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Everything posted by JoshuasonFlower

  1. My freezer is full of bags of frozen fruits. On a hot summer day I open a bag and pop a mouthful of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, that I have mixed in many of those bags, into my mouth. The immediate rush of cooling sensation is soothing and yet invigorating to a body that thinks it is going to perish for the heat outside. I let them melt to softness and then chew slowly to enjoy the juices that flow. Glorious. Add them to a tub of vanilla yogurt, my favorite being all natural Stoneyfield vanilla, and the texture differences make for a very happy breakfast. Just a to share here. Don't fall for the new marketing label of "Greek" yogurt. Stoneyfield, for instance, has a "Greek Yogurt" label line that will often sit side by side with the regular tubs in the fridge section of a grocery. It's a rip in marketing for dollars because all yogurt is Greek. The Greeks invented yogurt. God bless them for that. Really.
  2. It does my heart good that the member saints here at Worthy are challenging those who are dedicated to condemning the Orthodox faith. In so doing the saints give cause for those committed to demonstrate they know nothing , in their own words as proof, about the Orthodox Christian faith. Praise God! For those who would review this thread discussion to this point and take what is said by people here, the opponents of Orthodoxy and those who know we are defending our brothers and sisters in Christ, I would suggest if the time was spent to learn about the Orthodox faith as much as is spent demonstrating no knowledge as some have and continue to, this new schism among the members of Worthy Christians would be averted. Case in point, one might wish to visit an Orthodox Christian website that hopes to teach what is believed. This way the falsehoods that have been promoted against the church for the express purpose of excising the Orthodox people from Christ's church would be defeated. If one can take the time to entertain false witness against the church and hope to reason with what knows no reason to learn about Orthodox Christianity they can better identify the false witness. And then see what purpose is behind it. For instance, there is a falsehood promoted in the world that claims the Orthodox Christian church does not believe in “Scripture alone, faith alone, grace alone, and Christ alone”. There is a favorite go-to information site for many a Christian known as, "Got Questions". Their entry concerning Orthodox Christianity makes the claim the Orthodox church does not hold to those tenets. Read closely. No Christian holds to those tenets of isolation. Because they are contradictory and would then make the truth of God and Christ conflicting for the irrationality demonstrated in a simple word with four traits affirmed by and within our faith. "Alone". Alone=1.Isolated and lonely. 2.)Indicating that something is confined to the specified subject or recipient Grace alone. Grace, by itself? No, there must be faith alone. So it is said. Right? But faith isn't alone, all by itself. isolated, because there is Scripture. Scripture alone? Without grace, and faith? No, grace and faith are requisite for the believer in God and Jesus Christ. Oh, well then there's scripture alone. Scripture all by itself? From whence was scripture born? Through the giving of God and his divine inspiration that spoke to what amounts to over 40 different authors of his holy word. Scripture all by itself? Alone? Christ alone? Isolated. By himself? See John 3:16. Or is it a collaboration instead? That which works first by the grace of God the Father to deliver then His Son Jesus? So that his ministry, purpose, death, burial, resurrection, would deliver the message of redemption. Made possible by God' grace first. So that hearing of Jesus, through the oral tradition in the beginning as was the case when Jesus walked, we would then be blessed to read of it with the invention of the printing press that gave God's truth to the world. God's scriptures, God's breath. Alone? All by itself? Or did it have a beginning ? How about, Grace, Christ, Faith, Scripture together? That bring us to the light of the world. So that we who are born into a world of sin are not left to die alone without hope. Another thing that has been claimed falsely is that the Orthodox do not hold to Imputed Righteousness. Another falsehood easily cast aside with truth if one but takes the time and has the respect for sisters and brothers in Christ to read what they have to say about the faith they have been martyred for more than any other Christians. Those interested to learn far more can click that link in the quote box above sourcing the full article on Orthodox teachings and beliefs concerning God's Righteousness and find far more detail on all that is true about the Orthodox tradition. Keeping in mind, Greek Orthodox Christian, Eastern Orthodox Christian, and so forth, are all referring to the same church tradition of Christian Orthodoxy. The Greek, Eastern, etc... preceding the Orthodox title are terms identifying the region in which the parish exists. For the quick study