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Everything posted by jasoncran

  1. Not that trump has reduced the decifit,the argument Is over what we are to spend on and not to reduce the deficit. So yes a I agree with much of your post.
  2. Ok,I will wait until later this year to see,and no democrats for me
  3. Hamas uses power from Israel, to train ,indoctrinate kids to hate and kill jews.but Isreal is the bad guy.yup I see it clearly
  4. ___________________________________ Greetings. I think God left enough maneuvring room to come, but His coming will definitely be at a certain season. It won't be in the middle of February or some random time. I don't know what year the end will be yet, but I do know that His coming is compared to Trumpets, i.e. the feast of Trumpets. On your first point, this is really a statement about the calendar. Today we take it at face value and say that "nobody knows the day or hour" as meaning anytime. That's our culture. In theirs, this statement was immediately recognized as the feast of Trumpets because that is the only feast one was not sure the day or hour it would be proclaimed. They knew when Passover and it's holidays, and Pentecost was to take place, and even Tabernacles before the day. But the feast of Trumpets was the only feast they had to watch to begin because the month did not commence until the sighting of the new moon. So that important feast was the only one they could not plan ahead, but they knew when it was at the doorstep. And this agrees with Christ's admonitions to watch. On the second point, Christ came and emptied himself of his omniscience and power (although he was still the Word) and God the Father (not Christ) raised him from the dead. I took that statement that even he did not know as meaning just what he said, being now a full man instead would not know the hour in the future, any more than we know it. And angels are not omniscient either, and have limitations. I think Christ knows now (i.e. "all power is given to me in heaven and in earth"), but even if he did not, it does not bother my faith considering there are two persons there in the Godhead. The Father is greater than the Son and are separate entities. The Father still has things mapped out on schedule--- and the feast days are the shadows of things to come. So this whole ordeal is really a calendar and timing issue, and one has to understand where the Jewish beliefs were about without attaching our interpretations on what Christ stated. timfrompa? lol
  5. news flash most of the ashkenazi last names are actually germanic in origin and yiddish is a german-hebrew hybrid tounge used only by the ashkenazum. ie we say he is a mensh. mensh is the german word for man.
  6. if i may. its hard for me to do that to a family member in sin. while im not pro gay rights by no means. if i had my grandson turn that way and he had adopted kids and lived in that sin and he or she aged then(assuming he fathered the child or adopted) would i not accept that child. i may be their only light of the gospel. its vexing but well i know of and im in a marriage that is broken. dont think hetero marriages are normal either. trust me, god is keeping me from divorce. i have in the worlds eyes a reason to walk but God doesnt see it that way. still it needs work.
  7. christmas' imagery for the most part never was christian in origin. as a kid i remember during the holidays a menorah and a cross would be on the telephone poles along with the trees and the soldiers. now thanks to the aclu that cant be. too offensive so we get the trees and the soldiers. and the star. that is how pagan that holiday is.
  8. lol. its called gelt. sorry. im ashkenazi and my dad did use some yiddish. grandpa and his generation probalby was fluent in it.
  9. jews do channukah. and that starts sundown in jerusalem on december 7th. i will do it but i may or may not do it with gelt.
  10. Female Genital Mutilation. I chose that example because it is part of the mores of ancient tribes. Not only of them, even in Germany we had a medicalized form of that some 100 years ago. Now, imigrants are bringing that custom in. Some people complain about the term because they say that it is already taking sides. This is why scientists, to my knowledge, refer to it as "genital cutting". .. in Albania, for instance, there is blood vendetta, as far as I know. In the Bible, this is recorded, too: Lamech said to his wives: “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. Gen 4:23 Have a good day, Thomas that didnt make it right. context tell you that is wrong. that chapter lists what went and why its wrong. if that is the case then you ignored the idea of the avenger of blood. where its allowed to revenge murder by a family member in the torah. cities of refuge. interesting it will be when i read what the commentary i have says on it.
  11. scripture with the leading the holy spirit. general revalation i dont remove logical arguments from the above or expericience either just that well faith does have a sense of logic too it. every person has faith to his world view. i cant prove god exists nor can the athiest disprove him either.
  12. i believe you ayin. i have heard it from others , and they are leaving or layoff.its that article is that is a bit off. im floridian , rick scott hasnt said yet if we are going to do the exchanges then that article assumes that people will have jobs that insure them. a person making as much as i do and is healthy may just as well pay the fine and not buy isurance . it would be cheaper for him or her to do so.
  13. no. its the reverse. theres no need in ancient cultures to say that murder was wrong. just what was murder was defined uniformaly but in all case the cultures had them and then they coded them. isreal countrary to most what gentiles say has oral traditions. these are how moses got the genesis account. its even hinted at in exodus. how else before the burning bush would Moses know of his people or that there were egyptians whom feared god etc? yet isreal wasnt a national state then. they didnt have any written codes on marriages or so forth.
  14. why did i have to bother reading this? that to me is child porn. sorry. narth was right pedastery is on the way back in.sheesh.
  15. like i said, america and the west love and adore greece and rome, not the God of the bible. the greeks and romans were known for cruelty to children and woman and animals.
  16. uhm im on tricare. its not really controlled like you say. you can do as my mom does with my dad. he uses medicare first then she pays the rest with blue florida. my wife can use medicare parts a and b. if she does then tricare will not pay. thats the facts. so yes its same. the goverment regs also apply to tricare and tricare for me has gone down for some reason. but it does follow the same rules as all others under the aca.the goverment may regulate healthcare but it has been doing that since the medicare act of 1968. if a drug isnt paid for by medicare then the so call free market wont pay for it either. ie for me victoza.fda approved but not paid by medicare nor tricare. so i must pay cash for it.a month supply of it for my wife 328 dollars. the goverment regulates alot of things on cars and has done it since the 60's i can list them if you like these are in the newest to the oldest tire pressure monitor system which went into effect in 07 but in 05 it was started the onboard diagnostic act number 2 the mandate to switch from r12 to r134 the onborad diagnistic act the federal vehicle moter vehicle safety act that last one is why brake fluid is called dot3,4 and 5. dot does stand for Department of Transporation. each of the numbers has a reg and what must the fluid be made off. it also includes lights, and brakes types used in cars(since 67 all cars must have disc brakes on the front and dual chambered brake master cylinders)
  17. thats a bit biased and wrong. im a floridian and florida unless scott changes it will not be doing the exchanges. though he has mentioned we need to look to doing it.
  18. I think this speaks volumes. 20% of the job applicants had worked for Wal-Mart before and wanted to come back. As an individual, I would like to see their employees get a reasonable pay raise. I wouldn't mind paying slightly more as a customer to see this get done. i agree with your position on this.
  19. so i wonder if prices will go up beacause of all them abortions and and "free" love. i know that would cause some problems with my insurance since the pool isnt that big. but im not insured with them, im on tricare. what i dont get is that in my state one can get free condoms from ppl and also from the dfc. why then are being told to pay for it via insuring ourselves?
  20. oddly in australia and in brazil walmart is too expensive ror the poor man.
  21. huh? my job pays for birth control with its insurance and its not doing that.
  22. ouch. i dont agree with that policy but i can see why. publix used to force its employees to buy from them. it was discouraged for them to shop elsewhere.
  23. i think i will read more of bereshith tonight and post what the orthodox jews say , they take it literally. otherwise if its not then tell me why did the jews ever take shabat as the seventh day and did start all feasts and Holy days at sun down in jerusalem?
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