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Marlene S

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Everything posted by Marlene S

  1. What you are saying then here is that the murders they commit when they kill Christians in the name of their religion, should not really be accepted, and they should not 'be persecuted for their murders either. You say 'that it is Gods job, not ours.' You mentioned the breaking of Law, which applies to all Humans, yet you shirk away from the application of the Law. What is the point of the Law if there is no justice according to the Law among men, whom the Law was written for? Sure we pray for them to be saved as they continue to kill Christians, and many are being saved today, and people are talking about how many Muslims are dreaming about Jesus and are being converted. Wanting to see justice done for murders and doing what the Laws of the land rule is a normal feeling. There must be justice for breaking the laws of the land, or we are left in a lawless society... a Satanic one. Persecution is not something happening in the Muslim community. There are those who discriminate of have formed opinions, but No where are Muslims hunted down, murdered, have their mosques burnt and their children capture and taken as slaves by Christians. This is what some Christians have to endue. Should they not call on the Government for justice for all the murderings and kidnappings? There are laws against these crimes and people should be punished here in order to preserve the LAW, and not be slack towards Justice. We can pray for them, and we know that if they do not change what the end will be. We can also desire justice, which is not revenge, since it is Law made according to those of the Land. Murder is a crime in this world, and should be prosecuted as such, whether saved or not. M.
  2. The name Christ came from the spiritual word CHRISM, which is also an anointing ceremony performed in this world by religious leaders. Since Christ exists in Eternity, the word originates in the Spiritual things of the Holy Spirits. Christ received His Chrism from the Perfect Father and was given the authority and power over all things. He received the CHRISM as the only one anointed with the things of the Father, thus He became the Author and Finisher of all things. The CHRISM of CHRIST is a spiritual anointing and it is copied here in our world. That is my understanding. Peace to you in Christ, M.
  3. In my journey, I do believe in a literal millennial, that is one thousand years of a new Earth, ruled by our Lord Christ Jesus- the LAMB and Almighty God. There will be countries and peoples and the land will be made anew and those who are chosen to live in the new world will live for a thousand years. The great and terrible day of the Lord will burn all the physical matter on the Earth and we will be left with a world where men seek death, but death will flee from them. I believe there will be a really terrible period in the world those days after the fire, because Human Souls will still be here. Our flesh will be dissolved by the fire and we will appear as we are; whether clothed in the Holy Spirit and rejoice or found to be naked and covered in the stain and stench of sin... and be ashamed. Almighty God is coming to Earth and He will rule here during the Millennium. He will replenish the lands and raise up his people to inhabit the land including the remnant of Jacob, who are brought from all across the Earth. There will be a millennial period, just as the Bible tells us, with some countries surviving while others are erased from the annuls of time. There will probably be new cities as well, as Gog and Magog. Personally, I have never really believed that these were cities or countries in our time, but future cities in the Millennium. I also did not know that there were Christians who did not believe in the one thousand year reign of Christ. Honestly, I didn't, and that does surprise me. Peace to you all in Christ Jesus. M.
  4. I believe his body was immortal. He was middle aged. His face was fleshly but shining. I thought he looked about sixty. I think he was actually younger than than when he was taken up. He did not look old as in weak, he simply had a seasoned face. Not sure how old you are, but if you are sixty and you receive immortality, do you think you would then look like you are thirty? Not sure why he appeared to me. He said that he knew my name. Why was I allowed to experience these things? Am I to really believe in my life now, that Elijah the Prophet knows who I am? Well, that is my reality, but why me? Our Lord did appear immediately after him and assigned me an Angel, so that must mean something. My dream-visions are what they are. I am shown things which are not random. I think the Lord shows me the things that will happen in my timeline. I do not see worldly events and my visions are mostly always in apocalyptic world; everything burning and destroyed. A dark world with very low cloud cover and no one to be seen, but me. Yep... sounds like my future. I desire greatest to see our LORD and KING appearing in the clouds with His Army of Angels and His Kingdom. Peace to you, M.
  5. Thank you for your reply. I agree with you wholeheartedly when you say we have to 'believe that the words are actually true', however we do already believe the words and what we do not do is 'try the words'. Forty years ago I was in a desperate state needing answers that only God could provide and even though I left the RC Church, I did not leave my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I did not know Him as a friend/ personally, but I believed all the things I learned as a Catholic kid. When I found myself alone in this world looking for answers, I remembered one verse from the Bible that I had learned, and that was when Jesus told us to ask and we will receive, to seek and you shall find and to knock and it will be opened to you. I took Him up on His word and I began my seeking and asking and knocking, and from my experience, He is really Faithful and True. I know who I am in Christ and because I seek and find and study and pray, the words of Scriptures have actually come to life and I experience the things that are written in knowledge. The words of the Gospel of Jesus Christ are alive and they feed you and cause you to grow in the word and the Lord does live with us, so why is it not reasonable to accept that those who are close to Him, will see Him. Happy are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Thank you for the verses, they are very supporting and we do need to strengthen each other, especially in this time. There is a way I walk along with my Lord and He takes care of me and reveals things to me, especially when I pray earnestly for the hidden things to be revealed. I love my LORD and I know He loves me. You do have to visualize the gifts you desire to receive. You do become what you believe. Believe in the highest possible state a Human can achieve, which is Perfection, then find the knowledge of this way, which does exist and make it happen. That is what I do, and I have great experiences; the gospel is alive in my walk. So many of the ones written in the words of the Bible I have seen... why? I do have an idea, but only God truly knows and only time will tell. Peace and Love to you in Christ Jesus. M.
