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Everything posted by hazel

  1. Praise the Lord ! Glad to know that you're encouraged! It must be lonely having no one close to you sharing your faith. But don't give up! You can always find like minded folks on here who are more than ready to fellowship with other believers, and that can be of some comfort. GBU!
  2. It kind of sounds like you're just going through the motions of a Christian walk. That's a trap that any of us could fall into very easily. It's important to remember that being a Christian is about having a living , breathing relationship with God through Jesus Christ, not about how often we go to church, or read the Bible or anything else WE can do on our own. Those things only become valuable when we invite God along. He wants you to draw near to Him, and when you do, I can promise that He'll meet you MORE THAN half way! If you want someone to talk with, or pray with, I'm only a PM away! GBU!!!
  3. I would love to pray with you , if you like. I used to do all that stuff too. Jesus can set you free! Hold on. There IS a better Way!
  4. Hi JF! I know you've already got alot of very helpful replies, so I hope you don't mind if I interject a thought here. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, and you've probably already been pondering this thought , but anytime you find yourself in one of those uncomfortable situations, try to remember that your purity is something that you can never get back once you give it away. That's what makes it so special.Soon enough, you'll be grown up, and married . This time in your life will be nothing but a memory. Kids these days are so sophisticated, and grown up way before their time. I wonder if many of them will have a childhood to look back on. My advise is take this growing up thing as slowly as you can. When you look at the average lifespan of a human being (we'll say 70 years) you're looking at way more time spent in adulthood than childhood. Hang on to it as long as you can. God bless you!
  5. OK Nebula, You're BUSTED!! Get back to work on those projects, so you can come back for real! But seriously, I'm praying for these folks.
  6. Hello, Hazel! This is .. well... hazel! God bless you, you remind me alot of myself when I was a teen! NO you have not commited the unforgivable sin!! I can advise you to just talk to God, and ask Him to let you know He's there. HE WILL ANSWER!! It worked for me! I'll be praying for you.
  7. Ok Ericka , Now I may be able to help. You said she "self-mutilates"? Well, I used to do that, too. A long time ago... If you think she might like to talk with someone who's been there, PM me, and I'll give you my e-mail address to give her. That way, you & I can talk thru e-mail too! God bless! I'm praying...
  8. God bless you , Ericka! She's so blessed to have a friend like you! Tell me , is our friend also a sister in Christ? What is making her feel so down that she's feeling this way? I'm assuming that your buddy is about the same age as you, so have you told her that she'll soon be old enough to get out on her own- away from her "mean" parents? I can't offer much advice, only a listening ear, and my prayers! I hope that helps some.
  9. Papasangel, part of your purpose is propably like mine.To raise Godly children, and shepherd their hearts! Make sense?
  10. Is this handsome guy you, Andrew? Happy Easter-- HE IS RISEN!
  11. Congratulations, Trav!!! I'll toot that horn FOR YA!!!! God bless you, and happy second birthday, sweetheart!
  12. hazel

    5 Planets

    Here's another reason to keep looking up!! Thanks for letting us know!
  13. Good for you! You're in my prayers. I was always afraid to drive, now I'm 32 and STILL don't have a liscense!
  14. That's a good idea. I like the games, but they have changed the fellowship hall quite a bit. At first , I thought it was just a fad. But it's looking like the games are here to stay.
  15. Im sorry you think so, look if I want attention I wouldnt come to a place where I am unsure if people will listen to me and my ideas. I didn't mean to offend you, Mel. I'm truly sorry if I did. I got that impression from a few things you said in your previous posts. If you really seek instruction, I ask you to read your Bible. All of the extrabiblical literature you've been refering to seems to be confusing you. If you'll listen to The Word of God, you'll be able to discern the false gospels. I am no scholar, I just have a sincere heart for The Lord. There are no short cuts to understanding sound doctrine, and no one gains that understanding without the help of the Holy Spirit. If you're seeking God with a sincere heart, He WILL find you.
  16. I think you seek attention, Mel. I think that's alot of the reason why you say some of the things that you do.Even negative attention is better than no attention at all, isn't it ? I don't mean it in a bad way, we all need attention. There's nothing wrong with that. As I said in another thread, God is paying attention to you too, Mel. PRAYING FOR YOU
  17. Many, many prayers are going up for you, Mel. I hope you understand what SBG is saying.
  18. :hug: You have my prayers!
  19. Your first question was answered well, so I'll address the next one. If you're in a serious relationship, and have friends who are girls (I'm assuming that you're a boy) I would advise you to talk it over with your girlfriend , and see how she feels about your friendships. If she's comfortable with it, great! If not, maybe you should talk more and find out why not.If you're that serious, you should be able to talk about these things. If it's making her unhappy, maybe you need to prioritize what's more important to you. The friends, or the girlfriend.I wish you the best in sorting all this out, bro!
  20. Way cool, Asduke! Street ministry has always interested me, though I've never been called to do it. My husband and a pastor friend of his used to do it on the busyest street of our capital city. I also have a cousin who felt led to do it. I think it's a very high calling, and not one that God gives to many people ( unless of course we have some folks playing Jonah). You really put yourself, and your faith out there when you're involved in street preaching. God bless you, I'll be praying that The Lord will use you in a mighty way. Keep fighting the good fight, brother!
  21. I've wondered since childhood why David chose five smooth stones. I always just assumed that he wanted to be prepared just incase he missed a couple of times. I never knew Goliath had four brothers. Am I showing my lack of knowlege of scripture? Where can I read about the four brothers?
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