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About T.lehin

  • Birthday April 23

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  1. Good day everyone, i wrote my bar final exams about five weeks ago. I studied hard for the exams. And also made sure i trusted God throughout my studies. Because my desire is to make a first class when the results is released. The exams were okay. And even though I'm still trusting God for a first class, doubts sometimes trick me into just hoping for a second class upper. I've been praying really hard concerning the results. The results will be realeased next week Friday. And sometimes, I get this anxious feeling that God has not answered my prayers. I studied hard and also prayed hard. And I'm still praying. So I believe that I'm gonna receive it. Now my question is this, could it be God's will for me to not make a first class? I don't know if it's doubt or something else, but something keeps telling me I might not make a first class because it's not God's will for me. could it be so?
  2. Good day everyone, i wrote my bar final exams about five weeks ago. I studied hard for the exams. And also made sure i trusted God throughout my studies. Because my desire is to make a first class when the results is released. The exams were okay. And even though I'm still trusting God for a first class, doubts sometimes trick me into just hoping for a second class upper. I've been praying really hard concerning the results. The results will be realeased next week Friday. And sometimes, I get this anxious feeling that God has not answered my prayers. I studied hard and also prayed hard. And I'm still praying. So I believe that I'm gonna receive it. Now my question is this, could it be God's will for me to not make a first class? I don't know if it's doubt or something else, but something keeps telling me I might not make a first class because it's not God's will for me.
  3. You are totally right. Guess I was allowing my emotions to cloud judgment. Thank you Deidre. Thank you so much everyone. I'm filled with gratitude. God bless you all
  4. Dear Haz i totally agree with you on the Importance of life experiences. There is a proverbs from where I come which goes thus: 'A child might have more clothes than an oldie, but the child can never have more rags than the oldie'. It's a proverbs on life experiences of an elder. I can't wait to learn more from you. It's a privilege. I will definitely come here more often. The little time I've spent here has really blessed me. Thank you so much for your concern. Can't appreciate enough.
  5. Hello Haz, i believe that God specifically sent you to me during this period. I cannot thank you enough. I know someday, I will come back here to give a testimony about the way the whole thing eventually turned out. I will rely on the Holy Spirit in this period. God's mighty blessings to you and your beautiful family.
  6. Hi Butero, I was apologizing for not being patient with him. I got into this mood and started telling myself that 'love is patient'. That's why I was apologizing. But I am ready to look forward now. Putting the past behind me. Sometimes, it feels easy and sometimes it's a little bit hard for me. But I know God is working something through me. Thank you Butero. God bless you.
  7. Hi Deidre, Thank you. Yeah, I was telling myself that nobody is perfect and that i went too far judging him. But I am steadily getting better. I know God has the best in stock for me. God bless you Deidre.
  8. Hi Hazard, thank you so so much for this. Your testimony about your marriage encouraged me, and the bible verse inspired me. God bless you. I am learning to trust God now. I feel more at peace with the whole thing. God bless you immensely.
  9. Thank you so much. I really thank God for this forum. I am finally coming at peace with everything. Few hours ago, I did not even have enough faith that i could have this much faith. thank you everyone. God bless you all mightily.
  10. Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate. The lie was just about him telling me that he had applied for a job, when in actual fact, he hadn't. I wasn't bothered about the lie itself, I was bothered that he could maintain the lie continuously for a period of 2months. I accidentally found out from his friend that he hadn't. I'm beginning to trust God now, though I have a long way to go, I am better than before. Thank you shayha.
  11. Thank you Esther. It's just that I'm regretting. That I took a small issue too far. Because the lie didn't have anything to do with our relationship. And I keep wondering if he wanted a break up all along. Because I really apologized. And he knows how much I love him. Thank you. I just have to hope that all things will work together for my good.
  12. I broke up with my 10 months old boyfriend exactly 1 week ago. I've liked him for five years and loved him for a year now. And i still do. He repeatedly told a lie and so because we are in a long distance relationship, I was finding it hard to trust him. I thought I couldn't get over the lie, so I broke up with him a week later I found out about the lie. But now, I've gotten over the lie, and I've tried to apologize and apologize, but he said he doesn't want the relationship anymore. I keep wondering if it was because I broke up with him or because the distance was already putting a toll on us. I don't know what to do. I feel like I threw one of the best things that happened to me away because I wasn't patient enough. I keep telling myself that I didn't do anything that terrible and that if he really loved me, he would be here now since I already apologized. But I wonder if that's true. I need to get over him. How can I? I've been praying. I have an important exams in few months time, I need to be okay. Is he worth thinking about?
  13. I broke up with my 10 months old boyfriend exactly 1 week ago. I've liked him for five years and loved him for a year now. And i still do. He repeatedly told a lie and so because we are in a long distance relationship, I was finding it hard to trust him. I thought I couldn't get over the lie, so I broke up with him a week later I found out about the lie. But now, I've gotten over the lie, and I've tried to apologize and apologize, but he said he doesn't want the relationship anymore. I keep wondering if it was because I broke up with him or because the distance was already putting a toll on us. I don't know what to do. I feel like I threw one of the best things that happened to me away because I wasn't patient enough. I keep telling myself that I didn't do anything that terrible and that if he really loved me, he would be here now since I already apologized. But I wonder if that's true. I need to get over him. How can I? I've been praying. I have an important exams in few months time, I need to be okay. Is he worth thinking about?
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