  6. God did tell us that He would assign us Angels; I was just very blessed to see mine, and I know I do have an Angel. Humans do have Angels who protect them, and it doesn't change that truth, even if you have not found the knowledge of this or have received the understanding of these things, Angels do protect us. I will tell you that the sons of God, who will rule with Him and have judgment over the Fallen Ones when He appears on the Last Day, these are Human Angels, conceived in Human Souls in this world by means of the Word of God, these ones are Angels of Light and they are not found in Roman myths, are not females, neither are they babies; these are the sons of the Living Father, who is Christ. These Mighty Human Angels are the image of the Human Being in whom they are conceived and these Angels are conceived from the Light-seed planted in every Human by the WORD, who is the LIGHT of the world. Inside every Human who enters this world, a seed of the WORD is planted, which is actually the Human Mind. These sons are hundreds of feet tall! I believe that these ones will return with our LORD and KING on the Last Day and He will send them throughout the four corners of the Earth to gather His Elect- those who are alive and remain. Then the sons who are spiritual and made of Light will join together with the Souls of the Elect who remain in Earth to become a full and complete son of the Living Father. These are the kings and priests and princes who will rule with Christ and sentence the Evil Ones when He appears with His Army and His Kingdom at the end of this Age. I have an Angel dressed in full Armor who protects me and I always remember to pray for her, because I know she has a lot to defend. Do you know for certain if you have angelic protection? You should pray about that. Various seeds bringing forth a variety of fruits, some thirty fold, some sixty and some one hundred fold. Many are called, few are chosen. Peace to you in Christ, M.
  7. What were you expecting? He was as I saw him; his clothing which was a colorful layered robe, but shining. M.
  8. Not much more details. I went to bed and then I found myself in a big open area, felt like being inside of a dark stadium or perhaps in a valley, there seemed to be wall or hills surrounding, but I could not see it... too dark, but I could feel it. The clouds above were dark but I could see the silhouettes moving across the sky, very, very low cloud cover. As I looked up at the clouds, there appeared a contained spot-light in the cloud, which seemed to be shining from behind and above the clouds. The light spot began to grow bigger as if whatever was behind it was drawing nearer. The clouds lit up and then it was as if someone stuck a finger through the cloud and that caused a bright light to shine down to the ground about thirty feet from where I stood. I then saw a man descending in the light and he ended up right in front of me, facing me but a little to my right side. He was about my height, maybe a bit shorter, I am five-ten. He was about seventy years old, maybe sixty. He did look a bit old. He had a beard and was dressed in garb that was blue and purple and white, mostly blue, a light blue. He looked at me and said: I am Elijah the Prophet, and I know your name. He then turned and walked away in front of me and disappeared into the darkness. Then I woke up and I was a little freaked out. I remember thinking: What! I am dreaming about prophets now? I turned on my light and grabbed my Bible which was there next to my bed and I read all I could find about Elijah the Prophet. I read for a couple of hours, because when I was satisfied I had read all there was to read, I closed my Bible turned off the light and went right back to sleep. That is when I found myself in the same place as before with Elijah, and the same lighted clouds, but this time it was Christ Jesus. He wore a shining white robe and he was fleshly, but his face was shining. I saw our Lord another time where He looked the same. He looked Human, but shining. So was the Angel. She looked Human, but was shining in white light. I do believe that I will be here till the Last day when our LORD and KING appears. I pray that I am, because personally, this may sound weird, but I do not want to die in this world. Perhaps I will, but surviving this place and seeing our LORD appearing in the clouds, this is what my heart desires; and I think it would be an incredible feat to survive the Tribulation and the Wrath, and still be alive and remain... be one of those who will not experience death... if it is the Father's will. Peace and Love in Christ Jesus. M.
  9. The Gifts we receive: FULL ARMOR OF GOD. I wanted to revive this Thread and speak mainly of the gifts we receive as Followers of Christ Jesus. It is my heart's desire to receive all the gifts which are willed for my experience. Many will not receive the things which are stored up in Heaven for them, or even the ones given to us here in this world as we walk along the Way with our Lord, mainly because they do not ask for them. It is challenging to write here because I can only speak from my personal experiences and understanding, and I really do not want to appear to make this all about me, because all I really have are my personal experiences... my life. So many strange and wonderful things have I experienced over the years, and all of them have taught me some valuable lesson or I received spiritual understanding. Like seeing how the Sword of the Spirit really works, through wielding it and destroying the enemy. The Full Armor of God... Do you ever imagine yourself with your armor on and imagine what it would look like? Do you realize that when you acknowledge this wonderful protection, by putting it on and eventually using it, you are completely and totally protected. Do you ever think of what is under your Armor? Your Armor covers and protects your Soul-body; it is a supernatural thing, however in order for you to receive an armor, you must first have your spiritual clothing which covers your Soul... so you are not naked. The Holy Spirit gives us a spiritual covering we wear always, and we also put on our full Armor over this spiritual-clothing. We are all in the process of learning and understanding what is needed of us in order to receive/achieve our Heavenly rewards. In my experience there are so many miracles... answered prayers and dream-visions, that I have no reason to ever doubt the road that I am walking along. Christ is always there when needed. He really is Faithful and True. He is Wonderful. We are gifted a full armor of God, which has great power and can take down the most powerful of enemies when we use it properly. The Scriptures are filled with words that we understand in our hearts and our heads, mostly, and because of Faith, we sometimes never get to experience the things we believe. We are clothed in garments made from the LIGHT of Perfection... the Light of Christ. We are given a helmet, breast-plate, a sword, a shield, girted loins, which some call a belt of truth, and feet shod for the preaching of the Gospel of Peace. How do you imagine your armor? An Angel was dispatched to me for protection and I saw her and she had on full-armor. It was strange because I believe that sometimes your own thoughts, which happen because of what you experience in your daily life, even the things you see on television or read in a book, may be used to show you something which may otherwise be very disturbing or even scary to you. The Angel I saw was Human looking, she reminded me of Xena-Warrior Princess, in the way she was dressed. She did not have wings. I saw our Lord descending from the clouds and as He neared the ground, an Angel came out of His right side and landed with Him in front of me. Neither one spoke to me, but our Lord spoke to her and told he she had to protect me. She was staring intently at me as He spoke to her. This vision happened about two hours after I had a vision where Elijah the Prophet, appeared in the same way as our LORD, and he came up to me and said that He was Elijah the Prophet, and he knew my name. The Breast-plate of Righteousness must also protect your back as well. I believe it protects the hearts of those who shall see God, for He will write His commandments on our hearts. I also imagine that my heart is covered in words- written by the fingers of God and branded on my heart. My heart is covered in spiritual writings. It is important that we learn words and store them in our hearts, for it is our ammunition depot in our war against the Gates of Hell. We seek after righteousness and we desire all the gifts offered to us, even the ones we remain unaware