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Everything posted by ReneeIW

  1. It’s foolish, it’s harmful, it’s thoughtless, it’s ignorant... whether those adjectives describe sin, I don’t know. There was a report of teenagers coughing over produce. It’s so sad that some don’t value the elderly. Some people don’t care because they falsely believe only the elderly will get sick. What’s interesting is that the doctors who are guiding us through this crisis are elderly. I believe the advisor to the White House on this, Dr. Fauci, is 79 years old. The other too doctor guiding us, Deborah Birx, is 63. That’s not elderly, but it’s getting up there. I value older people so much and I hope others will learn to do the same. On another note, I truly hope this lockdown will go beyond two weeks. As soon as kids get back in school, infections will go up. EVERY single school year, me and every mother I know, become ill within the first week of kids going back to school. I would bet a lot on that happening with Covid-19.
  2. Excellent question! Probably borrowing money from the Goldman Sachs partner that helped them start a lot of their ministries. I’m too scared to say they are ALL liars because if God is working through any of them then I would hate to be against them. But I suspect most are con artists, especially if you consider the company they keep. I would only trust a healing story from someone who has no money in the bank.
  3. I haven’t left the house since I have been sick and don’t plan on leaving but to go for walks with family.
  4. I’m sure all hospitals will be overwhelmed with stressed out staff. But I would rather be at an overwhelmed hospital with talented and ethical doctors than at one with incompetent and unethical doctors. Been there done that and sometimes it can be a life or death situation.
  5. You’re not being gloomy. I’m sure everyone on here appreciates your wisdom and insight. Have you seen any numbers or info about younger people getting the virus in the US? I heard something a couple of days ago about the U.S. wondering if it made a mistake by assuming the virus was only affecting older people. They were going off of data from China and Italy. I know they said vaping and drug use could be playing a role in younger people being more susceptible over here. if true, that the young can get it and have complications, then that’s very concerning since they were not heeding the warnings like everyone else-and the warnings were late anyway.
  6. That’s a valid concern. My other concern is that people will panic if they test positive and flood the hospitals. im 99.9% sure I had the virus this week. My son was sick and then everyone else got sick. My husband said it was a cold but both of us had pain on the left side of our bodies for one day that came on suddenly and was unlike anything I had ever felt. We had extreme fatigue, cough, my husband had a fever (I was too weak to take my temperature.) if we had tested positive who knows if I would have felt compelled to go to the hospital and use up their resources. Thank goodness that I didn’t have to be rushed to the hospital because I don’t like my local one even though it is in an upscale neighborhood. I would have driven an hour to get to a better one in the city.
  7. 1.This may sound trivial, but it has been on my heart in the past 24 hours that we pray against a Cyber Attack. With our country (America)vulnerable right now and lots of people working from home, a Cyber Attack could cause great harm, especially if targeted at hospitals. Members of my family that work in Information Technology have been told their main focus needs to shift to security. So, maybe add this topic to your prayer list if you feel led to. 2.There’s talk that what is happening in New York could spread to the rest of the country. I hope that is not the case, but just in case it does and you become sick , please know the best hospital in your area. I know that doctors are being hailed as heroes right now, as they should be, but not all hospitals are created the same. I know this from personal experience and from family members working in the field now. So maybe just glance at Google reviews of the hospitals in your area and do a bit of research. Because loved ones can’t be by a sick person’s side, I would personally hate to end up at a hospital not up to par with no one to make sure I’m being treated appropriately.
