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Everything posted by yukon

  1. Nebula, I can play them on my guitar and keyboard. Yukon
  2. In the Hymn book: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, by Julia W. Howe, 1862 I Gave My Life For Thee, by Frances R. Havergal, 1859 Low in the Grave He Lay, by Robert Lowery, 1874 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth, by Jessie B. Pounds, 1893 Yukon
  3. Hi thereaperman! Welcome to the board! I can understand the pain it is too see a loved one suffer or die. My dad has been suffering for the past few years with a disease that will soon take his life. I've watched him suffer and his pain and it has made me very sad inside. He will not give his life to Jesus, which hurts me even more. All I can do for him now is just pray. I was out to sea for a long time and when I returned found out that my aunt and uncle that suffered with cancer died without Jesus. I will pray for you! It helps me to keep my eyes on Jesus and He helps dry my tears. He is an awesome comfort when we are down. Yukon
  4. ((((((((((((((Ericka)))))))))))))) I've been praying for you and will continue. Just remember this that when the whole world walks out on you, the Lord Jesus will still be standing by your side. Ericka, sometimes when everything seems to go wrong and it doesn't seem like God is listening to you; well, He is listening to you and He is carrying you in His arms until you can get back on your feet. Cheer up and know that I am thinking about you and praying too!! :hug: :hug: Yukon
  5. If Jesus visited my house in person, I would drop to my knees and cry at His feet, and thank Him for all He has done for me in my life. Jesus is with me all the time and everywhere I go. Yukon
  6. Here's a hardy welcome to you Speechless!! WELCOME, WELCOME!!! Yukon :hug:
  7. Ericka, Sorry you feel this way. I will keep you in prayer. I usually go to the woods when people hurt me and just sit there until Jesus is finished with me. If I have to sit there all day, I will. Jesus is the only one these days that can wipe my tears away. He is the only one I trust, because He first loved me before anyone else did. Yukon :hug:
  8. Amen!! I like the poem. Sounds like Jesus placed it in your heart. Yukon
  9. Bride of Christ, sounds like you had an awesome walk with Jesus today. What's really neat is lying in a field of wild flowers and no speaking, but just listening. When I visit friends that live way in the mountains above Nome, Ak. I love to just lay in the grass on the tundra. Sometimes I hide in the tall grass and wild flowers and watch the caribou herd graze. Once I saw the herd of musk-ox. When you are silent and listen to God's Breath(the wind), it's neat to hear the different sounds. On the tundra, there are no trees or shrubs, only wildflowers, tall grass, and berries. Yukon
  10. Bride of Christ, Jesus teaches all christians. I spoke with someone one day that was kicking on a tree that seemed to look dead on the outside. I told the person that the tree is not dead, that maybe it is sleeping and told him that he cannot judge a tree just by looking at the outside. I told him that if he dug down in the ground and saw the roots, that he would see how strong they are. Some people look for things on the outside of us. Maybe some of us aren't beautiful, or thin, or the right color? But it doesn't matter what's on the outside. For what you have on the inside is what counts. In God's eyes we all are beautiful. :hug: Yukon
  11. Blood Stained Soul, Could I share here? Jesus teaches me so much, that it's hard to hold it inside, and I need to share with people. Do ya wanna see the mountain I climb? I put the website on the fellowship hall I found this old airport runway and as I walked down the air-strip, Jesus was teaching me then. He showed me the many cracks, as if they were like pathways that I had taken in my life. Or the pathways that I will be choosing to take. So, many too choose from and when I asked Jesus for help, I kind of wondered what type of adventure was set before me on that path? I came up on a tiny flower growing in the middle of the runway. I stood there just looking at it. Finally, I sat down and listened to what Jesus was going to teach me about this tiny flower. The growth of a flower reminds me of a Christian and their walk with Jesus. A tiny seed had to die before it could grow. This little seed didn't let anything get into it's way while it grew. I am sure there were many things like the heavy pavement that could of stopped it's growth, or a bird stopping by for a feast. But, this flower had very strong roots and pushed it's way through everything trying to stop it from growing. A christian's walk is the same way. Satan will try so hard to keep that christian from growing, so things will be put in the christian's life and walk to stump them just like the flower and seed. This is kind of what Jesus teaches me everyday! It's awesome learning from Jesus. Yukon
  12. Blood Stained Soul, I climbed the mountain today and spent time with Jesus. Jesus had me pray so I did. After I was done, Jesus reminded me once again about His blanket of righteousness that He gives to us all when our sins are forgiven by Him. Jesus teaches me that the snow that covers everything is like a blanket of righteousness. I looked at the untouched snow and how everthing was completely covered and undisturbed. So, I just sat there and listened to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yukon
