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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. God will have His Children prepared for whatever awaits them......I have mentioned this before, and it is only tradition, but it sure would not surprise to find out someday that it is true.....they say that when Paul was taken to be beheaded, he ran to the chopping block.....
  2. “ there is pleasure in sin—— for a season” That is perhaps Satan’s most successful trick.As a young Believer I still enjoyed sinning very much, If we did not enjoy our sins, it would not be a problem at all.It was what happened AFTER the sinning that convinced me it was not worth it.That is God’s transforming power that changes one from the inside out. Somebody can stand behind us and beat us with a whip to keep the sin from happenning in the first place but that does not affect the DESIRE.......that is what God is after.We can change the outside of the cup to fool many and look like good little Christians .Hypocrasy starts at this very point.Trusting God to do what He said He would do is real faith.REAL Christianity too.
  3. Truth is that it was more like 100 mph in a 70 mph zone.....isolated area, no threat to anyone but myself....it’s more dangerous to be in heavy traffic or anywhere there are a lot of intersections......going that fast really tends to make once oncentrate on everything around you......going slow sometimes I find myself day- dreaming.......that is VERY dangerous
  4. Here is what I am trying to get at......some here believe that if you die with a sin, especially a willful sin on your record and it has not been repented of, you are damned......do you agree or disagree ? Thank you in advance for your response......
  5. Paul said we are to judge fellow Believers.....it is God’s job to judge those in the world....
  6. I agree with “ meeting your maker “ sooner than you would have , if one ignores God’s chastisement for sins.What will my Maker do with me and others who have knowingly sinned or did not repent from all of their sins or both .Please do not think I am in favor of doing either of these things.Willfully sinning is the farthest thing from my desires and I repent every day.....sometimes many times a day.God is changing me into the image of His Son, as promised, and He is not done with me yet.How about you?
  7. Homosexuality is condemned in both the Old and New testaments.The farther one goes in sin , it is probably true that they are going farther away from any chance of being convicted by the Holy Spirit which is the starting point for ALL of us sinners.Those that reach this low in their lives are probably at the scary edge of arriving at the point that their consciousnesses are seared to the point of no going back.Other sins can get one to that point also, but homosexuality seems to have a knack of doing just that.Their odds of turning to God for Salvation with a faith in Jesus Christ is probably more remote for them than it is for the common sinner, but we should not upend all of doctrines to single them out .I have to maintain that “ where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more” and “ The Blood Of Christ covers ALL sins”. Their sins were on the Cross as sure as yours and mine. Perhaps this sin is so terrible that few will “ cash in “ to receive the free gift of Salvation . Maybe none will repent by turning to God .I firmly believe that a homosexual who sincerely cries out to God with a contrite , repentant heart.. “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me , a sinner” will be saved. “ Anyone who comes to me, in no wise will I cast out”. Continuing in this sin will bring chastisement, even to the point of God striking him dead, if God has made him a Son , a Member of the Body of Christ.Homosexuality is definitely not my side of the street, but we must all remember that “there, but by the grace of God ,go I.”
  8. Last summer, there were several occasions where I willfully exceeded the speed limit on my Harley just because it felt good. I did not repent.Am I going to Hell?Thanking you in advance....BB
  9. No disrespect intended here....just curious......Why do you say “ you loved, sister” as opposed to saying “ you ARE loved” Are you a foreigner, perhaps?
  10. Rejecting Jesus Christ as Saviour is a sin that will never be forgiven .I think we all agree on that.So if THAT is not the unpardonable sin there must be TWO of them We know there is only one. The Holy Spirit is what has blessed you to go from an unbeliever to a Believer.Rejecting this opening of ones eyes to the Truth of the Gospel is rejecting the Holy Spirit thAt is trying to reveal it to you.It is a blasphemy that will never be forgiven , in my opinion.
