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Everything posted by ReneeIW

  1. I was tickled by what you said about ESPN. You should hear sports radio. I credit sports with keeping me out of trouble. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and was addicted to Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. While other college kids were out partying, I was bonding with my brothers and watching sports and staying up all night watching ESPN. A male in my family said football helped him break his addiction from pornography, he needed to focus that energy somewhere else. Aren’t there games or bloodsports mentioned in the Bible? I think if sports is a healthy way to bond with people and to have a healthy habit, it’s great. When you want to kill the members of the team that beat your team, then it’s an idol.
  2. It’s 100% about me. And I’m so happy to admit this because there is a teaching in some churches that Christianity is all about other people and not ourselves. I can’t love anyone if I don’t invest in my own spiritual health first. And if I’m trying to love people while neglecting myself, I’ll just end up disappointing them and will lose my flavor and become worthless. It is about me.
  3. I’m glad you prayed for your grandmother and she was healed. In Scripture it seemed that everyone who came to Christ was healed. There was nothing said about getting rid of sin first, unless I missed something. “Ask and you shall receive” didn’t come with any conditions; although it’s understood that you are praying to receive something that is not contrary to God’s word.
  4. I think it’s probably not good to call something a “sin” if it’s not in the Bible. I think Christ’s concern was that we love one another. If a person decides to get a tattoo or piercing, I don’t see how that does harm to another. I don’t like tattoos or piercings either, but if it makes a person happy, then I’m all for it.
  5. He had an agenda for “making a good reputation” because his days were coming to an end. He was indicted in 1929 and AFTER that is when he took credit for the soup kitchen. what was special about 1929? Again, the Valentine’s Day massacre occurred. In 193o, Chicago literally declared war on Capone and that’s when he started to try and repair his public reputation in an attempt to sway public opinion since he believed the reason Chicago had a change of heart (meaning they were now relentlessly pursuing him) was because of public opinion-which was true. The press had turned on him after the brutal killings. I’m not surprised a pastor would say that about Capone and other mobsters- they had priests and pastors on their payroll. In Joe Bananas autobiography, Man of Honor, he talks about being friends with priests, Billy Graham and others and sending them gifts and donations. Again, that pastor is crazy and every history book and mob biography would disagree with him.
  6. This is a blatant lie. He didn’t do any good works. There is zero proof that the Soup Kitchen was actually run by him, or that he donated a dime to it. What most believe to be true was that he shook down local grocers who donated food to a soup kitchen while Capone took credit for it. And it was mostly to improve his reputation after the “Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre” that occurred the year before the Soup Kitchen opened. Before the horrible Massacre in 1929, Capone and the New York Crime families had been glamorized by the press. After the massacre, there was a public outcry to go hard after organized crime and Capone was sent to prison just a year after he claimed to have started the soup kitchen. Lucky Luciano was convicted after that. The man was a ruthless murderer that terrorized Chicago and corrupted the justice system there. When my grandfather became a cop in 1945, after Capone had died, the Chicago Police Department was still under the control of organized crime and it took decades for them to undo the damage Capone had done. He was nothing but a psychopath and shame on that pastor for suggesting otherwise.
  7. He comes every second of the day for believers who have passed on. I’ve heard so many stories over the years of people telling their family members that they saw Christ at their door, and then they passed away the next day.
  8. I agree. And Christians should be extra careful about reading these things and passing along information from them since our enemy is a liar. We don’t want to join forces with him in any way.
  9. No one really knows what goes on in a marriage, extended family etc. but it appeared she was suffering from PostPartum Depression. I think it’s unwise to make such serious decisions during incredibly stressful times.
  10. he looks like a loser that neither women would want. This cartoon must be some man’s fantasy that two women are fighting over an average guy. Who leaves their wife just because someone else looks better? Christians? If not, then why is this being discussed here?
  11. This stuff is fascinating! Keep us posted. I haven’t about any new evidence, yet.
  12. I wish I understood how someone accidentally fires off a missile and just happens to hit a target. And those people died in vain because Iran’s “retaliation” wasn’t even real. It was all political theater. They WARNED the U.S. that they were going to attack us and gave our soldiers time to take cover. How is that a retaliation? Then they end up killing innocent people while playing games? Very sad.
  13. That’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Things would have gone differently in my household. My kids would have said “ew” and then called us disgusting, followed by “nobody wants to see that” and then we’d receive a reminder that they heard the TV up loud in our bedroom the other day and suspect something horrendous was going on(they actually said that and we were just watching TV). But kids are ALWAYS watching and listening. Especially girls. So I agree it’s important to show affection. If anything they’ll look back on it with fondness when they grow up.
  14. Has this ever happened before in recent history? A mistake like that. I always assumed a lot of planning and thought went into firing off a missile. I wonder what they were aiming at and why they wouldn’t take steps to ensure all planes were grounded. Conspiracy theory: either the US did it or somebody was on that plane
  15. There’s a confirmed video showing that a missile shot down the plane in Iran. Any thoughts on whether that was deliberate or not?
  16. Hi JustPassingThru,? Impeachment can be a confusing term. Do you know that Nixon was NOT impeached but Clinton and Trump were. Impeached means to be charged with a crime. Both Clinton and Trump were charged/impeached by the House. It then goes to the Senate for the actual trial. Clinton was found Not Quilty by the Senate and Trump will likely be found Not Guilty as well since the Republicans control the Senate.
  17. Thanks for posting the video. That’s a big coincidence. I’m sure there will be conspiracy theories tomorrow. Looking forward to the president’s statement tomorrow. Praying for the souls lost on the plane.
  18. There was just a Boeing plane crash in Iran with a 180 people on board. so I don’t know what’s going on now. Maybe it’s not related? Hmmm
  19. Amen. I cant imagine how worried the families are right now waiting to hear if there are any casualties. I would think he would have put out a video statement. Tweeting all is well is not sufficient under these circumstances.
  20. Any chance Iran and the US are working together on this? Its sounding like only Iraqis were hurt/killed. Something doesn’t sound quite right.
  21. Not sure if anyone is watching the Nightly News, but they are reporting that Iran just fired ballistic missles at a U.S. base in Iraq.
  22. If you read the context, he was talking about prophesy. But prophesy was actually permitted for women in 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Also, he says”as the LAW” says. We are not under the law. So not sure what’s going on here.
  23. Not going to war. This is just politics. Well, maybe we will go to war if he thinks it will help him politically. He doesn’t care about soldiers dying. Every immoral president does something outlandish once they get impeached. Although there’s not a lot of evidence of this since only three have ever been impeached. As far as people “hating” the President, the other side said the same thing about certain people hating Clinton when he was president. It took attention away from his misdeeds. Mike Flynn is back in the news today. He may be on his way to prison. How many people in Trump’s inner circle have been convicted? But I guess that is because the media hates Trump.
  24. There’s also a book called “Currency Wars” that is highly recommended. I just donated it a few days ago. Never got around to reading it
  25. I will watch the Wes Clark video. Question: How does OPEC fit into everything you outlined here? Cuz that’s all I was hearing about in the mid 2000s when gas prices started skyrocketing under Bush. I think Trump came unto the scene obsessing over OPEC right after Obama got elected. Then he switched to talking about cultural issues once he realized that was the way to win an election. Fell free to ignore the question if it’s not relevant. I don’t want to dumb down the thread.
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