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Graduated to Heaven
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Everything posted by eric

  1. I agree, Neb, it's the getting home to be with the Lord, that counts, not how you get there. Then you will be given the crown of success. IMO.
  2. angelique, please don't listen to that bad advice that came from Merin. Jesus, Himself said in John 8:31-32. If you live in My word you are truly my disciples and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. You can never read the word too much. Use the name of Jesus to rebuke the enemy, over and over......Resist the devil and he will flee from you James 4:7
  3. All I get is a list of venues and dates and requests for donations. ditto.
  4. Well I rate them the same as I rate paedofilia, and sodomists.
  5. It sounds awesome too. I'll be the first to put my hand up and admit I was a doubter, because of past so called revival meetings just just sorta fizzled out. I have not personally,met or talked to anyone that has been totally healed of anything, I had never heard of the Florida turnout or anyone connected with it, apart from what I have heard on this board. We only get a few fly-by-nights down here, down under, but the secular media only allows us to see what they want us to see. However I'll do some checking. Thanks for the input Yod. I shall now go and surf some kiwi christian news.....blessings.
  6. Merin..... shouldn't you be helping your wifey with getting the littleuns ready for food or bed or something?
  7. Sorry, Helen, your link to Mike Blume didn't work on my pc, not that it matters, because I checked him out and apparently he preaches preterism, which doesn't go down well with this board's SOF.
  8. eric

    American Idol

    Shucks, I started kissing girlswhen I was five years old and have been doing so ever since, I'll be 85 in august this year and I'm all puckered up and ready.
  9. Hollywood and the stephen Kings et all are some of satan's trump cards. He plays them and the world, including some christians, can't flock to them fast enough. The devil draws them all to his idols like moths to a flame and they drive their gas guzzlers for miles to see them and moan about the price of gas and the cost of living. There's a whole thread on saving in this same forum Welcome to the worthy boards, Johnny.
  10. Ya got a point there, Merin. " and my God will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:19. Amen!
  11. Here is a quotation from Henry Kissinger from about the eighties, Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." All we gotta do is find who contros what? sack them, and put Ted in control......simple.
  12. I'm not very good at this, but here goes After you have high lighted the url in the address space, by right clicking your mouse and you left click ' copy ' in the drop down window, the address space becomes blank except for http.// on blue background. press the 'insert url' tab and then place your cursor in beside the http sign and right click mouse again and click ' paste ' in the little drop down and the link you want to post will appear. You then click okay and the url will disappear Type in LINK in the address space so click on okay again and LINK will show up under your intro post. I am using Windows XP and that's how it works for me. . So 1 right click url, 2 click on copy,in little drop down window 3 click on 'add reply' 4 click insert url tab, 5 right click in address bar, url will appear, 6 click Okay in window' and http.// will disappear then click okay again. That's my best shot,Stephen. aka...SC
  13. I would just like to note here, as I recall the only two that were taken to heaven in the physical, were Elijah and Enoch, Paul and John's experinces were as in a vision and remained here to report their findings, in the epistles and Revelation. I believe that it could be likely that Enoch and Elijah returning during the tribulation as the two witnesses. but there again that's just speculation, not carved in stone.
  14. Let me try an easy way by just using your mouse. 1 you find some article you would like to share...right? 2 use your mouse cursor (the arrow) and place it on the addrees bar of the article and right click mouse, which will high light the address. When the littlewindow drops down, left click 'copy' and that puts the that address into your pc,s memory. 3 Press ' add reply' and when your page shows, click on 'insert link' tab, next to smilie tab, a window will appear at the top left of the screen with http// in blue. and a sign that says, please print full url in address bar, place your cursor in the address bar and right click your mouse and left click 'paste' and the address will appear in the address bar. then cilck OK The address will disappear, and so you type LINK in the address bar and click OK again and LINK will appear on your post. Right clicking the address bar saves using the ctrl button. Hope it helps.
  15. eric

    Kind of Ironic

    Add a water pistol, or perhaps a large, hungry dog? That'd make 'em run! Have you tried bricking them?
  16. You would have to find the table that has the most money under it merin......or....they may have flipped a coin......either way the NPP is a ton of you-know-what.
  17. I think there is a slight or subtle difference between the two.. A person cand stand in front of an assembly and verbally praise God, with exaltation and gloryfying His holy name, after which everyone can join corporately and glorify Him in prayer, psalms and song. Worship, to me is an ongoing showing of your love and obedience especially when you want to spend some quiet quality time in His presence alone.
  18. eric

    christian radio

    This interesting, LINK from WND
  19. Lol, I pushed the add reply button three times and I gave up on the last try and went to chow down and when I came back. I tried five times to delete two of the posts. I'm having a bad hair day Neb. puter has been a real pain for the last few days. Nobody about now so I'll c/ya another day. but it has surely been an interesting thread.
  20. Well, first of all - Is it possible for a person to prophecy without knowing the voice of God? Second - Paul instructed us to pray for the gift of prophecy. (1 Cor. 14:1 - Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.) Have you sought the Lord for this? Hi Neb, I just read three different versions of that verse and all agree that Paul said to desire spirirtual gifts, which I surmise that it is a gift that can only come from God through prayer, and especially the gift of prophecy, so kudos for that part, but as all the gifts are from God, I, myself do not think that any man can teach any other man how than can be obtained. As for the first question, I would have to say no, I mean who knows the voice of God. satan is quite capable to imitate God's voice. The H/S has quickened a lot of scripture in my quiet times with Him but I don't hear actual words.granted that we are all unique in Him.
  21. Prophecy, the same as discernment, is a gift. Isaiah and Jeremiah-et-all in the OT were handpicked by God and were not taught how to prophesise. People who write books about gifting are only writing about their own experiece with their particular type of gifts. Discernment is an inner knowledge that is hard to define, let alone teach, it's something that is laid on your spirit and you take heed of it and ponder on it in conjuction with the H/S. Now that not to say that I am always 100% right, but it rings enough bells to make me cautious if not suspicious. This thread is about the Florida revival, so I'm asking why would God reign His wrath on an area ( not that I believe that it was an act of God) four years ago and then send some unknown preacher to call a revival in the same part of the country. Not saying it's impossible,or even implausible, just weird.....to me anyway. As for Elijah and Elisha, God knew He was going to take Elijah home and passed his cloak onto Elisha. It was arranged by God himself.
  22. Sorry if I offended you Stacey, but down here where I come from,"joker" is a colloquiallism for, fella or chap, same as sheila is for gal or chick. However I would rather be a bit skeptical, than gullible. To me these wof preachers are as bad as the prosperity preachers like crefto dollar...As One Light pointed out, one must use the gift of discernment, which I use frequently and I assure I haven't got God in a box, as you implied. It's the gullible people that fall for the like of jim jones and david karesh. enjoy your day in Jesus.
  23. I used to get that feeling,Neb when I first watched Benny Hinn, years ago, but after about half a dozen shows, and a few of his guests appearances, my eyes were opened. You know the choir the music the atmosphere and the lighting and the razzle dazzle and of course the showmanship,but I haven't seen this new joker yet so I can't comment, but I have to ask myself,.......can we have an apostacy and a revival at the same time and in the same country????
  24. Lol Axx, that's okay I have to scroll back because if I didn't I would forget what I was talking about. The point I was trying to make, was gifting didn't necessarily begin at pentecost, it started from the beginning. It was the power of the sovereign God that enabled Moses to turn the rod into a snake, so why wouldn't He, by His grace,prevent people from employing His gifts to day, although progressively speaking, it's not so important., because we have the NT, which, spiritually speaking is Christ Himself............ along those lines anyway. e
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