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Everything posted by com7fy8

  1. Well, if someone else has a higher position . . . our Father is higher than Jesus. But Their love is what matters more than comparative positions. I can love someone higher and be glad for how God has blessed him or her. And most of all is how we share with God in us, I understand. "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Romans 5:5) And Jesus has claimed in prayer to our Father, how You "have loved them as You have loved Me." (in John 17:20-23)
  2. If you get kicked out of the crowd of people who do not know how to love . . . you possibly will discover yourself to be with the ones who do know how to love. And your good example can help others to find out how to love.
  3. In certain situations, it is possible that none of the choices are right. You do not have to let any store decide what your choices are. You can go to an honest church's thrift store, and buy decent clothes. And yard sales might have decent clothes.
  4. Paul says, "we who first trusted in Christ", in Ephesians 1:12. Isn't trusting in Jesus a work?
  5. You first need to present yourself to the Lord. And as you become modest in your spirit and attitudes, this will show in how you dress and how you move and talk. Men do not just look at your clothes; we can see how you are moving and talking. And there are women who won't let a man near them for wrong activity; yet, they allow fear and worry and unforgiveness and frustration and depression to violate them even to no end. Putting on the right clothes will not keep them safe from being violated by cruel and dominating emotions and feelings. Below is a quote of how Peter says not to dress. But we need to feed on what Peter says next > Yes, Peter here says what not to wear, but what I would offer needs much more attention is what he says next > what we need the most > "rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." (1 Peter 3:4) "be clothed with humility" > in 1 Peter 5:5. "put on the Lord Jesus Christ" > in Romans 13:14. Notice how this "beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit" is "incorruptible". No evil emotions and feelings and stinking thinking can corrupt the gentle and quiet spirit of God's love in our minds and hearts. So we need, then, how God alone is able to change our personality to be like Christ. And then as we pray the way God's word says to pray > Philippians 4:6-7 > "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (in Philippians 4:7) So, then, how does God's word say to pray, here? "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7) This peace of God is almighty to guard our "minds"; this is in God's word; so this is guaranteed . . . though secular people and a number of church culture people will not make sure you know this. They might talk nice to you, but not tell you what is possible with God in the almighty safety of His peace. So, we need to present ourselves first to God, trusting Him and depending on Him to correct our personalities so our minds and hearts are obedient to God in His peace. His gentle and quiet love is almighty to make us "incorruptible" - - - immune against all the chaotic and cruel emotions, nasty and naughty reacting, and dominating drives and demands for pleasures and attention which can isolate us and torment us. "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15) God is committed to this, for all of us who are "in one body" of Jesus. And He is easily able to do this with us. The problem is with how we humans try what does not work!!
  6. Well, my New King James translation says > "You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only." (James 2:24) To me, it is clear that James connects being "justified" to works as well as faith. But we have understood how we have been justified by faith and not by works. And so, ones have decided James is in conflict with our Apostle Paul who says we are saved by faith and not by works. But Paul does say we need "faith working through love" (in Galatians 5:6). So, what I get is that Paul means we are not saved by works of the Law of Moses, and not saved by "works of righteousness which we have done" (in Titus 3:5. But what about works of faith done in God's love? Trusting in Jesus for salvation is a work of love, I would suppose. And a person does need to trust in Christ > "we who first trusted in Christ" > in Ephesians 1:12. So, yes I would say there are works necessary for salvation. But these are done the way God has us doing them in sharing with Him in His love . . . so that God Himself is working within us during those works, changing us to become the way we need for salvation. We are not saved by faith only. But Paul says "For by grace you were saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8) So, we have been saved by "grace", not by faith only. God's Redeeming Action Creating Excellence God's Riches At Christ's Expense So, I see how grace can be more than God's "favor" from some distance on His throne in Heaven. Grace includes God right inside of us doing all He does in our character to change us to become like and love like Jesus. So, He is favoring His own Son, really, favoring how Jesus is so pleasing to Him. This is the excellence: how Jesus in us is and loves and shares this with us. And there are works of this, not only for proof or evidence, but God is working in our character so His works are done by us. And the grace of these works is spreading to affect others. "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." (1 Peter 4:10) God's Resurrectional Action Character Enriching deeply changes us to grow in how Jesus is and loves while making us more and more pleasing to our Father like Jesus in us is and is sharing this with us spiritually. So, if His works minister this, such works are essential . . . not only for our own selves but for one another to whom we minister - - - by means of prayer, example, and obedience to do whatever God has us doing. Also, is preaching essential, with its works? I would say so, meaning preaching which is the ministry of the Holy Spirit working through the works of the preaching. And whatever we do in Jesus can spread His grace to affect one another to become and love like Jesus, more and more maturely. "'In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.'" (Genesis 22:18) This is what the LORD said to Abraham after he offered up his son Isaac. Because of that work . . . of obedience . . . the LORD says, "all the nations of the earth shall be blessed". And I think God means Jesus is the seed. So, Abraham's work of obedience, then, possibly was essential . . . included in God's process of bringing Jesus to save us. That work was not just some evidence-expression, then, I would say, but more than that . . . maybe we could say bringing in God's grace. So, in case what I am offering is correct . . . scriptural . . . then both sides of the "works versus faith" arguing could be incorrect, and therefore neither "side" will ever be able to prove themselves right. Both sides arguing about something can be wrong, right? And God's word can give us much better than what arguers and self-justifiers and self-congratulating groups can give us. In case God does have works essential for salvation . . . in history and in our personal lives . . . this can mean how our Father includes us and makes us so important in all He is doing. We are His children, sharing with Him in all He is doing. Our Heavenly Father is about family caring and sharing. So, the necessary works are not done in isolation, earning one's own points, but we labor and share as family.
  7. Our Apostle Paul says we need > "faith working through love" (in Galatians 5:6). I would say this means working through God's love which is all-loving, not discriminatory. So, yes such faith can keep us from being discriminatory, by having us doing things in God's all-loving love.
  8. And it seems Jesus was resurrected on the third day so His body would not see corruption. That could mean even His physical body was capable of decaying.
  9. @OneLight that "fake pill" probably is what they call a "placebo". A placebo can be used as the comparison pill, in drug research. It has everything in it, except the medical substance which is being tested to go into a pill. They might give you the placebo, to see what effects its chemicals have, if any, then give you a pill with the placebo stuff plus the tested medical substance, to see if the tested drug chemical makes any difference. If the drug makes no difference, compared with the placebo, they know the drug does not work. But if the pill with the drug helps to cure the person, but the placebo did nothing, this can mean the medical test chemical does work. But the tested drug might cause some other effect! It might be good for something else. Or, its effect might be harmful. And since they already found how the placebo's chemicals did not harm the person or produce other effects, they have evidence of what the test drug can cause. In your case, may be they used the placebo first along with the injection, so they could see what the injection alone could do. And indeed it seems it helped to reduce your count, but not permanently. But then they gave you the pill with the medicine being tested in pill form, and the effect was permanent, it seems So, the placebo multi-tasked, in this case - - - I see to be possible. The placebo helped to show what the injection by itself could do. But also it helped compare injection alone with injection plus the tested pill med.