  13. Jesus gave these poems to me, so I decided to share with you. Breath of God Oh, Breath of God, you send the wind down to share, I feel your presence each day when the wind blows everywhere. Whether I walk the beach or mountain or even a field of flowers, Your presence is always well known by your breath you breathe and power. Lord God, I thank you for sharing with me yourself, Nothing can ever compare with what you've shared not even wealth. Oh, Breath of God breathe on me, So, I might know your presence from thee. God's Tears God's Tears have been flowing to the earth, The tears of joy and saddness flow like rain since before my birth. As the rain falls from heaven to purify and clean, Jesus gives us a brand new fresh day it seems. The flowers, trees, grass, and I are very thankful for the rain God gives, For it is a special gift from God above given to me where I live. Living Water Living water that flows within me, was a gift given when Jesus came into my heart from thee. It is a never ending flow, that gives me love and happiness within my soul. When I look at the rivers, ocean, and streams, It reminds mee of the never ending flow of the Living water within me. Jesus, I Love thee Jesus, Jesus, how I love thee, You died on the cross for someone like me. When my heart gets heavy and afraid, you are always by my side showing me what you've made. When my tears cry me to sleep at night, you never leave my side not even at first light. You teach me of your precious creation, Word, and love, I am looking forward to being with you home above. A Tiny Seed A tiny seed must die before it can grow, It represence the death, burial, and resurrection I am told. A tiny seed can grow where ever it pleases, It is God's way of teaching us in whatever season. When this tiny seed grows into a masterpiece of God's love and shaped by His Hands, Nothing can stand in the way of God's Master plan. FAITH You teach us about faith being like a grain of a mustard seed, You show us faith by a flower growing strong out of a rock as it stands tall and gleams. What is faith? For i have not seen you, but yet I believe in thee, Lord, just waking up each day and being aloud to serve you is all I need. For I am proud to be a servant for you my Lord, because your Word is sharper then any to edged sword. I pray Jesus has blessed you this day, for He blesses me everyday as He teaches me. Yukon
  14. I love to worship the Lord all the time, no matter what I do. When I climb the mountain Jesus teaches me all about His creation and I worship Him there also. I sing songs to Jesus, in church, and on the mountain. I recite verses to Jesus as I climb the mountain. He helps me to remember when I mess up. One day when everybody forgot my birthday, well, Jesus remembered. I climbed the mountain and spent my day with Jesus on the mountain top. I cried and had devotion with Jesus. Jesus wiped my tears away and gave me the best present ever. The wind blew so hard against my face that I turned away, and right behind me was the biggest rainbow. It moved up the mountain where I stood. I non-stopped praised Jesus for the best birthday present. I too write down what Jesus teaches me. I put it somewhere else on the board, but will put it here soon. Yukon
  15. Willow, thank you so much for sharing how the movies touched you and your heart. I wish there was a theater in my town so I could watch it. I guess I have to wait for the video. Yukon
  16. My views on this is: Jesus has been by my side and has protected me through some of the worse times in my life. He has been the only one that has not walked out of my life. I have fallen deeply in Love with His Word and have this awesome intimate relationship with Jesus. He has been the only one that teaches me daily about Him. Jesus has taught me how to love. Because Jesus has taught me and I just can't get enough of Him, I would never want to study any other religion. No other religion out there can make me more happy then I am now. Yukon
  17. I agree with LadyC! My transulation says: All scripture is given by inspiriation of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV Yukon
  18. I do not know any ppl like this Rosie lady. Well, the Bible says the Lord will return when it's like the day of Noah. and it was bad in Noah's day. The morals in this country are really going out the door. Yukon
  19. Catsmeow, by the way I like your name. I was recently diagnosis with a disease that will shorten my life. I looked at the doctor and told her that My JESUS will heal me. If it is HIS Will. Actually, I don't have anyone in this world but JESUS, so, I am kind of looking forward to sitting on JESUS lap, but I cannot go until I am finished with HIS work. I do have much pain in my stomach and other problems, but I do not let it stop me from climbing my mountain everyday. My friend Kent, was diagnoist with Brain cancer about 5 years ago. He went through alot of frustrations. He was given 3 months to live by the doc's. Many ppl prayed for him and he did his chemo tx's in fairbanks. JESUS healed Kent. He is cancer free, but sometimes still has seizures. There was a native Alaskan man that I knew that had throat cancer. Well, he went into the woods and collected herbs and made a tinture and healed himself of cancer. I make most of my medicines from the herbs in the woods too. I will be praying for you and your medical issues. I will pray that JESUS holds you in HIS precious arms everyday and just easies the pain a little for you. Yukon
  20. anytime you thin your blood out it causes you to feel more of a chill whether in the winter vs summer. I've seen studies that ppl were also cold in warmer climates that used blood thinners. Hope this helps Yukon
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