of, and so we ask our LORD to show us these things, so that we can receive them, in order to have the fullness of Human experience. In my life, the words of Scripture come to life and I get to experience them. Righteousness is Light and Love and Goodness and Holiness in perfection, and these are the things we seek to experience and understand in our walk. We pray to be filled and be satisfied. We possess an Helmet of Salvation. How do you imagine this protects you? It protects our minds from the arrows of the enemy in that we are saved through Grace and Repentance by the power of the Holy Spirit, and by the blood of the Lamb. It is what we hold to be truth in our minds that needs protection. I imagine that my Helmet is very shining and no weapon formed against me shall ever disturb my Rest in the Truth of our LORD Christ. He is renewing our minds on a constant basis, and not only that, the Devil can also steal our gifts and the special things we ask for and receive in prayer. That is why you are to shut yourself up in your closet and pray to our Heavenly Father who is in secret. The Devil can intercept our prayers and steal our Blessings. As for our Shield of Faith, how big do you imagine yours to be? I really have imagined my Armor so much for so long that I am certain it is as I imagine. I am wearing it now and always, and I can feel it when I think about it. All shining white light and indestructible, especially when our LOTRD and Father also fight alongside us. Do you prayer always for your faith to increase, so that you can move mountains. I believe mountains are great Fallen demons, like the ones we are dealing with currently and the ones which are to come... the Anti-Christs. These are the mountains which are standing in our way, in order to prevent us from winning the race and receiving our rewards. Never doubting, never yielding faith requires constant prayer; always make a request for stronger faith. The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. It is really that simple, and when you speak the word of truth to the enemy, there is no defense against it and it destroys them. It is the Truth of the Word that destroys them, for the words originate from the LIGHT. He is the LIGHT of the world. You need to become pure of heart and study and memorize Scripture, so your Sword is always sharp and ready to destroy the enemy. Our LORD will destroy the enemy with His mouth, for the words of Truth will proceed out of His mouth and the Light of Truth will consume them all. I have used my Sword and it is indeed very sharp. It brought the invisible she-demon to light and then it destroyed her and sent her back from whence she came. Our Feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Are your feet covered with spiritual 'boots' reaching up to your knees? Mine are and we are to preach the gospel of Peace. As Followers- and I am very much aware of this in my personal experience- we receive the gift of inner peace. We do find our place of Rest, a place from where we cannot be moved, no matter what trials or tribulations we may face in our walk with our LORD. I believe we are to share this blessed hope we carry inside of us and spread the gospel of the Kingdom of God, while expounding on the Prince of Peace, the one who has given us this blessed hope. We are like trees planted by the water and we shall not be moved. The Gospel of Peace is the New Covenant which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave to us. Love and forgiveness and the fruits of the Spirit. He also gave us new ways of thinking and living... a complete renewing of our minds. Even our thoughts were put under judgment, for the things you think and desire in your hearts, whether good or evil, those thoughts and desires too are under judgment. So now the mind and heart can achieve the true peace that our Lord offered to us, since we have the New Commands, which are contrary to Mosaic Law. Our Loins Girt about with Truth... what does this mean. Some say that the girt is the belt that keeps the clothing together, if it is not girted properly, the whole armor is weak, and one can 'strike at the girt' and kill you. We need to be prepared so that we can go into battle at anytime. I guess you would not want your armor falling apart while waging warfare against the enemy. Truth is the power that ties our Armor together. We must seek after the truth of the Kingdom of God and seek to be strong in the word. All things are measured against Truth. Truth is the measure of all things and when we are on the side of Truth and become the children of Truth, we will be able to stand against the Darkness and shine the Light of Truth which obliterates them. Love and Goodness, Peace and Charity and Kindness and Patience and Perseverance. It is important that we pray and study so as to keep renewing our minds, so we can gain greater understanding and wisdom, in order to move up to the next glory. The renewing tends to lead us upward in search of the Father... so keep looking up, for our redemption draws near. I really love you all and I prayer that I am doing something that is worthy of being a Follower of Christ. I know that I am supposed to write and I always pray before I do. My desire is to do the things that please my LORD and FATHER, and pray earnestly and hope with all my heart, that on that day, I will be received home into the Family of God... well done my good and faithful servant. Peace to you all in Christ Jesus. M.
  10. Science truly is a crock and I will prove it. It is reported that only three percent of the African population are vaccinated, yet there are no deaths or pandemic happening there. I believe a couple of African leaders were killed because they refused to vaccinate their people. Today the 'scientists' are saying they do not know why Africans are not affected as the rest of the world. WOW!!! They really want us dead! They theorize that because the population is very young the virus does not have many old people to kill. Why do they want us dead? They are locking down the world in several places. They are depriving the pure-bloods of their basic rights. It is so simple to understand why Africans are not dying from the virus. HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE! They consume lots of the drug because of parasites and malaria, and that is why. We all know this, yet the scientists remain unaware... they do not understand. These people are insane, as well as psychopaths. Of course we know that it is all about greed and profits. HCQ costs ten cents a pill, versus a vaccine which can cost up to $200.00 a dose... do the math. You can see why they have no idea; there is no financial gain for them, coz it is all about the money. Do these people even have Souls? Learn how to make quinine and protect yourself. M. Look at this article. Scientists mystified, wary, as Africa avoids COVID disaster - Breitbart
  11. I really had second thoughts when I posted above. I am sure that there are those who read the post, but no one said anything. There are some Christians who believe the Earth is Six thousand years old, which is actually quite impossible to accept. What I do know is that down through the Ages there has been a deliberate and systemic effort to erase and hide our History from Humans. They allow us to see what they want us to see and no more. When you become a seeker and you start finding things you are not supposed to find, they somehow get a wind of it and they will attack you. Who are they? Human Beings are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are provided a way to overcome all the lies, delusions, deceptions and darkness they produce in this world. The Earth is a Kingdom and the Devil sits on the throne, even though, he has been dethroned by Christ Jesus. The deception is even in the Church. There are 'seminaries' training 'preachers and teachers' to deceive the Church. So many are deceived. What to do with this information. Do what I do. I see it as an interesting theory. It could be true, or it may not be, even partly true. They did not know about what I was seeking after- spiritual knowledge, so that was a sign; take it with a grain of salt. There might be another explanation somewhere, waiting to be found. It does make sense on so many levels though, doesn't it. There are so many 'cautions' when you find some 'knowledge', where it tells you not to speak of it to others or to certain kinds of people. To keep it to yourself. This was not one, but perhaps I should have kept it to myself. What do you think? Peace to you all, M. Be in the world, but not of the world. Flesh and Blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Peace to you, M.
