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  1. I can accept it as metaphorical or allegorical, but no, I cannot accept it from a scientific (i.e., realistic) point of view. Unless of course, you or anyone else can provide the evidence. the Bible is unsourced as far as I or anyone else can tell, so this task may prove quite difficult. I consider myself to be a cultural christian but I don't take the events of the Bible literally unless there is strong and overwhelming and independent corroboration from documented, credible sources. If there is evidence that it actually happened (strong historical evidence to that effect), then yes, I would be willing to believe it. The question is, how often is this happening today? If so, how would it happen? How would you, for lack of a better term, re-animate (yeah, schlocky movie ref I know) a dead body? For instance it certainly has happened in instances where a person did not have a pulse for x number of minutes, and then is revived. There are other examples I'm sure. However, I can't think of any scientifically or historically documented examples where this happened after someone was dead and buried for several days. Asphyxiation would prevent this occurrence after x number of minutes, easily proven in any situation. The only such cases are of clearly mythical sun gods or other mythical entities of resurrection myth. For instance, I don't believe that "the dead man" aka "the undertaker" a wwe character, was actually ever dead and came back to life although this has apparently happened on multiple occasions inside of a ring in pre-scripted wwe matches. But that's clearly story-telling which is not meant to be taken as literal fact. It's just entertainment. So, as I have already stated, I don't consider anything to be factually, historically i.e. scientifically correct unless there is sound documentation and evidence to that effect. In other words, the burden of proof is upon christians to prove that Jesus is the son of god and was resurrected from the dead. Can you or anyone else for that matter prove this actually happened? The evidence should not be difficult to find. This historical period and the immediate area in which these events would have occurred were documented in great detail by many well known historians so a miracle worker who impacted many thousands of lives should be thoroughly documented by historians. I respectfully await your evidence. And don't try to claim that scientific evidence is bunk. You have used and continue to use technologies based upon basic and applied scientific research such as computers, keyboards, laptops, the internet, modems, wi-fi, tv's cars, trains, etc. so you clearly understand that scientific research and basic science are based upon reality. Or else you wouldn't have been able to type up and edit what you did and have the rest of the world be able to read it in the form of pixels active and deactivated on an lcd or led display on their computers.
  2. I haven't read the previous 16 pages. You don't have to to understand that science and math are based upon reality. Denying reality is delusion. You are able to read and write comments on the internet because of the work of mathematicians and scientists. Any idiot could figure that out. I'm fine with whatever aspects of the Bible are compatible with the reality of historical evidence and scientific facts, the rest is bunk.
  3. God brought corona virus to cleanse the earth. OK then.
  4. Define "miracle." Believing in Jesus does not meet any plausible definition of a miracle. There are billions of believers currently.
  5. An opinion and attitude that's all too common among Christians. "I'm better than you because I'm saved, enjoy the rest of eternity in hell." Do you want to spend eternity with someone that revels in the misery and suffering of others? Will God let someone who wishes death upon those with whom they disagree past the pearly gates?
  6. Why does it even matter? God is all powerful. Why bother coming back in physical form? Just get it done from heaven.
  7. It's been a couple of thousand years. Don't hold your breath, guys.
  8. Haysoos left a dent in my Mazda 3 when he parked it in the garage and I had to lodge a complaint against the hotel to get reimbursed.
  9. Show me some evidence that water consumption is making people fat. Or that "metabolic issues" make people fat. There're two things that make people fat: eating too much and not moving enough.
  10. No I cannot heed them. Not even if I tried. The megavangelists throw out a melange of word soup which is totally nonsensical. On rare occasions they do make sense it's so unsatisfying it could not ever pass for knowledge much less wisdom. I do find them funny and entertaining occasionally however. I feel bad for all of the naive who fall for their trap donating away their life savings. In reality, we should go after them and put them out of business rather than let them scam people with zero repercussions.
  11. It's not just gluttony related to food. It's also gluttony related to money. The pastors at the large church are constantly goading and pushing for more and more donations. They are becoming desperate and they are starting to embarrass themselves in more ways than one. I can see where this is all headed. They are probably in the red now and don't want to admit it so they just push harder and harder for donations without admitting to it.
  12. I met Haysus (Jesus). He was a valet when I parked my car on vacation.
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