or those who do not wish to read an entire Orthodox Christian information site there is this shared from the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry or, CARM. Dictionary of Terms of the Orthodox Church by Matt Slick Let's take a few other things that have been falsely claimed about our Orthodox brothers and sisters. Remembering that the great schism of 1054 helped to create the many denominations that exist today. And while we all hold to the belief in God, God's grace, Jesus, Faith, and Scripture, and the means of salvation being the cross, how we revere God, worship, celebrate the Holy Spirit, are unique to the churches, denominations. Imagine! Having how we give praise to God condemned as that which "proves" we are not Christians . When the heart of the Gospel is believed by all. And especially tragic is when we are slaughtered for believing in God and Jesus and there are those who would say while we deserve false pity, we did not die deserving to be called Christian! A few excerpts from the Dictionary above so as to quickly put right the false information circulating against Orthodoxy on the Net. Born Again--"translated literally, "born from above." In order to gain eternal life the person must be born again to new life. This new birth is through Jesus Christ in the Mystery of Baptism. This new life is received from the Holy Spirit through the sanctifying waters of baptism." Faith--"the power given us by Almighty God which enables us to believe what He has revealed to us. Faith is necessary for salvation and must be accompanied by good works, as a sign that one is indeed imbued with faith itself. Grace--"the name given to the assistance by a loving and compassionate God to those who seek his help. Grace also refers to the mercy of God and his abundant goodwill to men and women of all ages . . . It is this power which sanctifies, gives life and perfects that which is in the church for the benefit of her numbers . . . We must cooperate with his grace . . . if he (who claims the name Christian) does not bear in his heart the conviction that the grace of God, given for faith, is the mercy of God . . . If he does not labor with the aim of receiving the grace of God, first of all through baptism, or if he had it and it departed by reason of his sin, to cause it to return again through repentance, confession, and a self belittling life, and if, in giving alms, fasting and performing vigils, prayers and the rest, he thinks he is performing glorious virtues and good deeds valuable in themselves, the labors and exhausts in vain." Justification--"the process of God for giving the repentant sinner and making him a righteous person. We are unable to gain justification through good works are human merit, since justification is a free gift of God given to the faithful when they respond to His love and truth. True faith is not just belief but a sincere commitment to Christ which is shown forth by works of righteousness. Salvation--"the term used to describe deliverance from sin and death, union with Christ and abiding with God forever in eternity. Salvation is a process from Baptism until death. It is not an instant movement of "being saved" by pronouncing a simple formula of trust in Jesus as personal Savior. We are saved through faith, a gift from God, but our salvation must show itself in works of righteousness. We gain the grace of salvation through the Mysteries of the Church. St. Paul refers to "working out" once salvation in "fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12)." Scripture and Tradition--"these are not to be understood as complementary or conflicting authorities in Orthodoxy. The Church does not accept the idea of "autarkeia" or "Sola Scriptura." Orthodoxy sees Holy Scripture was a product of, or fruit, of Tradition. God, in fact does not speak to the Bible alone, since the Fathers were witnesses to the early faith, and along with the liturgy, creed, and decrees of the faith transmit divine Truth to all believers. The Orthodox Church teaches us that the books of the Bible are based on a huge body of oral tradition whose limits are not able to be defined." This I set here because another false claim is made about the Orthodox. That they worship idols. This is false. Icon--"a painting on wood or other material representing our Lord, the All Holy Virgin, saints, or events in their lives. Icons are produced in all sizes, and may be portable or stationary, e.g., painted on a wall or on iconostasis . . . Orthodox churches are replete with icons and the first action of any believer upon entering the sanctuary will be to reverence the Holy Table by bowing in front of the Holy Doors, and then the icons of our Lord and the Mother of God, and the various saints . . . icons are to be honored and venerated but never worshiped, for that is something reserved for God alone." If we remember the books of the New Testament named for what is believed to be the Apostles who walked with our Lord, we honor their testimony and recollection of Jesus words in his ministry. We recognize Paul, who was beheaded, martyred, for his preaching of God's truth through Jesus Christ. Do we worship Paul? Of course not. Icon's help in