  12. I probably should not post this but here goes: Firstly I believe in Creation and that Humans are created in the Image and Likeness of God. As one who seeks after knowledge and has been doing it for over forty years, I have found many interesting and intriguing things. Perhaps there is a way to reconcile the two. A few years ago I came across this incredible book. I will not name it, because I believe it is a book that will be found by a seeker, eventually. I am still reading it... over 2,300 pages. This book is supposedly written/channeled by Angels, the Angels of the Order of Melchisedec and Angels from other Heavenly Orders who are responsible for keeping the knowledge of God on the Earth. Yes, I know... the doctrine of Angels... but, it's Melchisedec! Supposedly... The book explains everything, and I mean everything, except one thing, and the thing they do not understand is the thing that I am seeking Knowledge of, which is of Spiritual things. It was interesting to learn that Angels know of spiritual things, they even sometimes see spiritual things, but they cannot explain where it comes from... it is not a part of their Created Realm. They do know that Human have access to this spiritual world, but they do not. I have found ancient History and ancient archeology that are mind-bending. Did you know that the Chinese people believe that they have no ancestors here. And they have found that Tribes in New Guinea also have no ancestors. How can that be? In some ancient manuscript they talk about ancient kings who ruled for thousands of years at a time, hundred of thousands of years ago. How do you reconcile these things? The Angels said that there are/were seven races on Earth; three are Aboriginals- Red, Yellow and Blue races. Blacks are called Blue. (there is no black or white in the rainbow). I added that. Three are mixed/hybrid races- Orange, Green and Indigo. These are the Green Giants/Nephilim, the Orange are those long brained ones found in sites in some places around the world, as in Paracas, Peru, with those long big brains- Elongated skulls. Finally the Indigo ones are also hybrids, but descendants of Nephilim and other hybrids. These also include Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. Then finally there is the Violet Race. I will try to keep this short because it does need a lot of words to explain. So here goes. There was an original pair who were created by the Angels in a world that was Null and void. This happened hundred of thousands of years ago. The Angels/ Watchers watched over the Earth and they and others were involved in the Genesis, down through the Ages to prepare the planet for Human life. They created all manner of creatures from the Ancient days. The first couple they created had to evolve over thousand of years and get to the point in their evolution where they could recognize God as Creator. They were small creatures, very primitive, no more than four feet tall. They had to evolve. Under the rule of the Watcher Kings the world was primitive and tribal and also full of paganism, because of the worship of the kings. They were mixing with the Aboriginals and creating off-springs in those days as well. These first Human were endowed with red, yellow and blue DNA, and from them came the three Aboriginal races- Red, Yellow and Blue. These evolved over a few hundred thousand years. During that time Fallen Angels ruled as Kings on the Earth, each for thousands of years as in the Sumerian Texts. The world was harsh and primitive. Tribes lived in trees and then caves. They multiplied and separated through race and became tribal. Fast forward to about 25,000 years ago, not sure of the time the Earth was dressed, as on the Eighth Day, Adam and Eve were created in the Image and Likeness of God, with Divine properties, unlike the Aboriginals who had to evolve to the point of finding out there is a God. Adam and Eve are from the Violet Race and they came to mix with the other races in order to form a blended Human race of one... 'like a brotherhood of some kind, where there are no distinguishable races'- (that is crazy talk). There is much more but, I will end this. Crazy, but it does explain things that remain unexplainable, like ancient monuments and ancient texts that say crazy things... like ancient Kings who ruled for 25,000 years. They also said that the Earth is 335,000,000 years old. (I should check that number). I see this as information. It does not change my beliefs. It is not that I believe what the Angels said, but I did listen. Interesting. I really should not post this now, should I? Oh well, here goes. M.
  13. Personally, I have always believed that 'Science is a crock'. Mostly alchemy and sorcery. I still believe that, especially when you are seeing what these insane people are doing in their labs. Yeah, the white coats with their black arts. There is a 12 digit tracking number code in the 'vaccines'. M.
  14. That is an interesting question and perspective. Our LORD returns with His army of Angels- 10,000 according to the word. He sends the angels to gather the ones who are alive and remain. These ones are different from the rest, they survived... 10,000 angels and possibly 10,000 remaining on the Earth in the Last days. Our LORD returns for the sake of His Elect, which are those who are alive and remain after the Wrath has been poured out upon the Earth, which includes a time of Great Persecution. One is an Angel-Spirit, appearing with Our LORD and his Heavenly Army, and the other is a Human-Soul, alive and remaining on the Earth, the last survivors belonging to the 12 Tribes of Israel- that is Spiritual Israel, not flesh and blood Israel- the 144,000 who belong to Christ. They are to become one- Earthly Human Heart and Soul-being, becoming one with Heavenly Human Mind and Spirit-being... the perfect sons of the Living Father, who is Christ- the only one who is Perfect. I will begin a new Thread and speak more on this, but I believe that the Human Angels become one with their Human Souls, and they form Christ's MIGHTY ARMY. They will be the Judges, Kings, Priests and teachers with Christ in the Kingdom of God, which Christ is bringing with Him when He appears. Many are called, but few are chosen. Peace to you, M.
