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Everything posted by coheir

  1. I read on worthy news two different bot post. A U.S.general predicts war by 2024. Iran said after they investigate the recent bombing of the plant that they would retaliate. they believing it to be Israel and they said if the U.S. get involved it would mean war.
  2. If I am to die for believing in Jesus Ill die rather than change my belief. Other than that no one has the right to kill me. Even in the OT they had weapons to protect themselves. So we do today.
  3. One World Religion Headquarters Set to Open Next Year built on an island in the middle eastern city of Abu Dhabi The headquarters is being done in collaboration with Pope Francis and Sunni Muslim leader, Sheikh Ahmen al-Tayeb, after they both signed a global peace covenant called the Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace. anyone see this
  4. I goes back to Gen 7 13 In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;
  5. It just seems to me in James he is not talking to the poorest people. Mark 12: 41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. 42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. 43 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: 44 For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. All meant in my post is that some have less to give than others . and in some cases James makes it sound as if it is not enough. Some time all some one may have are clothes or a few dollars to give to a homeless shelter. Anything one has to give counts in Gods eyes. 1 Peter 4 8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
  6. Matt 20:1-16 Romans 1o:9 should be considered also
  7. The Old Covenant could have worked if Man had not distorted the Law. Much of which was by favoritism. imo I never have agreed with replacement Theology. The Old Covenant was fulfilled not abolished. The old Covenant was left in place for those who wanted to keep it; who rejected Jesus as the Messiah. The New Covenant actually made it easier on mankind to be saved. Through the Grace and Mercy of God. imo
  8. I have been following the other thread church of Christ. And still not 100% sure which is right. I do see Christ as the cornerstone and Christians as the rest of the building. Meaning That Israel may be the inner sanctuary and Church outer sanctuary. I guess I still need help on this.
  9. I always thought Israel would be in New Jerusalem and Christians on out side
  10. I cant believe 13 different church's believe in abortion enough to sue over it. that is 13 BAD church's with false teaching.
  11. did you see under U.S. News where 13 churches are suing Missouri for the abortion ban, How can the believe in abortion?
  12. Jesus and The Father both knew that there would be some in Israel that would not accept Jesus as The Messiah or the New Covenant. Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant and Old Law rather than abolishing it. When Paul says in Eph 2:15 that the Old Covenant and the Ten Commandments were abolished; I think he meant it was abolished for use in the New Covenant rather than just Abolished as the word usually means. Paul may have had trouble with words like I do. Jesus had to fulfill the Old Covenant before the New Covenant could be put into place. Matt 5: 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. People have three choices Live by 613 Laws ( Old Covenant ) or New Covenant which does not include 613 laws or not believe In Jesus at all.
  13. I was not clear in my post, sorry. I see three options OC or NC or non believer. There there are many instances of God taking back backsliders into His fold.
  14. I agree with you as a NC follower. God, in my uneducated opinion left the OC in place for those who did not accept the NC. So there are 3 choices OC or NC or be a non believer. Best choice is NC. I guess I was not very clear in last post, sorry.
  15. I have read these same verses more than once and thought I understood them now I found I didn't. Thank you very much for this Post.
  16. Hi Marilyn C I have been learning a lot following this thread, thanks to several including you.I am puzzled by the last sentence in this post. And my question may be out of line for this thread. Verse 25 leads me to think earth will have night and day (sleep) but the ones above in NJ will not have night or sleep.
  17. Thanks I can see the face that's all that makes since to me.
  18. imo two choices; He left the Old Covenant in place and created the New Covenant. There is no other choices
  19. I had a boss that said If you do not admit your problem you can not solve it.
  20. And just a few days ago I read on here (news) the who in the next few days votes to move out of advice business. And place the org in charge of the world and what they say every Country must follow.
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