a visually inclined society where words bring visual imaginings of what the word is, defines, depicts in reality or imagining. Icon's do the same when there were no camera's present in first century A.D. . Jesus died on the cross. Do any hear wear a cross on a chain? Jesus spoke in parables which are poems.Often repeating those familiar to the Jews who followed him for being that like unto what were read to them from the Hebrew sacred scrolls in Temple. Remember, Jesus did teach in the Temple. He knew the Hebrew Bible by heart because his Father gave it to us then. As he did that which Christians use now. The Bible is written with simile, a figure of speech designed to deliver vivid imagery of the message. It is also written using allegory, which is a teaching method delivering a story, a poem, intended to reveal a hidden message , visualization, in the wording. The Bible also incorporates metaphor. Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics. Therefore, don't be misled to think Orthodox Christians worship idols when they have never done so. I do not worship the cross that hangs as a tiny wooden pendant about the leather thong about my neck. It reminds me when I feel it against my flesh that I exist as one reborn and my sins covered by the blood that covered the actual cross when Rome crucified the Savior of the world our Holy Spirit Father by his grace sent to be born into the world. And die for the sins of the world taken upon himself on the cross. It is in the spirit of that sacrifice that I write this hugely long post so as to pray it help deliver even one member here from what is intending to mislead the whole of Worthy from the truth of the heart of Orthodox Christianity. The heart of their faith is God, grace, Jesus, Faith, Scripture, Repentance, Redemption, Baptism, Regeneration, Confession, as we're told to do when we sin, though those are not held against us because we now have an advocate on our behalf in the form of Jesus in Heaven unto the Father. Why don't we strive to live in community? Rather than permit ourselves to be cleaved by that which hopes to fracture the truth of God in Jesus Christ. Learn the history of the Orthodox church. The Apostle John-Mark founded what today is called the Eastern Orthodox church. Tell me, which one of you would say, John-Mark did not know Jesus? Then why would you follow that which does not know Orthodox Christianity? Yet hopes you will believe them and turn against the oldest church on God's Earth? Laus Deo , J.
  3. 1 Peter 3:9 Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.
  4. I've seen such trespasses on these boards. And yet brother, do not the tares and thorns grow hungrily among the wheat when the tiller is lax to raise his hand and clear them away? The missionary field corrupted by the thorns that focus on one area of field and germinate a creeping thorn bush intent on repeatedly sprouting buds intent on obliterating that fields bounty. Implying by its presence that that particular ancient strain of wheat is not worthy of being called wheat. Even when it precedes all hybrids that are born from it. What then does the flesh that maintains the field as Holy Spirit sealed tiller responsible for the health of the crop caring for a field within which is represented many many genus of wheat example if the seeders of the tares and thorns gain access and flourish in planting corrupt seed? Keeper of the whole of the crop that is planted for the health and nourishment of the harvest come. That responsibility assumed as volunteer to oversee and take action for the sake of the entire bountiful land of wheat. That which is just germinating, that which is fully bloomed and that which is first seed and ancient in its rooting in soil trod by our Lord and Master Immanuel. What then of that one that enters in the dark of night and seeks to set the tares beside the crop of the ancients. Cultivate hungry thorn bushes that creep and consume the health of the stalks of grasses fed by the eastern Son. And when enough has been planted and spread and germinated to overcome that parcel of land, that dark flesh that entered in the night to begin the seeding returns in hopes of what? Gathering the bushels of unhealthy plantings? Or rather escalating to setting fire to the crop of wheat, tares, and thorns, so as to burn down the entirety of the missionary land? That grows fallow for the wheat that is carried away on the winds of change. Perhaps that was the purpose of the trespasser in the darkness who planted seed intending to bring thorns in to overcome the first crop of the east. What then is a missionary field when its soil lay fallow? And burnt. John 15:1
  5. Romans 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. What a glorious observation and recollection to bring into this discussion brother. Thank you. May the words of our beloved brother Paul herald a change of heart for the saints that do not speak as saints of saints when speaking of members of the eastern church. Paul's letters to the church in Corinth Greece is a mighty sending of our Savior in these troubled times here. Thank you again. God's blessings, J. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.
