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Dallan Smith

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  1. You can judge and say I am of satan and that I am going to to hell, but Christ taught not to judge, and that judgment is his and no one else's. Just pray and ask God whether or not he was a true prophet. Either he is or he isn't and it's and it's kind of important to know whether he is or not. I love the bible, especially the gospels and know that what is written in the bible to be true, the book of Mormon teaches that the bible is the word of God and that the purpose of the book of Mormon is to build up the bible. 11 witnesses held the plates Joseph translated the record on, people saw the plates and knew them to be true, they never denied that they had seen an angel and that they had been shown the plates, even to two of them who rebelled against the church and fled from them testified to their deaths they had seen an angel. It's called The Book of Mormon because it was written by a prophet historian named Mormon around 400 AD and teaches of the inhabitants of ancient America and their dealings with Christ. Once their nation was destroyed God commanded him to bury the plates. It was brought about to prove that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and that he restored the church. After 100's of years failed theories of it's falsehoods have died and it still stands with millions who have found it to be true. It still stands and will forever stand. Many people bring up strange and weird "Mormonism" doctrines, when it's the Mormons themselves who don't believe in that, just because people quote the one time Joseph Smith gave his opinion on what "the mysteries of godliness" are, people suddenly think he was teaching that it was what we believe. I was born and raised in the church and none of us have any of those things in any of our religious manuals or texts, none of the members of this church have been taught those things. People got it from quoting notes a member of the church wrote during the King Fallot Sermon, which is not a declaration of our beliefs. Joseph Smith was speaking at a funeral, (King was a friend of Joseph whom he loved dearly) Throughout all of the Bible God called prophets to correct their apostasy in a pattern where the people were righteous, then rebelled, then God called prophets to invite them to repent. This pattern happened all throughout history until the time of Christ. Christ corrected the apostasy and established his church but they even rejected him. After Christ died new apostles were called. When an apostle died new apostles were called. But then we suddenly can't tell what happened after 100 AD because they killed the apostles except for John and they changed the doctrines of the church and apostatized and created their own religion through emperor Constantine. Then in their counsels they put the bible together and included the four most popular gospels and threw away the rest. Then they voted on what was right and wrong. That is why a restoration was needed, to restore what was lost, teachings that had been lost, and misunderstandings to understand. The reformers came in middle ages to try and correct what was wrong with the churches, they didn't claim to be prophets but were wonderful men and women who tried to reform back to Christ's original church. This lead for the way for Christ to restore his church due to the big push for religious freedom, which would allow young Joseph as a 14 year old boy to be called as a prophet to restore Jesus Christ's church. A mob of 300 Christians painted their skin black and murdered Joseph Smith and his brother and murdered hundreds of other Latter Day Saints. It's right in your very faces and you can't even recognize the truth. This is Jesus Christ's church and Jesus Christ is at the very head of our church, actively leading and guiding it and inviting all to find out whether or not it is true. Jesus Christ lives, and is at the head of our church. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover and then pray and ask God if it's true. There's no harm in finding out if it's true, because it is true. You will see that Christ is the very foundation of our church and the head of our church he is everything, the beginning and the end. Peter James and John and John the Baptist and others restored the authority to baptize, confer the holy Ghost and much more by appearing to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and laid their hands on them and gave them authority just as the apostles gave authority in the Bible. Our church is ran by 12 apostles just like in the bible and has Jesus Christ as the head just like in the bible. Christ visits and appears with our apostles today and openly leads and guides the church. These things are true and I say them in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  2. Dear Omegaman, I'm sorry that my post was offensive and that you didn't agree with it but I most certainly claim to take upon myself the name of Christ and Christian. And yes, there's archeological evidence of the book of Mormon. But Christ did not teach that we find truth from evidence from man, we don't put our trust in scientists findings. When speaking to Peter he said that he was blessed because flesh and blood had not revealed it unto him but his father which was in heaven did. When speaking to doubting Thomas he said blessed are those who have believed but have not seen. It's a principle of faith. If you want evidence you can pray and ask God with real intent that you will act on your answer when you pray to know whether the Book of Mormon is true. You have to have a sincere heart though, and with intent that if you received an answer you would act on it. If you want DNA evidence to disprove the Book of Mormon you can't find it, DNA testing is a faulty method that has