  10. I would need to investigate it. And, in any case do what > If you wish to get into how I have been learning to evaluate something like this > I am human; so I can fool my own self into trusting the wrong people > in Jeremiah 17:9 we have, "The heart is deceitful above all things". So, my unsaved doctor at any time could be fooling himself in any way. So could unsaved drug researchers. Ones can deceive or misunderstand and misuse facts. And I myself can be hasty and not make sure with God. Even what looks like sure evidence can be faulty or deliberately a trick, as in the case of Joshua 9:1-14. The Jewish leaders did not make sure with God, and that got them in trouble. But if I was sure to die or suffer some other medical loss in a short while, and I could help develop a cure for the cause of my problem, I might be willing to somehow sacrifice and risk myself and health to help others. Jesus gave His life for us; so I see that it could be good to make a sacrifice for others. "We also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren" (in 1 John 3:16) But be careful who I trust and depend on. "Thus says the LORD: 'Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD.'" (Jeremiah 17:5) Not all medical people are saved. So, if medical people are not saved, whose children are they? John 8:44 So, I need to be prayerfully careful about anything which comes through people who are not God's children. Ones can unknowingly be going by what is incomplete or inaccurate information. And ones can be somehow disabled from doing things right and informing me with what I should know. Plus, ones can have motives for arranging things to control me for what they want to use me for. But I have hurt my own self much more than medical people have, in my case . . . to my knowledge. And I would say secular medical people have done me much more good than harm. And Jesus does send His sheep among wolves, in order to reach people for Him. And He guarantees He will take care of us, and be ready to love and forgive.
  11. If the Bible means there will be an historical Armageddon . . . there will need to be armies as sand of the sea in number to come to fight the Lord. But a holocaust could kill all life on the planet. Then you could not have so many soldiers for the end Armageddon. What I have understood is how God Himself is able to melt all of this universe, and transform it into the new . . . resurrectionally new in eternal quality of glory . . . heaven and earth. "For our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:29)
  12. I think there are more than one definition for "death". You quote in Romans 5. In Romans 5:21 we have "sin reigned in death". So, death reigns by means of sin reigning in death, I would say . . . for a short answer. Now . . . if you dare to get more into what this means . . . here is my long answer > I understand this means sin reigns in death in people still walking on this earth. We are talking about death which is conscious in people in this life; we are not defining death here as being departure from this life. By "death", I think Paul can mean the deadness of sin . . . how sin is love-dead, conscious but not alive in real love. And such death rules people, then, by means of sin which is in this death. And yes I believe we have scripture where "death" and being "dead" have to do with being conscious in this life but spiritually not alive in God's humble, emotionally gentle and quiet (1 Peter 3:4), all-loving love. For examples of scriptures that mean death which is conscious in this life, we have: "to be carnally minded is death" > in Romans 8:6 > and "she who lives in pleasure is dead while she lives" > in 1 Timothy 5:6. So, yes a person can be dead while very conscious in pleasures and excitements of this life! How is the person dead? By being carnally minded. I think this can include being very concerned about carnal things, including things our carnal, physical flesh can feel. And if the person is mainly about pleasures and other things of this life, the person can get into great fear of dying. And a person ruled by fear is not functioning in God's love; because it is written, "perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment" (in 1 John 4:18). And so I see how being dead in sin can mean being love-dead . . . not alive in real love in the Holy Spirit; and being dead in sin can include being very conscious in fear which is cruel, so anti-love. But the Holy Spirit shares God's own love with us while we stay attentive and submissive to God ruling us > "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Romans 5:5). But fear is love-dead, as we just offered in quoting, above, from 1 John 4:18. So, I see how fear is included in how sin reigns in death . . . the death which is very conscious but not alive in God's way of loving. Arguing and complaining also are part of how sin rules people in love-dead stuff. And there are various anti-love emotions and drives and feelings and thinking which are love-dead . . . therefore part of how sin reigns in death. Pride and worry and frustration and depression and arguing and boredom and loneliness and lusts are cruel . . . keeping a person from enjoying God and how He rules us in His peace. Sin keeps a person love-dead so someone is weak enough to be controlled by cruel emotions and feelings and stupid thinking about what does not succeed to stop our pain and stress. But God's love is almighty - - - and even sharing with us His own immunity against Satanic stuff. And in His love we have reliable "senses" (2 Timothy 2:26, Hebrews 5:14) so we can tell the difference between His peace ruling us, and what is not the peace of God ruling us in our hearts (Colossians 3:15). This