  6. Evil flourishes where it is permitted to find purchase. I take my comfort and my strength always from God's word. The Christian sealed with God's Holy Spirit is equipped in this world. His word tells me in Ephesians 6:11 to put on the whole armor of God, that I may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. And I believe that instruction is there to refer to all who dwell in him. Evil does not take hold in that one indwelt with the Holy Spirit. How can the Devil and God occupy the same space? The darkness and the light. Were it not for the darkness we would have no awareness of light. Once we are aware of the light, the shadow becomes easier to discern. We walk in flesh and bone. But we are empowered and protected by the Spirit of Holy God. Missionaries of The Way visit places where evil has taken hold and they seek to lead people willing to find the light out of that darkness. When the mission field belongs to God how does God's armored warriors of the faith permit evil to enter in? The number of the righteous outnumber the number of the enemy do they not? Be blessed my brother.
  7. I would have helped you while bidding you good morning. I would suggest you not feel bad for being upset at that. Remember, even Jesus had a temper. I run into all sorts in my travels. I'm a people watcher. I sit at outdoor cafe's and feed the squirrels and birds pieces of bread or seeds and I enjoy watching how we of the human community interact with one another in relative comparison to the squirrels and birds at my feet. It's an interesting comparison. Squirrels and birds will flap and dart one among the other seeking out the bread and seed. When they find a patch of plenty they'll sit together and eat at their leisure. No one of the bird or squirrel being greedy or offensive to another. They share the large area of sustenance and each has their own little bounty before them. Side by side bird and squirrel feast in peace. But watch the people at the cafe as they enjoy their finger sandwiches and drink. Packages purchased at the boutiques nearby rest in decorative bags at their feet. They have money because those shops sell very expensive things. A homeless man digging in the garbage bin near a coffee shop hoping to quench his thirst with someone's discard. Perhaps sate his hunger with the sliver of bread thrown from a sandwich into the rubbish. Let that vagrant who's so desperate to survive approach any one at those tiny outdoor cafe tables and see the comparison between the mannerism of squirrels and birds disappear as human meets human. Those that have and those that have not. Name calling, accusations like, get away, what's wrong with you? You stink. Take a bath. Get a job! The calloused hands tremble, the tired eyes that have seen far too much at any age, but especially when looking to spend another night in a cardboard box in an alley well up with tears. He's just been told he has no right to ask for help to exist. Pray for that one that did not see you needed help up the ramp brother. There's hope in his heart when at least from his mouth he bid you good morning. Not everyone see's what is there needing to be seen. But that they see something at all is a blessing that says there's hope for next time. May God keep you in his protection, bless you with his strength, and bring peace to you always, J.
  8. I wouldn't agree with that in its entirety. Certainly those who are not in Christ will absorb darkness when they let themselves endure dark places. But what of the sisters and brothers who are missionaries in dangerous places? Those countries that are hostile to our faith? Especially in the early centuries when for instance Jesuit brothers would enter into ancient Japan and minister the word of the Christian God. That very dark place wherein the Japanese authorities would torture those missionaries for daring to speak the truth of our Lord Christ did not turn those brothers dark. They gave their lives as martyrs so as to deliver the light of truth to a fallen people. Those missionaries that enter into any hostile pagan lands to this day. They live among the people , maintain their resolve to bring the good news to tribes, and cultures, that do not have this. That environment does not turn them dark. It inspires their resolve ever more to bring the light does it not?
  9. Does not John 7:24 tell us we should not judge by appearance but use righteous judgment? We know ourselves to be able to stumble and err in our walk. How are we to recognize when we do so if we do not have sincere members of the church to share righteous judgment and help guide our steps when we may not notice we stumble? There is a manner in which the brethren share the love of Christ and keep and guide one another to walk in the light. From a place of love is where we are to be in community with one another.
  10. I am speaking of the church brother. Wherever we may be found. Jesus taught us to discern who are in Christ among the peoples of the world. Did he not? 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
  11. Christians do build their brothers and sisters up. Acts 20:28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
  12. Thank you sister for promoting the Apologetics forum and the history of the denominations post that I made there. It is unfortunate that it has received so little positive feedback concerning the actual true history of the Eastern Orthodox . And the Great Schism that is responsible for the denomination so many of us know today. Especially when the opposite of its truth is made popular by attention that darkness invites. God's blessings, J.
