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Arthur Durnan

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Everything posted by Arthur Durnan

  1. How should Christians view cigarettes? Onlyfrom a great distance. Why die early and perhaps quite painfully? Next question, please.
  2. News Flash: The Far-Leftist Media is not God! I've never regarded the UltraLib "Drive-By" Elite Media, whether Australian or North American, to be in any way, shape or form. my moral or social conscience. THe Elite Media lives to pronounce the world's edicts on one & all. I live to pronounce the One True God's clear-cut declarations as enunciated in Holy Writ on humankind. Carve the words in granite!
  3. If socialist Obama will not halt Iran's nuclear ambitions, he'll be visited shortly by a P.M. who can and will. And he'll also be supplanted in November2012 by one who understands the machinations of Israel's enemies. God Bless Israel! God Bless America!
  4. So if there's the slightest chance that some person walking along the street minding his own business is gunned down, his murderer should be exonerated on the basis that this particular convicted murderer might be innocent?! We weep for mad-dog convicted killers; we forget the poor slaughtered victim's name. Why is this? Abolitionists sing hymns at candlelight rallies outside death rows; abolitionists never rally at a poor victim's gravesite for remembrance, prayers & for singing "Amazing Grace"!! Ours is a topsy-turvy world! BTW, can you give me the name & address of any convicted & executed innocent murderer in the USA? God Bless America! Santorum for America 2012! Rubio for V.P. 2012!
  5. If I did indeed live in the USA - even tho I trsavel thru it constantly - I would never vote to elect perhaps the worst president America has ever had, indeed the first 17-Trillion dollar- (with a capital T. that is!) deficit president! In our books, he'd do much better as Head Honcho of, let us say, Iraq. Afghanistan or even Muhammad's birthplace of Saudi Arabia. God Bless America!
  6. Bring back the death penalty in Canada - and in every U.S. State - for premeditated murder of any human being. Those who do not respect innocent human life deserve to forfeit their own. The death penalty in the Holy Bible has never yet been rescinded - that is, unless the Obama Administration in Washington has surreptitiously abolished it via presidential edict.
  7. Wahl. like I said some time back, the" S;R-L;R-S;R-L;R-S" etc crowd want us to be "Re-Saved" over & over & over umpteen times untl we're "Re-Saved' for keeps even though Jesus said in John Chapter Three that we be born again but once! I love it, I love it, but will it play in Peoria?
  8. Bottom Line after all is said and done: How many times does the Word of God declare that we must be born again in order to go to Heaven? Ten times, eight times, five times, twice or only once? Jesus said succinctly: "Except a man be born again, He cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven!" (John 3:1-7). Plus if Calvary covers all our sins, past, present & future - BTW, allour sins were in the future when Jesus died!- we don't require any repeat of Calvary whatsoever. And of course, the Apostle Paul in Romans 6:1,2 utterly dispels the false conclusion that one can indeed continue to live his old life, now that he has been forever saved & washed in Jesus' blood. No, Paul declares, a new life always demands a new walk in the Savior of sinners! Amen & Glory to His Holy Name!
  9. Conservatism seems best by far with respect to upholding Christian principles. UltraLibDems remind this observer of wanting to crush individualism & to alter one's personal relationship with the Higher Power Whom we call Almighty God. Jesus Christ calls individuals to Him, one at a time to exercise his/her faith & trust, and therefore individuals become ultimately a nation of people. Conservatism looks to the power of God in a life. Official Liberaldom underscores Man as Deliverer with Man's philosophy at the helm. God Bless America indeed - not Obama & his rampant socialism - but America & the ideals upon which it was founded.
  10. The lost world has its thousand expectations. The born-again Christian has One: "Art Thou He who will come, or should we wait for another?" Ah, we who believe do indeed know the answer. "Even so, Come quickly, Lord Jesus!" Amen!
  11. Moses is not my Savior in any way, shape or form. The Lord Jesus Christ is. He alone. He came, He died, He paid the eternal price. And He nailed the ordinances, everything that was against me, to His cross. And I praise Him! Good-by Moses! No 19th-century SDA overtones here. Hello Lord Jesus!
