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Everything posted by Flowerwater

  1. Would you like a cup of harbor tea? Happy fourth of July everybody!
  2. Trolls are dumb. I'll look too. Happy fourth of July.
  3. Maybe it is funny to someone who is answering the question in a very bad way. I read the ToU. I read the statement of faith. As did others here who are new. It's what we do after all. It isn't hard to be here for a little while and notice there are a handful of one's who beg the question. And seriously dude, AA's observation? You followed it one behind the other. Just like she said. I'm one of the newest here and I can't miss that after she pointed it out. I doubt anyone else who's been here far longer has either. Thousands of posts you each have, you and Cobalt? It's a strange pattern for two people who have been here for years to be repeating.
  4. No one in government who's not corrupt to their marrow opposes cleaning up the voter rolls so as to stop voter fraud from happening.
  5. That's kind of funny considering these democrats were behind Obama 100%. And we all know what he had on his mind.
  6. Me too. How does someone get up in the morning and say to themselves, I think I'll run down innocent people with my car today? Joining everyone in prayers.
  7. I deleted the hateful remarks but I have to ask you since you're commenting and longer here than me. I thought this was a Christian forum and non's were restricted to only a few places on the opening boards in the main menu? Or did I read wrong? You? Anyone? A little help in understanding how pro-abortion advocates are in what I thought was a Christians only section?
  8. I'm pretty sure calling someone a liar here is against the rules. Let's see if this rule violation is excused. Shall we? Hey, if you don't like someone pointing out your infanticide cracks, don't make infanticide cracks! K?
  9. Democrats! The headline says it all. Babies don't matter to the Left in Oregon. Obviously. How sick is that?
  10. I know a huge number of veterans. I grieve a few who never made it home. I'll choose not to pay attention to garbage that tells me I must be ashamed to be a free American and celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY one day in a year, when every single day I thank God I'm an American. Hows that? God Bless America! And God deal with all enemies who come against us. Even in print.
  11. Hussein did the same thing to the Kurds. A Satanic cult practice like Islam teaches that life means nothing. But taking lives in service to their Satanic Demon allah grants the life takers a boon. Eternity with the Demon for all their good works taking lives. Even their own! In his service. The world would be a better place if there were no Satanic allah demon worshipers . Until that day we'll have to suffer through. Amazing cult isn't it? Demon followers can't imbibe in alcohol, can't eat pork, all these other restrictions due to demon allah's rules. But they can gas babies to death and that's just fine.
  12. I put a freeze on my credit report years ago. For free. Then that company that comes along and charges something like 20$ for the same thing, Life Lock it's called, got the top three credit reporting agencies attention. Now they charge to freeze your credit report. Think about that. Credit report. Can you be trusted to borrow what is counterfeit money, no gold standard backing since the 30's , all printed money through the Federal reserve bank is paper, so as to repay what you say you need to survive? Wasn't it Jefferson? Who condemned in his time what is today the FRB?
  13. You were a number when you were born. Amazing isn't it? When I was born parents had to apply for their newborns SSN. Now, it is issued at live birth. It's a serial number you know.
  14. Great quote! Someone recently accused me of being a demon because I didn't agree with their bigotry. I know God has a message there for something I'm suppose to learn from encountering an atheist so full of hate as to verbally assault someone they know to be a Christian, but at the time, it does upset to anger. If you've ever been bullied or verbally abused, name calling, which is the sign of youth and immaturity and spoiled-rotten demeanor that has no other outlet when their opinion doesn't "get its way" , is surprising to encounter as an adult. Those things you thought you'd left behind when you grew older. And then you encounter some smart mouthed child with poor parenting raising them up and POW! It's nostalgia. Back in Kindergarten when name callers really meant something to your state of being. It all add's up to something the Father wants us to learn. We just have to breathe and step back and look for the thread of meaning. God is a personal God. He knew us before we were created in the womb of our mom's. So he also knows how to reach us through experience. The brat offender that called me demon has something to learn as that atheist so full of hate for Christians. And I have something to learn that an atheist can make me wonder why it is I see them and give one care that they're going to Hell until they choose to change their direction of their own soul. I've worn a lot of hats in my life. Prison guard currently. Maybe that's it. The atheist locked in their own prison cell of hate for redemption and its message? I can't share the keys to free people behind bars now unless the court of man says, OK. But I can share the gospel.
  15. And yet they do have it. Now what? Did you ever think that what we believe is "Freedom" , is defined by law as what it means to "be" free?
  16. Did you forget to link the source for that?
  17. Yes, it does. What a horrible legacy they must defend when they die, especially the popes, and then have to answer to God for what they covered up about child rape. Do you think there are to be millstones in Hell? If anyone deserves it it is those priests who betrayed the innocent in the name of the cloth.
  18. Seriously. Hackers, who I admire in one sense because they are genius with computers whereas I am lucky I can operate my computer with basic-self-taught. However, all this talk about national security in all these nations? And they're all in it together as the "united nations" already? With America being the founding nation of the U.N.. ? Come on! Hackers get the jam , the blame. But the governments that make the rules that identify what "freedom" is , by law you notice, are the real power. Remember Trump near the end of his campaign? Law and order! Look to Europe. Chaos. What's needed? Law and order. What if we the pleebs, the tax payers, are just playing our part? And the orderly, the rule makers, are setting the stepping stones we follow so as to be "law abiding citizens"?
  19. That's crap though. You know this right? If money forgave sins only the rich would see heaven. There's wisdom in scripture that says, discern what is truth in what is written.
  20. I wanted to respond to that with this, By Christ's stripes that he suffered at the hands of the Roman's we are healed. Maybe your scars now that you've found him can be seen as a reminder of that new creation that you are. Rather than the old self that has passed away and that is now healed by the light and love of the Holy God.
  21. How would you as a newbie like myself know how to find a zombie thread like this at a site you've never been a member of before?
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