  13. I think there is enough evidence in these forums to speak the truth of what has been observed about a campaign against fellow Christians. No one is misframing what is posted for all who care to seek it out to read for themselves. In fact, while I have not commented in the many threads that are being generated here to assail Christians, this particular excerpt that she posted rebuffs any claim that animus is not at work in this community. Taken from the quote box in Danger Noodle's post. "Firstly, we would like to apologize on behalf of Protestants everywhere for overlooking the grave and damning heresies of the Eastern Orthodox tradition, compared to our stalwart protest of Rome." The author of that work believes himself qualified to speak for Protestants everywhere. I assure you, I respond to this thread because he shall never speak for me. He knows nothing of the Eastern Orthodox tradition that much is clear when he calls their faith in practice heretical. What is heretical is to violate the tenets of our Lord Christ while assuming the mantel of pastor that which God says shall stand at the judgment and answer to a higher standard than the average member of the faith. The teachings on love being vacant in that which targets and attacks Christians and seeks to invite ridicule and animus against them. Again and again. When someone assaults the Eastern Orthodox, the first church in history after that of Christ and his ministry, the example brought forth as a man of God, pastor, is subject to review by those who are in Christ and are children of God. There is a great responsibility in being a Christian. The first not to be ignored is to behave as one.
  14. Thank you sister. Truth will always overcome the enemy of it. Don't let darkness fill you when you encounter it. Darkness seeks to overcome the world. Remember? It even sought to destroy God's first and most perfect creation in his garden paradise. It failed when God sent his beloved Son to overcome the darkness. To enter into life , to walk as one of us and yet as God with us. And he was condemned for his teachings when he was a Jew. And by fellow Jews! Remember? The Sanhedrin court that called him to answer for his miracles. He healed the blind, he made the lame to walk. He cast demons out of the afflicted and was even charged then with the accusation that he'd used demons to do so. That does not even ring as making sense. But that was the accusation against the perfect Savior of this world. Jesus Christ was a Jew! And he was accused of not being a righteous Jew by fellow Jews. Do you see the reflection of that past wickedness with today and what we are discussing here? Jews turned against the greatest Jew of history. As has been said, Christianity is the religion about Jesus. Judaism was the religion of Jesus. And yet, there were Jews who said he was false and of the devil. Take heart because God see's all things. His word tells us he calls those whom he knew before he created this world to his son. He knew them, he knew us, before we entered our mother's wombs. He also knew Satan when he appeared in the garden as that sneaky serpent. He knew him when he tempted his only Son Jesus while Jesus was in his fast in the desert. No one keeps a secret from God. Don't ever let that which hopes as it did in the desert to lead Christ from his truth to lead you from your grace and charity sister. Fear not because if you do find cause for anger that is not the same as being led from the spirit Jesus and God's Holy Spirit instills in you as one sealed with that power. Because even Jesus was angry when he hand fashioned a whip and went after the money changers , fellow Jews, who had their tables in front of his Father's house. If you find yourself upset by the wickedness of this world that seeks us out because we are of God turn to God's advice. Sixty-six books worth will help any Christian through this perilous life. 1 John 2:9 Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. And especially timely and poignant I think is this, Immanuel, God with us, own words in John 13:34&35, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” 1 John 4:20, "If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen." God's blessings, J.
  15. I want to address this back and forth before it continues to go further sideways. Danger Noodle was referring to your early on off topic remark that followed my post concerning the question about the State Department site. Then she opined about that post that I made. It was a valid question and it was directly and remains directly on topic with the original posting concerning the SD and north Korea. I hope that helps to stop this derailing that you insist on pursuing in your remarks to DN , OldSchool. God's Blessings, J.
  16. We who are in the hand of Christ and the heart of God recognize when the spirit of truth speaks. I do thank the Father. And I thank God that he sent another member of the universal church his Son began to count as one more among our number. God's blessings to you . J.
