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Everything posted by Equippers

  1. so do you think your church will eventually die out?
  2. you must live in a small town, not a major city.
  3. 1 in a head to head match up, Trump trails Bernie by 6 points 2 if they take the nomination away from Bernie even after he earned most delegates, the disgusting mainstream liberal media and DNC establishment would pull out their trump card, and remind people the most important thing is to beat Trump. The disgusting mainstream liberal media have been lying for months about Bernie's unelectability. That said, if the superdelegates do take the nomination away from Bernie, it would be nice to see democrats grow a spin and launch a full scale revolt. it is the only way DNC will learn.
  4. if Bernie Sanders come out on top in Super Tuesday, will he clinch the nomination? thanks
  5. hello what do you mean when you say God is always showing Himself to you? did you feel it, or did you physically see or heard something, or was something happening in your Spirit that you can just feel His presence?
  6. for example, when you read the scripture, have you ever feel a passage just stood out and you feel like the Holy Spirit is speaking to you through it. or you can physically feel this LOVE just pouring down at you? btw above is only two examples, but i would love to hear what is you guys' experience with it
  7. is it uncommon for teenagers these days to drink? even excessively? i don't know, i personal think it is a bit excessive, but i guess it all depends on the context.
  8. communism? that makes no sense whatsoever. Sanders wants USA to adopt policies being implemented in many other developed nations such as Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc can you explain to me if any of the above countries are considered Communist country? i am from New Zealand, i can tell you right now while the system does not work perfectly, i am still grateful for the "socialist policies" such as universal healthcare we have, the guaranteed coverage means i don't have to worry about getting treatments for my health, especially if i developed life threatening condition. From what i have heard, in USA, people literally dies from unable to get medical treatment for their life threatening condition because of lack of coverage. this is simply not true and is simply lies media have been promoting and simply is not backed up by facts. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/general_election/ according to the latest poll, in a match up between Bernie and Trump in general election, Trump trails Bernie by 6 points.
  9. i think for a Christian, if one's life is not turning out the way one wants it, it is time to look up, ask God for help and trust Him instead of trusting one's own ability to change it. that doesn't mean we don't need to work with God or forget we have our part to play, but ultimately God is our heavenly father, and He wants us to be completely rely on Him
  10. i have already answers all of your questions here. it seems to me you are not interested in listening
  11. i am sorry to hear your children do not have a chance to know their grandfathers. do you mind me asking why is it their grandfathers are not in their lives even though they are both alive? anyway, i always think grandparents plays an important roles in children lives, but in end of the day, parents are the most important influences, and as long as children have two loving parents, they should be fine.
  12. again, you are reading things into my post that is not intended. again, if you don't want to answer the thread, that is fine.
  13. why do you have to read more into people's post than intended? i am just curious in terms of what type of relationship people have with their grandparents, i was a psych major, i am interested in human relationships of course you can make this type of assessment if you know your grandparents well enough. you know, if you don't want to answer this question that is fine. just don't answer it.
  14. well, this website can be pretty corrupted too.
  15. which category does it fall into do they 1 love you as much as your parents 2 love you more than they love your parents. 3 love you but not as much as they love your parents or 4 they don't love you at all for mine maternal grandparents, they would probably fall into category 3, they love me but not as much as they love my mom.
  16. has anyone here noticed it seems that majority of the media cover Bernie Sanders are biased against him, and i am talking liberal media here like CNN and MSNBC? in fact , i was pleasantly surprised to see Tucker Carlson called out media's treatment of Bernie on his programs! i guess the media's treatment of Bernie Sanders really reflects their hidden agendas as Bernie is seek to challenge the status quos.
  17. are you saying children should not be reading the chronicle of Narnia and Lord of the rings?
  18. Mitt had a history with Trump, one got to wonder how much of his decisions is influenced by personal animosity? i am not saying this is the case or not just something for pondering.
  19. there are several couples made on the shows actually got married and is currently happily married. in Trista and Ryan's case, they have been married for 16 years.
  20. good question, i have always wondered whether emotional affair met the threshold of "affair" in the bible that allows for divorce. i do have a lot of sympathy for the wife but at the same time, we are all responsible for the choices we make. as such, the wife need to take responsibility for the emotional affair, so is the older man. that is not to say the husband is not at fault here, he need to take responsibility for not meet his wife's emotional needs. all three need to repent. once they repented and regain a softened heart, hopefully the husband and wife could extend grace to each other and start to work on rebuilding their marriage.
  21. if there are enough of us likes the shows, i think i might open a thread where we can discuss the shows.
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