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Everything posted by coheir

  1. I read this and the ones other one posted I guess I forgot these verses. And you are right in your post as it is the Bible. God was punishing Israel for turning away from him in those verses. I dont think God would put Christians through that in todays world though.
  2. I don't recall reading about cannibalism in OT, can you give me a verse or book?
  3. if they can grow human meat the for the same cost they can grow beef.
  4. I would like to ask a question about Rev 13:1. I read in old days each culture or people used different animals like we use our flag today. If that is so the description of these animals could be representing countries that group together. can you help me with this? thanks and rev say the sea is people so this beast is coming out of the peoples of earth right.
  5. God promises no more pain or hurt or grief. If one is in heaven looking down on their loved one hoping they make the right choice and see they make the wrong choice they will have grief and pain. No I do not believe relatives go through that if in heaven.
  6. 3 months ago was my second flu shot and second pneumonia vaccine they are highly recommended. I was told I would have sore arm and I did. It reminded me of the black plague shot in the service years ago. Speaking of the service when I was in we had to keep a duffel bag full and ready to go within 24 hours of notification and we had a lot of shots regular in case we went some where overs seas; and the duffel bag was unloaded and inspected on a regular schedule.
  7. I posted earlier that I saw a video of a nurse saying the flu shot was not safe. I wanted to hear what people had to say about such video. I too take flu shot every year and am 67 never had flu or problems with the shot. peoples body react differently to things I have allergies to a couple highly used medicines many can use them.
  8. the professors teach the opposite of the churches and should be equalized
  9. she did not know to stand behind the bush their eyes were not open at that time in picture
  10. picture on left has her wearing leaves; that did not happen until after her and Adams eyes were opened. should the writer know this?
  11. I would not marry her she has skinny legs.
  12. Wearing PJ's in public I think is part of the culture that is flourishing in America and is moving towards the days of Noah. Now PJ's in public is a small part but I think its still a part.
  13. pre-loved; I think we call that a thrift store.
  14. I see women and mom's and their daughters wearing PJ's in stores often.I myself do not care for it. Never seen a man in PJ's in public. wondering how other feel about this edit; Im talking about teen's and older women not young kids.
  15. Im from LA Lower Alabama that is
  16. No I dont think that. what I meant was when the subject of hell comes up a few will contemplate heaven and hell as there only options.
  17. The jokes probably are mocking Christians imo. On the other hand it will make a few have some serious thoughts about if they are headed there.
  18. Im sorry for thinking you were promoting this site as proof. Ill be more careful of my post.
  19. there is a big difference between a person with a couple tatoo's and a white supremacist imo
  20. is that fact or theory? so if I go to a pro left handed site should I expect them to promote right hand NOT
  21. I would think someone Perfect uses both hands not favouring either
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