  15. I will begin a new thread, and will continue with the topic as well as others. It has been a while. M.
  16. The snare will happen during great tribulation, however during those years there will be many anti-Christs, several ruling at the same time at different places throughout the world, but mostly in the Middle East. It is so interesting this time that we are living in,where prophecy is being unsealed. As is it with every Christian who desires to know the truth, we are all in a trying time, because the deception is afoot, and all will be deceived, except the Elect, if it is possible. Even though for the past forty or so years I have been having visions, many of them, I have never really prayed for the spirit of prophecy to dwell with me. I pray always for spiritual wisdom and understanding, because I know that if I do not ask for it in prayer, I do not have it, and I desperately need those two gifts. Recently I have prayed about the spirit of prophecy and the gift and what is interesting is that I got a new perspective on how to look at prophecy. When you focus on one thing in prophecy and seek for the knowledge and interpretation, it is easier to decipher. The Church has been my focus lately, and there really is enough knowledge available to see what happens to the Church. Seeing the prophecy in a new light as a single thing allows you to see the entire prophecy unsealed. The Church is taken by Almighty God in the Harvest at the end of the Great Tribulation. This means the the Wrath of God is poured out over forty-five days, which are the last days of the world according to Daniel Chapter 12:11-12. REV 4. The Throne in Heaven where Almighty God is praised by the 24 Elders and four beasts. With so many Anti-Christs on the way, we have to identify the ones involved. Almighty God is identify with a Throne that is surrounded by a rainbow, and most importantly, The Throne is situated in a 'sea of glass'. REV 5. No one in Heaven or on Earth, or the sea or under the Earth qualified to open the Book. The LAMB is in Heaven, remember that. HE is in Heaven and HE only qualifies. Who are the ones there with Him, who cannot open the BOOK. Think about that. REV 15. Concerning the Church- the Gentiles, the Harvest is the taking of the Church and the Church is taken to Heaven where they stand on the 'sea of glass', except this time it is burning with fire. The Church is outside the temple as per the prophecy of REV. 11, where John is told to not measure the courtyard outside the Temple that is left for the Gentiles to tread under foot forty-two months. This is the Church. Also inside the Temple at the time the Church is standing out in the courtyard on the sea of glass burning with fire, inside the Temple under the golden Altar those who are slain for the word of God or the testimony of Jesus are located. The LAMB is with them because they did ask our LORD when they would get justice, and He answered them. There is a purification that will happen with the Church. Unless you are cleaned and white when the Harvest happens, you will need to be purified and made white. At the end of the tribulation, when our LORD CHRIST appears and all the Elect have been taken up from the Earth by the Angels of the four winds... the remainder of the 144,000, those who are alive and remain, the Church will be judged at that time when our LORD returns. MATTHEW 24: 30-31. Being taken to the sea of glass burning with fire is not a good thing. However after the Age is completed, the Church, after the purification will be a part of the Kingdom. I think this is where the sheep and goats are separated. Also keep in mind that the Heavens are also destroyed when our LORD appears. There are also various groups of people in different places in REV. which need to be understood. I will add more later... Peace to all in Christ our LORD. M.
  17. Thank you, Luigi. I wanted to explain how my worship and Faith differs from Christianity. Firstly, I believe in the Father who is perfect and His Son who is Saviour. Now My Heavenly Father is Spiritual and Perfect. He is not Almighty God. He is CHRIST and His word. My beliefs are more toward UNITY and not Trinity. The Saviour came from the spiritual Realm to bring us knowledge the world did not previously possess. The WORD brought knowledge to those who are His. This journey depends on spiritual knowledge, because without it we remain in ignorance of the LIGHT. The WORD sowed the seed in this world. The seeds are not only spiritual coverings to those who are saved, but those seed also become spiritual sons on God. Our LORD brought knowledge of who we are in Him to us so that we can come to know who we are in Him, while He is also in us and we are in the FATHER- the only one who is perfect. All things of Creation and those who are in creation are under His power, even though those of the creation are unaware of their situation. He things happen because of Him. He may not do them directly, but He is in control of those who create and have power in the created places, which are the Heavens and the Earth. The Saviour brought us knowledge so that we can escape the darkness and move into the Light. Most Christians live in ignorance of the Father who is perfect. The Father of Spirits. The Father of the Elect and of the sons of God. In the end these Last days will decide where we all end up as far as destination goes, and as a Christian, I want you to consider that if you do not worship Christ as LORD and the Father who is Perfect, the one Jesus spoke about, the one whom He said the Jews did not know. Personally, I know my LORD and who my Heavenly Father is, so I will not recognize anyone who is not of the LIGHT. None of those characters from REV 8 - 18 are from the Light of Christ. Actually, that is the one thing they do not understand about us. They cannot see the LIGHT that dwells in us- the LIGHT of CHRIST, and they do not understand how we Humans will be their judges. None of the gods of Creation possess the LIGHT of CHRIST, for the cannot see it, as it is invisible to them, however that light which will be their judgment and destruction is found in the sons of God. Those who worship Almighty God as Father will be taken by Him. Those who worship Christ as Father will be received by Him. It really all comes down to who your Heavenly Father is. It is actually very simple to understand. The Fathers take their children with them. When you worship Christ as Father and LORD, your worship is very very different from when you worship Almighty God as Heavenly father.... huge difference. Almighty God has a plan for His people in the world. Christ and our Heavenly Father also have plans for their children when our LORD returns with His KINGDOM and receive us unto Himself. One is a Trinity with Father, Son and Holy Ghost... and the other is a UNITY, with Father and Son. If you see me, you see the Father; I and my Father are one; The Father is in me and I in Him. No one comes to me unless my father sends him. No one come to the Father but by me. He was with God and He was God. Christ is KING. M.
  18. Hi Luigi, Peace to you. Those who belong to Christ, our LORD and KING; Those who are His will be revealed at His appearing. We do not all belong to Christ. Some are still under the LAW and belong to Almighty God, even the Gentiles. I want to say this: This is not easy for me to do. It seems I am always crying lately when I have to post here. I am not saying this because I want anything from anyone, it is because I have the vision and understanding as to what happens to the Church... my people are deceived for lack of knowledge. This is very difficult to post, I wish you could understand. There must also be careful, thoughtful words written here because I know that members are reading. When I study the Bible I do not look at the numbers, I read the narrative, and that makes this harder because I know where the words I need are to some extent but I do have to find them. What I can say is this. Christ who is the WORD of God, is coming to receive His spiritual ones, Those who are alive and remain and are caught up the those who were dead in Christ in the air. It seems to me that there are two resurrection, one for those who are asleep in the ground, as in bones being made alive, and the other for those who are dead in Christ... the Resurrection of the Saints, those who are today in Paradise. Think of this: Those who are coming here to deceive us will have great powers and will show signs and wonders and who knows what else. There will be a succession of them one after the other over a period of time. The Church will be taken at some point, and the world will be left without Jesus and the gospel, however the 144,000 who belong to Christ will also be in the world during that time of great tribulation til the last Day, and they will be persecuted by all those rulers who come here. The taking of the Church will also come after trials and tribulations when family members will become enemies and betray one another; and a time when friends will also turn on each other. However the Church will consist of those who did not take or receive the Mark of the Beast. This happens before the Wrath is unleashed. Almighty God comes to Earth. The Church is in Heaven... on the sea of glass, mingled with fire. The Church also appears before our LORD CHRIST in the end when He appears with His army and Saints and kings and princes and priests to usher in Judgment and rid the Earth of all the enemies of God and mankind. In my personal journey, my mind is on and functions in the spiritual, and the 'difficulty' or challenge is that, the WAY of TRUTH is NOT of the world, yet all these things happen in this world... and before the appearance of our LORD. Think and pray about these things. I will stop now... Christ is LORD and LIGHT and He lives in me. Peace to you. M. Rev 14 and 15 are very interesting Chapters.