  11. Drivers that drive too slow are just as bad as those that go too fast. They never have accidents themselves, but they anger other drivers to the point they do crazy things and wind up wrecking .The slow driver proceeds down the road , oblivious to what they have done
  12. Old Spanish Proverb......”Anything That begins in anger ends in shame”
  13. Two types of repentance.....the first one is a one time event that changes your entire thinking about the way God sees you..... you are a sinner on your way to Hell and you deserve it.....you need a Savior to TURN to....that TURN in your way of thinking, from thinking you are “ good enough “ to make it to seeing you are a wretch Without hope.......after you see the true fate that awaits you, once you see you are a sinner I can guarantee you you won’t have to prodded very hard to find you a Savior.Simply Believe 1Cor15:1-4 and you are “ born again”. After Salvation occurs, the Holy Spirit that God gave you which enabled you to see your sinful state and opened your blind eyes to the Gospel will convict you of sin daily and we repent often so as to restore our fellowship with a loving Father whom we disobeyed.Repentance is a major part of Salvation.My first repentance showed me I was a sinner who needed a Savior. That repentance, the one God is looking for to start the process of Salvation ( no man can be saved until he sees he is lost) is seared into my brain and it will never change.Once you see what you are in God’s eyes, there ain’t no going back.My other repentance is a daily thing and part of God’s sanctifying process. Repentance is mandatory in the Christian walk of faith. But if you think repentance means “ clean up your act” to be saved or stay saved you do not understand repentance.Smart people know they can’t “change their spots” anymore than a leopard can.Many souls are lost because they hear this lie and never hear the clear and true Gospel thAt saves them because they simply believe Christ died for their sins.Nowhere in the KJV does it say..... Jesus saves if you turn over a new leaf and clean up your act.WE do the believing—- HE does the changing.On the inside. It is all that counts and only HE can do it .Be wise and be as obedient as you can be to God’s Word——you will be happier getting to Heaven Without a bruised butt thatvGodcwill give you if you try to take advantage of His Grace. Just make sure you give ALL credit to Jesus and His Shed Blood for your Salvation.Not your ability to clean up your act.
  14. My thoughts are that what you are sensing is Biblical . Nobody can keep the law. If they could Jesus died in vain.” Not by the works of the Law ,lest any man boast”
  15. Please consider cutting back just a little on whatever it is you are taking......
  16. You have no more idea as to the future of the rich young ruler than my pet goldfish......In his later years, if he heard Paul’s Gospel , given to him by Jesus and turned to God ( repentance) and put his faith in that Gospel and that Gospel ALONE......he would have been just as saved as anybody else that becomes a Believer.Jesus paid for this mans greed along with all the others sins that man has ever committed.Remember, as John the Baptist said.......Jesus was “the Lamb of God , sent here to save the world from its sins” Jesus took care of the sin problem 2000 years ago. Believers have cashed in on what Jesus did for them.UNbelievers have refused to receive the free gift that God offered them.All people in Hell have one thing in common—-Unbelief.No faith.Its gonna be a double whammy for those that go to Hell.They will have to endure hell with the newly found knowledge that their sins were paid for at the Cross.Had they only believed that, they would not be so thirsty .
  17. I would expect that if the offender were a member of the Body of Christ , that person would be forgiven , just like all the other Murderers who were Believers......just like Moses, David and Paul.God took there faith and counted it as righteousness.All of them were chastised severely, yet saved. Jesus said we are no better than a murderer if we have ever hated anybody.By that standard , I would say that you and I are guilty of murder.Ever experience any lust for a woman? I have...still do sometimes.I bet we are both adulterers if what Jesus said was true.What a fix we are in! If only God would give us a way out of this mess.I found a way to get my sins cast into the deepest part of the Ocean where they will never be remembered again.Now I can concentrate on my faith. That thing that saved me and keeps me saved. The thing God will ask me about. The thing that I will be rewarded for.All this concern about sin, the obsession with something God took care of 2000 years ago, why, it’s enough to make one think Jesus shed His Blood for nothing! It’s like Jesus never died for our sins.The Gospel thAt saves us ( 1cor15:1-4) says different.If one believes the Gospel and wants to continue in sin, thinking he can sin and get away with it—- like Charles Stanley has said—— just try it! Just don’t be surprised when God sets you rear- end on fire! God knows how to get straying sheep back on the right path .Speaking from experience , He does not play around.If God chose to damn every Christian that went astray , there would be no hope for any of us.Agreed?An unrepentant Christian will be shown the error of his ways.If we judge ourselves , God will cut us some slack.....if we are stubborn and continue in sin, it ain’t gonna be pretty.Like the guy who slept with his stepmother without repentance, he was handed over to Satan to slap the stupid out of him.Lesson learned, he was welcomed back into the church.This is an example to all Believers who think they can use grace as a license to sin.Go for it , fool. See how much you like being turned over to one who is Pure Evil.God will not be mocked.
