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Anonymous Aristotle

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Everything posted by Anonymous Aristotle

  1. Why a Trump-inspired 'Julius Caesar' production lost two sponsors June 12, 2017
  2. It's the world today. While we Christians at least have someone to comfort us and help us out of that if we fall into anger. That is a blessing.
  3. Robert Mueller should recuse himself simply because he's very good friends with James Comey. How do we know that friend Comey shared his memo with wasn't Robert Mueller? Even the appearance of impropriety should have Mueller to recuse himself. The Hill Reporting Comey leaked memos to prompt special counsel
  4. Thank you LadyKay for going to that trouble. I wanted to thank you away from the link to those horrible images.
  5. That's horrible. It is no more acceptable now with our current president Trump. What are people thinking when their free speech rights are displayed in such evil ways? God help them.
  6. Great point. I think they're investigating how far they can kick the can down the road and have crowds on the sidelines cheering them on. There's nothing to investigate. And if General Flynn speaking to a Russian Ambassador qualifies, then let the special counsel have this investigation put on hold while all those Democrats, like Diane Feinstein, and many other Democrats, who also met with a Russian ambassador come under scrutiny. As well as the president they served under at the time. We know there doesn't have to be evidence for the press to throw mud on president Trump since he was but a candidate. Now that Obama's appointee James Comey stated there was no wrong doing on president Trump's part, again, months after he said so the first time back in January, the new no-evidence mud slinging hopeful press brigade will churn out another false story. And kick a new can down the road. And to the cheers of their supporters who hate Trump so much they don't even notice the can is old, rusty, and not really a can at all. Someone just said it was a can. And the fans of cans believe.
  7. Bill Clinton was impeached by one house and exonerated by the other as I remember it. And Nixon was given a pardon by his VP Gerald Ford. It's that golden rule in history. Those with the gold aren't obligated to follow the same rules. Irritating as that is for the rest of us who watch them get away with that.
  8. I've moved on. I would just like to see justice for injustice at any time. Especially for those who betray the trust granted them by the people when representatives of the people fail in upholding that trust to the detriment of the people and our nation. God is always on top of things.
  9. Thank you for that information. I was hoping against hope I guess.
  10. No. Because you are still human. However, as one redeemed in Christ you are no longer damned as one once called sinner. You are a son or daughter of God. Reborn , redeemed, renewed, and much loved.
  11. What would you say qualifies as the actual Gospel to be taught in a church dedicated to Christ and his Gospel?
  12. Thank you JohnD. for your sharing your personal experience. I've looked into Apologetics for quite awhile and watched a few videos as Apologists debate the scriptures. A very emotional undertaking to be sure. And the vast amount of knowledge required to serve in the best example as Christ would want I feel would be enormous. You are certainly called by God if you're this committed for a long time. May God keep you ever still.
  13. Yes, that would not be uncommon for someone who is sharing their personal experience with us. And their testimony as an apologist for Christ and God's word. Is that all you received from reading his work? Reason to criticize and speak for KwikPhilly?
  14. Scientology is science fiction. L.Ron Hubbard was in the American Navy and during his tour overseas happened on a German man's thesis on what would be better termed creative visualization. L.Ron Hubbard basically plagiarized that work, added his Sci-Fi writers hallmark of alien creatures to it, and fulfilled the prophecy he voiced to fellow writers about how to become immortal and rich. Invent a religion. Today it is an incredibly dangerous cult that tortures , abuses, terrorizes, threatens, and even kills members who dissent. I think it is still a tax exempt religion in America. That should be revoked.
  15. But Job was blessed.Because of all things Satan brought against him he was not able to , not allowed to, take his life. And the blessings of the Lord came later and overcame what Job had lost during his trial. And Job never lost his peace, his hope, nor his love for God. We should all pray we are as strong as Job. Because our God is an awesome God.
  16. Could he ever be prosecuted for all the wrongs while in office?
  17. 13 Reasons to Declare the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization President Trump has declined to declare them a terrorist organization . That article says due to pressure from the State Department and the King of Jordan. Why would that happen? The MB creed should be enough to make them worthy. I'm reading over their site. There's a sign up sheet to join on an activist level. I'll see about that. Thank you again.
  18. I will look to see if there is a local chapter now. Thank you. Are you active with them in your area?
  19. Like this? I'm glad you enjoyed reading me roll along. Thank you.
  20. I know life is busy . I would certainly appreciate the information whenever you have the time to seek it out. It is wrong for anyone to wish death on someone just because they disagree with their politics. Terrible stuff and I also do not condone such things. I'm glad you don't either.
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