  19. Spiritual battle/ warfare usually takes place in the supernatural, for we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places. I believe that even if we do not see spiritual warfare happening, when our Souls have been saved and redeemed in Christ, we will be attacked in the supernatural and when we call on our LORD, He will stand with us against the gates of hell. Prayer is our weapon, it truly is the Sword of the Spirit and it works. Your mouth and the words that are written upon your heart will be your ammo against the evil ones. We also have warfare in the physical with attacks on our faith and family members. When we see these things we must prayer against them. Prayer is very powerful. I have seen it at work. The Sword of the Spirit really destroys demons. The good fight of faith is something completely different because it only involves you and your belief, what is in your heart. Faith is given to us in a small measure and as Followers of Christ Jesus we need to increase our Faith and that is a great challenge. Would you not want to have the faith of the mustard seed, or have your Faith increase to the level where you can tell the mountain to move and it does? The fight is to keep your faith and increase it with prayer, meditation, fellowship with Christ Jesus and study. I also believe that you have to continually prayer for your faith to increase. The LORD will increase your faith. The good fight is battling with the distractions of the world that separate us away from worshipping our LORD. The worldly things are a great distraction and can lead us away with physical and worldly concerns. Family, jobs, finance, family, your life-stuff.... The good fight is between you and your walk against the ever consuming things of your life in the world. We can overcome and pray that your faith be increased.... always. Peace and Love in Christ Jesus, M.
  20. Hi Luigi: when our LORD appears, He will be in His Kingdom with His own. He is not coming to give us illumination, because we are and will and do receive that illumination as we live here in the world. When He appears, we will become like Him, mainly because all of our physical belongings will be destroyed by the fire. Concerning the Virgins, They did not have any thing taken from them. The foolish ones never got the anointing of Christ, They were never friends with Jesus. They knew that His name has power to cast out demons and that the Gospel of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and so they did their works in the world without knowing our LORD. They did not have the anointing, which is the knowledge as well as the close and personal relationship needed to belong to our LORD. Does the LORD know your name as a friend? You also mentioned REV 11:19. I have stated many times in this Thread that all the ones between REV 8 to Rev 18 are a part of the deception... and I am not and will never state otherwise. There is so much I could post here, however the time will come when I will begin... What I can say is that all that will happen here in these End Times/ Last days, everything can be found written here in the world. You only have to seek and find and if you are a seeker of knowledge in Truth, you will know and understand that there are some things you cannot reveal until the time comes. The 12 Tribes of Israel are NOT, I repeat- they are NOT a physical flesh and blood tribe of those who are from the worldly Nation of Israel we have today. They are spiritual creatures, concealed by the flesh. They are not of this world in that they belong to our LORD, - the WORD of GOD, Christ the KING. There are three levels at work here. Physical, Psychic and Spiritual. Two of which are created and temporary and one being eternal. We have physical bodies, psychic bodies and some of us receive the spiritual bodies. Three different powers control these three different levels of our lives. Satan has the flesh; Almighty God- God of the LAW and Moses, has our Souls... and our LORD Christ, The WORD of God, whom we can only worship in spirit and in truth has our saved souls and spirits-those who are the sons of God and those belonging to His Kingdom- the Saints. Those of the 10 Lost Tribes are from the flesh and blood worldly Israel and do not serve our LORD Christ- the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords who is The WORD of GOD. So who do they serve? The Spirit of the Prophet Elijah will appear to those whom he will appear to in the Last Days, in order to remind them of their Fathers. He also comes before the dreadful day of the Lord. Those who worship our LORD must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Consider this: Our present Age is coming to an end and it will never be like this again, in that all physical things will be no more, including flesh and blood Humans. Before our LORD appears, He is not returning, He is appearing. We will ascend to join Him and the armies from Heaven- His Kingdom- in the air. I believe the world will not be like it is today, because all these psychic being and Fallen ones will be here and in power. The psychic realm and the physical realms will merge and that will not be good for Humans. Here is something to consider: Almighty God is coming to the Earth and those who know will see it coming. Another thing is that Almighty God is NOT the Perfect Father Jesus spoke about. Almighty God is the God of judgment on this world because of the LAW. He is a Jealous God. He curses Humans and kills them. He does much here in the world, even allows Satan to attack us. He is NOT The WORD, nor is he the LORD or KING. Christ- The WORD of GOD who is the LIGHT that is found in every Human born in this world is NOT Almighty God. Christ is Spiritual Light being, while Almighty God is Psychic Being belonging to the Created Realms and has been given power over all created things... I have said too much. Those who worship him and call him Father- Almighty God; those who remain under the LAW will be judged by Him and the LAW. The Church is taken by Almighty God, and Not Christ. Please consider this. Pray about it. Peace to you, M.