  18. She knows Scripture better than anybody I have ever seen.As far as that goes, even Satan can quote Scripture.We must “ show ourselves to be good students of the Word, RIGHTLY DIVIDING Scripture. That is the important thing. That is where she excels.I pray to God that He send me to those teachers whose doctrine is Biblical and whose teachings are sound.I believe God has answered my prayers.....Renee is not the only person I listen to.....there are many others who agree with her.She says nothing that Ralph “ Yankee” Arnold doesn’t say or Hank Lindstrom or many others agree with.She would have NO problem refuting the “Jesus saves, but you have to have perfectly timed and lucky repentance lest you die without repentance from your latest sin and wake up in Hell.” The Blood Just couldn’t cover those .The first half of the Gospel found in 1 cor15:1-4 procaims “ Jesus died for our sins”. Some have to qualify it.That would be adding to it.VERY dangerous ground. Christ’s sacrifice is “ of no benefit to them”. Gulp. It would be wise to look real hard at ourselves and make sure one is not adding to that Gospel.You can accuse me of many things, but this is one area I am secure..... I never add to the Gospel......NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD..... is what I will go to my grave believing and teaching......read the lyrics if you want to know everything that Renee and I believe.....let’s see your group argue with THAT! People sing it and don’t believe it—- that should be against the Law—- what an insult it must be to God.
  19. Her money is safe and sound ......nobody has come up with the verse from the KJV..... “ quit sinning to be saved”.That is mainly due to the fact that this is impossible.I think we all share the desire to stop sinning. The Bible , in fact , says as much.....paraphrasing.....”The very desire desire to live right is a gift of the Holy Spirit” I never see you guys ever mention the word “ grace”. It’s like it never existed.Now, of course if it was ever mentioned, The first thing to be trotted out is “ license to sin”.Nobody wants such a thing.If I had a license to slice off my lips with a razor blade do you think I would use it ? Why not? Obviously because I would only hurt MYSELF. Same thing with a license to sin. Why would I desire to sin? When we sin we hurt OURSELVES. AND outhers.AND God! Anybody who would try to take advantage of Grace is a fool.And do you think God did not see this coming when He offered His free Grace to all?Duh.Nobody on your side ever mentions the word “ chastisement “ either. As if IT never existed either.If my daughter dies something wrong accidently her punishment would be very minor, if at all. If she purposely does something that she KNOWS is wrong her punishment will be severe.She is still my daughter. Don’t you think God could work the same way . He does .If a Believer goes too far, God will strike him dead and bring him home early.Believers should not sin ,but they do.Many will make it to Heaven because of their faith, yet God had to kick them in the rear- end all the way there.Obedience is wisdom.... not all Believers posess That wisdom.That is why “where sin abounds, grace abounds more” We ALL need it.
  20. Once again, any sense of irony goes straight over the heads of some.This teacher does not have any thing close to a million dollars . She barely makes ends meet. She was exaggerating to make the point that she is certain that what she is arguing against ( give up your sins to be saved) is Not in the Bible . She is correct.Nowhere in the KJV does it say we must give up our sins to be saved.Ever hear the expression “ if I am wrong I will eat my hat!” It’s kinda like that......Guvd her a break ...especially in light of the fact that nobody has shown she is mistake.Repent ( turn to God) to be saved. Not repent by conquering all your sins or be willing to try to conquer your sins.I’ll say it again—- trying to stop sinning is GREAT, in fact I try to get the sin out of my own life.Obedience is great! God wants it! Every day I try to be obedient Every day I fall short. Every day I need God’s Grace.I suspect that you do too. All these things are good in there place. They just do not save you. Faith in the Shed Blood and that alone is what saves.Repentance is like a bridge between Spiritual blindness and faith in Christ.It is a must for Salvation.It has to be properly understood.
