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Everything posted by pawz

  1. it does appear that the Hebrew in that verse is meaning 'foot' singular, it would have a different ending if it meant 'feet' (as in Psalm 66:9), however, Hebrew is a language of pictures rather than literal interpretation, and this is a song and so includes poetic imagery. What the writer is seeking to convey is that not the slightest part of 'you' will be moved from where you stand because the Lord God is keeping watch over you. The interpretation of the verse depends on who or what 'you' the song is being addressed to - is it to an individual or to God's people Israel as a whole? Israel would seem most likely,
  2. You wake up some mornin's and everything's grey You just know it's the start of a troublesome day. There are fleas in the bed, the milk has gone sour The toilet won't pull, and you can't have a shower cos the alarm never went and your late by an hour. Count your blessings There's a guy down the road who died in the night There's a girl in the dark who just lost her sight There are kids without mums, dads without wives Whole families who live in fear for their lives Who think they are blessed if just one survives They'd swap with you What you need ( but you don't) is something so bad To happen to you that you'd really be glad If all your problems were once more just 'small' Like plumbing that leaks or cracks in the wall Not to be thought of as 'problems' at all Life's not so bad really
  3. N, you would perhaps like Michael Quinions website http://www.worldwidewords.org/nl/lglo.htm I get the monthly e-mail and there is usually something in it to edify, inform and amuse on the usage of the English language and how it is rightly or wrongly applied
  4. me too, very useful approach to engage the hearts and minds of those who live by different cultural values - thank you
  5. I shall ponder on that when I have time to reflect on those verses terraricca - thank you, interesting
  6. thank you - how wonderful when the whole world will join in singing and praising to our God just like this, just as it describes in Isaiah
  7. the Katt Kerr vids are on youtube, but, as folk say, discernment and wisdom are needed, and a healthy pinch of salt.
  8. The only people who could truly answer that question are no longer with us. I suspect the answer is 'no', except for the last few minutes perhaps. The best you can do - any of us can do - is prepare for that eventuality the best way we can, and talk to the Lord about it. Draw close to Him and He WILL draw close to you. I believe He would indeed seek to reassure you, through the Comforter if you come to Him with your worries and concerns.
  9. Samonee, like Hindsfeet I find your post helpful, and you have awakened an interest in Hebrew that I once pursued - I still have the book on learning Hebrew promoted by that site. The feasts are indeed fascinating and wonderful to study;so rich in symbolism and promise. Thank you, I have bookmarked the site so I can dip in now and then
  10. wow, vivid.... reminds me of Rev Ch 9 - though not sure why
  11. Stormy, like Jesse, I shall ponder this and hold it in my heart. It has a scriptural resonance with Malachi 4, and a couple of other places, and is a sort of picture, perhaps of the fiery furnace in Daniel, in which the three Hebrews remained unscathed. Thank you for sharing
  12. I would suppose that 'Prophecy' would be the right place, and, as you suggest, a new thread..
  13. stormy. I for one want to hear what the Lord showed you, and I am surely not the only one. If it is an end-time warning then we NEED to hear it. The prophets spoke out what ever the Lord gave them knowing they would face rejection, disbelief and persecution, but they were obedient to the call. There ARE false prophets in the world, and some may put that label upon you - but whatever the reaction, you need to be obedient to your Lord and leave the results to Him. If you have a word from Him, the Spirit will witness it's veracity to those who belong to the Lord.
  14. thank you HGMG, I have done that, of course, but sometimes the results don't quite hit the spot. I shall look at these two. Your help appreciated
  15. Am not sure if Worthy allows this but here goes...... Hello, I edit our church's weekly noticeboard,and have no problem in filling it up as it is a very modest affair. I have favourite places - Steve Troxel's 'God's Daily Word' being one such site - but some-times I need just enough to fill one or two lines; sometimes funny without being 'tacky', sometimes a wise quote, sometimes a scripture.Not always easy to find just the right thing when the clock is ticking. Does anyone here have a special site for Christian one-liners of any flavours that they can recommend please?
  16. that lady could be mentally disturbed, and so given to unwelcome comments that she would not entertain in her right mind. As Fez says, it doesn't need to leave a mark on you, but rather gives you an opportunity to act with kindness and forbearance should you see her again, setting an example that the Lord would be pleased to see in all his children
  17. wonderful, Robin Mark is the singer ( I have it)
  18. well thank you anyway Geoff
  19. I have been in both places,being twice married with about 30 years in-between, and am naturally comfortable with solitude. My view on your question is this; you don't (usually) fall out with yourself. A single person has only their own needs to meet and please. If a single person is physically active, he/she can eat when it suits them, go to bed when they want - clean the house when they want etc,and it can be a very peaceful way of getting through life. No grumbles! You have space to do what pleases you in leisure time, to think your own thoughts etc. All that changes when you get married, or share your life with someone else (plus any happy events that come along). You now have to consider,meet needs of and agree to defer to and compromise with The Other Person, and that can be a shock to a closed system if the priority has previously been 'just you'. It isn't so easy to adapt without a bit of creaking and groaning as you settle in to a new way of being. Tensions and conflicts of interest can bubble up.The other thing is that when people get married, they are not always marrying the person they have in their heads. There are facets and wrinkles that only come to see daylight when people share their lives, and it can be that, for a while, one partner still expects the person opposite to match the image they have in their minds, and when that doesn't happen, little niggles and insecurities wriggle up and have to be dealt with. These are some of the reasons ( I think) why married friends have a quiet complain into friendly ears - they need to keep the peace indoors after all, but need to get rid of the angst somewhere...` When I married Best Beloved, some fourteen years ago now, you might say he had some 'rough edges', probably as baggage from a previous life - and I have no doubt that he would say the same of me - but we have learned, with God's grace, to yield to each other, to give as well as take, to allow the process of stitching together from two people to one couple. We still have 'misunderstandings' - which married couple does not?, and neither of us is perfect, but marriage is about growing together, sharing the loads of life, and, yes,there are grumbles along the way, but hopefully that IS all they are, and that is what friends are for....
  20. Hello Worthy family, was wondering if there is anyone here who is comfy with Hebrew and who might be able to answer an easy question. I am VERY rusty on it, and never did get to grips with the grammar to any depths at best - but today I have been trying to answer a query that came up when chatting with a friend (I was unable to do so from peering at my books), and in doing so I noticed that a fair few words in the verse I was looking at ( Exodus 27:2) had the suffix 'tav', and I wondered what this signified. Would it be something like the 'im' for plural in shamayim or goyim, or does it indicate gender? Answers gratefully received.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA930THYeA0
  22. try https://www.codeweavers.com/via/e-sword/
  23. the one that comes to mind is 'a soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger'. Proverbs.. um...15:1. If you download such a tool as e-sword, you can search the whole of scripture for any word you are interested in. I put in 'anger, wrath' and it turned up 58 instances using the Literal Translation of the Holy Bible..... http://www.e-sword.net/
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