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About stirstik

  • Birthday 08/29/1985

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    Camping, gym, and all the foods

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  1. I don't use it, but I think it's just fine in moderation. Same as alcohol. It's infinitely safer than alcohol, almost impossible to overdose on, and is even prescribed by doctors. My uncle had terminal cancer and was given a marijuana prescription. He started eating again, was sleeping through the night, had dramatically less pain, and lifted his depression. It has many great uses when used properly, even besides ingesting it. There are countless hemp items such as clothing, bags lotions, cleansers etc. It's the street stuff you have to watch. It's mainly a problem because the street sold pot can be filled with artificial junk and chemicals that can harm you. You don't always know what you're getting. After a bit of research, you will find it is literally the safest and least harmful drug out there. I wish it would just be legalized everywhere already. The revenue will be enormous for your city and the jails will emptier.
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