  21. Good grief......I promised myself that I wouldn’t, but with God’s help I will try to explain this for the umpteenth time......please read slowly and concentrate... I hate sin.Repentance is so important, one will not be saved without it. I repent from my sins everyday. That is because God is working on me , trying to transform me into the image of His Son....but His work is not completed in me yet, and my flesh is weak and I sin in thought, word and deed every day. How about you? Since becoming a Believer I try to sin less and if you could chart my rate of sinning, there are ups and downs in that rate but the trend is definitely down.I reject sin because I have learned that all of the commandments are for MY benefit.When I violate Gods Laws I hurt myself and others. That is not good.When I am obedient God blesses me. When I violate Gods Laws , He is not pleased and I am the one who suffers for it.If we chose to .We should not refuse to turn from sin.That would be unwise . God will punish us if we do that.We should not believe that the Gospel is true and call upon the Lord to save us and then expect to bear good fruit.Have I left anything out? In summery......Sin is bad, refraining from sin is good. Having said all of that, all of this great stuff does not save and does not keep us saved.Faith in the Shed Blood Of Jesus at the Cross is the ONLY thing that saves.When one goes from no faith in Christ nor His Precious Blood to actually understanding that this is what saves us , that is when the true repentance that God will save you For has taken place . THAT repentance, that realization that you were on your way to Hell like a speeding bullet and didn’t even know it—- that is a realization, a “change of mind” that is a one time thing, it sticks with you forever. “ No one comes to God lest the Spirit draw him” This conviction of sin is a gift from God , it is how the Spirit draws men . No man will look for the rescue from Hell until he sees he is a helpless , hopeless sinner who is headed there and has it coming. When one realizes he can be saved by believing the Gospel,it may or may not be obvious but God has given you a new heart, one that has had it desires changed.The Holy Spirit thAt allowed you to repent is now inside you , changing you from the inside out.That is the Sanctification process God takes us through —- AFTER Salvation.We will continue to struggle with sin and repentance naturally occurs in the life of the Believer to restore a broken fellowship with God.Too many make the mistake of putting the cart before the horse. Despite our differ3nces, you say that on judgement day you will point to Jesus as your only reason for being saved.To me,even though we disagree, we have arrived to the same conclusion and we both will be entering Heaven because of our faith in JESUS ALONE, not Jesus plus our performance. Do I read you right ? You say we must eliminate the sins in our lives ( impossible to do and our sins our covered by Grace) yet you say you are giving ALL the credit for your Salvation to Jesus ( which is what I believe) I hope you give Him ALL the credit. He has it coming.
  22. Indeed! Grace is not a license to sin......it is a license to rest.Resting in what Jesus did FOR US at the Cross.Google the lyrics to the song people sing every Sunday yet don’t believe.... “ Nothing But The Blood”. I certainly hope nobody here is guilty of that.I REALLY hope nobody adds to that song when God asks you on Judgement Day——“ Why should I let you into My Heaven?”
  23. Nobody here ever changes the mind of others and I will not try to change yours .I have put forth my case which I believe is to be Biblical.....you have done the same.People are free to make their own choice or dismiss everything we have said altogether.I would suggest that everybody pray for guidance and search the Scriptures for themselves.God bless
  24. This teacher Renee Roland has a small program on the internet, similar to yours , Butero. She made her challenge with her tongue firmly in cheek.You will never hear her boast about anything.She has refuted the Scripture you guys are offering so many times she is bored with it.....it’s like shooting fish in a barrel for her.....and many other good preachers.We all know what happens when we assume, don’t we? Good..... I won’t have to repeat it here
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