peace is God's - - - therefore almighty > this peace, then, "will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus," we have in Philippians 4:6-7 . . . while we pray the way God's word says to pray. And we all are called to be ruled by our Father's own peace in us > "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15) People's attention instead can be to knowing all about the good and evil of this life. Because things of this evil world affect if they get the pleasure and money and control that they want so they themselves can be gods ruling their own lives. So they are very busy in their attention to knowing what is happening to money and security for getting it. And they can be very interested in what other people are doing, since others might affect if they get the pleasures they expect and demand. And so, humans can be quite dictorial about what others can do and can not do. This could be the real motive behind a certain amount of church culture efforts to control politicians > ones can be so busy with blaming politicians and spouses, but they do not make an obvious effort to make you wise to how they themselves can be wrong, and certainly they do not help us to get into constantly submitting to how our Heavenly Father rules each of us in His own peace with His own creative guiding in sharing with Him. But worldly people call our attention elsewhere, so our attention is feeding on the knowledge of good and evil; and the fruit of their knowledge of good and evil brings death of love > Matthew 24:12. God's love is tender and personally caring and soul-soothing, caressing us with Heaven's pleasant rest. "'Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'" (Matthew 11:29)
  13. What about emotions and feelings and drives and arguing and complaining which are disobedient? Its seems there are emotions and drives which work very hard in a person, and they do not ask permission or give someone time to think about if he or she chooses to submit to them. They work very hard, and Paul says Satan's evil spirit "works".
  14. "All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any." (in 1 Corinthians 6:12) How much power do tats have, over your attention? Is God guiding our attention?
  15. Aren't there stick-on tats? They are not permanent, and you could change locations on your body or swap with other tats for when they are appropriate. What you put on yourself now might be connected with your present maturity and ability to be honest with yourself. So, you might not be wise to do anything now which you won't be able to change when you are more mature and wise.
  16. I don't remember a broadcast with guys. Our server gives other channels, I think. Maybe, you could start a thread here with a discussion.
  17. In John 8:44 Jesus says they want to do the "desires" of their father who is Satan. And Hebrews 2:14-15 says ones are in bondage because of "fear of death". And what about how Paul says there is "the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience" (in Ephesians 2:2)?
  18. And what I'm getting at is that Jesus Himself is included in all that Heaven is. And so, He was talking about what is mainly true about Heaven, by talking about Himself. Plus, by being with us, He was presenting part of the main good of how Heaven is, by being here so ones could discover Him and how He is. And being with Jesus, I would say, can tell people more about Heaven, than even words of Jesus could. Demonstration is good teaching
  19. It can be that God is being quiet . . . not silent. And yes He has people praying to help you, though you might not hear us praying! And read His word and be attentive to what comes to help you. "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) As you put your hope in God and He proves Himself to you, now you can help others.
  20. So, I guess before we make a deal with some Net place, look and see if there is a cancellation button easy to find. And maybe press it to see what happens.
  21. Well, actually Jesus did teach and describe quite a bit about Himself. Plus, He was actually with people so they could discover Him, find out what could not be told with words, maybe.
  22. Well . . . "simple" . . . yeah, I guess you can say that. But developing to where someone trusts in Jesus is God's process including various things and people ministering and praying while God works in a person. And it looks to me like some number of people can do some self-produced "simple" thing like saying a prayer or getting baptized, but they do not truly convert "from the power of Satan to God" > in Acts 26:18.
  23. In case you mean, what is the right way to preach? . . . we have the Sermon on the Mount. This sermon talks about how we need to become . . . poor in spirit meek merciful pure in heart > I understand this means how Jesus is in genuine love, so we are "conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren." (in Romans 8:29) God's main focus of ministry, I now understand, is conforming us to the image of Jesus > Colossians 1:28-29 > so we are pleasing to our Heavenly Father and sharing with Him, like His own Son is. And in His Sermon Jesus talks about how to love any and all people > but with this comes a warning > "if you love those who love you, what reward have you?" (in Matthew 5:46) And then He talks more about how to live and how to love. He is clear about what pleases our Father - - - and what is condemned. He does not only talk about judgment, but we have His word about all the good we can share with God. Often, I find, where God's word strongly criticizes what is not good for us, also we can find His strong encouragement to what is so better.
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