  8. Hi Jostler, Responding to this late but just wanted to say a couple of things. First, I’m sure you would agree that it’s up to the Lord whether or not this virus or any other event causes the economy to get to the point of no return. I’m still operating under the assumption that the Lord is being merciful towards us an allowing us to chose to be good stewards over what He has given us. I need to commit to reading through the Proverbs this week, which has lots of wisdom about managing money. That said, I did want to quickly comment about a few things you said. 1. We are probably talking about two different things and I do think it would be a prolonged discussion and probably not fit for a Christian forum. But if you are talking about the fact that we don’t have the gold to back up the money we are printing, then I agree. But the banks and the government learned lessons from 2008 and I will leave my opinion at that. 2. I will just say that we will always go through recessions. Even the Bible talks about that and implores us to make sure we are saving for the times when we are on a down swing. 3. More derivatives wouldn’t surprise me. That’s what Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are all about. Derivatives are not bad in and of themselves. Manipulating circumstances and betting against them is what is bad.The difference now is you cannot bring down the economy the same way in 2008 without a victim. This was not people on Wall Street creating a complicated product in full view of everyone and somehow the economy crashed.These were people scheming behind the scenes and targeting banks and ultimately the consumer.This was fraud.Fraud only works if there is an uniformed victim. Between 2002-2006, the victim was the consumer. First, Alan Greenspan told everyone to go out and buy a home. He then told everyone to get a ARM. That planted the bad seed. I vividly remember going into the bank for a mortgage and being told I was stupid for getting a 30 year fixed rate loan, and even stupider for not buying a house for 30% more than I could afford because my household income would go up. Banks were told to give everyone a loan no matter what and bankers received bonuses for closing lots of loans. They didn’t know the motive was to write bad loans that people couldn’t pay back so that a few could get rich. 4. Too big too fail was one excuse. No laws written that addressed their practices was another excuse. The ones betting against the derivatives said they didn’t know what they were doing was wrong and prosecutors couldn't prove otherwise. And I don’t believe it was “risky” for them. They created the scheme and knew exactly what they were doing. But we may be talking about two different things. we will see what happens.? I think if the Lord brings us out of the corona virus, the economy will rebound, IF it is HIS will.
  9. Even atheists reach out to people during times of crisis. What sets a Christian apart from everyone else is that we are always thinking about the interests of others no matter what is going on because we are filled with God’s love.
  10. What would motivate Trump to send a letter to North Korea offering help? Especially considering the fact they are claiming to have no cases of the corona virus. Seems like he should be solely focused on America, unless he is sending letters to everyone. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/03/21/politics/north-korea-trump/index.html
  11. By the grace of God, I don’t live in the city, although things can happen anywhere. If things are still bad in the summer, Chicago is going to be horrible. Just horrible. And so many of us want to serve in Chicago and help, but it’s just not safe and will only get worse with this crisis.Especially because they have no money. the mayor came on TV today asking that people donate to a fund to help the city of Chicago. Chicagoans really do need the National Guard. IMO, it is the worse place on earth.
  12. I was actually emailing with the guy who was credited, or I should say punished(or scapegoated) for creating the derivative in the early 2000s. I’m sure if I said his name you would know it. He doesn’t seem to think this is the end of the economy, but I didn’t ask specific questions. im just so confused because I actually feel 2008 was worse because the banks were unstable. This time around it’s all about no money coming in. The banking system seems fine The economy seems to be directly tied to how long this thing will go on and people seem to understand that. That’s good they understand because they won’t feel afraid to spend money after this is over versus 2008 when everybody was saving as much as they could because they didn’t know how stable things were. No one has lost their job this time around because of bad bets being made in the financial sector along with those who were taking on more debt than they could afford(subprime loans). Many have loss jobs because of a very specific problem that we are trying to fix and China seems to have has some success. i think the economy recovers slowly when we don’t have a clear picture of why things deteriorated in the first place. Also, the economy seems to get in trouble when it’s doing well based on factors that are superficial and were not created to weather the test of time such as all of the dot.com companies during the Internet boom. It also seems like the stock market grew too fast under Trump and was bound to come down anyway. We were naturally headed for a recession anyway. The Unprecedented losses these past few weeks seem to speak to the fact that the market was doing abnormally well in the first place. And combine that with a shocking pandemic, it just seems normal that the economy would take a massive hit considering the circumstances and it seems like when it’s over we will return to normal because we have a clear handle on what happened. But I’m no expert and sorry if this was annoying to read!!!! maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part, but again, 2008 seemed far more serious.it was about people getting away with creating a very difficult to understand product(too difficult to even be prosecuted for it because the feds didn’t even understand the product) and then betting against the product while they made billions
  13. There are pictures and rumors about this going on in Illinois. Also, threats of fines and jail time if caught out in the street without a good reason such as going somewhere deemed essential. They kept liquor stores opened and called them “essential.”
  14. You think this particular virus and the unfolding events represent what is prophesied in Revelation? Through this virus, The Lord has shown us how fragile we all are and how dependent we all are on Him. I’m somehow feeling that is what we will get out of this. It will cause His people to examine how we are living our lives. I just imagine the end times being worse than a virus that seems to take people quickly if they are susceptible to it. I always thought the end times meant suffering to a degree that we would be asking mountains to fall on us. But maybe you think it will progress to that?