  21. I am posting on two different Threads here and I think my comments are crossing-over. Think about this as well: The last words Jesus said on the cross were, 'It is finished'. He accomplished everything He came to do. He came as a servant to us. He was a Saviour and Redeemer and Lamb. He served us and was the Messiah and the Prophet. He brought us gifts and knowledge. He performed signs and wonders and miracles. He was a servant. He was a king, but his kingdom was not of this world. The servant/saviour aspect of our Lord has been finished, however we can find Him and all He offers through Faith, Repentance Salvation and the Word. These aspects of His person have completed the mission and He will no longer appear as those personas when He appears. He returns as KING and LORD and High Priest, personas He never lived on Earth, and never will. A new Heaven and new Earth will appear after the fire destroys all of our physical belongings. All of this to say that if someone appears and says that he is Christ the Messiah, or the Saviour or the Prophet, or the king and wants to rule over us- in this world, I would think that you would look at them very closely and see that even if they believe who they say they are, as Christians, we are not looking for any of these to come and rule over us. Who is their God, who are they worshipping and serving, certainly not our LORD Christ... for His Kingdom is not of this world. Think on these things... Peace to you. M,
  22. I do not believe that is the LAMB who opened the seals or the 144,000 who were sealed in REV 7. There will be a counterfeit... everything. Remember also that the Anti-Christ also worships a god His fathers never knew. He also has a Jesus Christ. Sabaoth, the god of Forces. You probably have no idea of what I speak, but the true LAMB returns with our LORD on the Last Day. Remember also Israel is deceived as well as the world. The one they expect to appear, will come, however He is the Deceiver. Read the minor prophets. and Matthew 24 again. You will definitely need additional knowledge to see it, perhaps. There is also a plan unfolding right now throughout the world that is giving cause for concern. It is connected to all of this UFO disclosure. The LORD has shown me many things concerning UFO's and 'Aliens'. Here is a word of wisdom concerning UFO's: If they are able to travel to our planet from their 'home-world', it is only because they are also a part of the Fallen Cosmos. They may appear to be more intelligent than we are, which they are, however, they are just as fallen as we are; if they can travel to our world, they too are under judgment, and are no better of than we are in the grand scheme of things. They do want to kill and destroy us, even eat us... No I am not crazy. They will give us 'things' that will appear to make us better, however our basic Human condition will fall deeper into darkness. THERE ARE NO GOOD ALIENS. All related to Fallen Angels and Cast Out ones. And... these Aliens we are about to see are not from another planet or far-away place. They are closer than you realize. These 'Aliens' will play a great part in the deception. If there are fallen Beasts who will deceive the whole world, by appearing in our world, claiming to be Christ and showing signs and wonders and miracles and all manner of amazement, enough to convince the whole world, it is not reasonable to believe that they will look like Jesus Christ and provide all the things necessary to convince everyone that they are indeed Jesus? All those appearing from Rev 8 to Rev 18 are a part of the deception. These Beasts are all fallen, however they were once Holy like Archangels Michael and Gabriel. They worship other gods, including Satan and Sabaoth. They have replicated everything that Jesus Christ was and is to us... and many evil ones will come. Peace to you. M.
  23. I see what you are saying, however where is it written in Scripture when Jesus told us that He is like or will be like a thief. Our LORD is NOT a thief. He told us that everyone who is in the world will see His appearing. He is not doing anything sneaky. He even told us to look out for the sign of the Fig Tree as the sign of His coming. He does not set snares or traps. You have to use your reason here and pray for wisdom and understanding. The LAMB appears in Heaven to open the seals and then against the end in REV 19 when our LORD returns with all the Saints/ Angels. I will continue to say that all the gods spoken of from REV Chapter 8 to REV Chapter 18 are all a part of the deception. There will be a group of 144,000 who are from the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel. They will appear sooner than you think. The Kingdom is Spiritual, no flesh and blood can enter. The LORD rules in His own kingdom which comes to the Earth, a Place He has prepared for us. It is NOT OF THIS WORLD. I have all the info I need on the 10 Lost Tribes, no one can tell me otherwise; I know what I know, and I am certain that I could find some Jews today who are awaiting the 10 Lost Tribes to show, and they will and they will be welcomed... the deception will be complete. There is also prophecy concerning the Harvest/ rapture and what happens to those who are taken, where they go and what they experience. Christ is not a thief nor will He do anything in secret. Think about these things. Let Reason be your guide and WISDOM your companion. What is needed here is for knowledge to increase. Pray about these things. Peace to you, M. Our LORD Knows who the true Virgins are...
  24. Just wanted to say this: I got a warning from moderator telling me to acknowledge something I said to Hartono, I believe and to not say it again. The words I said were we do not have the same Father and LORD. I remember saying those words and I meant nothing by them, except to state what I saw in the way I worship versus the way Christianity worships, and there is a big difference in our perception as well. Like I said before, I am not going to debate any of this. In my Human experience there are three levels and three different kinds of Beings. Most Christians believe in two and that is truth. My understanding of Holy Spirits is that they are Spiritual Beings existing in the Spiritual Realm, which has no beginning and no end, and it is the Perfect Realm. All those Holy Beings from the Spiritual Realms are GODS. Those whom I have found that are Holy Spiritual Beings, ones I have come to know are: The FATHER- Jesus said that He is the only One who is perfect. He is GOD. the GOD of gods. He is also the Father of Spirits. The Father of the Sons of God who are born on this Earth. He is the Father/CHRIST who sits on the White Throne in the great judgment at the end of the Millennia. He is the Author and Finisher of all things and all things are done according to His will. Next Holy Spirit is the WORD of GOD, who is also the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. He is the LOGOS of Truth, and HE is also the LIGHT of the world which is found in every Human who enters the world. He became flesh at Jesus' baptism in the Jordan and He left Jesus before the crucifixion. I believe that is why Jesus cried out to His God as to why He had forsaken Him. The WORD of GOD is my LORD and KING and He returns at the end of this age, and not anytime before. The FATHER gave His WORD to the world and He Came and brought us spiritual knowledge, something the world did not possess. He also judges the Fallen and cast out ones and the imprisoned ones who are freed and all the rulers and kings and lords and gods who will be found upon the Earth in those days. He also judges and rewards the members of His Church/congregation. He also does not punish Humans in the world; and only done after His appearing, at the end of the world. The Last Day. Another Holy Spirit is TRUTH- the Comforter. He is also with us in the world. For TRUTH is part of our discerning Spirit, and it is vital that we walk the way in Truth. We are measured and we know it. These all belong to the Spiritual Realm, which is the Realm of the Perfect. LIGHT. There is the Psychic Realm which is that of the gods and Angels in the created Realms which also includes the Physical Realm, with a beginning and an end... created. FIRE and WATER. The gods of Creation, including Almighty God, God of Israel and Moses, is of the Created Realm and not of the spiritual Realm. They are Psychic Brings, Beings of the Creation. He is the God of the Law and of judgment of the Earth and its inhabitants who are all under the Law and have all failed to obey the LAW, so we will all die according to the penalty of the LAW. Whosoever sins must die. He is the God of the things of the Human Soul. Almighty God is who most Christian call Father, am I not right? This is what I was trying to convey, and because we have different Fathers our perception of things will be different, as it surely is. Think of this: Jesus said that many will come in His name saying I am the Christ... and will deceive many. You have already been saved, so your Saviour has already come. You do not need a Saviour. A Saviour is for those who need to be saved and are lost. We have found our Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross and shed His blood paying a price for our lives and saving us from Death and Hell. We were removed from under the penalty of the LAW. We received a New Covenant from our Lord. We travel alone and we are all at different stages on the Way. Some of us have been on the road longer than others. Some of us are babies and others are men, even old men. Some drink milk , while others feed on meat. Our lives have been redeemed and we have all we need to experience all our Lord has offered us. I am looking for my LORD and KING to appear. My Journey is a spiritual one and I can only worship my LORD and FATHER in Spirit and in TRUTH. The LIGHT of the WORD is the seed of the Spirit and it is sown in all Humans... the Mind of Christ. I Know who my FATHER is and HE is Spirit and PERFECT. He is CHRIST the Anointed ONE, The FIRST and LAST. ALPHA and OMEGA. Christ - the WORD of GOD oversees all the things done in the Created Realms, where the Heavens and Earth are, where all the Angels and Demons and Gods and gods and Humans and Human Souls dwell. All things happening in creation are done through the WORD even though it may not be done directly by Him. So He controls those in creation, without those in creation knowing that they are being controlled or even that there is something higher, as in the spiritual realm and Holy Spiritual Beings who are the ones in power. The FATHER's WILL is being done through His WORD and soon our LORD and KING will appear, and we who wait on our LORD, will become like HIM. Peace to you. M.
