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Who me

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Everything posted by Who me

  1. Why are you " sealed " at home? Why can you not go out to work? If unable to go o work, why can you not do the house work etc.?
  2. In recognising the problem you are taking the first of many steps to change. May I suggest that you get a book on Christian parenting, if such a book exists, and read it. Otherwise talk to you pastor about your fears and ask for advice, counselling or teaching on Christian parenting. As to wheather someone will want to marry you? All I can suggest is talk to girls and see where it leads. two suggestions. Keep to the highest Christian standards, no sex before marriage and second look for a Christian girl who is firmly set on biblical and not emotional convictions, Far to many people claim to be 'christian' because of some emotional feeling! do not trust such feelings.
  3. Basic advise, checkout the Christianityexplored web site and find a church in your area that is or has run this course and sign up for it, or start attending that church. John 3:16-18 gives you the simplist definition of Christianity. Otherwise talk to your minister/preacher.
  4. What do you believe it is that makes someone a Christian? If you believe it is through faith, then you need to attend a protestant church. If you believe in faith plus ritual plus works attend a RCC. If you believe in faith plus works plus sabbeth only worship attend a sda church. If you believe in faith works and additional holy books either join jw or mormons. My suggestion is to talk with you minister and ask him to do a bible study showing you what makes a christian.
  5. By knowing the accuracy, reliability of God's word. By learning through life's experiences that you can depend/trust God. By living whole heartedly for Jesus. There is no alternative to studying, living and actually trusting in God in your life.
  6. So when Paul wrote ' All scripture is useful for teach, rebuking and training in rightousness' and he was referring to the OT he was basically talking nonsense?
  7. God has helped us. He has dealt with sin. Your problem is working out how the solution is got to those in need of it. Remember the Most important part of any surmon, spiritual talk etc is how you apply the practical application of your talk to those listening. No practical application a useless and pointless talk.
  8. The general opinion among theologians is that the ten plagues were God demonstrating the uselessness of the Egyptian god's. As seven is regarded as a ' special ' number if God was symbolically undoing creation he would have done it in six acts as Inthe six acts of creation. If there is no reference in scripture to a link between acts of creation and acts of judgement in revelation then there is no reason for seeing a link.
  9. While that is important it is nothing compared to showing and teaching them how to follow Jesus.
  10. And ? How is this collection of verses anything other than a collection of verses. Please explain.
  11. What do you mean by this? Are you saying that Christians cannot worship God. We are commanded to worship, there are no caviets that say how, unless you are proposing a return to temple worship and animal sacrifices?
  12. Who me


    Why not of his choosing? The ashes like his body are not him, they are merely a discarded cloak. The funeral and disposal of ashes are so the living can grieve and come to terms with there loss. So long as you can do that what one actual does with the remains does not matter.
  13. You have not demonstrated that there is a contradiction between these two set of verses.
  14. You need to get a comentary on the psalms as well as a book on the messinic prophercies in the Ot. Yes you are right, but you are wasting your time ' reinventing the wheel' talk to you pastor for his advice on what books to get that already deal with this.
  15. Yes offended by the gospel, not by the arrogant slagging off of people. Our example is Jesus he was always approachable. The only time you heard him using harsh words is too those who are so self righteous that they believed they had no need of a saviour. Look at how Jesus dealt with sinners who came to him and that is the point, they came to him. How many sinners would come to church today? How welcoming are we to the unusual, the odd person who isn't nicely dressed. Just because we have a right does not mean we ram it down someone throat. Remember that verse about God not putting out the smouldering flax? Is that what our preaching is doing?
  16. Jesus was called, with good reason, the friend of prostitutes, drunks, traitors, all those labelled by the ' good ' as sinners. How are you a friend to sinners?
  17. So your neighbour is living with a woman, they are not married. You would on learning they are not married would knock on their door and rebuke them for living in sin, exhort them to separate, live apart untill they are married. Is that what you would do? How would your neighbour react? Do you really soft anyone in your area to have any respect for you or be willing to listen to you after such a disrespectful act?
  18. Have you talked to homosexuals about Jesus? How did they respond to what you said? Many are very hostile to what they see as Christianity, some have been deeply hurt by Christians evangelising them or trying to make them ' normal '. When someone has a problem with their understanding of Christianity then one has to earn the right to talk to them about it.
  19. I don't know who said it but there is a quote. " Trust God and keep your gunpowder dry! " In regard to illness,take it to God, but also see your doctor. Christians should give the same advice to someone with a suspect broken led as they would to someone with suspected mental illness. Pray, but get to your doctor.
  20. And how do you do that? Be practical, how would you show a homosexual neighbour the truth of the gospel. Please don't quote pious platitudes, but say how you would befriend them and earn the right to talk seriously about Jesus.
  21. There are two sides to this. How do your neighbours and work colleagues see Jesus in our lives? Are we any different from them in how we act and speak. What sort of obstacles are we to our neighbours and work colleagues coming to know Jesus? Any message that has no application is worthless.
  22. Christianity is not about " feeling" it is about the historical facts that Jesus lived, was crucified, hurried and that he rose from the dead. Our feeling come and go, but our relationship to facts remains solid.
  23. Who me

    Keep the Faith!

    Interesting, we are to have faith. Faith in faith? Or faith in what? Where does faith come from, is it not from God! The Bible is very clear we are to have faith in Jesus.
  24. Please can you explain how this answers the question. " How do I relate to a homosexual neighbour?"
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