  15. You need to go get help. You should not feel any shame at all. The Lord knew you were going to become addicted the first time you decided to indulge. Now you need to make the decision to indulge in behavior that will help you stop once and for all. if you can afford it, I recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/FELLOWSHIP-Stories-Transformation-Spiritual-Friendship/dp/1701855275/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=fellowship+sheila+weber&qid=1584817875&sr=8-1&swrs=8C90E4D4EA45C843D98F36F9657D872A It’s not about addiction, but it has stories of addiction and overcoming them in it. It’s about a New York Pastor who is credited with turning New York from a non believing city, to a city of faith. He often gives lots of advice about addiction and is credited with helping many people. Will be praying for you. But if I were you, I would do more than just reading. Christ went to the cross for us and suffered. You need to be passionate and proactive about getting better and not harming people with your addictions. As much as God loves us, please believe that we do reap what we sow.
  16. Thank you for this answer. It’s both comforting and scary all at the same time. Well, we all have time for deep prayer and reflection now. I’m interested in seeing what the Spirit reveals to me. As far as the one world government, it is Satan who wants it? Or you believe that politicians have wanted it for years and have been actively pursuing it and Satan is using their selfish plans to his advantage? Not sure if that question makes any sense. Trump made a joke today during his press conference about the Deep State. I guess he was going after people with conspiracy theories. I’m embarrassed that I don’t even know what the Deep State refers to. Is it the one world government? is it possible that Trump, a reality tv star and business man(that didn’t even think he was going to win) doesn’t even know about the deep state? He seems really petty and defensive about how people view his handling of this crisis. If he wanted this to happen, he sure isn’t acting like it. If you are confused by my questions, you’re in good company cuz I’m not sure what I’m trying to say either.?
  17. I wonder what’s going on? Why are men dying from this at a much higher rate? Are we working them too hard and stressing them out; therefore they are in poorer health to begin with? Or is Italy choosing to save women over men when they have to make a decision about who lives or dies? Thoughts?
  18. Questions: 1. If not accidental, what are their motives? Why didn’t they respond in the way they should have and why are they lying to us? 2. You have been imploring us to ask “why” all this is happening but who are we supposed to be asking? How do we know we can believe the answers we get in response to our questions? And do we have the power to do anything to make things better?
  19. I wonder if we have data on how this virus is behaving in places that are actually experiencing summer right now? In places that are always warm? Jamiaca has 13 confirmed cases right now.That’s the only country with warm weather that I’ve looked at.
  20. Yes, I believe it is. I think the Coronavirus has already mutated and has little chance of becoming deadlier, so hopefully things will get better. Though what’s happening in Italy is terrifying. Whatever happens, God loves us and that’s enough for me. I do wonder why some Christians view this “Pandemic” as more serious than say the flu, or the opioid crisis or mass shootings etc. By more serious I mean that its possibly pointing to the end times. This pandemic seems to have a solution, these other things do not. Just wondering why people believe God is speaking to us through this Pandemic, but not other events that are taking tens of thousands of lives each year. We seem to have a tendency to put an emphasis on certain events and ignore others.
  21. Do you see the Beauty and the Beast movie that came out in 2016? I saw it with my daughter and we both loved it. It’s streaming for free on Amazon right now.
  22. It’s an emergency that needs to be taken seriously, but it’s a solvable emergency. I guess raising kids in the era of mass shootings, which there seems to be no solution, has made me not panic over things that can be solved. In any case, I hope everyone does the right thing to protect themselves and others, and uses this time to bond with family and neighbors. In a strange way I think we needed this. Not the deaths but a reminder that we need God and one another.
  23. Well everyone will believe you now.? I always have a box of canned fish(sardines and salmon) from Vitalchoice stored in my pantry and extra paper products. I’m a parent of three young kids and always feel the need to have things on hand for them in case of an emergency like tornadoes etc. And my husband does laugh at me because I always keep an emergency kit in his car just in case he gets stranded in the car during a snowstorm in the Winter. The kit has EVERYTHING you need to survive for a few days, so I get laughed at too sometimes. That’s funny about your wife and the Lysol. Enjoy gloating a little bit. You deserve it based on what you said you’ve been warning people about. ?
  24. It’s not over and we need to follow the advice of our government, but it’s a problem that has a solution. I thought panic occurred when there was no solution. We seem to be causing additional problems by the way we are reacting to this virus. That is what’s scary to me.
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