  12. Well, like I indicated a mile orso back, Jesus offers no one only "temporal" salvation. If it's only "temporal," it's not salvation, but only partial respite until one falls back into Hell from which one was "temporally saved" in the first instance. If Calvary was insufficient to save me forever, then, alas and alack, Calvary would have to be repeated - as in the deplorable Romanist sacrifice of the mass - in order to keep me saved for a while longer until my next "dropping away." Sad it is that some kind folk come to Jesus to be saved but fail to understand His keeping power too! How weak do you feel Jesus actually is? He must be fairly weak if He cannot save, keep and guarantee Heaven to His very Own children! "Once for all, O, children believe it!; Once for all, O sinner receive it!" Hallelujah and Amen! Hello Heaven! Good-by Hell! Thank You, Lord Jesus! Come, let us all rejoice together for a Savior Who died to make Heaven our eternal home thru the blood of His Cross!
  13. I have no problem with your tag line. Might you wish to receivegratis my recent "Sermon-On-The-Screen", 'God Doesn't Believe In Atheism!'? Have a great day all day today!
  14. Bottom Line: God Doesn't Believe in Atheism! No matter whether it's out of Australia or wherever. Request my PowerPoint "Semon-On-The-Screen" by the same name: God Doesn't Believe In Atheism! durnan@cogeco.ca Rev. Arthur Durnan. Arthur Durnan Ministries of Canada
  15. So will our kind friends from the " S.RL.RS.RL.RS." Camp (Saved, ReLost,ReSaved, ReLost,ReSaved) please inform us how many times according to Holy Writ that we can be saved? I had always thot Jesus said (and surely meant) "Ye must be born again!" (John 3), not "again, and again, and again." Hmm, this "S.RL.RS.RL.RS." philosophy (which underscores the one Calvary without the power to save forever) comes across as a singularly maladroit event. Better luck next time, sinner friend, eh, what?
  16. Jesus never once offers anyone a temporal salvation. In every instance, He offers us an everlasting salvation, "Not for the years of time alone, but for eternity!" There is no such thing anywhere in Holy Scripture where it declares that one must be saved, then later "re-saved". And later, "re-saved again." It is never "born thrice," but only born twice....firstly in your mother's womb, lastly via the miracle of the New Birth of God as in John Chapter Three. There is not one instance anywhere in Holy Writ of someone by name being first saved, then "re-lost." I love the debilitating philosophy of "temporal" salvation, but then I also love novocaine shots too! HALP!
  17. If the old Mosaic Code was nailed by Jesus Christ to His Cross on Mount Calvary (as in Colossians 2:13,14), not even a follower of Ellen Gould Harmon White, the founder of 19th-century Seventh-Day Adventism could ever drag it off from there! Amen & Amen!
  18. What you see GOP-wise is what America's got. Bottom Line: Defeat European-style Socialist & Bankrupting-the-USA Barack Obama! No second-term for the worst President ever in American history lest America, Heavens to Betsy, is prepared to unite with the E.U.! Auguste Preault put it thus (and I retranslate & offer it as Obama's personal theme song): "What the world requires is mediocrity of the highest order!" That'a keeper for B.O. to be sure. Romney-Rubio For America 2012! God Bless America!
  19. Graham is right on! South Sudan is being attacked by that peaceful religion of Muhammad's known as Islam. Pray tell, who else in the entire world is best known for its peaceful attacks on non-Muslims & Muslims alike? The Presbyterian Church? The Salvation Army? Grannies United?
  20. Isaiah 60:22 NLT for 2012 - "As the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen!" As only He can! Romney-Rubio For America 2012! God Bless america!
  21. Give me Israel - all of Israel - a million to one over any part of Islam! God Bless America! God Bless Israel!
  22. Truth to tell, yes, certain churches would line-up behind Obama: how about large parts of The United Methodist; Unitarian-Universalist; Episcopal Church; United Church of Christ; Lutheran Church; Presbyterian Church USA; Methodist Episcopal; Britiish Methodist Episcopal and yes, large parts of the Roman church for starters? Romney & Rubio For The USA 2012! Make Sure!
  23. And, of course, after all is said and done, God holy & settled Word of Truth remains unfettered & unmoved: God never made two men to procreate. Homosexuality is essentially generational death, positively deleterious. Three Cheers for Exodus International! God Bless America! Romney & Rubio For The USA 2012!
  24. I guess John, in some weak moment, altered his John 3:16 a wee bit, yes? "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should ultimately perish because he has received only temporal life!" Zowie, saved today, lost tomrrow; saved again the third day, re- lost a week later; re-saved once more a year from now, then hell-bound still again! Hmm, it tends to carry the faint odor of an invented repartee written by an inept screenwriter, no? HALP! Who put the benzedrine in Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine? John, John, what about your earth-shattering declaration later on in your Chapter 10, "I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish!" Shouldn't you re-arrange THAT verse too in the interests of biblical consistency? God Bless America! Romney-Rubio For The USA 2012!
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