  25. The one thing I do not want to get into is a debate. You are posting a lot of scripture, however you have to look very closely at those verses and those individuals involved. I believe that 'a Lamb' that was seen on Mt Sion is part of the deception. You should ask some of the Hebrews here about the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel. Please keep in mind that the Book of Revelation is the spirit of prophecy, since it was given by the Angel of Jesus Christ. The Last Days are all about deception, there is nothing good happening during this time and everyone, and I mean EVERYONE who comes here and takes power where ever in the world at that time, will be from the deception; there will be at least four coming and waging war against each other and killing Humans. I know that there will be other Virgins, and I have seen them in their 'home'. Also the one who leads them. There will be a group of 144,000 in Jerusalem whom Israel will accept. They are not from our world. There will also be a False Prophet who Israel will accept, as well as the world. What happens to Israel in the Last Days...? destroyed, only a remnant left. Who destroys Israel? One important thing you must keep in mind, which is the enemy knows what we believe and what we expect. They will fulfill every part of the Life of Jesus Christ to deceive us. We will have a Jesus, a Lamb, a Messiah, and a 'god', and they will all play the part and deceive many. You can know if what I am saying is truth or lies. My words are measured and concerning the rapture and the great deception, they are all connected. Let me ask you this: How is it that you desire to be raptured when our LORD told us to persevere til the end? If by chance you died before any of this happens, where do you think that you will go to after you die? Please answer this question. I am not trying to judge anyone or debate anyone, however I know what I am saying to be truth. So many dream-visions. The LORD, my LORD- Christ- the WORD of GOD- the LOGOS of LIGHT, The LIGHT of the world, and My Heavenly Father who is the only One who is Perfect. The WORD and the FATHER. For the WORD became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Like I said before, from Rev 8 to 18 it's all about those who are coming here to deceive us. The KING of Kings and LORD of Lords comes in the end, as shown in Rev 19. Remember also as a Christian, who are you expecting to appear, if you are not raptured? Most are expecting to see Jesus or the Messiah, but He has already come and fulfilled His mission. We have our Messiah and our Saviour. When Our LORD and KING appears He will be wearing many crowns, having different roles, and most importantly, HE IS NOT COMING TO RULE IN THIS dying world. He is bringing His Kingdom with Him. He does NOT come here. His Kingdom is not of this world. So who are all these who are here and claiming to be Christs? Open your minds. And please answer: where will you go after you die? Just curious as to your answer. Also you will be unable to see what I see until you pray about them. Look closely at what I am saying. The deception is already in... Do a little research on the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel, perhaps you will find the answers here on this forum, however I have read words that suggest that some of Israel are also awaiting the 10 Lost Tribes. I have also read where there is also a group of 144,000 in Israel today believing that they are the ones. Not sure if that is true, but if it is it does makes some sense. I am not speaking of those ones here, but of the 10 Lost Tribes. They will come and they will deceive the world. It is impossible for me to deny or ignore my dream-visions. I saw a Beast fall from the heavens as a sun. I saw another lying chained over the Abyss, I saw one coming out of the sea, that was the first one I saw many years ago, and what I got from that was that Beast and Pride were connected. I saw a Beast putting a mark on unsuspecting people, just as Jeremiah did. I have seen the heavens roll back as a scroll and glorious white light filled the place below where I stood. I have seen our Lord coming in the clouds, even the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse riding hard and loud from above down to the ground right where I was standing. So much I have seen. I have seen what could be called an alien invasion, thousands of lights in the sky. I also saw the Ones coming with that event. Some kind of 'god' dressed in a golden robe with some kind of head covering/ helmet and he is flanked by two huge giant warriors. Sometimes I have these recurring dreams which are never the same; I am usually preaching somewhere, from a balcony because water has flooded the streets or some other disaster situation; these dreams have happened a few times, however the last one I had, I was walking about preaching repentance and Christ is coming, when I heard a voice said, 'Yes, Christ Is coming, but not before this happens'. Just like that... and I was shown the vision with the 'stars/space-ships' in the sky, and that is when I saw those three individuals. Not sure which one Anti-Christ that was. I have seen them all, mostly and I have also seen my LORD and He has assigned me an Angel. Please consider that all those between Rev 8 and Rev. 18 are from the deception. Jesus said that many shall come in His name saying, I am the Christ. It is important to know who is Christ and what He means to you, so as to not be deceived. Peace to you in Christ our LORD. M.
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