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Graduated to Heaven
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Everything posted by eric

  1. Hmmmm. Agreat bag of mixed views. Hate the sin and love the sinner, is a man made cliche that drives me nuts, because I have never seen it uttered anywhere by anyone in the bible. If you are going to tolerate homosexuality, then you may as well tolerate every kind of sexual immorality. I have to live with the fact that it is there in our society, but that doesn't mean we have tolerate it. Now after saying that, I cannot deny, that before I came to know my bible, I was as sexually immoral as you can get, except for having homosexual tendencies, I could not and still cannot abide them. Before the late 70s and early 80s, the churches used to berate any sort of sexual immorality, but as soon that sodomy was made legal by consenting adults. the whole of society's morals have flown out through the church windows, and sexual morality has been swept under the carpet to try and make it invisible. There's a whole world of sinners out there that are need of a saviour, but if you were to say publically that homosexuals need saving, you are likely to face prosecution for committing a hate crime. I can't stop people sodomising each other any more than I can stop rape or murder, but I don't have to and wont tolerate it. A homosexual christion is a joke as far as I'm concerned.
  2. What brother Frezno Joe, said, I thimk should suffice.
  3. Fair enough comment,Yod, but the overall intent is fairly accurate compared to some commentaries. However like most expositors, his opinions are loaded and so they must be if he is trying to get a message across and his message is pretty close to the mark and a lot of what he says is true for where I'm sitting. Anyway, bro thanks for the time you took to view his theories and your response. I surely appreciate your input.
  4. This whole thread is most unedifying......It's no one's businees whether Jesus was married or single.
  5. This is a long read, but it brought joy to my heart and soul, but is very pro-jewish and the world would hate it. LINK
  6. Thanks, Neb. Something to get my teeth stuck into.
  7. Good One !!! Jesus is the unseen listener to every conversation.........He will be there.
  8. OH NO! not another meeting. Don't these bigshots read the Holy bible, or are their minds all in neutral. Just another media frenzy.
  9. eric


    Thanks for coming back, Stan, because if you not have, I wouldn't have noticed the typo in my post... 23tr pslam?? Oh dear.
  10. eric


    I never said they were necessary, nor is reciting the Lord's prayer, or the 23rd psalm, but I'm sure the Lord doesn't mind anyone mentioning to Him in one's quiet time with Him. edited to correct typo
  11. Just as a matter of curiosity, Kate8585, is Glenn Campbell really a christian. I have always given him the benefit of the doubt, because I like his style. Has he ever publically given a testimony, or has it just been taken for granted. I heard him singing "in the garden" a couple of times and that song really get's to me. Thanks, eric.
  12. eric


    I agree with Marnie and Wayne. It is a statement of faith and what you personally believe . Reciting it publically won't help you, but denying it could cause you some strife.......eternally speaking......that is.
  13. Looks like a no-win situation. They both tell porkies.
  14. My goodness, this thread is what worthy is all about, edifying and being edified. Picking up little gems, that have possibly been overlooked. It is not about 'I am right and you are wrong' More like dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's. "Come, let us reason" the bible says. Thank you Suzanne, for opening this thread.
  15. Well I may be wrong humanoid,but you seem to be hedging your bets, like having a dollar each way,...You know.......just in case.
  16. Signs of the times?....or Times of the signs?.. .....Tick...tick.. Praise God, for resurrection day.
  17. I endorse Suzanne's Amen with another Amen..........a good post Dennis.
  18. Well, So what would you do to stop terrorist attacks Bucko? All you do is moan about losing your precious rights. Well you better start getting used to it, because there is not a country leadership on the planet is concerned about civil liberties. Where you are siuated, Buck, you are as safe as anyone in the world, Enjoy the freedom that you do have today and leave tomorrow for the Lord to take care of. I don't worry about my future freedom on this planet. My future freedom is secure. Read your bible, Buck, and read the good news.
  19. The Good Lord always sends me someone to brighten my day,and today, He has sent rwo, Dave and nebula. ......
  20. Sorry Patricia, I have neither the authority or the desire to kill any story, but there are media outlets and certain ministries, who are using the story of the one dollar bill as a spring board to launch the connection, between the masonic and other fraternities to the NWO. Now, I am not trying to prove anything here one way or the other. To me it was just a matter of whether the history channel is a reliable source or not to draw facts from. I was not trying to rain on your parade.
  21. Hi Patricia, there are lots of theories about the symbols and signs on the one dollar note. It invlolves all kinds of conspiracy theories, which are not encouraged, by the admins of worthy. Thought I would just put you in the picture, sis.
  22. A commentary from Matthew Henry for those who are interested, The rending of the veil signified that Christ, by his death, opened a way to God. We have an open way through Christ to the throne of grace, or mercy-seat now, and to the throne of glory hereafter. When we duly consider Christ's death, our hard and rocky hearts should be rent; the heart, and not the garments. That heart is harder than a rock that will not yield, that will not melt, where Jesus Christ is plainly set forth crucified. The graves were opened, and many bodies of saints which slept, arose. To whom they appeared, in what manner, and how they disappeared, we are not told; and we must not desire to be wise above what is written. The dreadful appearances of God in his providence, sometimes work strangely for the conviction and awakening of sinners. This was expressed in the terror that fell upon the centurion and the Roman soldiers. We may reflect with comfort on the abundant testimonies given to the character of Jesus; and, seeking to give no just cause of offence, we may leave it to the Lord to clear our characters, if we live to Him. Let us, with an eye of faith, behold Christ and him crucified, and be affected with that great love wherewith he loved us. But his friends could give no more than a look; they beheld him, but could not help him. Never were the horrid nature and effects of sin so tremendously displayed, as on that day when the beloved Son of the Father hung upon the cross, suffering for sin, the Just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. Let us yield ourselves willingly to his service. (Mt 27:57-61) Previous commentary: I hope this is of some help
  23. Homanoid, regarding your opening, disclaimer: discussion, curiosity, interest or beliefs regarding these matters does not necessarily make anyone un-christian, un-spiritual or a "new ager". But it does make someone a doubter of the veracity of the bible from genesis to revelation. However you are entitled to believe what you will. After all you did state it is not your intention to debate the topic,so brother the floor is all yours.
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