn a marketable trade, and I've not done too badly. Plus, it provided an excellent transition from irresponsible youth to adult. I'm 58 now, so that was almost 40 years ago. I've never really regretted it, and I'm glad my parents got to have their "empty nest." Blessings! -Ed
  12. You could be right. The Republican establishment, though, has a pattern of nominating whoever is "next in line". Romney fits that bill. I'd like to see somebody like Michelle Bachman, myself. Although the media would literally do their best to destroy her. Blessings! -Ed
  13. If the Iranians believe the Mahdi is "all powerful", then the exposure of this video must fit into his plan, right? Blessings! -Ed
  14. Since all we know about someone like Donald Trump is what we hear about him in the media, it's difficult to understand exactly what his motivations are. Attention? Maybe. Money? Doubtful - he has quite a bit. Power? Maybe. It could be a combination of the three, or it could be none of the above. Few of us can understand what it takes to become a billionaire. Drive, luck, tenacity on a scale that is incredible, to be sure. One thing I'll say about Trump compared to other billionaires we hear about - he seems to at least give lip service to a vision of government that is closer to the one our founders had. While George Soros, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet all seem to favor varying degrees of Socialism (Soros is probably closer to Communism), Trump seems to promote liberty and individualism. For what it's worth, my opinion is that he is not really serious about running. When push comes to shove, his hat WILL NOT be in the ring. But as to why he's doing it? If I had to vote, I'd say "attention." Blessings! -Ed
  15. Has anyone even noticed that the goalposts have been moved so far to the left that no one even argues anymore as to what is Constitutional? I suppose we ceded the argument when outfits like PP and NPR were funded in the first place. So the dems (a.k.a. the party of abortion) get to play to their base saying "we held the line against the eeeeeeeeeeevil Republicans. The repubs, meanwhile, do what they always do in the face of the democrat and media (I know - redundant) onslaught. They folded. So the country continues barrelling along on its merry way to the financial cliff. In case anyone needs a picture of what the two fraud parties were "fighting" over, here it is: We have no statesmen in D.C. None. Blessings, -Ed
  16. If Trump ran as an independent, we could have a repeat of 1992 when another billionaire, Ross Perot, ran. And that got us . . . Bill Clinton. Or 1996 when Perot ran again. And that got us . . . Bill Clinton Given the alternatives, though - Obama or probably Mitt Romney - I'd vote for Trump. He couldn't do any more damage than those two. Like a famous person once said, "We get the government we deserve." Blessings (anyway)! -Ed
  17. You've presented an interesting take on this. I think there's some validity to it. I happen to live near an Amish community. This past winter, my car slid off the road and into a ditch. While I was waiting for Triple A to arrive, a very kind Amish gentleman invited me into his home so I could get out of the cold. It happened to be during suppertime, and the family (husband, wife, and 8 children) were all around the dinner table. I think the word "community" triggered this memory. It doesn't answer the base question, of course. Should couples feel duty bound to have children? In my opinion - not at all. Every couple SHOULD pray about it, honestly evaluate their own hearts and desires, and go from there. Beyond that, it's no one else's business. Blessings! -Ed
  18. In the case of the nut in Florida who burned the Koran - as I understand it, there wasn't any outcry by Muslims at the time it happened. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that Karzai (our "ally" in Afghanistan) whipped up his people, and the rest is history. Maybe Maher is so insignificant that he doesn't even register on their radar . . . Blessings! -Ed
  19. HEADLINE: Bill Maher On UN Murders: Islam Is Only Religion That Kills When You Disagree With Them So the notorious atheist and Christian basher Bill Maher has finally said something negative about a religion that ISN"T Christianity. Do you take this as a sign that some liberals are NOW waking up to the realities of the religious AND political movement known as ISLAM . . . ? . . . or is it just an example of one liberal wandering off the plantation? (NOTE: the topic title is a news headline from a legitimate article. I chose not to link to the source because it conatains inappropriate language - i.e. Maher's inability to express himself w/o using sexual slang.)
  20. Thanks for posting. I fowarded it to my co-workers. Blessings! -Ed
  21. Here's the problem in a nutshell: EVERYONE is for cutting spending. In theory. It is when specific cuts are proposed that support for cuts falls away. The media sobs stories (Little Jenny won't be able to to see the bears at Yellowstone, boo hoo) work every time. Sadly, the problem lies equally with we the people AND the spineless paper-pushers (not leaders) we elect. As long as we can keep running up that Federal credit card, we will do so. We (as a people) have the economic judgment of a gambler, and the maturity of a twelve year old. The old saying seems to fit: "Don't cut you, don't cut me, cut the man behind the tree." Blessings! -Ed
  22. Politically, I'm about as far right wing as you can get. So I wasn't bothered much by what Beck said (and I probably agree with much of it, but disagree with some, too). I am not surprised by Beck and FOX's parting of the ways here, though. In fact, I've expected it. When all is said and done, FOX news is a broadcasting business. Its business is to attract advertisers by having a large viewership. To that end, it cannot afford to make too many waves and alienate too many potential viewers. Beck - whatever one thinks of him - is a lightening rod. A loose cannon. In the end, he simply alienated too many people, and he had to be cut loose. Make no mistake - I'm not denigrating FOX news for what they did. I completely understand it. The larger question to me, here, is this: How would today's society treat a prophet like - say - a Jeremiah or an Isaiah? (Please understand I am not equating Beck with Jeremiah or Isaiah!!!!) If there were such a thing as a modern day prophet (or prophetess) - how would he/she be treated? How would they get God's message out? A broadcast network? A website or blog? Something to ponder. Blessings! -Ed
  23. From the article: I wonder what the Reverends Al and Jesse think of this? Blessings! -Ed
  24. Things are definitely getting worse. The last time you had a situation like this, at least there was a band playing "Nearer, My God, To Thee". Blessings! (anyway) -Ed
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