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Blog Comments posted by FJK

  1. I think that too often we end up concentrating on our religion and forgetting the purpose behind it.

    Maybe Christians should look at themselves more as warriors, warriors in God's army, fighting against Satan's army than as helpless sheep needing protection from that Satanic side of the battle.

    Angels are willing to fight against Satan and his army (of fallen angels) and perhaps we should be willing to as well.

    My thoughts.

  2. I heard Dumitru Duduman speak in Denver sometime in the late 80's, I had heard of him and had to travel quite a few miles to hear him because I wanted to hear him for myself, and can say that he is a very strong Christian and seems like a very good and sincere man that does not glorify his himself above God when he speaks.  When he speaks he speaks with power and talks only of God and what he has been given from him.

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  3. Whatever involves Israel will involve the whole world, there will be no escape from it for anyone, everyone will be on one side or the other in the end, and almost all will be against Israel and end up being destroyed for it just when it seems that Israel is going to be destroyed instead.

    This is what I expect to see, but how soon I know not.

    (and I don't discount that I may be wrong)

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  4. 18 minutes ago, WilliamL said:

    These things are the spiritually-discerned heavenly view of Satan. They are NOT "metaphors," as you say, but neither are they material; which is the view you seem to be stuck on.

    I'm not stuck on any view, I don't really find Revelation of much use in my daily life as a Christian and just sort of consider it once in a while to discern what lessons there are for me today, lessons I can apply to my life and actions today.

  5. 6 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

    Yes, lots of nonsensical beliefs around.

    Just an observation:  Beliefs and practices that are not compatible with each other are divisive of each other.

    A House divided has no real power since it is incompatible within itself and cannot unite in agreement.

    Without the power of united agreement that House falls to outside forces that are united against it.

    This is why we see the Christian Church in retreat before the onslaught of abominations being pushed against it, this is why the Church is in continuous retreat and surrender to the opposition which is united against it.

    As I said, just an observation from my POV, others may see it differently and present a different view of the Church's relation to itself and the world around them.

  6. 30 minutes ago, existential mabel said:

    indeed the human condition its easier to blame others etc when our own backyard needs a sort through. yes i am finding main stream church a challenge but where else can i find 'fellowship'

    Jesus talked about two or three gathered in his name ("For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them" (Matthew 18:20).)

    That doesn't require being in a "mainstream" church, you are the Church when you gather in his name for either social or worship reasons.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, existential mabel said:

    God is shaking the world but the world is not listening..including main stream church, sadly…

    This is the way it way prophesied to be, we end up cursing and blaming God just before the end instead of heeding his warnings, repenting, and turning back to him.

    This is something I have to be on constant guard against in my own life, one of the things I struggle with.  For some reason, its far easier to justify and blame than just simply repent my wrongs and go from there.

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  8. 28 minutes ago, existential mabel said:

    today technology is capable of translating languages in real time...

    Something to keep in mind is that the human brain is analog, not digital, and real time translation into different languages will not product an exact analog in each language leaving people seeming to be united in mind but in reality each people will be forming a subtly different analogical representation of what is being said.'

    This is why Satan will never actually be able to harness the power of the unified human mind, which is what was destroyed by God on the plains of Shinar, to challenge God with in unison with his own.

    A real time universal translator into different languages will just be a counterfeit of the single language Man once had before God confused it.  It may have the appearance of the real thing, but it won't be.

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