  17. I would like to suggest that we stay on topic and not be derailed by that effort that is appearing to thwart that intention. To continue. The U.N Security Council appears to have finally taken notice of north Korea's actions. VOA News UN Security Council Blasts N. Korea Missile Test, Threatens Sanctions Related documents: UN Documents for DPRK (North Korea)
  18. God's blessings that you deemed us worthy of your precious testimony. I have in my years grown more and more adept at watching what happens in my life and how if I take the time I see God, Father as you say, delivering an opportunity to put his wise teachings into action. We can read the Bible all day long but if we do not glean the message there, the instructions there for incorporating those parables, idioms, allegory, into our own lives, we miss the point. And the Bible then serves as just a book. Which is not meant to happen for those who are members of God's church. Thank you again for sharing.
  19. A great example there brother of the appearance of evil and even beyond as King David's lust for another man's wife corrupted his focus on God and righteousness. Taken from that Bible.org site article,
  20. The 1 Thessalonians passage is afforded very good commentaries at this Biblehub site http://biblehub.com/commentaries/1_thessalonians/5-22.htm The gossips we've all encountered would avail themselves of the opportunity to spread rumor should they see a woman dining alone with a man not her husband. The appearance of evil, the appearance of adultery in that case, could very well be a perch upon which those who would offend in bearing false testimony to others about that spouse. Trust being paramount in a marriage, a husband and wife trusting one another without reservation does not preclude the dark thoughts of others from spreading falsehoods if afforded opportunity. And that then would come to bear in furtherance of that gossip concerning the dining alone with someone not their spouse, then lead into the implication against the faith of that spouse. And for the inference the dining with someone not one's spouse would then afford toward that spouse and their Christian faith. The appearance of evil pertains to our actions as we represent to truth of God in Christ and his ministry and wisdom. The appearance of violating the ordinances that pertain to a marriage, keeping on the subject mentioned earlier of Vice President Pence and his testimony against dining with a woman not his wife, invites the image of wrong doing, disrespect for our spouse, from others who watch. People will always think what they will, but our behavior I believe should always keep the testimony we are to all people who see us as God's servant. The appearance of evil for instance of one who has just left Bible study on a Wednesday night and is then seen leaving the bar three blocks down. Walking drunkenly , heading for the car, after cursing up a storm during a pool game inside. That is the appearance of evil. Wrong doing. Violating the principles of righteous behavior as Jesus namesake, Christian.
  21. I have exhausted the number of reputation points I can give today. Rest assured I shall return to your post when I am able to resume. That is a great scripture to add to this discussion. Thank you Davida. Wise words in both your posts.
  22. Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Romans 5 5 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. 6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. 11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. 12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: 13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. 15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. 16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification. 17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) 18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. 19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. 20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: 21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. [King James Version]
  23. Biblican Historical Christian Faith “Universal/Worldwide = catholic” Jesus Christ 30 A.D I. There are seven major families of denominations which comprise the Biblical Historical Christian faith: Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Four Protestant Families Source and extensive article with detail of the denominational family tree of the Christian faith. I think this will be a great opportunity to discuss our history as pertains to the faith and what developed from its original Orthodox roots. The denominations arrived in what is referred to in our history as "The Great Schism" of 1054. Christianity Today article 1054 The East-West Schism Long-standing differences between Western and Eastern Christians finally caused a definitive break, and Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox still remain separate. George T. Dennis A brief excerpt from the CT article: Immediate Causes of the Break In 1048 a French bishop was elected as Pope Leo IX. He and the clerics who accompanied him to Rome were intent on reforming the papacy and the entire church. Five years earlier in Constantinople, the rigid and ambitious Michael Cerularius was named patriarch. Problems arose in Southern Italy (then under Byzantine rule) in the 1040s, when Norman warriors conquered the region and replaced Greek [Eastern] bishops with Latin [Western] ones. People were confused, and they argued about the proper form of the liturgy and other external matters. Differences over clerical marriage, the bread used for the Eucharist, days of fasting, and other usages assumed an unprecedented importance. More reading @ http://www.christianitytoday.com/history/issues/issue-28/1054-east-west-schism.html
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