been proven impossible. Plus every time an earthquake happens it ruins all past DNA evidence that it hits and proves it useless. My intent of joining this forum was to share what I know to be true, and to help other people. The purpose of my church is to invite others to come unto Christ, just because we preach to other Christians doesn't mean we are not Christians. We believe in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the D and C and the P of GP to be revelation of God. We love and revere the bible and it is the first book in our canon. Christianity has very much gone down hill since the 1980's and the church wants to help renew Christians faith because we are allies, and sin is the enemy. The Church has provided a great benefit for mankind and has helped millions in humanitarian work, water purification, rehabilitation centers and feeding the poor. And all it does is point all to come unto Christ and be healed. The fruits of the church are only good, the church only invites people to good. And Christ said that you will know whether a prophet is true or not by it's fruits, a bad fountain can't bring good water. and a good tree can't bring bad fruit. If you actually took a look at our church and actually went inside a church building for once, and honestly used spiritual tools to see if our church was true, then you would have more love for it. God has promised that if we ask we will receive, and that he can give us personal revelation for our lives to know what is true. Bible literally just means "the books" in latin, it was not intended to be the only scripture. The bibles we have today weren't in their form or order until 1300 AD, most people carried them around as individual "books". The people turned away from God after Christ came so his authority was removed, the catholics then claimed to have this authority even until this day. But once religious freedom was proclaimed, God immediately restored his church. Up until then, most people were killed for opposing the catholic church, and freedom was minimal, so the timing of the restoration had to happen then. Please just listen to my words and test them, if you pray to God and ask you will receive an answer on whether they are true. There are multiple degrees of glory in heaven as listen 1 Corinthians 16, and we believe you must have proper knowledge of what are entailed in covenants such as baptism, to receive all that God has in store for you. That's why we make effort to spread this to everyone, because of eternal life. You can remove me from this website if you'd like but I just want to help people and answer their questions, I have made sure to try and inform all that I am Mormon and that I am only in attitude of answering peoples questions about the church, and helping them. I do not wish to be enemies or opposites. Best of wished.
  3. In James chapter 2 James in his epistle teaches the classic doctrine of faith without works he dead. He gave a similar situation and said that if someone is starving and you pray for them to be fed but don't fulfill the actual need, then your prayer is in vain. So if someone is ill or hurt or dying, and you pray for them to get better but don't actually help then your faith is dead. You show your faith by acting, because God doesn't just do the work for you all the time, he wants you to learn and grow and gain the same happiness and character he does. Just like parents here on earth, God is there to guide and direct us and be there just in case. He's always there and always will be, but he loves us so he wants us to reach the happiness he's received and the character he received, that's how much he loves us. Faith is a principle of action, all people have faith including people who have other faith's or no faith. If I have faith that I am going to get my degree, then I try to make that happen. If I am eating food without realizing it I am probably acting in faith that it's going to fulfill my need even if I haven't seen the future. God is still helping me, but he isn't doing it for me. And yes if he wills it e can bring people back from the dead or do it all for us, but that is more rare than common. Faith and action go hand in hand, in other words, action is how you exercise faith. You can also gain faith in certain principles such as humility, or marriage, or prayer. You can test out praying, then as you feel the spirit, your faith increases, so you pray more and more and more until you have a burning testimony of the principle of faith. Much of the doctrine of faith is thought of passive and without evidence, but that's far from what faith really is. Many are confused about different questions like this, so that's why God calls prophets and apostles in our day to clarify these things. God is the same always so that's why my church believes that in the 1800's God restored his church again in its original form because he loves us.
  4. If you read the Book of Mormon you'll see that God has always commanded his children to have faith in Christ, repent, be baptized, receive the holy ghost and endure to the end no matter what the time period. The Jews when translating the old testament removed any notion of Christ and changed the name Jehovah simply to God to destroy any notion of Jesus Christ so in our current bible's It appears that not much is spoken using Christ's name or salvation in the Old Testament. This is one of the reasons why the Book of Mormon is so important. Christ could have come at any time period while the earth is around but he chose 2000 years ago in a very specific place because that was the only place he could fulfill his purposes, and the only time the people would be wicked enough to kill their own God. So if you were born before or after Christ died for us doesn't make much of a difference. Does that answer your concerns?
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